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Project-Based Learning Proposal

Project-based learning will be conducted (PBL) in English subject, in seventh grade about
environmental conservation, where students will have to make groups and propose solutions
that help to solve the problem that exists in their community based on the theme
"Conservation of the environment", using listening, reading, oral and writing activities.

Problem: The inhabitants of the neighborhood ... in the municipality of Córdoba they have
difficulties with waste disposal, the streets are contaminated with the waste thrown by the
inhabitants due to the little knowledge they have about environmental practices to conserve
the environment.

Driving questions:

 How do we make the inhabitants of your community aware of the importance of

conserving the environment and in the same way help solve this problem?

Need to know:

 What environmental practices do the inhabitants have?

 How often does the garbage collection car pass?
 Since when did this problem originate?
Learning objectives:
 Exchange information related to academic topics
 Produces oral or written texts, in which he makes known information on a topic of
 It proposes actions for the conservation of the environment.
 They must identify what vocabulary, structures, or expressions they should use to do
the activity

Main products:

 Present a table of actions that contribute to the conservation of the environment.

 Design a survey to identify the most common barriers people have to conserving the
environment in the community.
 Design a campaign based on the survey data to educate people to reduce their waste
through some environmental conservation practices.
Hito 1: Students explore pollution and the main environmental conservation actions
and develop a set of questions they need to know.
Estimated duration: 1–2 days
As a kick-off event, students will watch a video and use the Questioning Technique
to begin exchanging questions about how pollution is affecting the environment.
Resources: Video on pollution and its impacts on the environment.

Hito 2: The students will read a text about the practices to preserve the environment,
and they will present a table of actions that contribute to the conservation of the
Estimated duration: 1–2 days
Resources: Reading about main actions against environmental pollution.

Hito 3: Students design an interview that they will apply to the inhabitants of their
community, graph the results, and determine the most common barriers to
environmental conservation in their community.
Estimated duration: 4–5 days
Resources: Graph to collect the data, pencil, paper

Hito 4: Students (individually) write letters to their families informing them of the
ways in which they can help reduce their designs through environmental conservation
Estimated duration: 2–3 days
Resources: Mentor texts (informational letters) to help support your writing of
informational letters.

Hito 5: Organize an exhibition event for students to present their campaign to

families and other members of the community on the solution to the problem, raise
awareness with real data on the effects of pollution.
At the end, the students return to their questions about the need to know and identify
environmental practices for the conservation of the environment
Estimated duration: 1 day
Closing reflection activities and resources may include the following:
 My thoughts on the project
 I used to think. . . Now i think

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