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The amount require to set up a Bakery is directly related to the cash at hand, if you want
to start small you can get a small parcel of about half a plot or a full plot of land and build
a clay oven, it will cost you about N400, 000 to start, while it will cost between N4,
000,000 to N5, 000,000 or more to start on a large scale.

Staff Management
It is very important to engage the services of a skill labour who knows about bread
baking, You can operate 2 gang i.e. 2 shifts which is day and night, you will also need 2
apprentices who will provide all the necessary assistance during the baking process you
can then enter a contractual agreement on how they will be remunerated, either daily,
weekly or monthly in some cases labourers are paid N150 to N200 per bag of flour
produced in every shift. Some laborers produce as much as 10 to 12 bags in their shift.
Proper supervision is very important, as you must be vigilant, as a bag of flour must not
fall short of expected amount of quantity of bread.

Materials needed for baking bread

Flour, sugar, salt, improver, water, yeast, butter, if you are baking a special bread you
will need to add preservative and colouring, flavors and ascorbic acid.

Bread Baking
Flours react differently in their ability to absorb moisture. Depending on humidity and
temperature, the amount of flour needed in a recipe. The amount of flour called for in a
recipe is always approximate. It is best to start with a smaller amount of flour and slowly
add more while kneading to achieve smooth, satiny textured dough. The dough is now
ready to be placed into a pre-heated oven. Once in the oven, the bread will continue to
rise very rapidly for a while. It continues to rise because the yeast keeps multiplying and
the carbon dioxide gas expands in the heat of the oven.

How does yeast make the bread rise? Under the right circumstances, living yeast
fungus cells multiply very rapidly. Yeast needs moderate warmth, a damp environment
and carbohydrates to feed on in order to multiply. These are exactly the properties of
bread dough when left in a warm space. As the yeast multiplies, it lets off carbon dioxide
(CO2) gas. The carbon dioxide gas, trapped in the bread dough is what makes the bread
puffy and light.
When all the yeast cells die as the temperature of the oven cooks the dough and when a
crust starts to form on the outside of the bread, the rising stops. The lifespan of a normal
bread ranges from 4 to 7days depending on the level of preservative content in the bread.
There is a standard weight for each bread as spelt out by the Bakers Association of

Income Opportunities:
The gain in Bakery business is very enticing especially if you take all the necessary
precaution. A bag of flour cost between N1, 900 to N3, 100. The more the bags of flour
you produced, the more gains you make, if you can consistently produced 15 to 20 bags
in a day then you will make an average of N40, 000 to N60, 000 a week it can be more in
as much as your customer base continue to increase.

Posts Tagged ‘cassava and wheat bread production

Pre-feasibility report on Composite Flour(20% Cassava
and 80% wheat Flour) Bread Plant
Posted in Feasibility Reports, tagged cassava and wheat bread production Nigeria,
Cassava Bread, cassava bread production, Cassava flour, Composite bread
production(Wheat and 10% Cassava Flour), feasibility on cassava bread production on
January 17, 2014 | 1 Comment »

Pre-feasibility report on Composite Flour(20% Cassava and 80% wheat Flour)

Bread Plant

This pre-feasibility Profile is on the commercial production of 20% cassava inclusion
(composite flour) bread. The Plant will have an installed bakery capacity of 10 bags of
flour per day or 3,000 bags of flour or five bags of flour per day(at 100% capacity

The production will be the packaged branded bread in the same vain with the one
produced by the industrial Corporate bakers. The production begins with 5 bags of
Composite flour daily in the first year and increasing capacity in the second year to 100%
. The plant can also be planned to start producing with 10 bags of flour per day to peak at
15 bags in the second year .

The Product and Marketing Trend

The Nigerian Composite flour is a mixture of 90% wheat and 20% high quality Cassava
flour to form suitable flour for baking purposes. The concept of composite bread is
becoming a Global policy with Nigeria towing the Lead in Africa. This policy is
consistently pursued by the President GoodLuck Jonathan’s Government and in
partnership with Master bakers Association of Nigeria.

The leading firms in the Composite bread sector are the industrial corporate bakers and
the master bakers who now control almost 58% of the bread market in Nigeria. If you eat
butterfield bread, UTC bread or you have bought bread from the mega shops like shop
Rite, or Park and shop then you have eaten composite bread. The Cassava flour inclusion
into their production has grown to 20% and is expected to peak at 40% by 2015.

These master bakers are enjoying a coasting to greater yield and profitability and support
from the Cassava Bread Fund. A membership of the Master Bakers and caterers
association would be very beneficial and ensure that you can be funded under the
Cassava Bread Fund.

Composite bread has been proven to be healthier with lower glycemic index than wheat

The composite bread has a higher yield and margin in profitability that you can get more
margins and breakeven faster. Adequate Training on usage is available through the
Master Bakers Association and through Federal Institute for Industrial Research Oshodi,
Lagos (FIIRO)

Materials and Methods

The raw materials for composite bread production are: wheat flour, cassava flour, sugar,
baking fat, table salt, yeast, improver and water. These are available and can be
purchased locally.
Most master bakers in Nigeria uses the following formula in the production of composite

Material Quantity (%)

Wheat Flour 80
Cassava Flour 20
Sugar 10-12
Fat 2.5-3
Table salt 1.5
Yeast 0.5
Water 45

The major equipment commonly used are
1. oven
2. mixing Machine
3. Milling machine.
4. Bread slicer
5. proofing chamber,
6. dough dividers etc

Excluding Accommodation, utilities and NAFDAC Certifications, the project can startup
conveniently between 2.2 million and 5 million Naira depending on the chosen scale of
production. Lower Start up is possible if an investor is considering Composite Artisan
(AGEGE) Bread.

There are proven indication that the project will be able to meet its financial obligations
right in the year of setup.
The project will generate profit beginning from the first year of operation. Relevant ratios
such as the percentage of net profit to total sales return on equity and return on total
investment shows promising returns.
Investment cost and income statement projection are used in estimating the project
payback period. The projects will payback fully the initial investment in 1 year depending
on management Capability.

Feasibility Report
The detailed feasibility report, Business Plan or comprehensive pre-feasibility report
according to scale of production cover can be made available at a Cost on request. It will
cover all the aspects of the project, from analyzing the market, confirming availability of
various necessities such as plant & machinery, raw materials, manufacturing techniques
and forecasting financial aspects by estimating the cost of raw material, formulating the
income statement, balance sheet and cash flow up to 3 years.

Please Call me on 0909 215 5879 (10AM to 6PM, Monday to Fridays) or email
or Contact in line using form belo

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