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Course/ Year: BSBA-1

Assignment No. 3

Part I. Do You Truly Know Yourself

Direction: Answer the following questions about yourself as fully and precisely as you can.
Minimum of 3 lines, 5 points.
1. How would you characterize yourself?

Ans: Do not let others influence you, but influence yourself to become a good and better person. ... I
also know that I am a simple person. I get to appreciate every bit of everything. Small things can make
me happy and I do not really need expensive things to make me happy.
2. What makes you stand out from the rest? What makes yourself special?

Ans: Nothing is more powerful than an individual acting out of a well-developed

consciousness be confident. When you truly believe you can create what you envision,
when you're not afraid of the obstacles, that confidence will automatically make you
stand out from the rest.
3. How is your self connected to your body?

Ans: All mental events take place in the brain and the brain is very much a part of the
body. However, cognitively, the mental operation known as the self has very little
sense of the body it operates in, unless of course there is some sensation that is
strong enough to attract the attention, such as pain or discomfort.
4. How is yourself related to other selves?

Ans: In relating ourselves with other selves, we tend to make a connection and that
connection would be victorious if both sides are open. If the other would not be open,
he/she would try to resist the effect of others' to his/her system that may cause
5. What will happen to yourself after you die?
Ans: I guess your heart stopp beating, flow of blood stop soon your brain neurones
stop electrical signals and the bacteria inside you started eating you. All the energy
inside your body will be never disappeared because law of energy but it will
converted in another form.But ones you die thats it there is only one life so stay happy
stay curious.
Part II. Essay (15 points)
Among the eight (8) Philosophers that we had discussed, who do you agree with and
I Agree with SOCRATES because I have learned what they Characterise Socrates And
Also What He is . Socrates was a FAMOUS GREEK PHILOSPHER and He created The
Founding Western philosphy along with other popular philophers of his time. Most His Work
Also Is docunented by his famous student Plato. Socrates Is widely regarded as one of the most
inluential philosopher off all the time as he had a strong Influence on the philosopher of the
modern of era.

Socrates comes from the accounts of others: mainly the philosopher PLato and

thehistorian Xenophon, who were both his pupils, the Athenian comic
dramatist Aristophanes. (Socrates's contemporary), and Plato's pupil Aristotle. And also
Socrates was Poralizing figure in athenian society. In 399 Bc, He was accused of corrupting the
youth of falling to aknowledge the city’s official gods. After a trial that lested a day, he was
sentenced to death. He Spent his last day In prison, refusing to escape.
He was born in 470 or 469 BC to sophronicus and Phaenerate. In 3999 Bc, SOCRATES
went to trial for corrupting the minds of the youth of athens, and for impiety. He defended his
self Unsuccussfully. He was a found guilty by a majority vote cast by a jury of hundred of male
athenian citizen and, according to the costum, proposed his own penalty, offering a fraction of
his assets as compension.

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