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Based on the video that i've watched about the different theory of development refers to our childhood
or its all about children development , These recall our past childhood also what what we have now, ,
based on the video of Jean Piaget Theory of cognitive development this interesting theory of piaget
propose that a child's intellect or cognitive ability , progresses through a distinct stages, his theory
focuses not only on understanding how children acquire knowledge , but also on understanding the
nature of intelligence.

And Piaget he believed that four stages of sequential cognitive development were the defining periods
in which adult personalities are shaped. And Compared to Freud's psychosexual theory, being that the
successful advancement or fixation in any stage would result in the defining characteristics of a human

In Erickson Theory I also appreciate the popular idea in his 8 stages about child and adolescents
development , it is not about how a child require knowledge but this is how a child develops his / her
sensitivity on moral logical reasoning. And According to Erikson, a person passes through eight
developmental stages that build on each other. At each stage we face a crisis. By resolving the crisis, we
develop psychological strengths or character traits that help us become confident and healthy people.

Among all theories, Vygotsky's theory is what I personally believed , his idea about the zone of proximal
development. A theory explains the way learner's build upon prior knowledge to make sense of new
experience and construct new understanding. Also most important aspect from Vygotsky theory , the
Language this is the most important role in development and communication.

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