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1ST Monthly Test In Mapeh 5

SY 2021-2022
NAME __________________________________________ Score :
Grade Level & Section _____________________________

Directions: Read each question carefully. Select the best answer from the given choices.
Encircle the letter of the correct answer that corresponding to your answer.

1. Aubrey jumps up to 184 cm in length in standing long jump and landed on her two
feet. Aubrey exhibit a combination of two related physical fitness component. What are
A. Agility and Coordination C. Balance and Speed B.
Balance and Power D. Reaction Time and Power
2. While playing obstacle relay, Berto quickly shifts his movements from a straigth
running to left and right for him to dodge the obstacles. What kind of ability does Berto
A. Agility B. Coordination C. Power D. Speed
3. In a bass clef staff, the first note is at space E and the second note can be found at
space C.
Which of the following is the correct way of plotting the notes in the staff?

A. C.

B. D.
5. Mrs. Evelyn keep on drinking coffee at night because it contains substance that make
her awake and be active at her work. What is this substance that can improve one’s
level of alertness and performance?
A. Caffeine B. Vitamins C. Minerals. D. Alcohol
6. Joey had an irregular tear-like wound caused by a blunt trauma when he suddenly
bumped into the wall. This wound is called?.
A. laceration B. Avulsion C. Abrasion D. puncture
7. A first aider came to a vehicular accident and discovered that the casualty has an
injury in which the arm is forcibly detached from its normal point of insertion. This case
can be called ________.
A. laceration B. Avulsion C. Abrasion D. puncture
8. We all experienced falling into the ground while we were little. These little scratches
of wounds can also be called as:
A. laceration B. Avulsion C. Abrasion D. puncture
9. Mike has to cook for lunch when accidentally the knife slip into his hand and caused a
deep cut into his finger. What class of wound does Mike has?
A. laceration B. Avulsion C. Abrasion D. puncture
10. John died last January because of the bullet that entered into his heart. This type of
wound is considered to be a :
A. Close wounds B. Gunshot wound C. Penetrating wound D. puncture

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