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EE453: Digital Controllers Implementation Fall-2014

Laboratory experiment N# 1 (Pre-Lab)

• Review the basics of analog signals interfacing.

• Familiarization with the Electronic trainer board.

Q1 : In Instrumentation, when connecting the input of one circuit to the output of another circuit,(for
instance, connecting the output of a sensor to the input of an amplifier circuit), a loading problem
may arise.

1. Explain what is this problem and give an example?

2. Explain How to avoid this problem?

Q2 : In a Digital angular speed control system, the feedback is provided by a tachometer, the tacho’s
output Vo (t) (In Volts) is related to its input speed ω(t) (in rpm) by the simple model:

Vo (t) = 0.0005ω(t)
The Angular speed of this DCS is always limited between −2000rpm and 2000.
The ADC –which is used to interface the Tachometers output to the Digital controller– has a fixed
input range from 0V to 5V .
Design an analog circuit to interface the tachometer’s output Vo (t) to the ADC input. (try to
minimize the number of op-amps)

Dr Guernane 1

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