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E352 Lecture 09: Control systems’ transient performance, higher order systems spring 2014

System is 2nd order with: ωn = 0.8Kp , ζ = √ 0.1

− ln(P.O/100)
ζ20% = p = 0.456
π 2 + ln(P.O/100)2 R(s) 0.2 Kp 4 b
Y (s)

ζ ≥ 0.456 → p ≥ 0.456 ⇒ Kp ≤ 0.06
max Kp ⇒ Kp = 0.06 ⇒ Tr,min = 7.23s (Using the accurate formula)
Kp ≤0.06

3.4 System response with additional poles

Problem there are no analytical formulas for P.O, Ts , and Tr for systems with more than 2 poles
(higher order systems). (must use Numerical methods to get accurate values)


1. Is it possible to approximate a higher order system with a lower order one? (preferably 1st
or 2nd order)

2. What is in general the effect of additional poles on the transient response/performance?

approximation Idea poles too much to the left of s-plane decays faster, hence their effect is
negligible, hence are insignificant and can be neglected.

Insignificant Dominant poles’
poles’ region region

γσdm 0
σdm ℜ

If the real part of a pole is at least γ times the real part of a dominant pole then this pole is
declared insignificant (we’ll use γ = 5)

Dominant poles approximation : Given a system with a transfer function T (s), compute a
lower-order approximate system Ta (s) –if possible– as follow:

1. Let σdm be the real part of the rightmost pole(s) (most dominant pole(s))

2. All poles of T (s) with real parts < γσdm are labeled insignificant.

3. Let T 0 (s) equals T (s) after all insignificant poles removed.

4. Ta (s) = KT 0 (s) where K is such that KT 0 (0) = T (0)

E352 Lecture 09: Control systems’ transient performance, higher order systems spring 2014

Example find approximate lower-order systems if possible:

1. T (s) = (s+1)(s+10)
The pole at −10 is insignificant, thus the system behaves approximately as the following 1st
order system:
Ta (s) = τ = 1 ⇒ Ts = 4s, Tr = 2.2s
The original system has (using matlab) Ts = 4.0s and Tr = 2.22s.
2. T (s) = (s2 +2s+9)(s+3)(s+7)
The pole at −7 is insignificant, thus the system behaves approxi-
mately rd
as the following 3 order system:
Ta (s) =
(s2 + 2s + 9)(s + 3)
Notice that we do not have transient parameters formula for 3rd systems (we can only use
Matlab here)

3rd order system with complex pair Consider the prototype 3rd order system:
ωn2 ωn2 ωn2
T (s) = = +
(τ s + 1)(s2 + 2ζωn s + ωn2 ) s2 + 2ζωn s + ωn2 τ s(s2 + 2ζωn s + ωn2 )

specific case: For the following 3rd order systems ( τ = 1/12, 2.5, 0.5), decide whether it can be
approximated by a lower order system, if so analyze its transient performance;
T (s) = p = −1/τp
(τp s + 1)(s2 + 4s + 16)
• For p = −12, Yes, and Ta (s) = T2nd (s) = s2 +4s+16
(p is insignificant)
• For p = −0.4, Yes, and Ta (s) = T1nd (s) = 2.5s+1 (−2 ± 3.46j are insignificant)
• For p = −2, Not possible (no pole is insignificant)
T2nd (s) T1st (s) T (s)(p = −12) T (s)(p = −0.4) T (s)(p = −2)
Tr 0.42 5.49 0.44 5.4 0.86
P.O 16.30 0 15.2 0 0

1. the effect of an additional pole on a system is in general a slow-down in its
transient response (increase Tr ) but also a decrease in its P.O .
2. The more significant the pole (closer to the jω-axis) the stronger its effect.

3.5 System response with a zero:

Consider the 2nd order system with a zero at −1/τz :
ωn2 (1 + τz s)
T (s) =
s2 + 2ζωn s + ωn2
ωn2 ωn2 dy(t)2nd
Y (s) = + τz s 2 ⇒ y(t) = y2nd (t) + τz
s(s2 2
+ 2ζωn s + ωn ) s(s + 2ζωn s + ωn2 ) dt
If τz is small enough (zeros insignificant) than the second order approximation is relevant, Or, using
the same rule as poles: If the real-part of a zero is ≤ γσdm where σdm is the real-part of
the dominant pole(s), then this zero is insignificant and can be neglected

E352 Lecture 09: Control systems’ transient performance, higher order systems spring 2014

Example consider the system

16(τz s + 1)
T (s) = z = −1/τz
s2 + 4s + 16
• For z = −12, yes and Ta (s) = T2nd (s) = s2 +4s+16
(z is insignificant)

• For z = −4, not possible

• For p = −1, not possible

T2nd (s) T (s)(z = −12) T (s)(z = −4) T (s)(z = −1)

Tr 0.42 0.38 0.24 0.06
P.O 16.30 17.4 29.8 171.0


1. The effect of a zero on a system is in general a speed-up in its transient response

(reduce Tr ) but it also an increase in its P.O.

2. The more significant the zero (closer to the jω-axis) the stronger its effect.

3.6 System response with zero/pole cancellation

consider the system
ωn2 (s + z)
T (s) =
(s + p)(s2 + 2ζωn s + ωn2 )
ωn 2
if the effect of p is to slow-down the system T2nd = (s2 +2ζω 2 , the effect of z if is to speed it up,
n s+ωn )
Thus, the two effects cancel each other if they are of about the same magnitude, Hence
T (s) behaves approximately as T2nd (s). This is known as zero/pole cancellation

Example consider the system

16(s + 3.1)
T (s) = Tr = 0.42s, P O = 15.4 ( Using Matlab)
(s + 3.)(s2 + 4s + 16)

System can be approximated by 2nd order underdamped system using zero/pole cancellation.
Ta (s) = T2nd (s) = Tr = 0.41s, P O = 16.3 ( Using our formulas)
s + 4s + 16
p = −3.0, and z = −3.1 are not ignored because they are insignificant( not ≤ −10), but
because their effect is canceled by each other.

Conclusion system zeros and poles except the desirable pair can be neglected by:

1. dominance rule (γ = 5).

2. Zero/pole cancellation.


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