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Assessment of in vitro. Antifungal Activities of

Various Extracts of Indigenous Bahraini Medicinal

Qaher Mandeel & Ahmed Taha

To cite this article: Qaher Mandeel & Ahmed Taha (2005) Assessment of in�vitro. Antifungal
Activities of Various Extracts of Indigenous Bahraini Medicinal Plants, Pharmaceutical Biology,
43:2, 164-172, DOI: 10.1080/13880200590919519

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Pharmaceutical Biology
2005, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 164–172

Assessment of in vitro Antifungal Activities of Various Extracts of

Indigenous Bahraini Medicinal Plants

Qaher Mandeel1 and Ahmed Taha2

Department of Biology and 2Department of Chemistry, College of Science, University of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bahrain

The in vitro antifungal activity of aqueous, ethanol, Introduction
chloroform, petroleum ether, and residue extracts
from 10 indigenous Bahraini plants used in folk Bahrain is a small, semiarid island nation in the Arabian
medicine for the treatment of various diseases is Gulf with rich plant resources. About 310 plant species
reported. Extract efficacy was evaluated using the have been reported from various ecological habitats
agar well diffusion assay against four filamentous (El-Oqlah & Abbas, 1994). Of these, 80 species have been
fungi and two yeasts monitored by standard antifun- documented as folk remedies for both internal and exter-
gal disks. The results showed that all but, in parti- nal use (Abbas & Al-Saleh, 2002). The people of Bahrain
cular, ethanol and chloroform plant extracts reveal have a very long-standing tradition in the trade and use
variable degrees of bioactivity against at least two of ethnomedicine due to the island’s strategic location
of the tested microbes. The highest ethanol extract and several other sociocultural factors. The practice is
activity was exhibited by Cressa cretica (L.) against still strong in the treatment of minor ailments with these
Penicillium citrinum Thom (32.2 mm) followed by plants including ulcers, pneumonia, stomach disorders,
Candida albicans (C. P. Robin) Berkhout (25.7 mm). rheumatism, diabetes, renal problems, and bronchitis
The diffusable metabolites of Heliotropium curassavi- (Abbas et al., 1992). Researchers are increasingly turning
cum L. also demonstrated marked inhibitory effects their attention to folk medicine and antimicrobial com-
against the same microorganisms. Chloroform pounds from plant species used in herbal medicine in
extracts of Emex spinosa Campd. displayed an elev- Bahrain (Abbas et al., 1992; Al-Saleh et al., 1993, 1997;
ated potency against Alternaria alternata (Fries) Mahasneh et al., 1996; Taha & Al-Sayed, 2000). More-
Keissler (27.9 mm) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae over, herbal medicine has improved as an alternative
Meyen ex. E. C. Hansen (27.5 mm). Zone of inhi- effective solution to health problems and cost of pharma-
bition against other fungi varied from 19.9 to ceutical products. However, little work has been done to
25.9 mm. However, the highest growth inhibition match this ethnobotanical information with analytical
was encountered with Fagonia indica Burm F. against research to identify active chemical compounds.
P. citrinum (29.3 mm). With the exception of chloro- Plants used in traditional medicine can offer potential
form extracts from cultivated soils, various extracts sources of new biological active compounds, many of
of plants randomly collected from saline-affected soils them as anticancer, anti-HIV, and antifungal agents.
exhibited higher fungal radius inhibition than plants Examples of these compounds include flavanoids, sapo-
from cultivated soils. The significance of these results nins, phenolics, glucosinolates, and cyanogenic glyco-
in relation to ethnobotanical data is discussed. sides (Bennett & Wallsgrove, 1994; Grayer &
Harborne, 1994). Also, these plants can serve as a source
of model compounds for synthetic or semisynthetic
Keywords: Antifungal activity, Bahraini, Cressa cretica, structure modification (Balandrin et al., 1993). Potential
Emex spinosa, fungi, Heliotropium curassavicum, natural or synthetic substances with biocidal activity are
medicinal plants. considered candidates for developing new drugs for the

Accepted: October 15, 2004

Address correspondence to: Qaher Mandeel, Department of Biology, College of Science, University of Bahrain, P.O. Box 32038, Isa
Town Campus, Kingdom of Bahrain. Tel.: (þ0973)876-417; Fax: (þ0973)782-360; E-mail: qmandeel@sci.uob.b

DOI: 10.1080/13880200590919519 # 2005 Taylor & Francis Ltd.

Antifungal properties of Bahraini plants 165

treatment of various chronic as well as infectious 2-mm-diameter mesh. The pulverized material (50 g) was
diseases. extracted sequentially with ethanol, petroleum ether, and
In hot humid countries like Bahrain, human infection chloroform as follows.
by fungi, especially those on skin, vaginal, and mucosal Pulverized air-dried materials (ca. 50 g) were extracted
surfaces, constitute a serious problem. Furthermore, continually for 48 h in a Soxhlet extractor using 200 ml of
the number of reported cases of immunocompromised 96% ethanol. The insoluble material was filtered off
and HIV-infected patients with opportunistic and super- using Whatman filter paper no. 4, and the filtrate was
ficial mycoses like cryptococcosis, candidiasis, and asper- dried (anhydrous MgSO4) and concentrated by complete
gillosis has increased in recent years (World Health evaporation of the solvent in a vacuum rotary evapor-
Organization, 1998). The use of several antimycotic ator at 40C (water bath temperature). Percent yield of
drugs available at present is limited by the emergence ethanol extract (EE) of each plant material was determ-
of new resistant strains, toxicity, poor solubility, and ined from the resulting residue (0.56–1.46 g). Each of
low potency (Navarro-Garcia et al., 2003). Therefore, it the ethanol extracts, after setting aside a portion for
is of prime importance to search for new, safe, and more the antifungal assay, were further extracted with pet-
effective antifungal agents. In this connection, indigen- roleum ether (b.p. 60–80C) three-times (3  10 ml).
ous medicinal plants continue to be a rich source of The supernatant solutions were separated by decan-
therapeutic drugs. The active principles of many drugs tation, combined, dried, and the solvent evaporated in
are usually found in plants as secondary metabolites. the rotary evaporator as above to give the petroleum
Nevertheless, relatively few studies are focused on devel- ether extract. This extract, part of which was used in
oping antifungal compounds (Jones et al., 2000; Portillo antifungal test, was further extracted with three portions
et al., 2001; Quiroga et al., 2001; Navarro-Garcia et al., of chloroform (3  10 ml). The mixture was filtered,
2003) from medicinal plants as compared to antibacterial separated from droplets of water, and dried (anhydrous
substances (Al-Saleh et al., 1997; Mahasneh et al., 1996). MgSO4). Complete evaporation of chloroform afforded
The aim of this screening experiment was the selection the residue extract.
of promising plant species for further bioactivity-guided In vitro antifungal test solutions of these extracts and
fractionation of active antifungal compounds. We report controls were prepared by dissolving the equivalent of
the results of an in vitro evaluation against fungi of vari- 100 mg in 1 ml of 5% dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO, Merck,
ous extracts from 10 indigenous traditional medicinal Germany). The mixture resulted in a homogenous solu-
plants. No data are available on the use of these plants tion that was placed in small vials and stored at 5C.
in folk remedies. Also, the therapeutic efficacy and anti- For the aqueous extract, 10 g of plant powder was
mycotic activity associated with these plants has not been soaked in 50 ml of distilled de-ionized water for 72 h
evaluated previously. It is hoped that the data presented while shaking over a water bath at 40C. The mixture
here will not only provide useful scientific information was left for 3 h at room temperature and then the super-
but also encourage further interest and research on natant was centrifuged at 1000 g at room temperature.
Bahraini medicinal plants. The filtrate was oven dried at 40C until completely dry.
The dried aqueous crude extract was weighed, and the
concentration was adjusted to 100 mg=ml with distilled
sterilized water.
Materials and Methods
Plant material Fungal cultures and growth conditions
Ten plant species were collected in 2002 in their natural Test fungi used in this study (Table 2) were chosen prim-
habitats from various regions of Bahrain. Dr. D. Al- arily on the basis of their importance to plants and human
Esawi (Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of as pathogens. The human pathogens were the yeast Can-
Science, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan) ident- dida albicans (C. P. Robin) Berkhout (clinical isolate from
ified the plant materials according to the checklist of American Mission Hospital, Bahrain) and Saccharomyces
El-Oqlah and Abbas (1994). Voucher specimens were cerevisiae. Stocks were maintained on Sabouraud’s dex-
deposited in the herbarium collection of the Department trose agar (SDA) (Oxoid, Hampshire, UK) slants at 4C.
of Biology of the University of Bahrain. Acquisition code The filamentous plant pathogens Alternaria alternata
numbers are listed in Table 1. (Fries) Keissler, Penicillium citrinum Thom, Aspergillus
flavus Link, Aspergillus niger van Tieghem, and Fusarium
oxysporum Schlecht were locally isolated from diseased
Preparation of plant extracts
plant parts and identified by standard procedure by the
Plant parts, mostly leaves and stems, were shade-dried at first author. Stock cultures of these fungi were maintained
room temperature (25–30C) and later ground into a fine on potato dextrose agar (PDA) (Oxoid) slants at 4C prior
powder using a household blender and then sieved with a to use in antifungal tests.
Table 1. Ethnobotanical data of medicinal plants used in antifungal assay.

Botanical Local Exract Collection Collection

name Family name Life form Parts used yield (%)a codeb site Popular uses

Heliotropium curassavicum L. Boraginaceae Kharees Herb Leaves & stem 1.6 D E Q1 S Adhari Emetic, snake bite, laxative, diuretic
Emex spinosa Campd. Polygonaceae Hammaidh Herb Leaves & stem 1.12 DEQ2C Hamad Purgative, diuretic, cure dyspepsia and
Town biliousness
Frankenia pulverulenta L. Frankeniaceae Mollaih Herb Leaves & stem 1.2 DEQ3S Mugsha Mucilaginous, demulcent
Cressa cretica L. Convolvulaceae Nedewah Herb Leaves & stem 2.6 DEQ4S Jid Hafs Aphrodisiac, expectoroant, antibilous,
Fagonia indica Burm f. Zygophyllaceae Shuwaika Shrub Leaves & stem 2.73 DEQ5C Jid Hafs Astringent, prophylatic against small pox,
febrifuge, snake bite
Cenchrus echinatusb Torr. Gramineae Sabat Grass Leaves & stem 0.92 DEQ6C Mugsha Pectoral, diuretic
Convolvulus arvensis L. Convolvulaceae Ollayg Herb Leaves & stem 2.91 DEQ7C Mugsha Purgative, cholagogic, antihemorrhagic,
Pluchea ovalis DC. Compositae NKc Shrub whole plant 2.2 DEQ8C Adhari Carminative, astringent, antipyretic,
Capparis spinosa L. Capparaceae Fakauha Shrub Leaves, stem & fruit 6.13 DEQ9S Adhari Tonic, expectorant, anthelmintic,
diuretic, depurative, vasoconstrictive
Tamarix arabica Bung. Tamaricaceae Ethl Shrub Leaves 1.54 D E Q 10 S Hamad Astringent, antidiarrheic, diuretic
Dry residue of the extract in terms of dry starting material.
Collection codes are preceded by DEQ for Drs. Dawood, Al-Esawi, and Qaher and S for saline or C for cultivated.
NK is not known.
Antifungal properties of Bahraini plants 167

Table 2. In vitro antifungal activity of crude aqueous and ethanol extracts of 10 Bahrain medicinal plants.

Zone of inhibition diameter (mm)b

Plant species Extracta F. oxysporum A. niger A. flavus P. citrinum A. alternata C. albicans S. cerevisiae

H. curassavicum EE 18:7  0:7 15:8  0:1 10:0  0:6 25:5  0:4 14:7  0:9 21:3  0:5 20:4  0:4
AE 8:7  0:3 12:6  0:1
E. spinosa EE 11:4  0:0 8:2  0:8 10:1  0:2 12:2  0:4 18:0  0:0 16:6  0:6
AE 11:1  0:1
F. pulverulenta EE 11:3  0:3 13:2  0:3 13:3  0:1 13:8  0:4 13:9  0:3 14:2  0:7
C. cretica EE 12:5  0:1 13:6  0:6 12:7  0:3 32:2  0:6 22:1  0:7 25:7  0:6
AE 10:0  0:3 15:6  0:9
F. indica EE 12:0  0:0 11:1  0:0 13:1  0:1
AE 9:3  0:1 12:7  0:3
C. echinatus EE 16:1  0:0 12:1  0:5 11:8  0:5 10:1  0:1
AE 11:1  0:5
C. arvensis EE 13:0  0:5 10:0  0:0
P. ovalis EE 14:6  0:7 11:1  0:6 12:4  0:1 14:0  0:0 18:9  0:3 10:2  0:3
AE 9:1  0:6
C. spinosa EE 12:7  0:4 12:1  0:3 9:6  0:3 13:2  0:6 11:2  0:1
T. arabica EE 11:9  0:1 12:1  0:2 13:1  0:8 13:7  0:2
AE 8:2  0:6
Extract: EE, ethanolic; AE, aqueous.
Results are mean  SD (mm) of three replications.

Test for antifungal activity (100 mg=ml) was slowly loaded in each well using a
micropipette. The dishes were then preincubated at 4C
Antimycotic activity of aqueous, ethanol, petroleum
for 2 h to allow uniform diffusion of the extract into
ether, chloroform, and reside extracts of each plant
the agar. After preincubation, the plates were incubated
species was evaluated by the agar well diffusion assay
aerobically at 30C for 48 h for yeasts and 72 h for
as modified by Quiroga et al. (2001).
filamentous fungi.
Overnight cultures of yeasts (C. albicans and S. cerevisiae)
Code numbers to maintain objectivity blinded the
were prepared by inoculating the organisms in a 250-ml
identity of the plates. Appropriate treatments including
Erlenmeyer flask containing 50 ml Sabouraud’s broth
wells loaded only with sterilized distilled water or DMSO
medium (SDM). The culture was incubated at 30C for
were considered as negative controls. Additionally, for
18 h. Inocula of filamentous fungi (A. alternata, A. niger,
comparative purposes, disks containing standard anti-
A. flavus, P. citrinum, and F. oxysporum) were prepared
fungal disks like Nystatin and miconazol nitrate
on potato dextrose agar (PDA) in a 250-ml Erlenmeyer
(50 mg=ml) served as positive control. Each experiment
flask for 8 days at 30C in alternate cycles of 12 h light
was carried out in triplicate and repeated at least twice.
and dark. Spore suspensions were raised by pouring 5 ml
The results were recorded by measuring the zone of
of distilled sterilized water into the flask, vortexing
growth inhibition around the agar well that was
for 1 min, and sieving through 8 layers of cheesecloth. A
expressed in mm diameter. The mean of three readings
final inoculum density of 105 cell=ml for yeast and 106
per zone was noted and standard deviation of all repli-
spore=ml for the filamentous fungi was calibrated using a
cates determined.
Aliquots of 50 ml inoculum of either yeasts or fila-
mentous fungi were aseptically mixed with 20 ml melted
Sabouraud’s dextrose agar (SDA) or PDA media cooled
at 45C. The media-spore suspension was gently mixed
and poured aseptically into 9-cm-diameter plastic Petri Table 1 shows the ethnobotanical data, extract yields
dishes. Plates were allowed to stand for 1 h at room (%), and collection codes of 10 selected Bahraini med-
temperature and a small well (5 mm) was cut in the icinal plants. They are represented by nine families and
middle of each solidified medium using sterilized cork were primarily in the form of herbs or shrubs. Plant parts
borer. One hundred microliters of each plant extract consisted mostly of leaves and stems except for C. spinosa,
168 Q. Mandeel and A. Taha

where fruits were also included in the assay. This of activities as shown in Figure 1. In particular, the
plant resulted in the highest extract yield (6.13%) ethanol extract of H. curassavicum was found to be active
compared to other plants. Five plants, H. curassavicum, against all the fungal strains tested. Also, extracts
F. pulverulenta, C. cretica, C. spinosa, and T. arabica, from E. spinosa, F. pulverulenta, C. cretica, P. ovalis,
were sampled from salt-affected soils, whereas the and C. spinosa proved active against most of the fungi
remaining plants were collected from cultivated loca- assayed. Overall, the highest inhibitory effect of the
tions. Most of these plants have been used in folk ethanol solution was exhibited by C. cretica against
remedies in different forms for various afflictions (Abbas P. citrinum (32.2 mm) followed by C. albicans (25.7 mm)
et al., 1992). Nonetheless, no information of their and A. alternata (22.1 mm). Furthermore, the ethanol
antifungal application and usage frequency to combat crude solution of H. curassavicum showed marked
infectious diseases whose etiological origin appears to activity toward P. citrinum (25.5 mm) and the yeasts
be microbial or anti-inflammatory has previously been C. albicans and S. cerevisiae with inhibition zones of
reported. Thus, selection of plants for this study was 21.3 mm and 20.4 mm, respectively. Apart from
based on availability of collection. A. alternata, extracts from P. ovalis revealed elevated
Bioactivity of the plant extracts was determined with inhibitory effect against all microbes evaluated. Mainly,
five filamentous fungi and two yeasts using the agar well growth reduction was noted in opposition to C. albicans
diffusion method. Results from the methanol and aque- (18.9 mm) followed by F. oxysporum (14.6 mm) and
ous plant extracts are summarized in Table 2. The extent P. citrinum (14 mm). However, the efficiency of all other
of activity of these extracts was quantitatively assessed ethanol extracts encountered was somewhat intermediate
by measuring the diameter of zone of inhibition around with an average of 12.7-mm inhibition zone. The lowest
the well in millimeters. Comparisons of data with antifungal activities were reported for F. indica and
standard fungicidal disks were included to monitor the C. arvensis.
experimental conditions and to facilitate better evalu- Among filamentous fungi, the highest susceptibility
ation of the results with other published reports. frequency toward all plant extracts was observed with
All of the examined plant extracts demonstrated vary- A. flavus (100%) followed by A. alternata (80%) and
ing degrees of biological activity against at least one of P. citrinum (70%). Among the yeasts, C. albicans was
the tested microbes. Ethanol extracts were superior to more sensitive to plant extracts (80%) than S. cerevisiae
aqueous crude extracts and showed broader spectrum (60%).

Figure 1. Mean fungal inhibition zone (mm  SD) by each of the two plant habitat types for various solvents used against filamentous
fungi and yeasts.
Antifungal properties of Bahraini plants 169

Table 3. In vitro antifungal activity of petroleum ether, chloroform, and residue extracts of five Bahraini medicinal plants.

Zone of inhibition diameter (mm)b

Plant species Extracta F. oxysporum A. niger A. flavus P. citrinum A. alternata C. albicans S. cervisiae

H. curassavicum PE 13:7  0:4 12:0  0:0 15:2  0:6 14:6  0:6 15:5  0:7
CE 12:8  0:9 9:7  0:1 8:8  0:3 19:9  0:3 19:1  0:4 18:3  0:2 21:0  0:0
RE 13:1  0:2 9:1  0:4 17:2  0:8 14:4  0:9 11:6  0:8
E. spinosa PE 13:2  0:3 15:8  0:3 16:2  0:6 8:1  0:6 14:0  0:0 12:1  0:1
CE 21:4  0:9 23:6  0:6 20:2  0:1 19:9  0:9 27:9  0:7 25:9  0:6 27:5  0:6
RE 11:8  0:6 10:1  0:8 11:6  0:5 13:2  0:2 10:2  0:3
F. pulverulenta PE 14:7  0:1 9:1  0:2 14:0  0:3 15:0  0:0 12:0  0:0 10:0  0:0 16:6  0:4
CE 11:1  0:1 10:8  0:2 10:6  0:3 11:1  0:2 13:6  0:2
RE 10:9  4 11:7  0:8
F. indica PE 11:7  0:3 12:6  0:6 11:6  0:7 15:7  0:8 12:2  0:6 15:5  0:6
CE 19:2  0:5 20:1  0:9 15:5  0:7 29:3  0:3 10:6  0:4 25:6  0:8
RE 12:0  00 10:0  0:0 13:7  0:2
C. echinatus PE 8:8  0:8 13:3  0:3 12:6  0:1 16:0  0:1 12:9  0:8 12:0  0:1
CE 17:1  0:6 20:1  0:3 16:8  0:3 18:7  0:6 19:9  0:9 18:6  0:3
RE 14:4  0:9 11:1  0:4
Extracts: PE, petroleum ether; CE, chloroform; RE, residue extracts.
Results are mean  SD (mm) of three replications.

Aqueous crude extracts showed, in general, poor agar wells of H. curassavicum and C. echinatus also
bioactivity against the assayed microorganisms (Table revealed marked activity with a highest zone of 21 and
2). The inhibitory effect ranged from as low as 8.2 mm 20 mm against S. cerevisiae and A. flavus, respectively.
for T. arabica against A. alternata to as high as Reduced antifungal activity was encountered with
15.6 mm for C. cretica against P. citrinum. F. pulverulenta.
The results (Table 2) show that ethanol extracts pos- The crude petroleum ether fractions of three plants,
sess pronounced antimycotic properties and that some namely, E. spinosa, F. pulverulenta, and C. echinatus, illu-
plants like C. cretica and H. curassavicum retain strated the highest comparable inhibitory level with an
increased biological attributes. As a result of the above average of 16.2 mm against A. flavus, S. cerevisiae, and
observations, the ethanol extract of some plants were P. citrinum. A pronounced antifungal activity (average
further fractionated. The resulting petroleum ether, 15 mm) was also noted in the petroleum ether extract
chloroform, and residue extracts from H. curassavicum, of H. curassavicum against A. flavus and C. albicans
E. spinosa, F. pulverulenta, F. indica, and C. echinatus and in the extract of F. indica against A. alternata and
were examined for antifungal activity as show in Table 3. S. cerevisiae. Other filamentous fungi and yeasts were
All plant extracts revealed some degree of antifungal also susceptible at different levels toward various plant
activity with solvent extracts showing a broad-spectrum fractions.
activity at 100 mg=ml toward at least two of the fungi Residue extracts yielded a somewhat similar pattern
assayed. Chloroform extracts of H. curassavicum and of reduced microbial growth but showed only narrow-
E. spinosa and the petroleum ether extracts of F. pulver- spectrum efficiency. The lowest inhibitory activity was
ulenta demonstrated a high efficacy potential against all more than 9 mm in radius against A. niger. The residue
of the microbes examined. The highest extract potency extracts of H. curassavicum attained the highest growth
was displayed by the chloroform extracts, whereas the reduction (17.2 mm) against P. citrinum. This plant and
petroleum ether and residue extracts indicated a similar the diffusable extract of C. echinatus both exhibited anal-
reduced pattern of inhibition. ogous inhibition radii of 14.4 mm against A. alternata
Among all the fractionations, the broadest and promi- and A. niger. The other residue fractions were active
nent activity was detected in the chloroform extract of E. against at least two fungi assayed.
spinosa against A. alternata (27.9 mm) and S. cerevisiae In Figure 2, the mean inhibitory zone diameter for
(27.5 mm) (Table 3). Likewise, the activity against other extracts from each habitat (5 saline and 5 cultivated soils)
fungi using the same extract varied from 19.9 to is illustrated for filamentous fungi and yeasts. For all
25.9 mm for P. citrinum and C. albicans, in that order. microbial species, P. citrinum was the most susceptible
The highest zone of inhibition was exhibited against P. microbe toward the overall diffusable metabolites of sal-
citrinum (29.3 mm) for F. indica, followed by C. albicans ine habitat (18.05 mm), followed by the yeasts C. albicans
(25.6 mm). The diffused chloroform extracts from the (16.8 mm) and S. cerevisiae (15.5 mm). The other yeasts
170 Q. Mandeel and A. Taha

Figure 2. Mean fungal inhibition zone (mm  SD) by each of the two plant habitat types against filamentous fungi and yeasts. EE,
ethanolic extract; AE, aqueous extract; PE, petroleum ether extract; CE, chloroform extract; RE, residual extracts.

also displayed an increased susceptibility level toward ginalis, and oral thrush (Greenspan & Greenspan, 1997).
extracts from plants of cultivated soils than did the The yeast also causes serious systemic infection, includ-
filamentous fungi. ing opportunistic infections in HIV patients (Quiroga
The effect of various solvents from each plant habitat et al., 2001).
type on mean antifungal activity is shown in Fig. 1. For filamentous fungi, the ethanol diffusable sub-
Unlike chloroform extracts from cultivated soils, which stances of C. cretica and H. curassavicum showed promi-
revealed elevated antifungal activity, extracts of plants nent biological activity against P. citrinum at a diameter
from saline-affected soils showed only slightly increased of restriction of 32.2 and 25.5 mm, respectively (Table 3).
activity over those from cultivated habitats. In general, In addition, the assayed microbes concealed a measur-
the efficacy of solvents can be arranged in the order of able degree of susceptibility toward the chloroform
magnitudes chloroform > ethanol > petroleum ether > extracts of E. spinosa with the greatest inhibition found
residue > aqueous. against A. alternata (27.9 mm) followed by A. niger
(23.6 mm) (Table 3). P. citrinum was the most sensitive
fungus to the diffusable metabolites of F. indica
(29.3 mm). Members of Aspergillus, Altenaria, Penicil-
lium, and Fusarium are well-known for their production
This study clearly shows that all but, in particular, of toxins (e.g., aflatoxins of A. flavus). These secondary
chloroform and ethanol extracts of indigenous Bahraini metabolites are potent carcinogens, hepatotoxins, terato-
medicinal plants possess substantial yields of ingredients gens, and immunosuppressor compounds (Quiroga et al.,
active against the assayed microbes (Tables 2 and 3). The 2001). Species of F. oxysporum cause important plant
yeasts appeared to be quite susceptible to the materials diseases like wilts, damping-off, root rot, and seed decay.
diffused from the ethanol extracts of C. cretica and H. Species of Fusarium produce potent mycotoxins in food
currasavicum as revealed by the zone radii of 25.7 and commodities and are commonly prevalent fungi affecting
20.4 mm, respectively (Table 2). Likewise, chloroform corn (Marassas, 1991). These fungi represent threats
extracts of both E. spinosa and F. indica also proved to not only to plants but also to animals and humans
be active in restricting the growth of C. albicans consuming contaminated feed and food.
(27.5 mm) while F. indica was active against S. cerevisiae These findings suggest that the antifungal properties
(27.5 mm). This observation is of particular interest, as in these plants are most likely due to the presence of
C. albicans is a ubiquitous pathogen common in patho- broad-spectrum biological compounds or general meta-
genesis of urinary tract infections, endocarditis, vulvova- bolic inhibitors. Indigenous plants sampled randomly
Antifungal properties of Bahraini plants 171

from saline soils demonstrated somewhat higher origin, highlights the importance of ethnobotanical
inhibition levels, except in opposition to P. citrinum approach for the future selection of plants in the dis-
and C. albicans (Fig. 2). It is probable that plants covery of new bioactive compounds. Further work,
inhabiting salt-affected soils are more likely weakened including structure-function relationship and bioactivity-
by stress conditions caused by salinity as compared to guided fractionation to isolate and purify antifungal
cultivated soil plants, the former being more prone to compounds in some of these plants, is now in progress.
pathogen attack and thus as a defense mechanism
produces antimicrobial secondary metabolites in
response. Examples of such synthesized metabolites
include tannins, phenolic compounds, and prolines
(Rizq, 1986; Al-Saleh et al., 1993; Bennett & Wallsgrove,
1994). Similarly, plants are known to produce antifungal Abbas JA, Al-Saleh FS (2002): Medicinal Plants of Bahrain.
compounds in response to pathogen attack or other Bahrain, University of Bahrain Press, 290 pp.
abiotic stress factors (Wojtaszek, 1997; Osbourne, 1998). Abbas JA, El-Oqlah AA, Mahasneh AM (1992): Herbal
With the exception of one study (Mahasneh et al., plants in the traditional medicine of Bahrain. Econ
1996), no reports on the antifungal properties and chemi- Bot 46: 158–163.
cal nature of the inhibitory compounds of the examined Ali MI, Shalaby NM, ELgamal MH, Mousa, AS (1999):
plant taxa could be found in the literature. In their study, Antifungal effects of different plant extracts and their
Mahasneh et al. (1996) reported a mild inhibitory effect major components of selected aloe species. Phytother
(average 11.5 mm) of various extracts of C. spinosa Res 13: 401–407.
against F. oxysporum and C. albicans. This inhibitory Al-Saleh FS, Ali HH, Mirza M (1993): Chemical constitu-
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