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Days of the week

There are seven days of the week. Each day has its own taste and feel. Monday is
like coffee. You need to wake up but you are sleepy. I drink many cups of coffee on
Monday. Everyone has to return to work or school after the weekend. This is the
reason why we think that Monday is the ‘worst’ day of the week. It seems that
someone put some salt into this coffee. Or maybe some ketchup. It does not taste
good. I love coffee, but I do not like the taste of Monday.

Tuesday is like soup. You do not enjoy it but must eat. There are many things I
needed to do on Monday. But I was sleepy. So I have to do them on Tuesday. I
cannot say I like Tuesday more than Monday. It is just the day when I must finish the
work that I had to do on Monday.

Wednesday is like salad. It is good for you. Wednesday is a nice day. I think it is
easier to do any work on Wednesday than on Monday or Tuesday. I bay vegetables
on Wednesday to make a salad. I cook rice and meat or fish. This food is good for my

Thursday is like a sandwich. You do not have much time to think about food.
Thursday is always a busy day. I do not know why. I always have more work on
Thursday than on any other day of the week. I do not have time to go to lunch, so I
make a sandwich. I like sandwiches, but such food is not good for my health. When I
get home after work, I am very tired and hungry. But I am happy that I still have
some rice that I cooked on Wednesday. I make tea and watch TV in the evening.
Friday is like a cocktail. It is a mix. Everyone loves Friday because it is the end of the
workweek and school-week. No school or work until Monday! You can have fun with
friends on Friday evening! But on Fridays, there is often a lot of work to finish, and
you cannot go home until you finish it. So it is not my favourite day of the week.
Cocktails are not always great. Sometimes, these drinks have strange taste, or you
have too much of them.
Saturday is like ice-cream. You can add anything to it (or nothing). Saturday is my
favourite day because I can sleep and eat as much as I want. It is the best time of the
week because I can do anything – Or I can do nothing all day! I can make light night
plans with my friends because we have not to get up early the next day.

Sunday is like a pizza. Share it with your family or friends. Sunday id the final day of
the week, and many people think it the best one. They can relax because they
cleaned the house and cooked food on Saturday. I like to spend this day with my
friends, and we eat pizza together on Sunday. It is a happy and positive day. But it is
not my favourite because Monday follows it and adds some salt to my coffee.

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