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2nd Meeting Class:

Scientific Method

At the core of biology and other sciences lies a problem-solving approach called the
scientific method. Scientific method has 7 basic steps (Fig.1):
1. Ask a question
2. Do Background Research
3. Construct a hypothesis
4. Experiment
5. Data Analysis
6. Conclusion
7. Communicate result

Figure 1. Scientific Method

1. Open the simulation of photosynthesis experiment (Virtual lab 1) in the following
2. Do the virtual lab simulation of photosynthesis experiments
3. Complete the data
4. After you finish first virtual lab, you can try virtual lab 2

A Experiment Question
Which colors of the light spectrum are most important for plant growth?

B Research Variable
 Control Variable: the variable that the scientist wants to remain the same.
 Independent Variable: the variable that is manipulated or changed by the
 Dependent Variable: the variable that is observed or measured in experiment.

C Hypothesis (H0 and H1)

H1 (alternative hypothesis): describe the relationship between two phenomena.
H0 (null hypothesis): there is no statistical significance between the two

D Data Analysis
Table 1. The Effect of Colors of Lights Spectrum for Plants Growth
Colors Spinach Radish Lettuce
Red Individual Average Individua Average Individual Average




Graph 1. The Effect of Colors of Lights Spectrum for Plants Growth

E Conclusion
The Effect of European Corn Borer (Ostrinia nubilalis) to The Yield of Transgenic and
Non-transgenic Corn

Source or link for simulation:

A Experiment Question
How European Corn Borer (Ostrinia nubilis) affect the yield corn?

B Research Variable
 Control Variable: the variable that the scientist wants to remain the same.
 Independent Variable: the variable that is manipulated or changed by the
 Dependent Variable: the variable that is observed or measured in experiment.

C Hypothesis (H0 and H1)

H1 (alternative hypothesis): describe the relationship between two phenomena.
H0 (null hypothesis): there is no statistical significance between the two

D Data Analysis
Table 1: Average Yield for each seed variety at no, low, and high infestation
Seed Level of Pot 1 Pot 2 Pot 3 Average
Variety ECB Yield Yield Yield Yield
BT 123 None



BT 456 None


Golden None



Super None



Table 2: % Reduction in yield for each seed variety at high levels of infestation
(transfer data on average yield with no infestation and high infestation from Table 1 to
Table 2)

Seed Variety Avg. Yield with Avg. Yield with High % Reduction
No Infestation Infestation In Yield
BT 123

BT 456


Super Harvest

Calculate the percent (%) reduction in yield for each seed variety. To calculate the %
reduction in yield for one seed variety:

(avg. yield no infest. – avg. yield high infest.)/avg. yield no infest. X 100 =
% reduction in yield

Record this data in Table 2 of the Lab Worksheet.

E. Conclusion
Read the following article.

Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Jamur Tiram Putih Pada Beberapa Bahan Media Pembibitan
The Growth and Yield of White Oyster Mushroom on Some Substrats of Seedling Medium
Titik Suryani1 dan Hilda Carolina2
1 Dosen Pendidikan Biologi, FKIP, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta,
2 Alumni Prodi Agronomi, FPN, Univ. Wangsa Manggala, Yogjakarta

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis media pembibitan yang mampu mendukung
peningkatan kualitas bibit jamur tiram putih lebih baik, dan mengetahui pengaruh macam
media bibit terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil jamur tiram putih. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di
Ngemplak, Nanggulan, Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa Jogjakarta dengan ketinggian tempat
300 m dpl. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah faktor tunggal macam media pembibitan,
dalam Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL), terdiri atas 4 perlakuan, yaitu : media bibit dengan
serbuk kayu sengon, biji sorghum, biji jagung, dan biji padi dengan 3 ulangan. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media bibit biji sorghum dan biji jagung mampu mendukung
peningkatan kualitas bibit jamur tiram putih yang lebih baik dibandingkan dari media biji
padi dan serbuk gergaji sengon. Bibit pada media substrat biji sorghum, jagung, padi dan
serbuk gergaji sengon memberikan pertumbuhan jamur tiram putih yang sama. Hasil jamur
tiram putih lebih baik pada bibit dengan media substrat biji sorghum, jagung, padi berturut –
Kata kunci: Jamur tiram putih (Pleurotus ostreatus), media pembibitan (serbuk gergajian
sengon, biji sorghum, biji jagung, biji padi).

The goal of this experiment was to know ability improving quality of white oyster mushroom
seed and to know the effect of kind seedling medium on the growth and yield of white oyster
mushroom. The experiment has been done in Ngemplak, Nanggulan, Kulon Progo, Jogjakarta
Special Territory, at height of 300 m the sea surface level. The experimental design used the
single factor kind of seedling medium arranged Completely Randomized Design (CRD), that
shown by four treatments that were seedling medium with sengon sawdust, sorghum seed,
corn seed, rice seed repetited three times. The experiment result showed that sorghum and
corn seed medium were ability to increasing quality of white oyster mushroom seed better
than of rice seed and sengon sawdust. The substrate medium of sorghum seed, corn seed, rice
seed and sengon sawdust gave the same growth of white oyster mushroom. The yield of
white oyster mushroom was better on the sorghum seed, corn seed, rice seed substrate
medium respectively.
Keywords: White Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus), Seedling Medium (sengon
sawdust, sorghum, corn, rice)

From the article above, determine:

a. Problem statement
b. Hypothesis
c. Research Variables
d. Conclusion


Kompetensi Dasar : 4.1 Menyajikan data hasil penerapan metode ilmiah tentang
permasalahan pada berbagai objek biologi dan tingkat organisasi
kehidupan dan memperhatikan aspek keselamatan kerja.
Indikator Soal : 4.1.1 Melakukan percobaan sederhana tentang permasalahan biologi
dengan menggunakan metode ilmiah.
Rumusan tugas kelompok:
1. Buatlah rencana penelitian sederhana mengenai permasalahan biologi yang berkaitan
dengan kehidupan sehari-hari, misalnya pengaruh kelembaban udara (humidity)
terhadap kecepatan pembusukan buah.
2. Topik penelitian bebas, akan tetapi masih berkaitan dengan biologi.
3. Rencana penelitian dibuat dalam bentuk proposal dengan format:
Halaman Judul
Bab I Pendahuluan
a. Latar Belakang Judul Penelitian
b. Rumusan Masalah
c. Tujuan
d. Manfaat
Bab II Tinjauan Pustaka
a. Landasan Teori
b. Hipotesis Anggota Kelompok
Aqiil X-B
Bab III Metode Penelitian
a. Waktu dan Tempat Penelitian
SMA Pradita Dirgantara
b. Populasi dan sampel penelitian
Jl. Cendrawasih No.4, Tanjungsari,
c. Variabel Penelitian Ngesrep, Kec. Ngemplak, Kabupaten
Boyolali, Jawa Tengah 57375
d. Alat dan Bahan
Juli 2019
e. Cara Kerja
f. Analisis Data

4. Ketentuan penulisan proposal:

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