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CH: - 14 (Sudan)

Q1) What do you know about Sudan.

A) The salient features of Sudan are following:-

1) Sudan is the largest country of Africa in terms of area. It has an area of 250,5810 Sq. Km. in the extent
it is 10 times larger than U.K and one third of U.S.A the northern border is with Egypt, this border is a
line which crosses the desert in North of Halfa Valley.

2) In South, Sudan extends to the Equatorial rainforests. Its southern border in common with Uganda,
Kenya, and Zaire. The coastline of Sudan is only 640 KM, which is at Red Sea.

3) Most of its area is a plateau where the River Nile flows from South to North. Some mountainous areas
to its Southeast are not much high. Northern part is the extension of Great Sahara Desert and Southern
Sudan is mostly marshy.

Q2) Write a note on Population of Sudan.

A) According to 2016, statistics the total population of Sudan is 41.18 Million. Population is
comparatively dense in its northern part where 75 % population has clustered. They are Arabic by race
and have more political awareness. Southern Sudan is to the South of 14 N latitude where there are
more Negroes that form different tribes. These people speak different languages and are not aware of
international affairs. As the climate is not suitable for the people of white race, therefor, there is not an
important impact of the modern civilization. It is worth mentioning that there is an environment of
discontent and distrust between the people of Northern and Southern Sudan. That is why Sudan cannot
make considerable progress. About ¾ of the population in Sudan is concentrated around the marginal
parts of River Nile.

Q3) Write a note on Agriculture.

A) The economy of the country depends upon the Agriculture. Though the 5% of the area is under
cultivation, even then the country is self-sufficient in food. 15 % of the cultivated area is under irrigation.
In agriculture products, cotton has the major role. Mostly the cotton of long fiber is cultivated. Short
fiber cotton is cultivated in Southern Sudan.

This is a cash crop. Other crops are Wheat, Maize, Sugarcane, Peanuts, Millets, Sorghum, Oil Seeds and
citrus fruits. There are attempts of cultivating coffee, tea, Tobacco, and Rice in southern Sudan.

According to 1999 statistics the production of different crops is as follows.

Crops Production (1000 Tonnes)

Sugarcane 5,950,000
Sorghum 3,045,000
Millet 1,499 //
Peanuts 980 //
Wheat 473 //
Cotton Seeds 131 //
Oil seeds 172 //

In March 1981, a sugar complex was installed at Kennan, which is one of the largest sugar mills of the
world. It has a crushing capacity of 330,000 Tonnes per day

In 2007, the sugar production was 756,000 Tonnes.

Cattle herding is an important occupation in Sudan. Sheep, Goats and Camels in the northern parts and
Cows, Oxen and Buffaloes are found in the Southern Sudan.

Q4) Write a note on Minerals in Sudan.

A) Sudan is a fortunate country regarding the mineral wealth though the reserves have not been
utilized. These reserves include Graphite, Sulphur, Chromium, Iron, Manganese, Copper, Zinc, Feldspar,
Natrona, Gypsum, Magnasite, Oesbestos, Quartz, rock salt, Kaolin, Coal, Dolomite, lead, Black Sand etc.
only Gold and Chromite are being extracted.

Q5) Tell about the Electric power in Sudan.

A) The installed capacity of electric power was 2542.6 mw in 2009. The lack of electricity power is a
major obstacle in the industrial progress of Sudan. Generators are used in major cities to provide with

Q6) Tell about the electric power in Sudan.

A) The industries of Sudan are mainly related to food crops. The packing of edibles, Flourmills and cotton
textile are the main industries. In Khartoum, which is the capital of Sudan, the industries are being
setup. There many other factories like Cotton Spinning, Cement, Edibles, Oil, Soap making, Shoe making
and Oil refinery etc.

Q7) Write a note on Trades of Sudan.

A) The imports and exports of Sudan are as follows:-

1) Exports: - Acacia Gum, Cattle, Meat, Cotton, Oil and Peanuts.

The exports from Sudan are to Western European Countries, Saudi Arabia, Eastern European Countries
Japan, and United States of America.

2) Imports: - Edibles, petroleum products, Factory products, Machinery and Equipment, Medicines,
Chemicals, and Cotton textiles.
The imports are mainly from Western European countries, Egypt, Japan, and United States of America.

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