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MATRIC NO: A186472

Humans are defined as beings created by God on this Earth who have intellect, and
have a more complicated language of communication than other animals. In term of scientific
studies, humans are defined as men, woman or children of the species of Homo sapiens,
distinguished from other animals through superior mental development, clear speech power
and upright posture. Every human being is born with a unique and distinctive mindset and
this creates a different understandings between human beings. Every human being have their
own needs accordingly.
According to psychologists Abraham Maslow, human beings physically have needs
based on hierarchy, which is 5 levels of human need. These 5 levels of human needs are
physiological needs, safety and security, love and belongings, esteem and finally self-
actualization. Food is a very needed thing for human being. An healthy food is a requirement
for every human in this world. Other than that, humans need water to drink and shelter to get
enough sleep and feel comfortable. These are the basic needs and are very essential for every
humans. If humans lack of any of these needs, they would only mind about these needs. For
example, if someone are extremely hungry or thirsty, they would only think about having
food and drink. Other than these needs, humans have needs for safety and security. Every
human beings wants to be safe and secured not only for children but also for adults. For
children, usually parents want their children to be in safe and secured environment. This is
because nowadays people cannot predict what will happen in their housing area like crimes
such as robbery, child kidnapping and so forth. Due to this cause, parents cannot guarantee
their children’s safety and this lead them to feel anxiety and stress. Furthermore, some people
need peaceful environment due to their countries situation. For example, people in countries
that are having war all the time and in countries with disasters such as earthquake, hurricane,
tornado and so forth feel insecured for living in their countries. This shows that safety and
security are very needed and important for human being. Other than safety and security,
human being needed to be included. Getting included in conversations and groups makes
someone feel they’re being appreciated by others. This also makes them feel useful and
needed by others. This also gave people confidence and self-esteem to speak. Human being
also need to love and being loved. It gives us happiness to know that someone loves us and
that happiness can make us feel to love others in the same way. On the other hand, it also
important and needed for the human beings to be validated. Validating is important because it
is a way for us to accept and better understand. Finally, human beings need to feel belong to
develop a sense of who they are.
However, when human needs are not fulfilled, they would feel fearful as they would
fear what might happen to them if no food, water, safety and so forth. This would make them
become selfish by not sharing or giving their needs to others who also need the same needs.
Furthermore, this selfish behaviour makes human to take more than what they needed without
giving to others. Other than that, an unfulfilled needs make human beings become angry and
violent. This is because of their mind that only think of their needs and this makes changes in
their behaviour to become angry and violent. With an angry behaviour, people will not even
think or make decision rationally. They would only think what is right to them without
thinking about the consequences . Lack of human needs also make them to engage in risky
behaviours. Risky behavior can cause emotional, stress, anxiety, self-esteem and
unhappiness. Finally, unfulfilled human needs can enable them not to empathise and care for
needs of others. This is because human beings will prioritize for their needs first. If human
needs are met, they will be very grateful for what they get. Having more than what human
need will make them feel satisfied for what they get and feel like they are really living. This
will completely change human behaviour. For example, humans will feel they have more
than what they needed and give some of their needs to others such as love, happiness and so
forth. This will make them become more generous and helpful to others. Furthermore, when
human beings met their needs, they would feel self love and respect. It will make people to
make healthy choices in life. Other than that, when human needs are met, they will have
wisdom. It helps a person to overcome multiple difficult situations that he may encounter and
get out of them with the least possible losses. Finally, when human needs are met, they are
able to empathise and care for needs of others. By that, human beings can emotionally
understand what other people feel.
As study goes about human needs, we should also know that study about human
beings( social studies) is very important. Social studies can be defined as study of human
society and social relationships. By studying about human beings, we can learn more about
ourselves and others. This is because it is the best way for understanding of ourselves with
others. In addition, this deep understanding about human beings will also benefit us in jobs
such as insurance, advertising, marketing and other related jobs that involve communicating
with other people. Secondly, by studying about human beings, we can be a better
communicator. This is because better communication can help and enable to build
thoughtfully, purposefully, clearly and vivid communication. When we communicate better,
both we and the listener feel happy since both of us understand the topic we’re talking and
there is no misunderstanding in communication between us. On the other hand, we can also
understand other people’s behaviour by communicating with them. Thirdly, we will be well
prepared for countless careers. By knowing the studies about human beings, it can lead to a
better understanding of humans and create a good opportunity to have better career in future.
For example, studying about human beings will help us to become a psychologist to study
about human psychology. Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and its
functions, especially those affecting behaviour in a given context. Other than that, we can
also have job opportunity to become a counsellor. Becoming a counsellor in schools and
colleges helps to analyse students bad behaviours and also helps to figure out ways to solve
it. Finally, by studying about human beings, we can even gain better social life. Having a
proper understanding and better interaction with other people will get to know more about
them and this will help to grow a better relationship with other people. Furthermore, it will
also help us to understand feelings of others, when they show their emotional feelings such as
anger, depression, stress and so forth. By this, it will also help us to empathize for others. So,
it is very clear that our social life are influenced by the study of human beings.
In conclusion, we all get to know that human needs are very important and this needs
influence their behaviour when they didn’t fulfil their needs and when their needs are met.
Other than that, the study of human play an important role in improving lives of humans. A
study named ‘Anthropology’ or known as the science of humanity is a study of people, past
and present, with a focus on understanding the human biology, behaviour, cultures and
societies. By this study, we can conclude that the study of human beings is highly preferred
by the society and this will help us to gain knowledge about human and their behaviour.



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