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Nama Kelompok : - Syaluna Aufa Suherman (Cathrine).

- Allysa Vanya Nazila (Julia).

- Kayisa Nur Alifa (Moana).

Mapel : B.Inggris.

Tugas : Membuat dialog Bahasa inggris.


*One day on Monday’s afternoon...Cathrine,Julia,Moana was walking in the corridors of the school,they
just came out of the exam room,they completed a math test.

(Cathrine) Oh my god…the math exam was really making my head almost exploded.

(Julia) Yeah.. the question is really hard.

(Moana) I need a refreshing.

(Cathrine) What if we go on holiday??.

(Julia) Hhhmm…great idea.

(Moana) but,where are we going??

(Cathrine) maybe we'll go to the beach or to the mountains.

(Moana) what if we go to the beach??

(Julia) is the summer.

(Moana) its would be fun if we go on vacation to the beach.

(Cathrine) sure,we can swim,surf,and also bask in the sun..we could also make sand castles,eating
seafood,and buy some knick-knacks.

(Moana) Yes,I love it.

(Julia) But,when are we going to go??

(Moana) Maybe,next week?

(Cathrine) All right, we'll meet next week in my house.

(Julia) Well..see you soon guys!

*they went home each other and meet again in the next week

*A week later at Cathrine’s house

(Cathrine) Everyone all been here??

(Julia) Yeah.. we've all been there here.

(Cathrine) Nothing is forgotten?

(Moana) Nothing.

(Cathrine) Ok, now we are ready to go.

(Julia&Moana) Let’s goo.

*They finally set off to the beach together…after driving for 1 hour,they arrived at the beach.

(Julia) Wow…it’s too hot in here

(Moana) Right, I think my skin is burning.

(Cathrine) I think we better using a sunscreen first.

(Julia&Moana) Ok,Wait a minute.

* After using a sunscreen,They they start to swim on the beach and makes sand castles, and do things
that other fun…after playing,they also eat seafood.

(Moana) Guys,it was evening we better go back home soon.

(Cathrine) That’s right..but I hope we can come back here and spend time together forget all about
school and study.

(Julia&Moana) I wish too.

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