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The greatest school meeting

Musical N°1 the greatest showman

(The school teachers and heads are in the school auditorium getting ready for the students reunion. There
is a table with food and drinks, low music, and a stage. Suddenly, the headmaster enters the room looking
nervous and excited)

Head A ( Julia Zorrilla): Sorry I’m late, I was caught up in a traffic jam, but I brought the souvenirs! (shoving
a carpet full of what looks like pictures)

Head B (Juana Moyas): Great! Put them over there (points at a table on the stage) I’m quite nervous about
this meeting. We’ve been doing these reunions for ages, but these kids… well they were special...They had
such potential when they were teenagers, I bet they have all achieved their dreams, and I can’t wait to see
how they’ve chan--

Head A ( Julia Zorrilla): (interrupting) WO WO WO, slow down. I know you really liked them but I’ve done
my research these days and I’m afraid that life hasn’t been nice to all of them. They are all busy working,

Teacher 1 (Sofía Anastasio) : BUENAS, BUENAS, GENTE! Estoy tan emocionada de ver a este grupo de
graduados. Ellos eran tan especiales, tan……

Head A ( Julia Zorrilla ) Yes, They were... but now…

Teacher 1 ((Sofia Anastasio) : por favor en castellano, no todos somos BILINGUES (mocking them).

Head A ( Juana Moyas): Head A : Si si ok, como ustedes saben, nosotros seguimos a nuestros graduados,
sabemos qué estudian, a qué se dedican, si se casaron o no... Y lo más importante si son felices

Teacher 1 (Sofia Anastasio): Estoy segura que lograron ser importantes profesionales, y….

Head A ( Julia Zorrilla): well, yes but they haven’t achieved the most important thing… I shouldn’t be saying
this, but I’ve stalked them on Facebook and their lives are so boring! Remember Natalie and Cheryl? They
were best friends, inseparable, and now guess what?

Head B (Juana Moyas): NO! DON’T TELL ME. (Imitates as if two people were fighting) REALLY?

Head A ( Julia Zorrilla) : Yup. And remember Mathew and Natalie? I swear I thought they would end up
together and married. Well last week I saw on Instagram that he is now married to Valentina.

Teacher 1 (Sofia Anastasio): VALENTINA?!! Cómo se diría en inglés…? IMPOSSIBLE!

Head B (Juana Moyas): (Singing Ironically)… “no one knows what the future holds”….

Teacher 2 (Noceda Agustin) Teacher: It´s so sad that they didn´t follow their dreams, they were so sure
about what they wanted to do, to study,……. I remember I was with them on their last day of school.


CHERYL (Ariana Destito): ¿Pueden creer que este sea nuestro último día?

IÑAKI (Iñaki Gomez): Parece mentira que pasaron seis años, ¿no?

ROONIE (Martina Del Valle): Si… vos todavía planeas-

Teacher 2 (Noceda Agustin) : English, please!

IÑAKI (Iñaki Gomez): Profe, es nuestro último día. En treinta minutos ya nos vamos!!

Teacher 2 (Noceda Agustin) : Doesn’t matter. You’re still my students for another thirty minutes

ROONIE (Martina Del Valle): Fine. Iñaki, are you still planning to travel when we finish school?

IÑAKI (Iñaki Gomez): Oh, yes! I’m going to Central America and Europe to play music for a bit

CHERYL (Ariana Destito): That sounds amazing!

IÑAKI (Iñaki Gomez): IÑAKI: But what about you Roonie? Didn’t you want to travel and sing too?

ROONIE (Martina Del Valle): Yeah, I’ll probably go to Hollywood to record an Album. Or maybe even New
York and sing in Broadway. Who knows what the future holds?

CHERYL (Ariana Destito): Has somebody said Hollywood? I‘m planning to become a stage director

VAL (Valentina Wieman): ¿Músico, cantante, directora? Ustedes se van a morir de hambre

Teacher 2 (Noceda Agustin) : ENGLISH!!

ROONIE (Martina Del Valle): Oh shut up! (TEACHER GASPS) No, no, not you! I meant Val!

CHERYL (Ariana Destito): At least we know what we want to do

ROONIE (Martina Del Valle): Do you even have any plans?

VAL (Valentina Wieman): Yes, I do. I’m going to be a clown

IÑAKI (Iñaki Gomez): (LAUGHING) a clown??

VAL (Valentina Wieman): Yes!

MARY (Martina Mioranda): But… you have to make people laugh. Aren’t- aren’t you afraid people won’t
like you?

VAL (Valentina Wieman): What are you saying?? Of course they’ll like me. It’s not like I’m some quiet
weirdo like you

CHERYL (Ariana Destito): Okay, that’s enough. Are you going to college Mary? What do you want to

MARY (Martina Mioranda): Oh, I-um- I want to be a scientist

IÑAKI (Iñaki Gomez): Well that’s great! I’m sure it will take you to lots of places.

CHERYL (Ariana Destito): I guess, I-…

Teacher 2 (Noceda Agustin) Well, that’s enough chit chat, kids. (STUDENTS GROAN) Come on! Think about
it. This is your last class and then you’ll be free to do whatever you want. Isn’t that the whole point of
graduating? To be able to follow your dreams?


Head A ( Julia Zorrilla): Bueno la tarea nuestra será revivir esos sentimientos dormidos que estamos
seguros tienen, por algún lugar!

Teacher 1 (Sofia Anastasio): Si esta tormenta lo permite, se viene una lluvia que quizás ni vengan…

Head B (Juana Moyas): ok, Hush,Hush, they are coming!



Peter (Pedro Turri): ohhh how nice! Look at the decoration!!

Nicholas (Nicolas Fandiño): It’s been so long but it seems like nothing’s changed. (Se saludan todos)

VAL (Valentina Wieman): (pointing at the decoration): Do you think this is nice? Mmmm no. I can see you
have never been to a cocktail party before!

Nina: Absolutely, where have they left their glamour? My god

Peter (Pedro Turri): AH Bueno !! no sabíamos que venían las reinas de la moda y el diseño, nos
hubiésemos preparado más!

VAL (Valentina Wieman): English, Please!

Peter (Pedro Turri): Sorry, I’m trying but I don´t remember much.

(Roonie and Cheryl enter)

ROONIE (Martina Del Valle) Hi, everybody!

CHERYL (Ariana Destito): Hi guys! It´s been so long, I can´t believe it.

Mai ( Maira H) : (excited) No lo puedo creer! Peter! (hugging him) (Mai tries to hug her but Val rejects her
and only offers her hands to be kissed)

Teacher 2 (Noceda Agustin) : Let’s get together and wait for the other ones.

Natalie and Mathew enter:

Natalie (Natalia Collard): Hi!!

(Again everybody kisses and greets each other).

Mathew (Mateo Vivona): Hi sweetie ( kisses Val). Sorry I couldn´t get here with you. Hey people!!
(Everybody looks at him but nobody recognizes him)

Peter (Pedro Turri): Did he call her sweetie?

Mai ( Maira H): Oh my god!, What are we missing?

VAL (Valentina Wieman): Umm, Yeah! We are married.

Nina (Agustina Toscano): You two? Together?

Mathew (Mateo Vivona): Mathew: What can I say? We met again at University and we fell in love. / Why
are you so surprised to hear we are married . Things happened , we met……

Natalie (Natalia Collard): Natalie: Val went to university? I thought she wanted to do something more

VAL (Valentina Wieman): Val: Yeah… I chose something better.

(Todos se miran entre ellos confundidos)

(Entran los que faltan) (Iñaki-Nina-

Teacher 2 (Noceda Agustin): We have something to share with all of you. Enjoy your time! We´ll come back
in a minute. We are sure you want to talk and catch up with each other. (Salen todos los teachers)

(They are all sitting down, talking) (Martina Miranda enters slowly, stays still looking at all of them):

Mary ( Martina Miranda) Hello…hello… (she turns and looks at the audience) oh no, there are too many
people here, I don’t like it. I’m scared, I’m leaving….no no no, I should stay, but I can’t. (when she was

Nicholas (Nicolas Fandiño): Oh look, Mary is here too! What are you doing there? Come, join us.

Mary ( Martina Miranda) : Yes, my mum got the invitation and that’s why I’m here, and I think I wanted to
see you all too. Hello, everybody!

Peter (Pedro Turri): Come on, sit down.

Mary ( Martina Miranda) : Thank you but I have to leave soon, my mother is alone and she needs me.
(while she’s sitting a letter falls)

Natalie (Natalia Collard): Why? But tell us something about your life. Did you finish your studies?

Mary ( Martina Miranda): Yes, I, I’m working for Hamilton Chemistry Corporation

VAL (Valentina Wieman): But what do you do there? Are you an office girl?

Mary ( Martina Miranda): Well, in fact I´m one of the scientists.

VAL (Valentina Wieman): YOU ARE?

Mathew ( Mateo Vivona) :Congratulations! Good for you!

CHERYL (Ariana Destito): But if you have such a good job why are you still living with your mother?

Mary ( Martina Miranda): well, you know me, I don’t like living alone, I can’t handle it.

Natalie (Natalia Collard): (finds a letter): What’s this? Mary, I think it’s yours but… A letter from an English
Company? Seriously?

VAL (Valentina Wieman): you're kidding!

Mary ( Martina Miranda): Oh…yes, it’s mine but it’s not important, it doesn’t matter.

Natalie (Natalia Collard): What? I can’t believe it! You said it´s not important. Come on. Listen please,
listen to me. Here it says that Mary won the Life Science Award, and that she’s been offered a job in
Hamilton Chemistry Company to work for a year in London. This is incredible. You are a Genius!!!

Mary ( Martina Miranda): No, no please, don’t say that.

(Everybody: Shouts and congratulates her)

Mary ( Martina Miranda): Oh no, no please.

VAL (Valentina Wieman): If you dare to go, please buy some decent clothes, I can suggest some of my
fashion designers.

Mary ( Martina Miranda): No, no thank you. I can´t go.

Everybody: WHAT?!

ROONIE (Martina Del Valle): You can´t miss this opportunity!

Mary ( Martina Miranda): It is my dream, but no, I can’t. Can you imagine me in London?

VAL (Valentina Wieman): Ha!! Not really.

CHERYL (Ariana Destito): Shut up, Val! Come on Mary. This is excellent news for you to be happy.

Mary ( Martina Miranda) Mary: Happy? No, if I go, I’ll have to leave my mother, my cat and even my
turtle. Oh please, don’t make me cry.

CHERYL (Ariana Destito): Mary, you have to grow up. You can´t miss……

Mary ( Martina Miranda) Mary: What if nobody likes me? What am I going to do there?

ROONIE (Martina Del Valle) : Stop!! You should accept. We are going to help you. And they will love you
the way you are.

Mary ( Martina Miranda): I don’t know…

Iñaki (Iñaki Gomez): Yes you do, you´re going to be great! It´s time you let go of your fears. Believe in
yourself for once!

Mary ( Martina Miranda): I do but… London? My mom, my turtle-

Peter (Pedro Turri): Pero cortala, ¿qué tenés que pensar? Es Londres

Mary ( Martina Miranda): Maybe you’re right, I should do it. This is what I want, what I always dreamt of,
this is me…


Natalie (Natalia Collard): That was amazing!

Nina ( Agustina Toscano): So good!

Peter (Pedro Turri): It reminded me of our English plays, I missed them so much!

VAL (Valentina Wieman): It was good but it could have been better, to be honest.

CHERYL (Ariana Destito): Ugh Val, OMG! Could you stop complaining about everything? If you are so
successful tell us about your life, you haven’t said a word about yourself, still you are criticizing everyone

Nina ( Agustina Toscano): Don’t you know, she’s a lawyer!

VAL (Valentina Wieman): Haven’t you seen my name on TV, magazines?

Nicholas (Nicolas Fandiño): No, we haven’t.

VAL (Valentina Wieman): I see you are pretty uninformed. I am working for Taylor & Hamilton Law Firm in
the U.S.A and I am one of the best lawyers they have. I have dealt with lots of important cases such as Tom
Cruise’s divorce, Stephen Hawking´s will, to name a few. I also work with a group of lawyers from other
countries, so you can see I AM a successful person. Successful, rich and happy… I guess…

CHERYL (Ariana Destito): Sorry, What?

VAL (Valentina Wieman): Oh, never mind. I’m talking nonsense… ( she stands still on a corner on the stage
as if she was remembering something)

Roonie (Martina Del Valle): Do you remember when we were at school; she used to dream of being a
clown. Who would have imagined she would be wearing a suit and a tie now?

Mai ( Maira H): I remember, she was always making jokes and asking me to take pictures of her. Val, what
happened to that?

VAL (Valentina Wieman): Actually…

Nina ( Agustina Toscano): Yes, I remember too. She asked me to tailor some costume for her a couple
times. Why did you give up on your dreams?

VAL (Valentina Wieman): I’m fine now, but they are such nice memories. Mai, do you still have those

Mai ( Maira H): Let me check…yes, guys look at this…

Peter ( Pedro Turri) Aw, they are really good, Mai you’re such an amazing photographer, look how happy
Val looks.

VAL (Valentina Wieman): I know MONÓLOGO DE VAL

VAL (Valentina Wieman): No, no, you don’t understand, this is not what I want, I like being a lawyer, I like
having money and travelling

Mai ( Maira H): You’re lying to yourself, that’s not your dream job. Come on, Val, wake up

VAL (Valentina Wieman): what do you know about me? We haven’t seen each other in 15 years; you have
no idea what I want. Talking about dreams, what about yours? Look at you, you are just a common cleaner,
and you ( pointing at Iñaki) a simple musician with no real job… How dare you criticize me? Why on earth
did I decide to come to this stupid meeting full of unsuccessful people?

Peter ( Pedro Turri) : What the hell is going on with you?

CHERYL (Ariana Destito): You are not talking seriously, are you?

VAL (Valentina Wieman): Sorry, I´d better leave.

Teacher talking to themselves: We have to stop them now, things are not going well) Voz en off


Head A ( Julia Zorrilla) : Oh, Excuse me , sorry to interrupt but we have an emergency due to the terrible
storm we are having.

Teacher 2 (Noceda Agustin): Yes, terrible. It is raining cats and dogs

Head A ( Julia Zorrilla) Head A: teacher! As I was saying, It is raining a lot and the streets are flooded in
many parts, That´s why the police advised the citizens to remain where they are to avoid accidents,

So that means that we have to stay here a bit longer. But don´t worry. We are having an incredible time
together, aren´t we?

VAL (Valentina Wieman): No! I’m leaving (tries to leave but Julia stops her)

Head A ( Julia Zorrilla): Val don’t you understand? You can’t move, it’s impossible to leave the place

Everybody complains

Mai ( Maira H): Could any of you talk to your family? I have no signal.

Peter ( Pedro Turri): Me neither.

Mary ( Martina Miranda): Oh no, how am I going to tell my mom I’m stuck in this building?

Nina ( Agustina Toscano): Girl, stop being so dramatic!


Peter ( Pedro Turri): Calm down, everybody. We have to stay here, we have no choice, so let’s do
something to entertain ourselves. Um… I got it! Guys (talking to Iñaki and Roonie) Why don’t you give us a
little bit of your music?

Iñaki (Iñaki Gomez): Sure, but first, Roonie!! You look great!

Roonie ( Martina Del valle): Oh! Thanks, you are so sweet!

Iñaki (Iñaki Gomez): Tell me, where are you singing? How many CDs have you…

Roonie ( Martina Del valle): Singing, CDs? No, those are things from the past.

Iñaki (Iñaki Gomez): What?? What do you mean? Don´t tell me that you are not singing anymore.

Roonie ( Martina Del valle): No, (nostalgically), no, not anymore

Iñaki (Iñaki Gomez): Why not??

Roonie ( Martina Del valle): Because, that’s life. I started University. I didn’t have time to rehearse my
songs, and then no time to sing.

Iñaki (Iñaki Gomez): I can´t believe that you forgot how much you enjoyed singing.

Roonie ( Martina Del valle): Well, don´t make me cry, what about you?

Iñaki (Iñaki Gomez): Me? I am the happiest musician in town. I don´t live to work, I just work to live. I’m
also in a band with a group of friends and we have some concerts during weekends.

Roonie ( Martina Del valle): That´s incredible!!!

Iñaki (Iñaki Gomez): Come on, I have an idea. I am sure you haven’t forgotten how to sing. Do you
remember that song we used to sing together all the time? Let’s do it now!!!

They sing “Blame It on the Boogie”, by The Jackson Five (only the chorus)

Roonie ( Martina Del valle): You are incredible ! It is true, singing is my passion, my life……

Chorus – “Never Enough”

Cheryl (Ariana Destito ): You’re amazing! While you were singing I couldn’t help but think how much I’d like
to direct a play. I’ll always regret not having studied that.

Nicholas ( Nicolas Fandiño) Why didn’t you do it? Where do you work now?

Cheryl ( Ariana Destito ): In a library, I’m a librarian

Peter ( Pedro Turri): What? But that’s so boring! What are you doing there?

Cheryl ( Ariana Destito ): That’s the closer I can be to acting and theatres, at least I get to spend most of the
time reading plays.

Mathew ( Mateo Vivona): No but it shouldn’t be like this, it’s time you try to go after your dream.

Cheryl ( Ariana Destito ): Look, I tried to do something related to what I like. When we graduated I started
to study acting and directing in university but it didn’t work out. I stayed till I realized it was useless.
There’s no room for artists in this world, not if you want to receive a salary and have a good life. So I gave
up on it and got a real job, just like many of you. Guys, look at us, how many have reached their goal?
We’re doing things we don’t enjoy.

When you mention you are an artist, you are not taken seriously and that hurts because you would love
what you do if you were given a chance. You would love it as much as a teacher loves teaching and
watching their students learn, but you don’t have this chance, you’re forced to do something different,
something common and boring in order to fit in this system, because being an artist in a world that doesn’t
appreciate art enough is seen as something empty and unreal, but it’s otherwise, and we have… I mean we
WILL show it is not like that.


Head A ( Julia Zorrilla): God, finally. I’ve been racking my brains all afternoon for you to get it… Don’t you
see?? Why do you think we arranged this reunion in the first place?? From the moment I saw you walk
through that door I couldn’t recognize you… Fine, you’re adults now, you’ve matured, but you´ve lost your
passion. What happened to the young kids who were ready to take on the world, who were determined to
do something for themselves? I know it´s hard to grow up and realize life is not that easy, but if you have a
dream you fight tooth and nail to make it work out. You don’t give up, otherwise you wind up…losing
yourself along the way. Cheryl, I still remember your last year of school when you used to make short
movies and show them to your friends, I could tell right away that´s what you wanted to do. You still want
to, so why not give it a chance?

Cheryl ( Ariana Destito ): You’re right; I won’t sell books all my life. I’ll quit and make my dream come true. I
want to be a theatre director, I can do it and I will from now on.

(Señalando a Natalie) You could dance in one of my plays as Roonie sings, Iñaki can play the drums and Val,
you’re not a lawyer, you’re a clown and you may play one too, Mai could be our photographer, Nina our
tailor, it’s perfect. Just imagine us there (se acercan los que bailan adelante), I want to direct a huge
musical with lots of lights and music… ( empieza a sonar la canción del final mientras entran algunos
bailando, sorprendiéndolos, los students se dan vuelta asombrados y se unen a bailar).


Canción del final: It’s my life

Total actual: 45 minutos


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