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Jesnefa P.

Jovita GE-UTS
Activity 1: (SPIRITUAL SELF)
Create one page reflective journal. Narrate your religious and spiritual experiences and
tell how they influence your life.

For 19 years of existence I already have the christian values and foundation, as I grew up
serving Him and was taught to obey His words. But growing up I realised, as you become
older, the harder the battles you are facing in life. Way back when I was in my freshmen
year in high school, I encountered the biggest challenge God has given me that changed
my whole life and it did open my eyes and change my perspective. Because of bullying, I
felt what depression really meant. Yes I was bullied both cyber, physical and emotional. I
thought it was the end of everything. I wish everything could just melt or evaporate in the air.
It came to the point when I wanted to take my own life. Aside from the impact it brought me
it’s also because of peer pressure and so concern about what other people might say
against me. I was so innocent, so afraid of everything, so naive. I was eaten up by my fears
that I couldn’t even speak up and defend myself. I felt so helpless that crying alone was the
only thing I could do. I couldn't tell my mom. I felt everyone pointing and accusing me. I am
helpless, that I can't even defend myself. Every night I cried and asked myself again and
again.. why me God? Why all these extreme pain and scandalous issues.. why did you
allow all these things to happen? to put me to shame? I felt so alone and helpless. I prayed
but it seems God couldn't hear me. Then one day, my mom noticed my behavior and
actions. She started to ask and investigate, and found myself sobbing and telling her
everything. All the pain, anxiety and worries were starting to let go. It was then I prayed
earnestly for condition and my mom was praying as well. It was the moment I felt the Lord
holding me through my mom's prayer and comfort. As a family, together we fight for my
case. Together we elevated to the in charge though it wasn't that easy. But at the end, the
truth prevailed and I was able to claim justice.
It brought to my realisation being a Christian is never easy. A lot of people would hate
and mock you. They just despise you for not doing the same thing they did. But this is what
it takes to be a Christian. To be different to follow Christ. The hardships, the pain and
persecutions, the worries, anxieties about the future? Then He answered “Jeremiah 29:11”
The pain will remain scars forever, but it molded us to be the person God intended us to be.
Our bandages, our struggles, our pain we are feeling right now, could be a living testimony
tomorrow. So instead of trying to repay Him, I'm now learning to simply obey Him and that’s
through ministries, and even bringing lost souls unto Him.
All I ever realized was God planned that, for me to become a better person, for me to be
molded into a woman she planned me to be. Now as I've walked with Him and surrendered
my life unto the Lord. I understand the value of life. For He has given me the storms to see
the rainbow. Because without darkness you can't appreciate the stars. I thank the Lord for
He planned the best for me and I can't wait for more plans that he has for me as I walk in
my journey in life with Him. Because no life has no purpose to live and to serve him with all
of your heart. I am now never ashamed because I am a child of God.
Now, whatever trials I’ll be facing in the future, I know I wont worry about what tomorrow
has for Jesus Never Fails.
Activity 2: (Material/Economic Self)
Engage yourself in a minimalism exercise. Go through your closet and identify the clothes
you actually use and intend to use within the next 12 months. Separate those that you do not
intend to use anymore, those that you are not comfortable wearing, and those that you have
not worn a year.
Then answer the questions below.
1. What has this exercise made you realize?
-It made me realize to weigh on what’s important and let go of the things you don’t usually need
anymore. Because others might need it more than you. It also made me realize to sort things
out keep the things you want to be kept. In this way, you may able to have more space for what
matters most to you.

2. What would be the impact in your life if you only kept useful things at home and got rid of
things that you are not using anymore.
-We may engage not just with our tangible goods, but also with the emotions and sensations
they evoke. This can be bad yet cathartic, like when we let go of items we've hung on to
because we were afraid of letting go or losing control.

3. What can you do with the items that you do not need yet can benefit others.
-Donate it or give it to someone who needs it most. If you no longer make use of it, others
would probably need it. Perform acts of kindness for others. Helping others is not only beneficial
to them and a wonderful thing to do, but it also makes ourselves happier and healthier.
And it's not only money; we can also donate our time, thoughts, and energy. So, if you want to
feel good, do something good.

Activity 3: (Material/Economic Self)

Using the brand experience scale (please refer to the PPT slide), Identify honestly which
appeal applies to you strongly. Then determine the type of consumer you are (holistic,
hedonistic, action-oriented, inner directed or utilitarian). Explain your answer.

I’m a utilitarian kind of consumer. I tend to think first before deciding to buy a certain thing.
Aside from I’m conscious of spending my money, but because of I always think before buying
it, ‘if it’s really worth it?’ Just to be more practical, my parents taught me how to properly manage
and be money wise. Not only it’s hard to find one, but also you have to work hard for it. That’s why
when buying stuff I always prioritize buying things that I need most. Although, there’s always a
time where you have to award yourself as well but I always think of the factors that should be
considered before buying it. If it’s really a good investment for me.

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