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Name: _________________________________

Molar Volume of a Gas Lab Report

Date: 11/4-5/2021
Lab Partners: Graham, Jacob, Kyden, Stephen
Purpose: To determine the volume of one mole of hydrogen gas at standard temperature and
Lab Results

Trial 1 Trial 2
Number of moles of H2 gas 0.000973 0.000888
Vapor pressure of water 16.5 mmHg 16.5 mmHg
Partial pressure of H2 gas 753.4 mmHg 754.4 mmHg
Calculated volume of H2 gas 0.0202 0.0185
at STP
Molar volume of H2 Gas 20.8 20.8
Average molar volume 22.4
Percent Error 7.14%

Conclusion Questions
5. What is the average value of the molar volume of hydrogen? Look up the literature value
of the molar volume of a gas at STP and calculate the percent error in your experimental
determination of the molar value of hydrogen
|Experimental value−Literature value|
Percent error= ×100
Literature value
22.4 L/m
6. One mole of hydrogen gas has a mass of 2.02 g. Use your value of the molar volume of
hydrogen to calculate the mass of one liter of hydrogen gas at STP. This is the density of
hydrogen in g/L. How does this experimental value of the density compare with the literature
value? (Consult a chemistry handbook for the density of hydrogen.)
Both experimental values are larger than the literature value of hydrogen.
Name: _________________________________

7. In setting up this experiment, a student noticed that a bubble of air leaked into the
graduated cylinder when it was inverted in the water bath. What effect would this have on
the measured volume of hydrogen gas? Would the calculated molar volume of hydrogen be
too high or too low as a result of this error? Explain.
The measured volume of hydrogen would be increased causing too high of a molar volume. The
oxygen would take up volume in the glass used to measure the volume of the hydrogen
resulting in the measurement of both the oxygen and hydrogen.
8. A student noticed that the magnesium ribbon appeared to be oxidized—the metal surface
was black and dull rather than silver and shiny. What effect would this error have on the
measured volume of hydrogen gas? Would the calculated molar volume of hydrogen be too
high or too low as a result of this error? Explain.
The reaction caused by the magnesium would not be as severe and would result in a lesser
volume of hydrogen gas. The calculated molar volume would then be too low.
Conclusion Paragraph
Write a brief paragraph describing your error analysis. Give 2 reasons for possible error.
Make sure these reasons make sense for your numbers. Be specific and apply your data.
With the first trial there was an air pocket at the top of the glass that was used to measure
the volume of the hydrogen gas. This can be seen in the higher amount of hydrogen gas
measure. Although there is the possibility of another reason for this difference in
measurement. On the second trail we measured out 1.6 cm of magnesium instead of the
previous 1.7 cm in trail one. This could have caused an error in the reaction which also
resulted in the lower measurement of hydrogen gas measure in trial two.

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