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Diet Menu

 Starch group:
½ Whole Wheat Baguette bread (30gram-empty the bread from inside)
OR 2 cracotte
OR ¾ cup of regular unsweetened cornflakes
OR ½ cup of Bran or oat flakes
OR ½ loaf of whole wheat Arabic bread (30gram)
OR 1whole wheat Pain de Mie
OR 2 medium toasts (Brand name: Shabboura)
OR 2 rice cakes 4 inches across
OR 2 Tablespoons of dry oats (20gram) (to make ½ cup of oatmeal)
OR 2 Tablespoons (1/4 cup) of low fat granola or muesli

 Vegetables group:
1 cup of Salad/grilled vegetables containing (lettuce, rocket leaves, green leaves, onion,
asparagus, mushrooms, purslane, parsley, radish, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, peppers,
spinach, Zucchini, cabbage, okra, artichoke hearts, broccoli, cauliflower, squash,
eggplant…) *Corn, palm hearts, peas, and potatoes ‘’DO NOT COUNT AS
VEGETABLES’’, they are considered as Starch.

 Meat group:
2 tablespoons of low fat Labneh
OR 2 boiled egg whites
OR 1 boiled egg with yolk (not more than twice per week)
OR 2 slices turkey breast
OR 2 tablespoons of ‘’Cottage cheese’’(Brand name: President)
OR 2 slices (30gram) * of any low fat white cheese (Akkawai light, Halloumi light,
Double crème light) All cheeses should contain less than 20% fat; best cheeses for daily
consumption should contain less than 10% fat. (So 10g or less of total fat in 100g of

 Fat group:
5 small olives
OR 1 teaspoon olive oil

Examples of breakfast:
 2 rice cakes + lettuce+ tomato+ 2 tablespoons of low fat Labneh + 5 olives
 2 whole wheat toasts + 1 cucumber + 1 tomato + 2 slices of turkey + 1 teaspoon olive oil
 1 pain de mie + 1 square of cheese (ex: Sylphide) + 1 cup of vegetable+ 5 olives
 ½ loaf of whole wheat bread + 2 egg whites + mint leaves + tomato+ 1 teaspoon of olive
Snack 1:
Choose one fruit from the ‘’Fruit List’’
AND ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: 4 walnuts OR 6 almonds (raw and unsalted)

 Starch group:
2/3 cup of cooked Brown rice OR whole wheat pasta OR Quinoa
1 cup of cooked peas OR beans OR lentils OR bulgur OR cooked wheat OR sweet corn
OR chickpeas.
OR 1 small baked potato
OR 1 small loaf of whole wheat Arabic bread (60gram)
OR 1 medium whole wheat burger bun
Remark: Anytime you combine Rice OR pasta OR Quinoa with any of the above grains you
should use half of the quantity of Rice OR pasta OR Quinoa and half of the quantity of grains
otherwise use the above mentioned quantities.
For example: 1/3 cup of Rice with 1/2 cup of cooked lentils.

 Vegetables group:
2 cups salad/grilled vegetables (lettuce, rocket leaves, green leaves, onion, asparagus,
mushrooms, purslane, parsley, radish, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, peppers, spinach,
Zucchini, cabbage, okra, artichoke hearts, broccoli, cauliflower, squash, eggplant…) *
Corn, palm hearts, peas, and potatoes ‘’DO NOT COUNT AS VEGETABLES’’, they
are considered as Starch.

 Meat group:
90 gram of grilled skinless chicken breast, turkey
OR 90-gram beef steak trimmed of fat, ground round, roast (chuck, rib, rump), round,
sirloin, steak (cubed, flank, T-bone) Tenderloin
OR 3 skewers of chicken Taouk, grilled beef cubes or Kafta.
OR 90gram grilled fish/ seafood, fresh or frozen (smoked salmon, tuna in water, catfish,
cod, hammour, shrimps, calamari…)

 Fat group:
1 teaspoon of olive oil can be added either to the salad or grilled fish, chicken, meat…
OR 2 tablespoons of avocado for the salad

Examples of Lunch:
 2/3 cup of cooked pasta+ 1 can of tuna in water + 2 cups of salad with 2 tablespoons of
avocado for the salad.
 1/3 cup of cooked Rice with ½ cup of cooked bazella with minced meat +2 cups of salad
with 1 teaspoon of olive oil
 2/3 cup of cooked rice + 1-2 cups of mloukhieh + 90 gram of grilled skinless chicken
 1-2 cups of loubieh bi ziet + 1 small loaf of whole wheat Arabic bread + 1-2 cups of salad
with 1 teaspoon of olive oil.
Snacks 2: (Any option of about 100 calorie)
3 cups of fat free popcorn
OR 2 squares of dark chocolate (15-25g)
OR small serving of fat free sugar free frozen yogurt (1 cup)
OR 1 cereal Bar (Brand name: Alpen 70 calories or fitness bar)
OR 1 pot of low fat yogurt (240 ml)
OR 1 ½ teaspoon of sugar free jam or peanut butter + 1 soft brown toast
OR Choose one fruit from the ‘’Fruit List’’

 Vegetables group:
2 cups Salad/ grilled vegetables (lettuce, rocket leaves, green leaves, onion, asparagus,
mushroom, purslane, parsley, radish, cherry tomatoes cucumber, peppers, spinach,
zucchini, cabbage, okra, artichoke hearts, broccoli, cauliflower, squash, eggplant…) *
Corn, palm hearts, peas, and potatoes ‘’DO NOT COUNT AS VEGETABLES’’, they are
considered as Starch.

 Meat group:
2 slices of low fat white cheese (30g- double crème light OR Halloumi light OR
Mozzarella light…)
OR 2 slices turkey breast
OR 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese
OR 60grams grilled fish, or tuna in water

 Fat group:
1 teaspoon of olive oil can be added either to the salad or grilled fish, chicken, meat…
OR 2 tablespoons of avocado

 Starch group:
½ loaf of whole wheat Arabic bread (30gram)
OR 1whole wheat Pain de Mie
OR 2 medium toasts (Brand name: Shabboura)
OR 2 rice cakes 4 inches across
OR ½ baguette bread (30g- empty the bread from inside)
OR ½ cup of sweet corn, cooked peas, cooked wheat, bulgur, Quinoa
OR 1 small baked potato
OR 1/3 cup of cooked brown OR wild rice OR whole wheat pasta
OR ½ cup of beans (chickpeas, fava beans, kidney beans, lentils…)
OR 2 cracotte

Example 1: 2 cups of salad + ½ cup of quinoa + 2 teaspoons of olive oil + 60 gram of grilled fish

Example 2: 2 cups of salad+ 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 1 tablespoons of avocado to be added to
the salad + 1/3 cup of whole wheat pasta + 60 gram of grilled salmon.
Choose one of the following as stated in the diet:

Fresh/Canned fruits
-1 small Apple
- 4 medium Apricots
- ½ cup of Canned Apricots
-1 small Banana
- ¾ cup Blackberries
- ¾ cup Blueberries
- 12 small Cherries
- ½ cup of Canned Cherries
- 2 small Dates
- 2 medium Figs
- ½ cup Fruit salad
- 1 small Grapefruit
-17 small pieces/ 8 large pieces of Grapes
- 1 medium Guava
- 1 medium Kiwi
-2 small Mandarins
- ½ medium Mango
- 1 medium Slice of Melon
-1 small Orange
-1 medium Peach
- ½ cup of Canned Peaches
- 1 small Pear
- ¾ cup Pineapple
- 2 slices of canned Pineapple
- 2 small Plums
- 2 tablespoons of Raisins
- ½ cup of Raspberries
- 1 1/3 cup (16 small) Strawberries
- 2 small Tangerines
-2 thin slices of water melon
Foods allowed and foods to be avoided:

Foods Allowed Foods to be avoided

Dairy Products: Full fat milk, full fat Labneh, full fat yogurt, yellow
Skimmed Milk, Skimmed Labneh, Skimmed cheeses, Bulgarian cheese, Feta cheese…
Yogurt, Low fat white cheeses like: (Akkawai,
Baladi, Double crème, Majdouleh, halloumi,
Sylphide, Presilege, fat free mozzarella or fat
free cheddar cheese(brand name :Kraft)
Fruits: Fruits in syrup, and added sugar
All Fresh/Canned fruits (in the amount listed in
the fruit list)
Vegetables: All fried vegetables, or vegetables prepared in
All vegetables ready-made fatty sauce
Breads and cereals: Fried potatoes, chips
Bread, potatoes, pasta, lentils, peas, corn,
beans, kaak, toasts, rice (in the moderate
amounts specified in the diet)
Sweets: Honey, chocolate, cakes, lollipops, candies, sugar,
Canderel, Splenda, Sweet’n low, Stevia biscuits, ice cream, Arabic sweets...
(artificial sweeteners)
Moghli or mouhallabieh prepared with artificial
sweeteners and skimmed milk.
Please ask the dietician about details
Meat and Meat Products: Chicken thigh, lamb meat, goose, canned meat,
Non- fatty red meat (cow’s and goat’s meat), sausages, mortadella, ham...
Chicken breast without the skin, fish filet (in
the oven), tuna (washed from salt), turkey
Spices and dressings: Canned soups, ketchup, regular mayonnaise, high
Vinegar, lemon, herbs, spices, mustard, sodium soya sauce, canned dressings, Maggi sachet
Fats and Oils: Butter, margarine, fried food, mixed nuts
Corn oil, olive oil, canola oil, sunflower oil (in
moderate amounts as listed in the diet)

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