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SEC Reg. No.: A200201849

Putatan, Muntinlupa City

CBC EBS Manual 1

1540 Estanislao St. Lakeview Homes, Putatan, Muntinlupa City 1700

+632-850-6927; +63922-850-6927
SEC Reg. No.: A200201849
Putatan, Muntinlupa City

Copyright © 2016 by City Bible Church

All rights reserved.

Published by City Bible Church

1540 Estanislao Street, Lakeview Homes, Putatan, Muntinlupa City

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information
storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from CITY BIBLE CHURCH.

All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New
International Version ® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society Used by
permission of Zondervan.

All rights reserved. Printed in the Republic of the Philippines.



Evangelistic Bible Study (EBS) is a small group outreach program wherein the gospel is shared
to a group of people for a certain period of time. Lessons in the manual provided are
evangelistic. They aim to explain the gospel to the listeners, hoping that all or at least some will
believe and receive the Lord Jesus. Converts produced in this program shall then be
encouraged to attend a CBC church to complete the process of discipleship as mandated by the
Lord Jesus in His Great Commission. The following are the objectives of EBS:

1. To do the Great Commission of the Lord – Matthew 28:19-20.

2. To address our church problem–we seldom see spiritual conversion.

3. To implement CBC Rerouting Campaign – from maintenance to offensive ministry.

4. To show the priority business of the church– soul winning.


The program aims to reach out to people who are outside the church, especially unbelievers,
who are willing to give time to gather in a certain place to meet and talk about the gospel each

1540 Estanislao St. Lakeview Homes, Putatan, Muntinlupa City 1700

+632-850-6927; +63922-850-6927
SEC Reg. No.: A200201849
Putatan, Muntinlupa City

week for a certain period of time. It is for everyone who desires to be saved. The program can
be used for high school or college students, married or single adults.

The mode of the EBS shall be less formal, and the people are encouraged to interact, raise
questions and clarify pointers in order to clearly convey the gospel and build relationships with
the prospects.

A group size of six to ten is the most conducive for a good discussion. If the group is larger,
consider dividing it into smaller groups.


The source of the candidates for this program shall be the following: Sunday Worship Service
visitors, CBC members that are willing to host EBS in their neighborhood, and the converts from
the CBC Evangelistic Drives such as street evangelism or one-on-one evangelism. Here are the
steps in forming a new EBS group:

1. Pray. Pray for your own readiness to become a spiritual parent. Pray to God to prepare the
hearts of the people you are praying for this program: their faithfulness, availability and
teachability. Also pray for the host who will house the EBS sessions for a period of time.

2. Coordinate with the host. Talk to a CBC member or the interested visitor who is willing to lend
a conducive place to conduct the EBS, agreeing with the time and duration of each session.

3. Ask the commitment of the people you prayed for to be part of the EBS you are about to start.
Help them understand the time requirement for an EBS.

4. Start the program and be consistent with it. Faithfully pray for each member of the EBS
group formed. Look for signs of spiritual life in each of the group member.

The EBS Teacher shall aim to execute 4W’s in each session:


The leader and the host shall make the atmosphere of each session warm and welcoming.
He/She has to make a point to acknowledge everybody who attends, specially the targets.
During the session the leader should be careful not to offend anybody in order to encourage
people to complete the program.


The leader has to encourage the participants to worship the Lord through the reading of the
word and through the singing of worship songs. He is to exhort everyone regarding the nature of
true worship and encourage them to live a lifestyle of worship.


1540 Estanislao St. Lakeview Homes, Putatan, Muntinlupa City 1700

+632-850-6927; +63922-850-6927
SEC Reg. No.: A200201849
Putatan, Muntinlupa City

The leader shall discuss the lessons prepared in the EBS Manuals. The leader has to take
charge of each meeting without domineering. The leader shall discuss it with clarity, being
sensitive to the reactions of the people and facilitate discussion as necessary, without getting
diverted from the objective to teach God’s word. The teacher should encourage the participants
to raise questions to clarify the idea the participants may have. The leader has to encourage
each of the participants to respond to the propositions provided in the manual and to share their
personal testimonies.


Before the session ends the leader shall provide take-home materials for the participants to
ensure that the participants are saturated with God’s word on a daily basis. He will provide an
interactive material which the participants shall bring home, read and answer daily. The leader
shall then check the take-home material during the next session.


1. Welcome (10 minutes)

 Establish a relaxed, warm and welcoming atmosphere.
 Welcome the participants.
 In your first meeting, get to know each of the participants (name, address,
occupation, civil status, etc.) without asking too many details which might
intimidate the participants.
 In your subsequent meetings, talk about what they have learned or what they
could remember so far from the last session.

2. Worship (5 minutes)
 Prepare worship songs, 2 songs at maximum for each session.
 Start the worship with a short prayer of worship and praise.
 Provide a short exhortation about worship.
 Lead the singing, if the teacher is not good at singing, he/she may partner with
someone who can lead the singing. He/she may also bring a musician with him
such as a guitarist.

3. Word (40 minutes)

1540 Estanislao St. Lakeview Homes, Putatan, Muntinlupa City 1700
+632-850-6927; +63922-850-6927
SEC Reg. No.: A200201849
Putatan, Muntinlupa City

 Open the floor for any of the students to share their personal testimony on how
God’s Word transforms their lives.
 Lead the group into a prayer that God would enlighten their minds.
 Discuss the lesson prepared in the EBS Manual.
 Raise leading questions to allow an interactive discussion among the group.
 Allow participants to ask questions pertaining to the topic discussed.
 Allow participants to state their reflection based on the topic that was discussed.
 As much as possible, God willing, lead the participants to accepting Christ as
their Savior and to encourage them to do the propositions stipulated in each
 Summarize each lesson.
 Testimony time should take 10 minutes, 20 minutes for teaching and 10 minutes
for open discussion of the lesson taught.
4. Work (5 minutes)
 Provide participants with the take home material and encourage them to read a
topic daily.
 Check the works of each participant. Ask the participants to share their
reflections to the group.
 Ask for any prayer item from each of the participant.
 Pray for the participants’ need and close the session.
 Encourage each participant to bring a friend with them next session.

Lesson 1:
The Miserable Condition of Man
Ephesians 2:1-3; 11-13

Beneath all the prosperity, technological advancement, and increase in knowledge overtime,
under all the pretensions man puts up and all efforts man uses in the quest to make himself feel
happy, the truth is that man is unhappy, void, and discontent. Certainly, nothing on earth can fill
up our need and cover up our __________.

How miserable is man’s condition?

1. Man is _________ in sin. (v1)

 The biblical meaning of death is separation from God.
 Being separated from God means that man is not under God’s favor. See
Colossians 1:21
 Being separated from God means that God doesn’t hear man's prayers. See
Isaiah 59:1-2

1540 Estanislao St. Lakeview Homes, Putatan, Muntinlupa City 1700

+632-850-6927; +63922-850-6927
SEC Reg. No.: A200201849
Putatan, Muntinlupa City

2. Man is ___________. (vv2-3a)

 Man is used to living sinfully. Hence, man is inherently sinful. See Romans 3:10-
 Man can’t help but follow worldly norms and system that is controlled by Satan
and demons.
 Man can’t help but give in to his sinful desires. See Romans 7:18-19

3. Man is an object of God’s _______. (v3b)

 Man, by nature, is God’s enemy because God is holy, man is sinful. See
Habakkuk 1:12-13a
 God hates sin and those who practice it. See Psalm 5:4-6, Romans 1:18-20
 Man deserves God’s wrath because of his life of disobedience to his Maker. See
Ephesians 5:5-6, Romans 2:5-9

4. Man is ____________ from God. (vv11-12a)

 Man, mostly Gentiles, are excluded from God’s promise to Israel, from the
covenant with God, and from unique blessing and protection.
 Man, being generally sinful, is spiritually cut off from Christ, having no Savior and

5. Man is ______ and without ______. (v12b)

 Man, being alienated from God, the source of life, has no real purpose in life.
 Man, without acknowledging God and being acknowledged by God, has no hope
for the life after death.
 Man, being sinful, has no hope of salvation, redemption, and fellowship with God.


1. We need to acknowledge that we are indeed in a miserable condition apart from God.
2. We need to acknowledge that we need God’s mercy, grace, and help.

Discussion Questions:

1. How does this lesson sit with your view of life?

2. Is your life mostly about God or is it mostly about you?

3. How does the understanding that God is holy and his wrath against sin affect you?

1540 Estanislao St. Lakeview Homes, Putatan, Muntinlupa City 1700

+632-850-6927; +63922-850-6927
SEC Reg. No.: A200201849
Putatan, Muntinlupa City

4. How does the phrase “man without God is nothing” sit with you?

5. Can wealth, earthly pleasures, and all the world has to offer to make man “happy” really
enough to cure man’s misery?



Lesson 2:
The Effects of the Fall of Man
Genesis 3:1-24

God created man in His own image for the purpose of having a relationship with Him.
Everything was perfect until man __________, and it caused the fall of man from his
relationship with God, apart from God’s grace. It seems that sin cannot be belittled because it
causes so much harm. Sin has caused man to be miserable and hopeless.

What are the effects of the fall of man?

1. Man’s sin produced ________________________ from God. (vv8-9)

 Man’s friendship with God is broken. See Colossians 1:21
 Man keeps hiding away from God because of sin.

2. Man’s sin produced _______ and ________. (vv10-11)

 Man’s disobedience is rebellion against the Master who created him for a
 Man’s sin incurs God’s holy wrath and judgment. See Colossians 3:5-7
1540 Estanislao St. Lakeview Homes, Putatan, Muntinlupa City 1700
+632-850-6927; +63922-850-6927
SEC Reg. No.: A200201849
Putatan, Muntinlupa City

 Man’s sin produces shame before the sight of the Holy God.
 God’s judgment is to be feared as it involves torment and punishment that man
shall bear for eternity. See 1 John 4:18

3. Man’s sin caused man to _________ and _______ one another. (vv11-13)
 Man loves sin that he doesn’t want to be held responsible for it. See John 3:19-
 Man is more ready to put blame on other people, even God, than to repent, thus,
trying to evade the shame of sinning. See Titus 3:3

4. Man’s sin produced _________ and __________. (vv14 – 19)

 Man’s sin has caused disaster in nature.
 Man’s sin has caused risky child birth in women as a product of God's curse
against Eve.
 Man’s sin turned the harmonious system of God-ordained roles into distasteful
struggles of self-will.
 Man’s sin has caused a previously fulfilling work into a painful lifetime toil.

5. Man’s sin produces ________. (vv.3,19)

 Man’s sin has caused all humanity physical death. See Hebrews 9:27
 Ultimately, man’s sin has caused all humanity spiritual death. See Romans 6:23,
Revelations 21:8


1. Fear sin.
2. Repent.
3. Flee from sin.

Discussion Questions:

1. How does this lesson affect your view of sin?

2. Why shouldn’t one underestimate a sin however simple and small it is (ex. a white lie)?

3. What is your personal understanding of shame that comes with sinning?

1540 Estanislao St. Lakeview Homes, Putatan, Muntinlupa City 1700

+632-850-6927; +63922-850-6927
SEC Reg. No.: A200201849
Putatan, Muntinlupa City

4. Can you provide examples on how man’s sinfulness affects nature, relationships, and
the world in general?

5. Why is it necessary for man to repent from sin?



Lesson 3:
The Definition of Sin
1 John 3:4-10

The cause of the misery and fall of man is sin. Sin has caused so much damage to man that
man’s relationship with God was severed because of sin. God hates sin and those who practice
it. Sin is not something we do which makes us sinners. We are sinners and that is why we sin. It
is ingrained in our very being. In this lesson, we will investigate why God hates sin so much and
those who practice it. Please read Psalm 5:5, Psalm 11:5, Proverbs 6:16-19, and Hosea 9:15.

What is sin?

1. Sin is _______________. (v4)

 Lawlessness means to live in habitual sinning. See 1 John 5:17a and Romans 6:12
 Lawlessness is living as if there is no law or ignoring what laws are existing.
 Lawlessness is to live in rebellion against God by ignoring the Law-giver. See James
 Lawlessness is breaking the law which we should love. See Psalm 119:34,77, 97

1540 Estanislao St. Lakeview Homes, Putatan, Muntinlupa City 1700

+632-850-6927; +63922-850-6927
SEC Reg. No.: A200201849
Putatan, Muntinlupa City

2. Sin is living __________ to what God desires for us. (vv5-7)

 We are called to purify ourselves just as Christ is pure, not to continue being tainted
in sin. See 1 John 3:3. 2 Corinthians 5:21,
 We are called to be free from sin, not to live in it. See 1 John 5:18
 We are called to know Christ, not to continue to sin. See 1 John 2:4
 We are called to live righteously, not to live in lawlessness.
 We are called to be imitators of God, not of evil. See 3 John 11

3. Sin __________ with the devil. (vv8-10)

 Living in sin is a sure sign that one belongs with the devil. See 3 John 11 and John
 Living in sin is living like the devil whose lifestyle is sinning.
 Living in sin is invoking God’s wrath and destruction.

4. Sin is spiritual ____________. (vv9-10)

 Living in sin is an undeniable evidence that one is not born of God.
 Living in sin is a clear indication that one is not a child of God but of the devil.
 Living in sin is a vivid proof that one has no capability to do real good. See 1 John


1. Realize that sin is basically a rebellion against God and an abomination in the sight of
2. Realize that sin is inherent in one’s soul and should be dealt with immediately.
3. Ask God for mercy and forgiveness.
4. Ask God to renew you spiritually.

Discussion Questions:

1. Read James 4:17, Matthew 15:18-19, Romans 3:23, and Romans 14:23. What other
definitions of sin can be derived from these passages?

2. What definition of sin listed above struck you the most and why?

3. What do you feel about the idea that God is against sinners?

4. Now that sin has been defined and its effects have been disclosed, can you somehow
relate to God’s wrath against sin and those who practice it? Why or why not?

1540 Estanislao St. Lakeview Homes, Putatan, Muntinlupa City 1700

+632-850-6927; +63922-850-6927
SEC Reg. No.: A200201849
Putatan, Muntinlupa City

5. How can one be saved from the power of sin?



Lesson 4:
The Working of God’s Grace in our Salvation
Ephesians 2:1-10

Man sinned and deserves death as a penalty for sin. Unfortunately, man cannot save himself
through religion, good works, or any other means. These human efforts are not acceptable
before God because we are tainted by sin and our righteous acts are filthy works in His sight
(Isaiah 64:6). How then can we be saved?

In our helplessness, God Himself made an initiative to save us and that is through ________.
Grace is the undeserved or unmerited favor of God bestowed upon the underserving sinner in
order that he may be saved. Let us try to understand how we have been saved by grace.

What is the working of God’s grace in Man’s Salvation?

1. By God’s grace, man is made ________ in Christ. (vv4-5)

 Man is separated from God, but by God’s grace, man can be reconnected to God
through Christ.
1540 Estanislao St. Lakeview Homes, Putatan, Muntinlupa City 1700
+632-850-6927; +63922-850-6927
SEC Reg. No.: A200201849
Putatan, Muntinlupa City

 Man is a slave of Satan, of the fallen world, and of sinful selves. However, by
God’s grace, man can be free to serve his real purpose in life through Christ.
 Man is blinded from spiritual realities, but by God’s grace, man can know God
and have a relationship with Him through Christ. See John 1:12-14
 Man is bound to hell, but by God’s grace, man can be reborn into God’s family
and enter the Kingdom of God. See John 3:3,5-8

2. By God’s grace, man is given a secured place in ________ in Christ. (vv6-7)

 By God’s grace, man is raised from death to life in Christ, which makes man fit
for the Kingdom of God. See Romans 6:5
 By God’s grace, man is seated with Christ in His triumph over sin and death. See
1 Corinthians 15:56-58
 By God’s grace, Christ secured for man blessings and inheritance in the
heavenly realms. See 2 Timothy 2:12a, John 14:2-3
 By God’s grace, man can become a glorious showcase of God’s grace and
kindness in Christ. See Ephesians 1:3-8

3. By God’s grace, man is given a free ______ of priceless salvation in Christ. (vv8-9)
 By God’s grace, man is given faith so that he/she may believe in Christ. See
Romans 3:20, Galatians 2:16
 By God’s grace, man is given the free gift of salvation which any human effort
can never avail. See Romans 3:27, 1 Corinthians 1:31

4. By God’s grace, we are made ______ to do what we are created for. (vv9-10)
 By God’s grace, man is freed from fruitlessly trying to attain salvation by works.
 By God’s grace, man is freed from false hope that he can avail salvation on his
 By God’s grace, man is free to live for God as He designed us to be.
 By God’s grace, we are free to do good works, being God’s masterpieces. See
Titus 3:8


1. Stop looking in ourselves or in our humanly efforts a way to be saved.

2. Put our faith in Jesus Christ for salvation.

Discussion Questions:

1. Define grace in your own terms.

1540 Estanislao St. Lakeview Homes, Putatan, Muntinlupa City 1700

+632-850-6927; +63922-850-6927
SEC Reg. No.: A200201849
Putatan, Muntinlupa City

2. Why is God’s grace the only means to save us from our deserved doom?

3. Read Isaiah 64:6, James 2:10, and Eph 2:8-9. Why are good works insufficient to save
man from sin and hell?

4. Why would God save anybody who sinned against Him? Give at least 3 reasons based
on the text.

5. Can one earn salvation? Why or why not?



Lesson 5:
Jesus, The Perfect Reconciler Between God and Man
Colossians 1:15-23

God has a dispute with us because of sin. God hates sin, and sin stands between all of us
and Him. All human beings are sinners by virtue of sin we have inherited from Adam, as well
as the sin we commit on a daily basis. The only just penalty for this sin is death (Romans
6:23), not only physical death but eternal death (Revelation 20:11–15). The rightful
punishment for sin is an eternity in hell.

Nothing we could do on our own would be sufficient to mediate between ourselves and God.
No amount of good works or law-keeping makes us righteous enough to stand before a holy
God (Isaiah 64:6; Romans 3:20; Galatians 2:16). Without a reconciler, we are destined to
spend eternity in hell, for by ourselves salvation from our sin is impossible. Yet there is
hope! “For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ
Jesus” (1 Timothy 2:5). Jesus represents those who have placed their trust in Him before
God’s throne of grace. And there is no other reconciler like Jesus, and He is the only one
who can fully and completely reconcile us with God.

Why is Jesus the perfect reconciler between God and man?

1540 Estanislao St. Lakeview Homes, Putatan, Muntinlupa City 1700

+632-850-6927; +63922-850-6927
SEC Reg. No.: A200201849
Putatan, Muntinlupa City

1. Because Jesus is _____. (vv15-19)

 He is the exact representation and likeness of God and is fully God in every way.
See John 1:1-2
 He is preeminent and the uncreated possessor of all creation. See John 1:3
 He has full authority and power over all. See Ephesians 1:20-21, Romans 11:36
 He is the eternal, pre-existing creator, and sustainer of all things.
 He is the Supreme source and giver of life. See Acts 26:23, John 10:10

2. Because Jesus is the perfect _________________ before God for the sin of man.
 He has taken for Himself a human form to live, die, and resurrect for the justice of
God and for the salvation of man. See Philippians 2:5-11, Galatians 4:4-5, 1
Timothy 2:5,
 His atoning sacrifice on the cross has secured full reconciliation between God
and man. See Romans 5:6-11
 His substitutionary death on behalf of man justifies those who believe in Jesus
and keeps them from falling. See 2 Corinthians 5:18-21, Romans 8:1, Romans
 His gospel is effective and sufficient for all the people who believe--from the past
to the future, for all races. Romans 1:16,


1. Know Jesus Christ. He is the only and perfect Reconciler between man and God.
2. Put your faith in Jesus. He has already accomplished reconciliation through His blood on
man’s behalf.
3. Continue in Jesus. He is the sole and solid foundation of hope and life.

Discussion Questions:

1. Why is it important for the Reconciler to be God? And why is it important for the
Reconciler to be human as well?

2. Why is it important for the Reconciler to be both God and human at the same time?

3. Why is it very important to put your faith in Jesus alone?

1540 Estanislao St. Lakeview Homes, Putatan, Muntinlupa City 1700

+632-850-6927; +63922-850-6927
SEC Reg. No.: A200201849
Putatan, Muntinlupa City

4. Why did Jesus have to die?

5. Why is the gospel of Jesus Christ so important to be heard by people?



1540 Estanislao St. Lakeview Homes, Putatan, Muntinlupa City 1700

+632-850-6927; +63922-850-6927
SEC Reg. No.: A200201849
Putatan, Muntinlupa City

Lesson 6:
Jesus is the Only Way to Salvation
John 10:7-18

Many believe that there are many ways to heaven. However, the Bible clearly states that there
is one and only way to heaven and that is through Jesus Christ alone. By the grace of God,
Jesus was chosen to save us from our sin and death, its penalty. Let us investigate what the
Bible says about Jesus as the only way unto salvation.

Why is Jesus the only way to salvation?

1. Jesus is the ____________ path unto salvation. (vv7-10)

 He is the only Gate through which the sheep can enter and be saved.
 He is the only Gate through which the sheep can enter and find pasture.
 He is the only Gate through which the sheep can enter and find true
indestructible life. See John 1:4, John 3:15-16, John 20:31, Acts 4:12

2. Jesus is the __________ lover of man’s soul. (vv11-16)

 He is the only Shepherd who is willing to die for the sheep.
 He is the only Shepherd who is genuinely concerned about the sheep. See
Isaiah 40:11.
 He is the only Shepherd who really knows every one of His sheep. John 10:27
 He is the only Shepherd who will secure that every one of His sheep is brought
home with Him. Ezekiel 34:11, Isaiah 56:8, John 17:20-21

3. Jesus has the full _____________ over life. (vv17-18)

 Jesus is just so willing to lay down His life for the sheep so that they can have
 Jesus’ sacrificial death is not accidental nor the end but it is His plan with the
Father to save the sheep.
 Jesus’ resurrection is a demonstration of His messiahship and deity.


1. We must enter the only gate to salvation.

2. We must listen to the only voice of the One who truly loves us.
3. We must rest in Jesus' authority to give us life.

1540 Estanislao St. Lakeview Homes, Putatan, Muntinlupa City 1700

+632-850-6927; +63922-850-6927
SEC Reg. No.: A200201849
Putatan, Muntinlupa City

Discussion Questions:

1. Why is Jesus the only way to salvation?

2. What is your reaction on the idea that Jesus and the Father actually planned to save

3. Why is Jesus’ resurrection very important in God’s plan of salvation?

4. Why can you trust Jesus with your life?

5. Why should we listen to and obey Him only?



1540 Estanislao St. Lakeview Homes, Putatan, Muntinlupa City 1700

+632-850-6927; +63922-850-6927

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