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No. 1 Bar. Jim Close, U/Maisamari, Malali, Kaduna

My name is Mrs. Oladunni Elizabeth Bankole D. and my company name is Akamagheghe

Ventures Ltd, I took up the business of fish farming when I resigned from my job as a medical
scientist in a reputable hospital in 2009. During the course of my seven years of work
experience in the hospital, I have always dreamt of a business of my own and I continued
saving towards it. In 2009, having made up my mind on the business channel and with a
startup capital at hand, I quit my job to establish this fish farm.

As a newly married, my quest and prayer for a line of work that will give me freedom for my
matrimonial responsibility and as well provide financial support the family came to reality.

Today, I have employed four years into this venture and I have no regret living my N3m per
annum job for it. I am financially better, I am a loving mother to my two children and my
husband, I have three staff under my employment and that gives me a lot of joy.


During my feasibility studies, my findings clearly indicates that fish remains the most
acceptable and healthy source of protein for human consumption, but this essential product is
not readily available in our local content to address the demand of our ever increasing
population, hence the continuous importation of frozen fish to make up for the shortfall, but
still the cap in demand and supply keeps widening, giving rise to high cost of purchase and
denial of fish in most homes because they cannot afford it. Rampant cases of goiter (sickness
due to lack of iodine) is been recorded in our hospital in recent times due to the scarcity of the
main source of iodine, fish in most homes. This is a social and economic problem I felt should
not be left to the Government alone. Most children that grow with low protein intake end up
malnourish and low intelligent quotient. Economically, the continuous importation of frozen
fish to the country reduces our GDP, and as economist I know what this situation does to the
national income. Also, the ever increasing rate of unemployment in the country is truly
becoming worrisome to the Government and well meaning Nigerians.


Like most entrepreneurs, I entered the fish business for profit, but the underlying benefits
cannot by overemphasized, from putting more fish into the system, thereby increasing the
chance of more source of protein in the society at affordable rate to reduction of
unemployment rate and increase in national income, taxes are paid and wealth are


Our main competitors in this fish farming business are the importers of frozen fish and co-fish-
farmers like me. From my analysis, the cost per kilogram of frozen fish, popularly called ice-fish
is N750, to achieve this, I weighed three units which gave me a kilogram of and a unit of that
size of fish I bought for N250. Currently, the catfish is sold to main distributors at N500 per
kilogram, and it is retailed at N600 per kilogram, this makes it reasonably cheaper, survey data
has shown that the catfish is preferred to the frozen ice-fish in taste and nutritional value. For
other competitors in the cat fish farming, I have a considerable advantage, being that fish
farming is my passion and my farm is situated right within my premises which makes
supervision easier and effective. I own the main capital in the business, which is the land and
the situation/location and climate of the area is very suitable for fish production. I have
relatively low overhead expenses with few staff presently to match my current production


With the location of our business in Kaduna State, I enjoy huge patronage of the large
population here. Currently, our product is not enough for the market women and hotels
around my place, Malali axis and Kaduna metropolis. But moving from 5,000 to my proposed
20,000 in every three months, I have made extra effort to contact cold room buyers within the
state, and preservation through drying is also a planned option. I am also reaching out to
industrial users that utilize the fish for fish meal production and other products. I have been to
Benue state where I saw basket load of tomatoes thrown away at the end of market day but
fish is one product that is never sufficient for sale and here are adequate preservation
processes available.


The demand for cat fish is non seasonal commodity ,we have plans to reach out to other
market in and around Kaduna for faster sales and better profit, we have also employ the
service of the available modern fish driers as we have identified that dry fish yield more profit
and it is preserved and sold at will. Bulk cold room buyers from the northern part of the
country are already indicating interest, a nearby farm with over 200,000 fishes stock have not
been able to satisfy them and they are always on the lookout for more.


Currently, I am on a 5000 capacity of cat fish production in every three months. I have been
able to achieve this with three capable staff, my farm manager and two helpers.

Production of cat fish is one business that demands care and expertise, the main expenditure
in the production cycle is the fish feed and the staff salary. It takes a life cycle of about six
months to get to maturity when fed adequately.

Upon hatching, the small fish is started with atamia, this is the powder-like form of the feed, it
is the most expensive of all the feed stages but the consumption rate of these fishes at this
time is relatively minimal. This feed type contains adequate minerals, vitamins and
nourishment to support growth, development and protection hence they are specially made.

A matured cat fish is expected to weigh one kilogram or above.

Please see below tabular presentation of the life cycle feeding process and cost per stage
including other expenses.

FEED TYPE ATAMIA Feed size; Feed size;

0.2, 0.6, 08, - 1mm 1.2 - 2mm
500 500X3=1,500 1000X12=12,000 4000X12=48,000 61,500 100,000 161,500
5000 15,000 120,000 480,000 615,000 900,000 1,515,000
20,000 60,000 480,000 1,920,000 2,460,000 3,000,00 5,460,000
Our stocking strategy entails having four pounds stocked with certain number of fishes
(presently we have 5000). This stocking is done every two months, hence at the maturity time
of a set we already have three younger sets waiting.

On harvesting, the following set is usually four months old and the one following is two
months old while the youngest set have just been hatched. This process guarantees our
harvest every three months, which gives us four times harvest in one year.



From the business model structure above, we have shown that the total expenses to bread a
set of 5000 fish cost N1,515,000, and that of breading a set of 500 fishes is N161,500 while the
projection for 20,000 fishes gives a cost of 5,460,000. This analysis gives a unit cost of N303,
N323 and N273 respectively.

Noticeably, there is lower marginal cost of production with increase in number of fish in

Presently, the selling price for a kilo of cat fish is N500.

From experience, we have recorded less than 10% loss of fish upon harvest. For analyses
purpose, we are giving a loss margin of 20% for business safety reasons. For a clearer
presentation, please see the tabular presentations below:




BREADING 500 FISHES 323 161,000

SELLING 400 FISHES 500 200,000
PROFIT 39,000



BREADING 5000 303 1,515,000
SELLING 4000 500 2,000,000
PROFIT 485,000


BREADING 20,000 303 6,060,000
SELLING 16,000 500 8,000,000
PROFIT 1,940,000



BREADING 1 323 323
SELLING 1 500 500



1 FISH 177 531
500 FISHES 39,000 117,000
5000 FISHES 480,000 1,440,000
20,000 FISHES 1,940,000 5,820,000


When I started this business in 2010, our production rate was 500 fishes but this figure rose to
3000 with one year, and today we can boast of 5000 matured fishes in our three years of

This achievement I will always attribute to the quality of my management team, their
expertise and devotion.
My farm manager Mr. Peter Odo, who is the head, is an experienced young man formally
headed two successful farms before joining me. He is a graduate of macro biology but with
wealth of knowledge in fish farming, especially fish nutrition, he is very industrious and has a
flare for growth. With a little top up on his salary status he was happy to join me and since
then we have enjoyed each other’s company.

Next in the staff list of six is the Manager Assistant Mr. James Emmanuel, he is equally a
graduate, has worked with various farms around Kaduna and has comfortably worked with me
for two years. He is a young hard working man; he specializes in hatchery and tendering of
small fingerlings and juveniles.

The third staff is Mr. Simeon Oladunni, I call him the utility player, he happens to be good in all
aspect of cat fish farming, from hatchery to harvesting and sales. He has given us more than
four major customers.

Mrs. Oguntomesho Comfort is our farm mama, she is our stock keeper and operations person,
she is highly respected by all the other staff, her matured approach to operations have always
helped management communication to other staff much easier. She is a retired staff of
NIPOST but with special love for farm work just like me, she is very happy working with us.

The other two staff are the two helpers, a male and a female, they assist in all the main
departments of our operations, from nursery to the sales aspect.


I am asking for N10,000,000 (ten million naira) to support our operations,

With our projected expansion from 5000 fishes to 20,000 fishes every three months, the ten
million naira will be used to support the feeding, and expand our facilities as listed below;

- Purchase of a 15tons multipurpose (cooling and drying) van at N2,000,000 (two million
- Preparation of three more ground pounds with concreted sides (5000 fishes capacity) at
N3,000,000 (three million naira) at one million naira each.
- Construction of a bigger over head water tank, at N1,000,000 (one million naira.)
- Purchase of a bigger diesel generating set N600,000 (six hundred thousand naira)
- Purchase of more fish feeds to support the increase consumption as a result of
increased number of fishes at N3,000,000 ( three million naira)
- Stocking of diesel and other working tools and hatchery trays and nursery at N500,000
(five hundred thousand naira.

Currently our farm is running on a six main staff strength, the two third of the unused part of
my plot where I live is been used for the farm which makes supervision easier, the plot and a
vacant full plot next to mine have been purchased to support this expansion. We have four
earthling pounds, four tapoline made hatcheries, six tapolein nurseries, one kama japan
petrol generator, 12,000 litres over head water tanks, one Nissan delivery and utility 3tons
capacity van.
Good day catfish farmer/intending farmer

Am here to break down the catfish farming business, because a lot of story surround the business, some are
making cool cash, while some are making big lose, some are jumping in the business while some are backing
out of the business.

What is catfish farming

A commercial facility consisting of tanks or ponds in which fish are raised for food.

As we all know fish is the cheapest source of animal protein and because of its low cholesterol level it is
medically recommended as a good food for both the young and elderly.
Fish farming in Nigeria is currently a very lucrative business and this is boosted by the continuous rise in the
demand for Catfish. It is an Untapped Goldmine waiting for those who can see.

But before you venture in the business because of the profit you heard is on the business, have you consider the
below point listed by arramyjay in one of his post,
Do you already have suitable ponds or a pond site?

Do you have most of the equipment ( pumps, etc.) needed?

Do you have the necessary financial resources?

Have you made an estimate of investment

costs and annual cost and return?

Have you estimated the impact of changes

in fish prices and feed costs on projected income?

Will the expected profit provide an adequate

return for your labor, management and risk?

Can you afford to forego income until you sell

your stock (usually 4-6 months after starting)?

Can you afford to absorb occasional losses?

Are you willing to devote the time and effort required?

Do you know of an established market for your fish?

Is there a market for your fish at the time of year
you plan to sell them?

Will you have harvesting and transport equipment,

or do you have a suitable arrangement
for harvesting your fish?

Do you have an alternative marketing strategy?

Is the water quality suitable for your fish farming? This is very important.

Is the pond area protected from flooding?

Are the drains in existing ponds adequate

for rapid draining?

Is there daily access to the ponds, regardless of weather,

for feeding, treating, and harvesting?

Is the pond bottom suitable for harvesting

(smooth and stump free)?

Will someone live close enough to the pond to allow

frequent observation and necessary management?

If you have check all this, and you meet up, then you can proceed.

Firstly, your pond, are you planning on a concrete pond or earthen (will advise this if its a permanent place),
plastic pond, or tarpaulin pond, you have to consider this four major types of ponds, the ones you consider ok
for you. The earthen pond are ponds dug close to the river or stream area, which u have to consider the
topography of the land so that flood won't sweep away your fish, the concrete pond are the ones build with
bricks, which u have to be caution when constructing it for it not to leak after construction, then d plastic tank,
its a mobile tank, and its very durable but it need a slab for easy drainage of water, also the tarpaulin tank, some
are constructed with wood, while some are constructed with metal, but there are some imported from china,
they are very good and durable, but you have to be caution of small children not to take sharp object near it.

Secondly your water, without good source of water, your fish won't grow well, or when your pH is not stable,
the water pH for fish should be 6.5-8.5. While 7.0 is the best water pH. You will also have to consider the
ammonia level of water, what really increase your water ammonia level is when the water is dirty and you don't
change it on time, your pond is not located in a clean environment, this makes your die often.

Thirdly your fish, you really need to be very caution of where you buy your fish from, buy fish from your close
people or someone a friend recommend you to that he or she has a good stock, or better still you go to the
person farm to see his or her facilities and see thefish you want to buy, because this is where most people get it
wrong, they buy a runt fish and they keep feeding, and it wont grow, when you are buying fish, be sure of the
person, because most farmer has sweet mouth to sell their product, they will be calling a 10weeks old fish for
5weeks, because it refuse to grow well in their farm, and when you buy from them it won't grow well. Please
when you are buying a fish make sure they give u fingerlings ranging from 3gram to 4gram, and average length
of 3cm to 4cm 4weeks plus and juvenile ranging from 5grams and average length of 5cm to 7cm 7weeks plus,
but if you are just starting, I will advise you go for the juvenile.

Fourthly feeding, feeding takes 70% of the total investment of the business, when feeding your fish, you don't
try to cut too much corner, because its like starving the fish and the fish won't grow as expected. All you can is
get good source of protein to supplement your fish feed, and reduce the cost of the fish food. Catfish eat 2% to
10% of their body weight, which means
if your fish weighs 10 grams requires a ration of 8% of its body weight,
Amount of feed to be fed per day = 10 grams x 8/100
= 0.8 grams feed per fish per day.
If there are 1000 fish in the pond, then;
= 0.8 g x 1000 fish
= 800 g of feed should be given to your fishes per day. That's how you do the calculation on a weekly basis, so
as to meet up with their feeding terms, and you can plan to feed them 2 or 3 times in a day, but their must be a
fix time for the feeding.

Fifth you grade or sort your fish every 3 to 4weeks to avoid serious canibalism and also not to make the fish
grow normally, because the big will oppress the small from feeding, also change their water every 3 days, but
you can change your water everyday if you are using recirculatory system, or doing constant flow through.

Six is marketing, who are the people that will buy my fish, we have the market women though they buy
ridiculously, but they can clear your pond in 1 or 2 visit, also hotels, but they don't really buy in large quantity
or if they do, they come back maybe after 2 to 3months to buy more, but you can tap into the smoking part, it
really boost the profit. Please don't be decieve by the popular saying that a fish sells for 600, presently in lagos
and ogun state, the big size sells for 490 to 450, while d medium sells for 440 to 400,and the small sells for 380
to 320.

Seven, I will ask myself, which month is the best for me to raise my fish to, is it 2months which I will sell a kg
of fish for 320 called melunch, those EGUN at makoko of yaba comes to your farm and clear this set of fish or
the mallams at ibadan express road close to sat gurumaraji camp to clear your fish onces, they smoke this set of
fish, and sells out to nigerians who doesn't eat the fresh ones, this fish weighs 200grams to 250grams at 2
months, and maybe like 4 to 5 makes a kilo that sells for 320 in the market the demand for this is very much and
brings your money back in a very short time, the 4months set is where 50 to 60% of the fish weigh a kilo, and
the rest weigh 800grams below. Then the 6months fish is where 80 to 90% of the fish is 1kg and above.
Am analysing this because most people think by 4months their fish should be 2kg plus.

The demand for fish according to the federal department of fisheries (FDF) was 2.1 million tons in 2007 while
domestic production was 600,000 tons.

This deficit was partly augmented by massive importation of fish of about 900,000 tons valued at over $800
million dollars. This is a big drawback on our scarce foreign exchange.
This still left a huge deficit of 600,000 tons, hence the concerted effort to ensure self-sufficiency in fish
production through aquaculture in Nigeria.

The demand for Fish in the country is currently estimated at about 2.66 million tons annually, as against the
local annual production of just 780,000 metric tons, giving a demand-supply gap of about 1.8 million tons. It is
very clear that the demand is far higher than supply. What do you see as an entrepreneur? Business opportunity!
According to the Norwegian Ambassador to Nigeria, “Nigeria imports fish especially stock fish from Norway,
worth over N109.2 billion Naira ($700million dollars) annually”.

In a May 2012 report, the Chairman of Fisheries Society of Nigeria (FISON) Rivers State chapter, Dr.
Awoteinm George revealed that “Nigeria produces just 40 percent of the total Fish consumed in the country”. In
other words, a 60 percent local production market is waiting for entrepreneurs to fill.

Aquaculture has been estimated to have the potential of producing 2.5 million tons, which if fully harnessed
will almost satisfy the local demand for fish in the country. You could take opportunity of this high demand for
fish and start a fish farm today.
This could be that business that would make you a millionaire.

The truth is agro-based businesses are very profitable because they meet man’s basic need-Food. You could
start and operate your fish pond right in your backyard, compound or garage. What are you waiting for? Culture
Fish and Grow Rich this year

The above is very true, but please, before you venture into this business,make a lot of research apart from the
ones written on this post, also avoid laptop catfish breeder, they breed their own fish from the laptop, they don't
have a farm they practice the business, but they have sweet mouth to convince people in the business and at the
long run, its a big loose.

Here is my little quote to the farmers.

Oluwasheyi daniel


Re: Investment In Catfish Farming (things you need to know) by Fhemmmy: 4:52pm On Mar 20
Nice thread, but what could be done for Nigerians to be able to sell fish like those being imported ?
Re: Investment In Catfish Farming (things you need to know) by aquatic1(m): 5:13pm On Mar 20
Fhemmmy: Nice thread, but what could be done for Nigerians to be able to sell fish like those being
imported ?

I strongly believe if we the farmers unite together, and sell at a round figure, we can make better profit, and
most people can venture into the business, because those market women are the ones making more profit than
we the farmers, because they have a strong association and their prices are the same around lagos and ogun
Re: Investment In Catfish Farming (things you need to know) by adfabb(m): 6:36pm On Mar 20
Making money in catfish farming are dependent on doing the right thing at the right time,not trying to cut
corners .Many Fish farmers losses results from bad management practices on the part of the owner of business
and stealing,pilfering and other bad behaviours on the part of the farm manager and workers. Like every other
business, vigilance and adherence to basic fish requirement and business ethics are key to successful enterprise .
Also the idea of make money quick does NOT belong here,infact it a scam and many people had falling victim
to this fraudulent claims.Moreover greed is the major attraction for most lossers . I must mention too that there
genuine reason for losses such as disease outbreak and some other factors such as water quality,wrong
management practices and so on can lead to losses..

Fellow farmers,let us take this business more serious and all of us together contributes to feeding the increasing
population of Nigeria with fish and farm products, Finally all the above applies to other agric ventures and we
must consult with experienced and honest people and we must follow good advice to make a profitable farming
business,raining season is gradually coming farmers should start preparation for the planting season..

Thanks a lot for being part of these forum

Adedeji Abdfattah

Re: Investment In Catfish Farming (things you need to know) by Fhemmmy: 6:54pm On Mar 20
I strongly believe if we the farmers unite together, and sell at a round figure, we can make better profit, and
most people can venture into the business, because those market women are the ones making more profit than
we the farmers, because they have a strong association and their prices are the same around lagos and ogun

Nice one, but i think there is more to it than this, i think there is so much in the business of fish farming
to be learnt and i am not talking about all the e-books being sold all over the place oh

1 Like

Re: Investment In Catfish Farming (things you need to know) by aquatic1(m): 9:56pm On Mar 20
adfabb:  Making money in catfish farming are dependent on doing the right thing at the right time,not trying to
cut corners .Many Fish farmers losses results from bad management practices on the part of the owner of
business and stealing,pilfering and other bad behaviours on the part of the farm manager and workers. Like
every other business, vigilance and adherence to basic fish requirement and business ethics are key to successful
enterprise . Also the idea of make money quick does NOT belong here,infact it a scam and many people had
falling victim to this fraudulent claims.Moreover greed is the major attraction for most lossers . I must mention
too that there genuine reason for losses such as disease outbreak and some other factors such as water
quality,wrong management practices and so on can lead to losses..

Fellow farmers,let us take this business more serious and all of us together contributes to feeding the increasing
population of Nigeria with fish and farm products, Finally all the above applies to other agric ventures and we
must consult with experienced and honest people and we must follow good advice to make a profitable farming
business,raining season is gradually coming farmers should start preparation for the planting season..

Thanks a lot for being part of these forum

Adedeji Abdfattah




Nice one, but i think there is more to it than this, i think there is so much in the business of fish farming
to be learnt and i am not talking about all the e-books being sold all over the place oh

If you are practicing the business bro, you will learn a lot from. Your farm everyday, because this business is
Re: Investment In Catfish Farming (things you need to know) by aquatic1(m): 9:56pm On Mar 20
For question that need immediate answer on this topic, you can send it in.
Re: Investment In Catfish Farming (things you need to know) by adfabb(m): 7:44pm On Mar 22
Integrity farm wrote this in responds to Ganıyu of Latia farms on the above subject on catfishfarmers
forum(yahoo/roup) ıs absolutely rıght about the hıgh costs of ımported floatıng feeds and the blame rests
squarely wıth the Federal Govt who controls all the multıple agencıes at the port. As major ımporters and
marketers of Zeıgler fısh feed from USA, we at Integrıty are lamentıng under the burden of contınuous
dwındlıng margıns on ımported feed. We are also fısh farmers ourselves and we can say that over a long term
we have the potentıal to make more returns from fısh farmıng than from feed ımportatıon especıally ıf you
consıder the levels of ınvestments ınto both ventures.
Consıder the hard facts:

1. You want to ınvest ın a standard warehouse

2. Hıgh and fluctuatıng lead tımes between orderıng and receıvıng of sometımes up to 3 months. Note that lead
tıme does not end untıl you receıve feed ınto your warehouse and sometımes you can suffer an unexpected
delays at the Lagos port.

3. Duty, VAT, NAFDAC, and other offıcıal payments at the port sometımes can account for about 30% of
landıng cost

4. Other payments, ınsurance, clearıng agent fee, fınance charges can account for another 15%

5. Hıgh freıght (foreıgh and local) charges

6. You have to deal wıth dıshonest staff ıncludıng store keepers and sales staff

7. You have to deal wıth dıshonest customers who wıll want to delay payments or outrıghtly defraud you ıf you
sell on credıt

If we sıncerely want to raıse cheaper fısh wıth cheaper qualıty feed, we have to appeal to the govt to come to
our aıd. Remember that thıs does not only have to do wıth ımported fınıshed fısh feed. Even wıth the local feed
you stıll need some ımported ıngredıents lıke fısh meal.
For your benefit
Re: Investment In Catfish Farming (things you need to know) by Fhemmmy: 7:47pm On Mar 22
aquatic1: If you are practicing the business bro, you will learn a lot from. Your farm everyday, because this
business is wide.

Very true, thus my saying the business is only good for someone on ground in Nigeria . . .
Re: Investment In Catfish Farming (things you need to know) by miqos02(m): 6:54am On Mar 23
@aquatic, i met a market woman last week who has on display some nicely packaged smoked catfisf on
display,i asked her where she got them from she said they were imported from thailand,she said they can stay in
that same state for a year,when i asked her why she didnt buy from nigeria she said the smoked fishes dont last
long,i think fish farmers should begin to discuss how to preserve the fishes and probably export them
Re: Investment In Catfish Farming (things you need to know) by aquatic1(m): 7:35am On Mar 23
@migos, what I will say concerning that is in every business, we don't have to rush into in because of the profit
we heard its involve, people are rushing out of the grow out biz and jumping to the smoking fish art because the
heard it really boost the profit, here in nigeria have tasted and kept a smoked catfish that last for a very long
time, just can't remember the months, at least we really need the training involve before we start the smoking
biz, because people won't buy from you when the see that your fish doesn't stay long when they try to preserve
Re: Investment In Catfish Farming (things you need to know) by miqos02(m): 8:13am On Mar 23
aquatic i ageee with you, but i think we still have to go the smoking way in order to bypass the middlewomen, i
believe thats the only way we can maximise profit
Re: Investment In Catfish Farming (things you need to know) by bomee(m): 11:08pm On Mar 23
miqos02: @aquatic, i met a market woman last week who has on display some nicely packaged smoked catfisf
on display,i asked her where she got them from she said they were imported from thailand,she said they can
stay in that same state for a year,when i asked her why she didnt buy from nigeria she said the smoked fishes
dont last long,i think fish farmers should begin to discuss how to preserve the fishes and probably export them
I beg to disagree that our smoked fish don't last long. I've been into fish smoking using a modern smoking kiln
for over a year now, my smoked fish last for over 3 months if its kept away from water and moist. To produce a
durable and hygienic smoked catfish, a farmer must get proper training and he should make use of a modern
well constructed smoking kiln that regulates heat evenly,he should also be patient because drying catfish for
durability is a gradual process that could last 2 to 3 days depending on the fish size. Modern farmers have
moved pass the smoking skills of abokis and market women.
Re: Investment In Catfish Farming (things you need to know) by jagboade: 10:27am On Mar 24
Can anybody pls talk about d smoking process. Tank u.
Re: Investment In Catfish Farming (things you need to know) by Greatken007(m): 6:11pm On Mar 24
Re: Investment In Catfish Farming (things you need to know) by aquatic1(m): 7:41pm On Mar 24

That's the big truth, we all learn everyday.

Re: Investment In Catfish Farming (things you need to know) by jagboade: 4:22pm On Mar 26
I beg to disagree that our smoked fish don't last long. I've been into fish smoking using a modern smoking kiln
for over a year now, my smoked fish last for over 3 months if its kept away from water and moist. To produce a
durable and hygienic smoked catfish, a farmer must get proper training and he should make use of a modern
well constructed smoking kiln that regulates heat evenly,he should also be patient because drying catfish for
durability is a gradual process that could last 2 to 3 days depending on the fish size. Modern farmers have
moved pass the smoking skills of abokis and market women.
can u pls talk about d smoking process
Re: Investment In Catfish Farming (things you need to know) by bomee(m): 12:24am On Mar 29
jagboade: can u pls talk about d smoking process
Its a quite dirty process. The first step should b killing/weakening d fishes using salt after which u slit vertically
d ventral part of d fish to remove guts and internal content(that's the hard part) after which d fishes are rinsed
abt seven times to get rid of d fish sliminess so as to allow the tail to fit into d fish's mouth without using sticks
or picks. Regulating d oven heat is also a difficult task but with experience n a good smoking kiln, you will
definately produce a standard smoked catfish that will not only stand the test of time but would also be an
export material.
Re: Investment In Catfish Farming (things you need to know) by adfabb(m): 6:19pm On Mar 30
To smoke a fis follow a simple process which begins with selection of averagely size fish between 300-
450grams for easy smoking and drying.After selection of the fish, you will need to stun the fish with salt and
other sauce(pepper,ginger/suya sauce or any other considered appropriate)you put all the fish in a plastic bowl
and add the salt mixture on the fish and you quickly cover the bowl for about 5minutes .The fish is expected
stunned or dead and you can start the other process such as degutting ie removal of the intestinal content and
making sure that the intestine is removed,liver,bile duct,stomach and also fat layer are also removed.The fish
are thoroughly washed and then sauced again(this is optional).At these point,the oven is prepared,the trays are
cleaned and lubricated and then the fish are folded into shape firmly without any hook, they are placed on the
tray and properly arranged. They are then put inside oven and depending on the type of smoking kiln that you
are using(gas,chacoal or wooden type)set the fire on and can close the kiln.It is important to make sure that the
fish are properly monitored,turned and trays are exchanged between the upper and lower chamber,Also you can
add ginger shaft to the fire source to give it a special aroma,also collect the fat and put in a bowl place it inside
the oven,it will fry and the fish oil can be collected for further use. After the fish have become properly smoked
and dried NOT BURNT(You can now removed them from the smoking kiln and begin to pack into transparent
nylon with a label inserted like a bread label in your name and then prepare to market the fish.Also determin the
cost of production of the smoked fish,add your profit margin (i recommends 20%) then set out to office,market
place,banks,hotel,school and other relevant places to sell your fish.All the best.
Re: Investment In Catfish Farming (things you need to know) by aquatic1(m): 8:04am On Apr 02
For the month of april stocking

Hello catfish farmers or intending farmers, our fingerlings and juvenile over 30,000pcs is available for sale for
the month of march stocking at a very reasonable prices, fingerlings ranging from 3gram to 4gram, and average
length of 3cm to 4cm and juvenile ranging from 5grams and average length of 5cm to 7cm. The fish are
produce from a broodstock weighing (male 1.5kg) and female ( 1.8kg), they are produce in a quiet hatchery and
they are feed well to meet a good standard, they are healthy and fast growing fish. You can make a booking
with us now.

Home delivery is available within or outside lagos.

Large quantity attract a discount

For more information, call 08053018934 or 07089391123. Or send an email to You
can also check our information blog or website, or ping us 25F845B8.
Or visit oloruntoba estate ilepa, by sango otta ogun state.

A trial will convince you.

Re: Investment In Catfish Farming (things you need to know) by aquatic1(m): 8:00am On May 02
For the month of may stocking

Hello catfish farmers or intending farmers, our fingerlings and juvenile over 50,000pcs is available for sale for
the month of may stocking at a very reasonable prices, fingerlings ranging from 3gram to 4gram, and average
length of 3cm to 4cm and juvenile ranging from 5grams and average length of 5cm to 7cm. The fish are
produce from a broodstock weighing (male 1.7kg) and female ( 2.2kg), they are produce in a quiet hatchery and
they are feed well to meet a good standard, they are healthy and fast growing fish. You can make a booking
with us now.

Home delivery is available within or outside lagos.

Large quantity attract a discount

For more information, call 08053018934 or 07089391123. Or send an email to You
can also check our information blog or website, or ping us 25F845B8.
Or visit oloruntoba estate ilepa, by sango otta ogun state.

A trial will convince you.

Re: Investment In Catfish Farming (things you need to know) by jagboade: 8:00am On May 03
@ adfabb and bomee thanks for your response, i appreciation d info. What type of oven is recommended from d
kilning process? Looking forward ä 9our reply.
Re: Investment In Catfish Farming (things you need to know) by aquatic1(m): 9:13pm On Jun 14
Check the link below for different pictures about catfish farming (especially for intending farmers) its gives you
some pictures about the business.
Re: Investment In Catfish Farming (things you need to know) by aquatic1(m): 9:01am On Jun 19
Am very sorry for those that call that I can't meet up with their demand of fingerlings and juvenile, I have some
pond construction for my clients, that's why there is little fish available for the month of june, but am now back
to produce you better quantity and quality of fish starting from today.

For the month of july stocking

Hello catfish farmers or intending farmers, our fingerlings and juvenile over 40,000pcs is available for sale for
the month of may stocking at a very reasonable prices, fingerlings ranging from 3gram to 4gram, and average
length of 3cm to 4cm and juvenile ranging from 5grams and average length of 5cm to 7cm. The fish are
produce from a broodstock weighing (male 1.2kg) and female ( 1.8kg), they are produce in a quiet hatchery and
they are feed well to meet a good standard, they are healthy and fast growing fish. You can make a booking
with us now.

Home delivery is available within or outside lagos.

Large quantity attract a discount

For more information, call 08053018934 or 07089391123. Or send an email to You
can also check our information blog or website, or ping us 25F845B8.
Or visit oloruntoba estate ilepa, via ifo by sango otta ogun state.

A trial will convince you.

Re: Investment In Catfish Farming (things you need to know) by aquatic1(m): 4:27pm On Jul 03

invites you to a one (1) day full practical seminar on investment opportunities in catfish fingerlings production.

1) Catfish Fingerlings production and hatchery management
2)Fish disease control and stress management

1 Aspiring catfish farmer
2 Farm managers
3 Retirees
4 Student
5 UN-employed


* To see and know how to perform the hatchery on your own
* Free guidelines on catfish fingerlings production
* free testing of your water
* how to extract the male sperm without killing the fish
* how to remove the pituitaries gland from the skull and use to inject
* how to hatch up to 20,000 fries
* free testing of your water pH ( bring your water when coming)
* 10% discount if payment is made
before the date of the seminar

Venue: abeokuta exp way ilepa akokan bus-stop, by oloruntoba estate ifo, ogun state
Time: 10am
Date: saturday 10th august 2013

For enquiry
08053018934, 07089391123 or bb:25F845B8

This is the way ararat nigeria enterprises is helping the intending farmers and establish farmers with a give away
price seminar.
Re: Investment In Catfish Farming (things you need to know) by munyra: 11:02am On Jul 13
Please I need to know how to manage my catfish when the weather is cold like the rainy season and harmattan. I
stocked them using the geepee aquaculture tank. Thank you
Re: Investment In Catfish Farming (things you need to know) by aquatic1(m): 4:22pm On Jul 31
10 days to go



invites you to a one (1) day full practical seminar on investment opportunities in catfish fingerlings production.

1) Catfish Fingerlings production and hatchery management
2)Fish disease control and stress management

1 Aspiring catfish farmer
2 Farm managers
3 Retirees
4 Student
5 UN-employed


* To see and know how to perform the hatchery on your own
* Free guidelines on catfish fingerlings production
* free testing of your water
* how to extract the male sperm without killing the fish
* how to remove the pituitaries gland from the skull and use to inject
* how to hatch up to 20,000 fries
* free testing of your water pH ( bring your water when coming)
* 10% discount if payment is made
before the date of the seminar

Venue: abeokuta exp way ilepa akokan bus-stop, by oloruntoba estate ifo, ogun state
Time: 10am
Date: saturday 10th august 2013

For enquiry
08053018934, 07089391123 or bb:25F845B8
Re: Investment In Catfish Farming (things you need to know) by Realdeals(m): 5:51pm On Jul 31
Are you a farmer, Agricultural researchers, commodities trader,
consultant, agricultural policy maker or passionate about food.
Let your voice be heard in the Agriculture Industry. Join the online Agriculture Discussion Forum at http://
Re: Investment In Catfish Farming (things you need to know) by aquatic1(m): 1:59pm On Aug 08
2 more days to go



invites you to a one (1) day full practical seminar on investment opportunities in catfish fingerlings production.

1) Catfish Fingerlings production and hatchery management
2)Fish disease control and stress management

1 Aspiring catfish farmer
2 Farm managers
3 Retirees
4 Student
5 UN-employed


* To see and know how to perform the hatchery on your own
* Free guidelines on catfish fingerlings production
* free testing of your water
* how to extract the male sperm without killing the fish
* how to remove the pituitaries gland from the skull and use to inject
* how to hatch up to 20,000 fries
* free testing of your water pH ( bring your water when coming)
* 10% discount if payment is made
before the date of the seminar

Venue: abeokuta exp way ilepa akokan bus-stop, by oloruntoba estate ifo, ogun state
Time: 10am
Date: saturday 10th august 2013

For enquiry
08053018934, 07089391123 or bb:25F845B8
Re: Investment In Catfish Farming (things you need to know) by lexy91: 1:24pm On Oct 30
A medium size farm located at Magboro behind MFM (Prayer City) along Lagos-Ibadan Express Rd. Ogun
State, Currently has over 50,000 ( fries, Fingerlings and juvenile) ready for stock for the month of November
and December.

Interested farmer should contact: John- 08034595557, Ezekiel:-08163377227, Alex-08138619689.

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