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Activity for FLE

Name: Nathaniel P. Damayo Course & Year: BSED Science 2

Answer the following and give what is asked.

1. Explain Flexible Learning Environment and Online Distance Learning (10 points)
 Flexible Learning Environment is a teaching and learning method that will depend
on the student’s current situation and availability. Flexible learning process can be
seen nowadays especially with this covid-19 virus still wreaking havoc in the
whole world. This teaching and learning method can occur and apply in various
available spaces like it can be in the classroom and it can also be in virtual or many
other spaces as long as the learning of the students are not interfered with.
 Online Distance Learning is a type of education where the learners are not
physically present in the actual classroom. The learners in this online distance
learning can still continue their studies with the use of the internet, smartphones,
computers, and varieties of modern technologies as a bridge.
2. Describe the following platforms briefly in your own understanding and
definition (10 points)
2.1. Moodle
Answer: Moodle is a learning platform where teachers can upload learning materials to
their students and check their progress. In this learning platform students and teachers
can communicate through forums, meaning the communication is only through texts.
2.2. Google Classroom
Answer: Google classroom is a learning platform by google. Its function is to create a
space for teachers and students to give and do activities. Teachers can also post
announcement and modules here.
2.3. Edmodo
Answer: Edmodo is a learning platform made for teachers and students. This enables
teachers and students to do and give assignments as well as comments for guiding and
improving the academic works of the students. The teacher here can give badges to the
students who do well in their assignment and tasks.
2.4. Schoology
Schoology is also a learning platform where teachers can create pages for their
assignments to be posted and students here can also submit their answered activities
just like Edmodo and google classroom however students can give likes to the posts
being posted in this learning platform.
2.5. MOOCs
Answer: MOOCs are created for everyone who wants to learn about certain courses.
MOOCs doesn’t limit anyone, meaning even people who already have jobs and have
finished college can participate. It is about bringing everyone into learning where there
are no boundaries and delimitations to learners.
3. Differentiate Synchronous and Asynchronous FL mode. (10 points)
Answer: Synchronous FL mode is a type of learning where education can be online or
face-to-face and it is interactive, meaning teachers and students both interacts in real
time whether it is virtual or not. In contrast, Asynchronous FL mode only occurs
online through a prepared learning material. This type of learning doesn’t have a real
time teacher and interaction between students-to-teacher doesn’t occur.
4. Explain/Describe the following kinds/Models of Blended Learning briefly in your
own understanding or definition (12 points)
4.1. Face to face driver
Answer: Face to face driver is a type of blended learning where learners learn in face-
to-face classroom and the teachers uses traditional way of teaching but in here,
teachers also use technology to support the learning of the students and further expand
their knowledge.
4.2. Rotation
Answer: Rotation is a model of blended learning and this model is common for us
since it has been used before online learning exists. Rotation is about how learners
shifts or rotate to next certain assignments, subjects, and courses. Teachers gives the
time or signal when their time with this particular course ends and when this occurs the
students will begin to rotate to their next course. Online learning is now added in
4.3. Flex
Answer: In flex model of blended learning the teacher primarily uses online meeting
and discussion to their students and after the teacher discuss the lessons, the students
will do series of individual tasks assigned by the teacher. If students have difficulty in
doing the tasks, the teacher can make a face-to-face meeting to assist and further
elaborate it to the student who have difficulties in understanding the lessons.
4.4. Online Lab
Answer: In an online lab model of blended learning, the students will still be going to
the school or most precisely the computer laboratory in their school where few
teachers can face-to-face lead the discussion and teaching but some teachers can teach
via online but with the student in the school’s computer lab.
4.5. Self-Blend
Answer: Self-blend model of blended learning happens when a student or a person is
having his/her traditional face-to-face learning and at the same time he/she is having
another course online.
4.6. Online Driver
Answer: the online driver model of blended learning means learning through online or
via virtual communication using technology. This model should have a synchronous
kind of teaching meaning a teacher in this model should interact to the students online
just like how they interact to their other students face-to-face.
5. What is Networking? (6 points)
Answer: Networking is an exchange of information among people. This is done
through interaction and mostly communication. Networking can help a person gain
more knowledge about a lot of areas in life that would lead to self-development.
6. Discuss/Describe the following Social Networking Sites briefly with your own
definition or understanding. (22 points)
6.1. Facebook
Answer: Facebook is a form of social media where people can post their picture and
their stories to be seen by their friends or selected few. Their posts can gain like and
reacts like sad, haha, love, care, angry, and etc. people can also comment in your posts
in Facebook
6.2. Twitter
Answer: Twitter is like Facebook where you can post things however it is only limited
to text, meaning it is only blog that can be done on twitter. The “tweets” or the blog
that you post can also gain likes and comments.
6.3. LinkedIn
Answer: Like Facebook and twitter, LinkedIn is also a social networking sites however
it is for professionals. In here you can post you resume and other business-related
things and information that can find you a job.
6.4. Google+
Answer: Google+ is a company that can offer internet-based services and program. It
is known for its effective search engine that people use in today’s time.
6.5. Youtube
Answer: YouTube is a social networking site where it allows every people to share
their videos and gain views, shares, and likes. Content creators and even teachers can
upload learning materials here.
6.6. Pinterest
Answer: Pinterest is a social networking sites that shares and provide information to
the people through the means of pictures or images.
6.7. Instagram
Answer: Instagram is social networking site in which people can share their photos and
videos with their friends. With their posts they can gain followers.
6.8. Tumblr
Answer: Tumblr is a social networking site where people can write their own blogs
and even stories. It is like an online diary for netizens.
6.9. MySpace
Answer: MySpace is used as an online storage but it is also used as a communication
tool where people can create their web profiles and find friends.
6.10. Flicker
Answer: Flickr is social networking sites for people who enjoys posting their recorded
videos and pictures. Even an amateur photographer can positively enter this social site.
6.11. Bebo
Answer: Bebo is like Facebook where you can create you profile online and interact
with other users. It can also provide people with subscribing scheme just like how
Facebook is but its not as famous as Facebook.

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