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9 ೇಷ ಾಜ, ಪå,aೆ

¨s UÀ – 4 , 15 , 2020 ( , 23, ಶಕವಷ r ೧೯೪ 2) . 456

Part – lV BENGALURU, THURSDAY, 15 , OCTOBER , 2020 ( ASHWAYUJA, 23, SHAKAVARSHA, 1942) No. 456


The Karnataka Land Revenue (Amendment) Bill, 2020 ಇದ@Q
2020 ರ ಅಆ9 ೕಬฑ
åಂಗಳ 14 ඡ ؉ಂಕඈൿ ฃಜş ಲರ ಒu. fi අ®åൿ౪ ,
å®ವ%@‰R ಇದඝQ 2020 ರ ಕ‰(ಟಕ ಅ 89ಯಮ 8Œş : 22
ಎಂK ർ R ಕ‰(ಟಕ
ฃಜş ಪತμ ದå. ಪμ ಕå ಸ෎@ಂൿ ಆඃ&ಸม R¾.
(First Published in the Karnataka Gazette Extra-ordinary on the 15th Day of October, 2020)

The Karnataka Land Revenue (Amendment) Act, 2020.

(Received the assent of the Governor on the 14th day of October, 2020)

An Act further to amend the Karnataka Land Revenue Act, 1964.

Whereas it is expedient further to amend the Karnataka Land Revenue Act,
1964 (Karnataka Act 12 of 1964), for the purposes hereinafter appearing;
Be it enacted by the Karnataka State Legislature in the Seventy first year
of the Republic of India, as follows:-
1. Short title and commencement.-(1) This Act may be called the
Karnataka Land Revenue (Amendment) Act, 2020.

(2) It shall come into force at once.

2. Amendment of section 68.- In the Karnataka Land Revenue Act, 1964

(Karnataka Act 12 of 1964) (hereinafter referred to as the principal Act), in section


68, in sub section (2) and in the proviso for the words “ninety days” the words
“one month” shall be substituted.

3. Amendment of section 94-B.- In section 94-B of the principal Act, in

sub-section (1), in clause (iii), for the words "within twenty years", the words
"within twenty two years" shall be and shall always be deemed to have been

By Order and in the name of

the Governor of Karnataka,


Secretary to Government
Department of Parliamentary Affairs
and Legislation

8ಸ8ೕಯ ವç ವ๻ರಗ® ಮൡ౨ ๎ಸನ ರಚ ½ ಸƉಲಯ

ಅ8 ಚ½

8£ç : 8ವç ๎ಇ 53 ๎ಸನ 2020, fiಂಗ®ฆ, 8 කಂಕ:15.10.2020.

The Karnataka Land Revenue (Amendment) Bill, 2020 ಇದ@Q

2020 ರ ಅಆ9 ೕಬฑ
åಂಗಳ 14 ඡ ؉ಂಕඈൿ ฃಜş ಲರ ಒu. fi අ®åൿ౪ ,
å®ವ%@‰R ಇದඝQ 2020 ರ ಕ‰(ಟಕ ಅ 89ಯಮ 8Œş : 22
ಎಂK ർ R ಕ‰(ಟಕ
ฃಜş ಪತμ ದå. ಪμ ಕå ಸ෎@ಂൿ ಆඃ&ಸม R¾.
2020 ರ ಕක$ಟಕ ಅ 89ಯಮ 8£ç : 22
(2020 ರ ಅಆ9 ೕಬฑ åಂಗಳ 15ඡ ؉ಂಕඈൿ ಕ‰(ಟಕ ฃಜş ಪತμ ದ 9 ๕ಷ 8Æ@ಯå. ෮ದª ಪμ
ಕಟ R¾)

ಕක$ಟಕ ಉർಯ (å ൿ౪ ಪ®) ಅ 89ಯಮ, 2020

(2020 ರ ಅಆ9 ೕಬฑ åಂಗಳ 14ඡ ؉ಂಕඈൿ ฃಜş ಲ®ಂದ ಒ u. fiಯඝQ ಪ ಯม R¾)

ಕ‰(ಟಕ ಉർಯ ಅ 89ಯಮ, 1964ඝQ

å ൿ౪ ಪ® ෥ಡª ಒಂൿ
ಮತ ಅ 89ಯಮ.
ಇå. ಇඝQ ෨ಂ¾ ಉഴಬฆವ ಉ¾౪ ೕಶಗ%‰R ಕ‰
(ಟಕ ಉർಯ
ಅ 89ಯಮ, 1964ඝQ (1964 ರ ಕ‰(ಟಕ ಅ 89ಯಮ 8Œş : 12) å ൿ౪
ಮತ ಪ®
෥ഴโൿ ¼ ಕ౨ R ฆโದ®ಂದ;
ಇൿ ರತ ಗಣฃಜş ದ ಎಪ. ൧౨ ಂದඡ
ವಷ(ದ å. ಕ‰(ಟಕ ฃಜş 98ನ෱ಡಲØಂದ
ಈ ෨ಂØ ඦ a ಅ89ಯª ತ ಗ å, ಎಂದ®:-
1. 8◉¸ ಪ౨ B ಸฆ ಮൡ౨ μ ฏಭ.- (1)
ಈ ಅ89ಯಮವඝQ ಕ‰(ಟಕ ಉർಯ (å ൿ౪ ಪ®)
ಅ 89ಯಮ, 2020 ಎಂൿ ಕ®ಯತಕQ ൿ౪ .
(2) ಇൿ ಈ ಁಡ ‰®fi ಬರತಕQ ൿ౪ .
R.N.I. No. KARBIL/2001/47147 POSTAL REGN. No. RNP/KA/BGS/2202/2017-19
Licensed to post without prepayment WPP No. 297

2. 68 ಪμ ಕರಣದ å ൿ౪ ಪ®.- ಕ‰(ಟಕ ಉർಯ ಅ 89ಯಮ, 1964ರ

(1964ರ ಕ‰(ಟಕ ಅ 89ಯಮ 8Œş 12) (ಇ å. ಇඝQ ෨ಂ¾ ෩ಲ
ಅ89ಯಮ ಎಂൿ
ಉe. ೕåಸม R¾) 68ඡ ಪμ ಕರಣದ (2)ඡ ಉಪಪμ ಕರಣದå. ಮൡ౨
ಪฏൡಕದå. “൧ಂಬൡ౨ Ø ನಗ®ಳ‰R” ๻ಟ “൧ಂಬൡ౨
Ø ನಗಳ” ಎಂಬ ಪದಗ%fi “ಒಂൿ
๻ಟ “ಒಂൿ åಂಗಳ” ಎಂಬ ಪದಗಳඝQ ಅඝಕμ ಮ R ಪμ
åªೕ9 ಸತಕQ ൿ౪ .

3. 949 ಪμ ಕರಣದ å ൿ౪ ಪ®.- ෩ಲ ಅ89ಯಮದ 949 ಪμ ಕರಣದ

(1)ඡ ಉಪಪμ ಕರಣದ (iii)ඡ ®ಡದå. “ಇಪ. ൡ౨ ವಷ(ಗ®ಳfi” ಎಂಬ
ಪದಗ%fi “ಇಪ. a౨ ರഴ
ವಷ(ಗ®ಳfi” ಎಂಬ ಪದಗಳඝQ ಪμ åªೕ9 ಸತಕQ ൿ౪ ๻ಟ 8 ಗ ª
๻fi ಪμ åªೕ9 ಸม R¾ ಎಂൿ 9 ಸತಕQ
ൿ౪ .

The above translation of the Karnataka Land Reforms (Amendment) Act,

2020 (Karnataka Act 22 of 2020) shall be authoritative text in the Kannada
language under section 5-A of the Karnataka Official Language Act, 1963
(Karnataka Act 26 of 1963).

ವ½‰®ಲ ಕ
‰(ಟಕ ฃಜş

ಕ‰(ಟಕ ฃಜş ಲರ ಆඃ๎ඝ ರ

ಮൡ౨ ಅವರ øಸ®ನå. ,

(@. ർ. ರಕක ෇්)

ಸ౽(ರದ ౽ಯ(ದ&(,
8ಸ Øೕಯ ವş ವ๻ರಗ® ಮൡ
๎ಸನ ರಚ½ ಇม Œ.
ಮುದ,ಕರು æಾಗೂ ಪ,aಾಶಕರು:- ಸಂಕಲ uಾ8aಾ&ಗಳ ç, ಕuಾr ಟಕ ಾಜ,ಪತ,, ಸ aಾr& aೇಂದ, ಮುದ,ǎಾಲಯ, wೆಂಗಳvರು

SUNIL GARDE Digitally signed by SUNIL GARDE

Date: 2020.10.15 19:17:26 +05'30'

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