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Color (v) = affect sth negatively Color one’s judgement/life

Dismal failure
merit (doing) something to deserve SYNONYM deserve
praise, attention, etc. He claims that their success was not
The case does not merit further
Take pity on sb: rủ lòng thương ai đó

at a premium
1. if something is at a premium, there is little of it available and it is difficult to get
o Space is at a premium in a one-bedroomed apartment.
o Good student accommodation is at a premium.
2. at a higher than normal price
o Shares are selling at a premium.
put/place/set a premium on somebody/something
1. to think that somebody/something is particularly important or valuable
o The company places a high premium on initiative.
o They put a high premium on customer loyalty.
Touch [singular] a way or style of doing something
 She prefers to answer any fan mail herself for a more personal touch.
 Computer graphics will give your presentation the professional touch.
 He couldn't find his magic touch with the ball today  (= he didn't play well).
 This meal is awful. I think I'm  losing my touch  (= my ability to do something).
Backbone [uncountable] the strength of character that you need to do something
He doesn't have the backbone to face the truth.
1. happening very easily or quickly, and not able to be controlled
o a runaway winner/victory
o the runaway success of her first play
o runaway inflation
beating (informal) a very heavy defeat
The team has taken a few beatings this season.
Stunt (n)

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