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Review of Bronfenbrenner’s Bio-Ecological Theory


This encompasses the child or the person himself/herself. The individual is the layer being affected by
his/her relationships and interactions to the succeeding layers in the system and the relationships and
interactions of other systems towards each other.


Microsystem is the layer closest to the child, encompassing the relationships and interactions as a child
has direct contact with. Structure in this layer include family, school, neighborhood, or childcare
environments. The chronosystem encompasses the concept of time in relation to the child's
environment. It may include the general experiences, events and transitions this child has and will have
in her/his lifetime.


The structures in the exosystem (i.e. parent workplace schedules or community-based family resources)
impact a child's development by interacting with some structure in her/his microsystem (Berk, 2000). A
child may not be directly involved with the relationship or interaction between two or more structures
in his microsystem but feels the positive or negative atmosphere with his own system. Mesosystem, is
the layer connecting the child and her/his microsystem. It consists of the interactions between two
microsystems (i.e. connection between the cild's parents and teacher)


Macrosystem is the outermost layer in a child's environment. It is the largest and most distant collection
of structures that still has a significant effect on a child, consisting of the laws, culture, customs,
ethnicity, economy, etc. a child or person lives with.

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