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Yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline based on an extremely subtle
Science which focuses on bringing harmony between mind and body.
It is an art and science for healthy living. The word "Yoga" is
derived from the Sanskrit root yuj meaning "to join", "to yoke" or
"to unite".
According to Yogic scriptures, the practice of Yoga leads to the union
of individual consciousness with universal consciousness. According
to modern scientists, everything in the universe is just a manifestation
of the same quantum firmament. One who experiences this oneness of
existence is said to be "in Yoga" and is termed as a yogi who has
attained a state of freedom, referred to as Mukti, nirvāna, kaivalya or
"Yoga" also refers to an inner science comprising of a variety of
methods through which human beings can achieve union between the
body and mind to attain self-realization. The aim of Yoga practice
(sādhana) is to overcome all kinds of sufferings that lead to a sense of
freedom in every walk of life with holistic health, happiness and

Exercises Learnt:
1. HAND EXERCISE & MUDRAS: Hand Exercises helps to
strengthen our hands and shoulders. It helps in curing shoulder pain,
knee pain and shivering of the arms. It also cures back pain, joint pain
and other problems in the joints. Practicing hand exercises regularly
will help us to activate our brain cells.
2. LEG EXERCISE: By doing Leg Exercise our blood circulation gets
regulated in all parts of the legs and abdomen. It is curative and
preventive for sciatica and arthritis. And by giving pressure to the toes
and sole, important organs of the body such as heart, lungs, intestines
and brain are activated.


muscular breathing exercise helps in the expansion of the lungs and
enough oxygen is supplied to all the cells of the body. It helps to
strengthen the lower abdomen muscles. It improves grasping power
and memory power. Also helps in curing headache, insomnia, asthma
and other bronchial troubles.

4. EYE EXERCISE: Eye yoga involves focusing on objects both

close at hand and far away. It also involves moving your eyes from
the left, upward, to the right, and downward. These focusing
movements and muscle training serve two purposes. First, tending to
small, purposeful movements through any kind of yogic practice
calms your body down. Bringing peace to your body through healthy
stress coping mechanisms helps treat hypertension, which is linked to
glaucoma, headache, and anxiety, all of which can make eye strain
and other optical conditions aggravated. Second, practicing focus may
help improve your brain’s response to the way it interprets what you
see, even if your eyes tend to send what’s called “refraction errors”
that make images difficult to make out. You might not actually be
seeing better, but you might be becoming more attentive to what you

5. KAPALBHATI: This yogic breathing exercise seeks to rid your

body of harmful toxins. In fact, 'Kapal' means 'forehead' and 'bhati'
denotes 'shining'. So, according to yoga experts, kapalbhati is
something that ensures a 'shining forehead', a symbol of a bright and
healthy mind. Doing kapalbhati increases the metabolic rate and aids
in weight loss, clears the nadis (subtle energy channels), Stimulates
abdominal organs and thus is extremely useful to those with diabetes,
Improves blood circulation and adds radiance to the face, Improves
digestive tract functioning, absorption, and assimilation of nutrients,
Results in a taut and trimmed down belly, Energizes the nervous
system and rejuvenates brain cells, Calms and uplifts the mind.
6. MAKARASANA (PART A & B): Makarasana is practiced at the
end of a yoga session to cool down the body and give it the necessary
rest. So, it is best to practice Makarasana early in the morning on an
empty stomach and clean bowels. In case you are not able to practice
it in the morning, you can do it in the evenings after a three to four-
hour gap from your last meal. If you want to practice only
Makarasana, it is not necessary that your stomach must be empty.

 Regulates the endocrine system.

 Keeps the spine and spinal nerves flexible and healthy.
 Strengthens the backbone and the spinal cord.
 Reduces the excessive sugar in urine and blood.
 Removes unwanted flesh and strengthens the body.
 Regulates the menstrual system.
7. MASSAGE: Massage helps in the regulation of the bio magnetism
within the body. It improves in the functioning of the inner and the
outer ears. It enables blood circulation to the face and the face
brightens.Removes tension in all the important organs (liver, spleen,
intestines, kidneys, and pancreas).Refreshes and tones the sense
organs, facial nerves and vital organs.

8. ACU-PRESSURE: “Acupressure therapy stimulates the body’s

circulatory, lymphatic and hormonal systems”. It helps relieve stress
and anxiety, improves sleep, relaxes your muscles and joints,
regulates digestive issues, minimises headaches and migraines, and is
also beneficial for back pains and menstrual cramps. Positive results
from acupressure can be seen within one session or may need
multiple, depending on the severity of your concern it differs from
case to case.

9. RELAXATION: Regular practice of relaxation helps to cure

cardiac problems. It helps in reducing physical and mental tension by
providing good rest to the body. It keeps our body and mind relaxed
and calm all through the day.
10. SURYA NAMASKAR: It helps in losing weight, provides
glowing skin, and improves anxiety. It enables better digestive
system. Regular practice of surya namaskaram helps to revitalize the
body and refresh the mind.

11. KAYA KALPA: Kaya Kalpa gives significant physical, mental as

well as spiritual benefit by intensifying our life-force. As this practice
is a restructuring process of the body in a natural way, no medicines
or herbs are involved. Significant results have been observed in
various types of hereditary diseases, chronic diseases and in overall
improvement of general health. Kaya Kalpa helps cure and prevent
diseases and relieves the practitioner of many of the troubles of
ageing. The Kaya Kalpa can be done by those who have attained
physical maturity (age above 14).
We need to spend only 5 minutes every morning and evening.
These exercises can be taught in 3 hours’ time by the SKY Professors.
The regular practice of kaya kalpa helps to improve the quality and
quantity of the life energy by enhancing the mental and physical
health. It helps to cure diseases and improves the immunity power of
the body.


When we practice yoga regularly it will,

 Help in curing diseases

 Prevent certain diseases
 Increase the strength of the body and helps in long life
 Enhance physical appearance
 Remove laziness and keep oneself active
 Strengthen heart, lungs, digestive system, brain and nervous
 Strengthen eyes and vision becomes good
 Increase the oxygen level in the blood

 Help to reduce excessive sugar in urine and blood

 Improve functioning of the endocrine system
 Help in correcting Uterine and menstrual
 Give good sleep
 Regulate blood pressure
 Help in curing heart ailments
 Restore peace in mind and health in body

Whatever we learn in life it is definitely not going to be wasted. It will

be helpful either at the present or at the future or both. Now a day’s
yoga has become essential in every person’s life. Every individual are
concerned with their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
Therefore, regular practice of yoga will make us to maintain our
youth, physical body and control of emotions.

INTRODUCTION: The importance of life skills will only be
realised after having gained the knowledge about it. Every individual
is responsible towards the society. But the contribution from each
individual towards it is very less. So, in order to increase the
contribution level each citizen must be aware of saving the life of an
individual in case of any emergencies. It is necessary to spread the
gained knowledge among the people who are not aware.


1. POISONED: Check whether the person is in conscious state. If yes,

see the place where the poison has injected. Near to that place hold
tiredly so that the poison does not enter into the whole body. Continue
this for an hour till you receive some help. The poison will enter into
the whole body only after 2 or 3 hours so within that help can be

2. CHOKING Reassure the casualty. Bend them forward with their

head lower than their chest. Encourage them to cough. If the
obstruction is not removed then slap up to five times between the
shoulder blades. If this also not successful then stand behind the
casualty link your hands below their rib cage. Pull sharply inwards
and upwards.

3. ACCIDENT: Check whether the casualty is in conscious state. If he

is, then I will make him to converse till the help acquired with an aim
that he doesn’t go to the unconscious state. If he is unconscious I will
check three things-airways, breathing and circulation.

4. CARDIAC ARREST: If the casualty has stopped to breathe then

locate the right spot to do the chest compressions by placing my
fingers on the edge of the ribs and run my fingers up to the bottom of
the breastbone. Placing my middle finger on the bottom of the
breastbone and my index finger next to that. Placing my heel of the
hand on top of the casualty breastbone and interlocking my fingers
and keep them up off the ribs. Now press down 4-5 cms. Repeat this
for 15 times.
5. FRACTURE: If it is in the case of any tissue damages, keep the
affected part without any movements until the next tissue grows up. If
movements are move there are chances of damaging more inside.


 Advice the layman to check whether the person is in conscious

state or not.
 If not, then tell him/her to check the airway, breathing and
circulation. Should not provide water if the casualty is choking.
 If the person is conscious and slightly to become unconscious
tell the layman to make some conversations with the casualty.
 If it is in the case of fracture see that there less movements in the
affected area.


There is a need to make the people aware about the life skills which
they need to be educated very well. Half known information will not
help to save the life of the person. So the people must involve
themselves in learning all the basic things in life by volunteering or
by through some sort of encouragement from the side of the family
members. No individual must neglect or ignore having the knowledge
of life skills. Such people do not deserve to be in the society. Thus,
continuous training programmes and awareness classes is necessary to
make the society educated about the life skills.

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