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(Purposive Communication)

NAME: Stephanie Bell T. Tatel

A. 1. Why is communication relevant or important to our lives? (10 pts)

Ans: It’s important to our lives because it is what enables us communicate and pass an
information to other people.

2. What is culture? Why is it considered to achieve a successful communication? (10


Ans: Culture refers to the complex collection of knowledge, language, rules, beliefs, and
customs, It is considered us successful communication when you understand the culture.

3. In what way does communication make the world a better place? (10 pts)

Ans: Understanding the culture with a sign of respect can make the word a better place.

4. In your own words, please describe each element of communication.(20 pts)

Source- The one who send a message
Message- It is the information that sends by the source.
Encoding- This may be a form of text messaging.
Channel- It is the component of communication that refers to the method or mode by
which a source sends or transmits his message.
Decoding: It analyse and interpret.
Receiver: The person who decodes the message sent by the source.
Feedback: It is the response of the receiver.
Noise: It goes on in your mind that hinders you from understanding what the other
person tells you.

5. Describe each of the key principles of communication in your own words or how
you understand them.(20 pts)

Interpersonal communication is inescapable- You cannot only communicate through words
but also through gestures, bodily movement and facial expression.
Interpersonal communication is irreversible-This principles often behave and therefore
communicate to others based on previous communication encounters.
Interpersonal communication is complicated- In each piece of communication there are not
only individuals taking part but individuals having different role.
Interpersonal communication is contextual- communication always happens in a specific
situation within specific circumstances and culture.
6. Explain comprehensively how non-verbal communication play its role in the whole
process of communication.(25 pts)

Ans: Non-verbal communication play its role in the whole process of communication as it
improve a person’s ability and communications skill and it may lead people to develop
stronger relationship with others.

7. What is communication ethics? Prove that "a business with unethical

communication practices is not as effective as one with ethical communication

Ans: Communication ethics is how a person uses language, media, journalism, and creates
relationships that are guided by an individuals moral and values. “a business with unethical
communication practices is not effective as it include plagiarism, abusive behavior, lying to
employees and violating company internet policies.

Brown, Fred (2011). Journalism Ethics. Portland, Oregon: Society of Professional Journalism

Barkhuysen, P., Krahmer, E., Swerts, M., (2004) Audiovisual Perception of Communication

Problems, ISCA Archive.

Gilbert, M. (2002). Communication Miracles at Work. Berkeley, CA: Publishers Group West

Gudykunst, William B. (1991). Bridging Differences: Effective Intergroup

Communication. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.

Gudykunst, William B., and Kim, Young Y. (1984). Communication with Strangers: An

Approach to Inter-cultural Communication. New York: Random House.



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