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Book Identity

Book Title : The Bridge English Competence

Author : - Drs. Suhanto Kastaredjo
- Kristiawan D. cahyono, S.Pd
- Eka Purnama, S. Pd

Publisher : Yudhistira

Place publish : Surabay

- On the page IV, part title “about this book”. In this part consist of the instruction of how
to use the book. It explain with picture.
- Map of The Book
Consist of explanation from the topic of each unit. The mapping of the point.

This book is therefore applicable to be a reference in managing KTSP (kurikulum tingkat

satuan pendidikan). This book consist of six units. The activities are presented in two cycles
with four stages in each cycle. The stages include building knowledge of the field modeling
of the text, joint construction, , and independent construction of the text.
This book concerned with CTL (contextual teaching And Learning) because the
activity and the text models bring the students to their real world. The activities invite the
students to realize the situation around them.
The activity in the book are too much. There are not enough time to do all the
activities. The appearance of the book is very interesting. In each unit are made pictures to
make the student interesting.
For doing each activity students do the activity individual and also with group. This book use
to develop students communicative competence because

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