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Success Behind Farming Stories
I. Spoken Cycle
 Responding to a monolog text of narrative by using picture
 Responding to dialogs using expression of proposing, suggesting and complaining
 Producing and presenting a spoken narrative text
 Using adjectives as the object complement correctly
II. Written Cycle
 Responding to written narratives texts
 Identifying the generic structure of narrative
 Finding specific information of the text
 Writing a narrative text

I. Spoken cycle
A.Build up your knowledge
- Activity 1

 The student discuss with their partner talking about English short stories.
- Activity 2

 After finish study activity 1, the student order to learn more about short story, and fill in
the blanks with the correct word.
- Activity 3

 The student order to refer to the previous book for detailed explanation about the generic
structure of narrative text.
- Activity 4

 The student order to match the question with its answer.

- Activity 5 :

 The student order to make reading an enjoyable activity short stories offer the reader
intriguing plot, relevant themes, amazing conflicts and extraordinary endings. And then
decide whether it is a complication or an orientation.
- Activity 6

 The student order to study the following sentences that contain an adjective as an object
complement by looking the picture.

- Activity 7

 The student order to check their understanding of the word order of the sentences above,
take 5 sentences and put each of them in the right column.
- Activity 8

 The student order to observe the chart below to learn more on adjectives as object
compliment. Correct the mistakes and leave the correct one.
- Activity 9

 The student order to arrange the words in each number into a good sentence by looking
the picture.
- Activity 10

 The student order to fill in the blanks with the appropriate sentence from Activity 9.
- Activity 11

 The student order to the recording before listening, study the following words to help
student understand the story well. Match the words and its meanings.
- Activity 12

 The student order to study the following picture. The story is titled ‘The Harvest of
Hope’. And then the student order to put the corresponding number in a good order based
on what the student hear in the recording.
- Activity 13

 The student order to listen the text again and decide whether the statement in each
number is T ( true ) or F ( false ).
- Activity 14

 The student order to listen the recording to choose the best answer in each paragraph.
- Activity 15

 The student order to discuss with their partner by looking the picture.
- Activity 16
 The student order to expand his sheep operation into a serious business an agriculture
counselor, Russell, proposes Mr.Sandy, a sheep raiser. And then student order to listen to
the recording and fill in the blanks with the words they hear.
- Activity 17

 The student order to listen the recording and fill in the blanks with the words they hear
with a dialog between the instructor of a shorter course of the farm business and the
beginning farmers as the course participants.

Let’s Speak
Study the following expressions, and then memorize some so that you can use in daily
- Activity 18

 The student order to listen the teacher says each expression above and they have to repeat
after her/him to practice their pronunciation and intonation.
- Activity 19

 The student order to prepare their presentation for some minutes, then act out it before the
class. Roll-play:work with their classmate(s) to perform the given situation.
C. Work Together
- Activity 20

 The student order to prepare their presentation for about 20 minutes. Act them out before
the class. Roll-play: they work in classmate(s) to perform the given situations. The
situation leads them to produce a spoken text of narrative and practice the expression of
proposing as well.
D. Be Independent
- Activity 21

 The student order to see what they can see in the picture with one of their classmates by
looking the picture.
- Activity 22

 The student order to listen to the recording and fill in the blanks with the correct words
they hear. The dialog is expressing complaint, proposal and suggestion.

Let’s Speak
Study the expressions below to learn more on how to complain.

- Activity 23

 The student order to prepare for some minutes. Roll-play: work with their friend to act
out the following situations.
II. Written cycle

A. Build up Your Knowledge

- Activity 1

 Narrative and short story

 The student order to work in a group of four, answer the following questions. Then they
swap answer with other group.
Let’s Have a Review!
- Activity 2

 The student order to read the following paragraph then decide which part of narrative it
belongs to. Does it belong to orientation, complication or resolution!
- Activity 3

 The student order to discussion and their teacher will provide reinforcement with any
answer which the student give.
- Activity 4

 The student order to complete the following table with the correct form of verbs.
- Activity 5

 The student order to read the following sentence with the correct intonation. Then, change
the following sentences into interrogative using the given ‘wh-word’ by looking the
- Activity 6

 The student order to change into direct speech the interrogative sentences in activity 5 by
using the subject and introductory verb given in each number.
- Activity 7

 The student order to read the following sentences using the correct intonation. Then,
change them into indirect sentences.
- Activity 8

 Lexicogrammatical Features: Synonym and Antonym. The student order to find the
synonym or antonym of following word from five sentences they have below.
- Activity 9

 The student order to read the following sentences and then find out the words in them that
are the synonym and antonym of the words above.
B. Study the Model
- Activity 10

 Before reading the model text, the student order to discuss the question about get angry
with persons, overcome the fear, if a person has an ambition but no self-confidence,
patience, and the opinion about the success itself with the class.
- Activity 11

 The student order to read the text carefully to answer question that follow by written text
model 1 with the title ‘A Successful Young Farmer’
- Activity 12

 The student order to answer the following comprehension questions based on the written
text the student have read. Then, they write down their answer.
- Activity 13

 The student order to read the story again and based on its plot put the given pictures in the
right order by writing number 1 until 8 by looking the pictures.
- Activity 14

 The student order to match the generic structure components of the story and the picture.
- Activity 15

 Class Discussion. The student order to discuss the development or plot of the story
constructed from the pictures.
- Activity 16

 Vocabulary building. The student order to match the synonym of each word in Column A
with that in B.
- Activity 17

 The student order to complete each of the following sentences with the appropriate word
from Column A in the previous activity.
- Activity 18

 The student order to group discussion on The struggle for Success Discussion in group the
following questions by looking the picture.
C. Work Together
Written Text Model 2 with the title ‘Our Vocation at a Farm.
- Activity 19

 The student order to match column the word in A with its meaning in B.
- Activity 20

 The student order to read the text again. Insert the following sentences in the right
place in the story.
- Activity 21

 The student order to read the story again in order to be able to answer the following
questions. After analyzing it, the student are inspired to write their own story.
- Activity 22

 The student order to work in groups of three or four to write a story using the following
table. To begin their story, they answer the questions and write them in column 4.
- Activity 23

 The student order to develop what they have done in column 4 into a short story by
writing paragraph by paragraph. As soon as they have finished it, have their classmates
from other groups read it and let them correct and give their comment on it.
D. Independent
- Activity 24

 The student order to individually, write a text of narrative by applying the following steps.
Don’t forget to include direct and indirect sentences and adjectives as well.
PORTFOLIO : Making an Anthology of Short Story

 Choose a coordinator to collect all of the stories they have each made from the
last activity.
 The coordinator should then select several students who are good at writing to be
the board of the stories collection.
 The board has the duty to edits all the works and put them in the best design or
 A title should be should be decided to name the anthology on the basis of the most
outstanding story the book contains.
 Pick out some interesting stories and then send them to an English magazine or
newspapers. Once the work is published, the class will receive some money in
 The book can be made into copies to be given to each of the contributors. The
school library may also keep one to serve as a record to measure their progress in
writing narrative texts.
Are Successful Businessmen just Lucky?
Basic Competences You Will Acquires:
I. Spoken Cycle
 Responding to the spoken monolog texts: explanation
 Responding to dialogs using the expression of having others do something and the
possibility & capability of doing something
 Conducting the dialogs by using the expressions of having others do something
and the possibility & capability of doing something
 Using comparing & contrasting sentences, Simple Present Tense, cause & effect
and comparison of adverbs correctly

II. Written Cycle

 Responding to written explanation texts
 Identifying the generic structure of explanation text
 Using present conditional sentences, the connectors of cause & effect and
comparison of adverbs correctly
 Writing an explanation text

A. Build up Your Knowledge by looking the pictures.

- Activity 1
 the student order to discuss briefly with their partner about what is an explanation text,
some examples of explanations, the steps for constructing an explanation text,
lexicogramatical features :
1. Sentence structure for an explanation
2. The structure and the use of the word

 Essential Grammar Points: Comparing & Contrasting Sentences and Simple Present Tense
1. Words for showing a comparison
2. One of the possible techniques in the activity of explanation
3. Most of the tenses used in creating the text of explanation is the Simple Present Tense.
- Activity 2

 the student order to complete the sentences with the appropriate words.
- Activity 3

 the student order to read the following text carefully to study the sentences in the text and
find out which one shows the explanation of ‘why’ and which one show ‘how’ by read the
text with the title Why and How, and also by looking the picture.
- Activity 4

 the student order to choose the appropriate one, why or how for the following questions
based on the text in activity 3.
- Activity 5

 the student order to read the following text of explanation carefully to fill in the blanks
with the appropriate words given with the text title ‘Day Trading, Swing Trading, Position
Trading, Online Trading’ and also by looking the picture.
B. Study the Model
Student will be given some models of spoken explanation text after they get the
knowledge of that text. Student will have to analyze the application of the generic
structure and the features in the given models.
- Activity 6
 the student order to listen to the text carefully to choose the best answer. The student
replay the cassette if necessary to check the answer.
- Activity 7
 the student order to listen carefully again to the recording then fill in the space in the
following table. Try to get the main ideas of the general statement, the series of paragraph
telling the hows and whys.
- Activity 8
 the student order to discuss the questions in groups.
- Activity 9
 Cause and Effect
Match the part of sentence in column B and that in A.
b. Degrees of comparison.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate Comparatives or Superlatives written on the box by
looking the pictures.
- Activity 10
 the student order to discuss with their partner.
- Activity 11
 the student to listen to the recording of dialog of having others do something. Fill in the
blanks with the words or phrases the student hear in the dialog.

Let’s Speak
Study the following expression and memorize them.
- Activity 12
 the student order to repeat after the teacher. The teacher will say its expression above and
repeat after him/her to practice the student pronunciation and intonation.
- Activity 13
 the student order to make role-play. The student work with their friends to act one of the
following situations. Prefer for some minutes. Act then in front of the class
- Activity 14
 the student order to listen the recording of the dialog of having others do something. Fill
in the blanks with the words or phrases the student hear in the dialog by looking the

 Expressions of the capability of doing something.

Expressions of the probability of doing something.

- Activity 15
 the student order to repeat after the teacher. The teacher will say each expression on the
previous page and repeat after him/her to practice the student pronunciation and intonation.

C. Work Together

- Activity 16
 the student order to make role-play. Work with your friends(s) to act one of the following
situations. Prepare for some minutes. Act them in front of the class. Don’t forget to use both
the expressions of capability and possibility of doing something.

D. Be Independent
The student order to work independently to present a spoken explanation text. Use the
knowledge the student got from the previous activities.
- Activity 17
a. Preparation
b. Presentation

III. Written Cycle

The student will deal with the written text of explanation. In written cycle, the student
will study more about the types of explanation text and their components and
characteristics, generic structure and lexicogrammatical features. At last, the student
are expected to be able to produce and improve their explanation text both
collaboratively and independently.

A. Build up Your Knowledge

The explanation text you are going to learn is a written type. The same generic structure and
lexicogrammatical features are discussed again merely for reinforcement. At this moment,
their knowledge should be refreshed and sharpened.
- Activity 1
 the student order to discuss the following questions before starting the activity.
Let’s Have a Review!
The student refresh understanding about the generic structure and lexicogrammatical features of
the explanation text by filling in the blanks individually. Writes the points, defenitions and one
example. Discuss the result with your class. Later you may refer to the detailed information at
the first section of this chapter.

- Activity 2
 the student order to study the following example to answer the questions in avtivity 3.
- Activity 3
 the student order to answer the questions based on the sentences in activity 2.
- Activity 4
 the student order to complete the sentences below with appropriate given words.

B. Study the Model

In this part, the student have some models of the explanation text. The student will practice
analyzing the application of the generic structure and the lexicogrammatical features in them.
- Activity 5
 Written Text Model 1 : The student read the given paragraphs carefully to the following

- Activity 6
 the student order to discuss briefly these questions with the class before reading the next
text model.

- Activity 7
 Written Text Model 2 : The student order to read the text carefully to the exercises in
activity 8 and 9 with the title ‘Are Successful Businessmentjust Lucky ?’

- Activity 8
 Vocabulary building: in pairs, find the words in the text above which have the synonym or
meaning description in the table below. Write the words in the provided spaces.

- Activity 9
 the student order to fill in the blanks with the appropriate answer words in activity 8.

- Activity 10
 the student order to answer the following questions.

C. Work Together
 The student work together to construct a text of explanation.
 Works in groups according to the given instruction.
 There are many types of explanation text.
- Activity 11

 the student order to read the text carefully to answer activity 12 with the title ‘Lesson of
Successful Entrepreneurs’ and also by looking the picture.
- Activity 12

 the student order to read the text from activity 11 to match the paragraph with the main
- Activity 13

 the student order to complete the following table. Table : Lesson of Successful
- Activity 14

 the student order to work together with their friends to complete the following sentences by
looking the picture.
D. Be Independent
The student will have to produce the explanation text individually. In this part the student have
an assignment to write an explanation text individually. Apply all of the information, knowledge
or technique you have got in the previous activities in this chapter. The teacher will access the
student work.

- Activity 15
1. The student order to write a text of explanation.
2. The student order to try to find a topic or title that like best.

PORTFOLIO: Individual Collection of Explanation Texts

 Get the folder for your collections that you have already had.
 Collect all of your works you have made during the course of study in this unit.
Your collection will be your portfolio.
 To make your collection better, you can edit the works before you put them into the
portfolio folder.
 Provide a piece of paper for the content of your collection. Write the titles or topic, and
genre category ( for example: you write “Explanation” of the work).
Write also the dates when you made the works.
 You will see the improvement of your performance in writing particular texts and get score
for your good portfolio.

I’ll Enroll to University

1. Spoken Cycle
A. Build up your knowledge
- Activity 1
 In this part, there are five picture. The purpose is to make the students are able to explain
what happen in the picture. The pictures are about discussion.
 What is a discussion!

There are many explanations more deep about discussion so the students are able to
present the audience with different opinion in the topic and the last is your opinion.
Essential grammar points comparison, contrast and giving evidence, opinions and
argument for and against the topic.

- Activity 2
 In this part, the students asked to answer the question about discussion. There are ten
questions and its multiple choice task.
- Activity 3
 In this section, the student’s asked to combine the sentences in Colum A with the right
sentences in Colum B. There are 10 questions in it.
- Activity 4
 In this section, the students asked to arrange the jumbled words in the correct order to
make meaningful sentences. This activity do by a group of students.
 Summary of Grammar points .In this part, the students asked to complete the following
summary. Its done with your friends.
 Quiz : In this section, the students asked to check the knowledge before go on about

B. Study the Model

There is a picture about monolog discussion. The students asked to analysis the components of
the text type.

- Activity 5
 In this part the students asked to listen a text about the picture in the top of that. Then,
they will check the answer. It’smultiple choice and have 10 questions.
- Activity 6
 In this part, the students asked to listen the recording carefully then, fill in the following
table from the dialog that construct on the text of discussion, there are 10 questions.
- Activity 7
 In this session, the students ask to discuss five questions in groups. The teacher wants the
students are able to know the conclusion of discussion and the part of discussion.
 Essential Grammar points Question Tag and Gerund.
The students asked to understand the use of question tag.
example : Rina is a university student, isn’t she?
The students asked to understand the use of Gerund.
example : I like studying accounting.
- Activity 8
 In this part, the writer asked the students to answer the five question. The questions are
about question tag. The writer’s want to know the students are understand or leis
understand about the topic.
- Activity 9
 In this part, the writer ask the students to answer five questions. The questions are
complete the five sentences with the correct from of verb.
There is one picture that will help the students to procedure the text of discussion.
- Activity 10
 (Exercise 1)
In this session, the writer wants the students to understand deepend how to start the
discussion or write the general statement. There are five example how to write the
general statement. And then, the students ask to write 3 example with their own general
 (Exercise 2)
The students asked to make a good the general statements with many steps that the writer
and given it.
 (Exercise 3)
The students work by using scaffed based on the information, there are 3 steps, but the
students will answer step 2 and step 3, because in the step 1 the writer give example of
the general statement.
 Conversation Gambit
The students asked to understand expression of becoming, admitting one’s mistake and
- Activity 11
 The writer asked to the students discuss with their partner tell about theirselves and about
the fault of them.
- Activity 12
 In this, part the students asked to listen the dialog of expressing, admitting one’s mistake
and promising. There are 10 questions. And the students must fill the blank with correctly
answer, there are one picture.

Let’s Speak Up !

The content devided into there parts. Firstly, expression of blaming. Secondly, expression of
admitting one’s mistake and the last, expression of promising.

- Activity 13
 In this part, the students asked to repeat after the teacher the expressions of blaming,
admitting one’s mistake and promising . It’s purpose to practice their pronouncation and
- Activity 14
 In this part, the students ask a role play that the writerhad made in. The students will
come in front of the class and take the action
 Conversation Gambit

In this session, the students are hoped to understand the expression of accusing, showing
curiosity and showing one’s attitude.

- Activity 15
 In this session, the students ask to tell when their family members accused and how they
can learned about it.
- Activity 16
 In this part, there is one picture show the dialog using expression of accusing, showing
curiosity and showing attitude. There are 10 questions and the students are hope to fill the
blank correctly.

Lets Speak

The writer give another expressing of accusing, showing curiosity, and showing attitude.
The example, “Didn’t you take it Rosa?”

- Activity 17
 There is one picture, The teacher will show/talk to the students what expressing of it in the
picture, and then the students will repeat again what the teacher says.
- Activity 18
 In this part, the students ask to make a role play from the short story that had ready in the
Work Together

In this part, the writer want all of students program a simple debate. And there are
some content that must had study like understanding, preparation.
Example ; debate, presentation, and arrangement.

C. Be Independent
The students will practice speaking individually in front of the class.
- Activity 19
 Individual Oral Presentation
a. Pre parathion
The ast to make a monolog spoken text.
b. Presentation
Each student present their presentation about their monolog spoken. After their present,
the other friend can give question about it.

There is a coloum about wise word from George Orwell (British Novelist) about

K W L Chart

What we know What we want to find out What we learned

Select a specific topic to interest to study establish what students know.

Ask question to write.
Read resources.
Come together like scholar, share have a large group.


The students ask to learn more about the types of discussion text. So, the students able to
produce and improve the discussion text collaboratively.

A. Build Up Your Knowledge

There is one picture show, two students had been reading a book.
- Activity 1
 In this part, the students ask to answer two questions about the communicative function of
discussion text and the example.

Lets Speak
In this part, the students ask to complete some questions to refresh their understanding
about the generic structure and lexico grammatical features of the discussion text.

- Activity 2
 In this session, the students had hoped to complete the ten question with the answer that had
ready in the book.
- Activity 3
 There is one picture about graduation ceremony, and then there are 10 questions that must
answer by the students with their own word.

B. Study The Model

The students asked to discuss some models of written discussion text and then, they will
analyze the generic structure and the lexicogrammatical features.

- Activity 4
 The students use of answer questions how you ever had a discussion, who were involved in
it, etc before they reading the text model.
- Activity 5
 There is one picture where we know that it’s family’s discussion.
 Discussion Text Steps :
Extract from the dialog. There are three dialog steps here. There are mother, father, and adi.
They talk about what will Adi choose after graduated from senior high school.
- Activity 6
 The students ask to answer the 10 questions based on the text.
- Activity 7
 There are one tables devided into two parts.
The first is Synonyms of definitions and then, the words from the text. The students ask to
look for the word that had some meaning from the text, there are 10 questions.
- Activity 8
 In this part, the students asked to filling the blaks with given transcript from the family
- Activity 9

 There are 13 words connectotors and the written asked to make some sentences from the
- Activity 10
 There is one picture beside the questions. It’s show about two man that had discuss. There
are 12 questions where the students asked to combine the two sentences with connectors
- Activity 11
 Essay is one type of the discussion text. The writer hoped to read the text carefully and
understanding it. There are three steps here, The beginning, Middle, and conclusion.. And
under the essay there is one picture show that, man have better cognitive skill than woman.
- Activity 12
 In this part, there are 10 questions. It taken from Essay text before. It purpose to know how
the students understand the lesson well.
- Activity 13
 In this session, the students asked to match the words in coloum A with it’s meaning in
coloum B, There are 10 questions here.
- Activity 14
 In this part, there are 5 questions when in top of the question there are 5 answer. The
students asked to choose the correct answer for in it. There is one picture beside the
question where the picture show a teacher teaching the students.

C. Work Together
In this part, the teacher will give topic to discuss with their learn work. Then, They will
present it in front of the class.

- Activity 15
 In this part, the students will do the task for group content two person. There is a discussion
text but have bad formation. The students asked to make itbecome a good discussion text.
There are five paragraph with one picture in the top of the text about “Joining Extra
Curricular Activities Is A Waste Time”
- Activity 16
 After do the activity 15, the one table content of three part. The students ask to match the
paragraph with the component of the structure of the text, there are five questions.
- Activity 17
 In this part, the students asked to choose the best opinion. There are five questions with one
picture where it’s show when they discuss about something important.
- Activity 18
 It’s work in group of two. The students ask to make a simplifying like text in activity 15 by
using scaffold. After that, they will read it in front of the class. Make it in a table content of
steps and text of discussion.

D. Be Independent
In this part, the students asked to procedure a discussion text individual, then collect it to the
teacher. It’s purpose to know how far the students can understand about the discussion text.
There’s one picture where show by the teacher and will asses the work of the students.

- Activity 19
 In this session, the writer prepare 5 topic where the students will choose one topic and make
it of an essay text by using discussion scaffold.
Under the 5 topic there is a wise word from affed in a middle square. It’s purpose to give
the students motivation.

Making a good collection of discussion that the student’s asked to make a good collection of
discussion text. It can be taken from newspaper, magazine, or another then the students can
published it and give to the library of the school.


Multiple choice: consist of evaluation about material in one cemester.

In this part, the students are the multiple choice. The students decide the best answer following
the task.

Text 1 : Is about professor Jones. There are 5 questions.

Text 2 : Is about A woman’s face. It’s content of eight paragraph and 5 questions, it’s multiple

Text 3 : Is about A room air-conditioner but there is no title in front of the text. It’s content of 4
paragraphs. There are 5 questions in it

Text 4 : Is about the graduation standard, It’s content of 4 paragraph, it’s multiple choice and
there are five questions in it.
In this part, the students asked to choose the best answer to review their ability in conversation
gambits and grammar points that have learn before, There are thirty questions and it’s multiple
What do You think About the Concert
1. Spoken Cycle
A. Build up your ability

- Activity 1

 The writer prepare two pictures where the first picture is about music and the second is
about painting / portroyal. Under the picture, there are 10 questions concerning to the

- Activity 2

 Do you know what a review is ?

The writer had prepare the maening of review in file version. Under the meaning of it there are
five questions about the meaning of review in it.

 Generic structure of review text

In this part the book to the students the component to produce the text of review like orientation,
interpretive recount, evaluation, evaluation summation

 Lexicogrammatical Features

There are four lexicogrammatical features of review text. The students hoped to know and
understanding in it. To produce a good review text , the students must know the defenition and
the examples to understand it like Epithet and adjective, etc.

 Text 1: The students asked to make the adjective or noun or etc about one word that
prepared by the writer.

 Text 2: The students asked to make the new word in the text and make the meaning of the

 Essential Grammar Point – Noun Clause with “ that ” :The writer give some explanation
the uses of that in sentences. The uses of “that-clause” with “ so ” and under the
explanation there are note about noun clause “that”

- Activity 3

 The students asked to complete the following sentences. There are ten questions and there
is one picture besides the questions. The picture show a man that play piano.
- Activity 4

 In this part, the students asked to supply the two sentences by using “that-clause”. There
are five questions in it.

- Activity 5

 In this section, the students asked to complete the five questions by using their own

 Quiz: In this section, the students hoped to answer the five questions. Its purpose to check
the knowledge of students before go on.

B. Study The Model

- Activity 6

 In this section, the students hoped to study the following word. It’s devided into two
tables and one of the tables content of five word. So all of this, there are ten words.

- Activity 7

 In this part, the students asked to answer the question based on the diolog have learnt by
the teacher. There are five question in it.

C. Work Together

 The students would the taskwith their parther

Exercise 1

The first, the writer give introduction to the question. Then, the student will complete by
using their own word. There is a peterpan picture.

Exercise 2

In this part, the writer give interpretive recount with the question and then the student will
complete the sentence by using their own word.

Exercise 3

In this part, the students ask to provide an evalution of the work , the writer give one
sentences then the students make complete it.

Exercise 4
In this section is about evaluation summation. The students asked to provide a kind punch
like. The writer give one sentences to the students. Then the students complete it by they
own word.

Conversation Gambit

There is mini Squere content of “ Expressions of Advising people why don’t you meet my
brother to team to play the guitar. Besides it there is a picture. There are three person, one girl
and two boy. One of them is playing the guitar.

- Activity 8

 In this section, the students asked to discuss with their partner and then answer the five
questions beside the picture.

- Activity 9

 In this part, the students asked to read the example first. There is Conversation Gambit
about Expression of Criticizing and prohibiting. That’s a bad idea, just don’t do it.

- Activity 10

 In this section, the students do discuss with their partner and then answer the five
questions in it. There is a picture where can see there a four boy and they are discuss
about something. The writer make the picture to help the students to answer the

- Activity 11

 In this section, the students asked to read the conversation first, then the students must
understand what they are talking in this conversation. Beside the conversation, there is a
picture. We can see, there are tow girl that are talking to her friends.

D. Be Independent

The students are to pay attention to the instruction then practice it.

Conversation Gambit

Expression of Encoraging Evaluating and Evpecting. I’m sure you can do it. Youhavr been greet
so far and I hoped you’ll be succussful again.

- Activity 12

 In this part, the students works with their parther to answer the five question besides the
picture. The picture is about girl and boy where they are discuss about something.
- Activity 13

 In this section, the students asked to read the conversation that prepare by the writer.
Then the students role-play it with their partner in front of the class. There is a picture
beside the conversation. The picture about one girl and one boy are talking.

Let’s Speak Up

In this part, the writer asked to the student to discuss the expression that perpare in the book.
There is one table devided into three part and content of eight function. There are some
expressing of critizing and how to response the critizing that give by yout friends.

- Activity 14

 In this section, there are ten questions. The students asked to make the name of the
sentences that underline in this activity. The students make the name of expression of
advising, critizing, prohibiting, etc. There is a picture where we can see there is one band
is singing on the stage.

- Activity 15

 In this part , the instruction is the students read the sentences in a square and understand
it. Then the teacher give some minutes for them to prepare to role-play in front of the

Under the activity there is a wise word

“ You can not fight against the future. Time is on outside by William Ewan Gladstone,
British Statesman.

- 11. Written Cycle

 In this section, the students hoped will learn more about the Generic structure and Lexical
grammatical features of text review.

A. Build up your knowledge

- Activity 1

 In this part, We can see there are two picture and the students asked to write what they
know after they see the picture.

Let’s Have A Review

- Activity 2
 In this section, the students asked to complete the blank based on what they have learnt

 Essential Grammar Point : Function Word and Content Words

In this part, the students asked to read the content in the square about word, the function
of word such as article ( the, a, and ), preposition, etc. It’s devided into three big lines.
And the students hoped understand it well. There is one picture. The picture show that is

- Activity 3

 There are square content ot ten words. It’s the answer of the questions under the square.
The students asked to complete th eten questions and choose the answerin the top of the
questions that had prepare before

B. Study The Model

- Activity 4

 In this part, the text is about Siti live 2007. In concern review the writer asked the
students to read it first then write down the important point in it.

- Activity 5

 In this section, its multiple-choice question. There are five question and the students
asked to choose the best correct answer based on the text review before.

- Activity 6

 In this section, the students asked to make the generic structure of the text review that
have read before.

C. Work Together

- Activity 7

 In this part, the students will work with their partner to read the text under the question.
The text is about Caught in Sidney’s Web. There is a picture where we know there is one
player football and there is a picture of spiderman.

- Activity 8

 In this section , the students asked to read the dialog first then complete the blank in
following table by using the appropriate words/ expression.
D. Be Independent

- Activity 9

 In this part, the students work individually. The students asked to review text step by
step. There is a wise word “ A rich person is nbot one who has the most but who needs
the least by charles C. Colton, British Writer.

Portfolio : Making a collection of review texts

In this part, the students work in groups of three or four. They asked to go to a public even like
music concert, painting, or ect. Then the students make a good draft before putting it into a
detailed review text.

Let’s Review Out Books

 One the first page of this unit (page 137) there written:
 Basic Competence in this unit:

I. Spoken Cycle
 Understanding the construction of the review text
 Responding to the spoken monologue text: review
 Responding to the expressions of stating and asking plan, purpose, wish, predicting,
speculating, regretting.
 Conducting dialogs by using the expressions of stating and asking plan, purpose, wish,
predicting, speculating, regretting.
 Making spoken monologue text: Review

II. Written Cycle

 Responding to written report text
 Identifying the generic structure of review text
 Using active and passive participle as noun modifier correctly
 Writing review text
 In this page also written the definition of review.
1. Spoken cycle (page 139)
A. Build Up Your Knowledge
In this page there are 3 pictures which is drawn about the situation in review books even, and
also the explanation about review text.
- Activity 1 (page 139)
 Here the students is asked to discuss with their partner and answer the questions. The
question is about the explanation of the review text.
 In activity one also consist of the continuation about review text before, that is the
generic structure and the purpose of review text.
- Activity 2 (page 139)
 The students is asked to remember about explanation of review text and then answer the
five question that have been given.
 Page (140) there is the essential grammar point about Active and Passive participle as
Noun modifier.
- Activity 3 (page 140)
 There are assessments about the grammar point (10 queions). The students to choose the
correct one answer of each number. At the end of the question is written the summary of
grammar Point.
 After that below the summary, there is the quiz before the students continue to the next
activity. The quiz consist of 5 questions.
B. Study the Model (page 141)
- Activity 4 (page 141)
 The students are asked to match the words
- Activity 5 (page 142-143)
 There is a picture about two girls that’s talking about book review
 The students are asked to listen to the recording and then fill the blanks in the text.
- Activity 6 (page 143-144)
 In order to know about how to construct the text of review, the students are asked to
answer 5 questions, all the answers of the question can be found in activity 5
 Essential Grammar point in this activity: Prepositional combination
- Activity 7 (page 144)
 The assignment from essential grammar part, students must answer 5 questions with
appropriate prepositional combination.
- Activity 8 (page 145)
 There give 5 combination and the students are asked to study it.
- Activity 9
 The students asked to fill the blank with using combination used as Modifier (5 questions)
 There is sentence production part. This part are used for help the students to produce the
review text. The students must create sentence using the generic structure of review text.
- Activity 10 (page 147)
 In this activity the students must answer the question by using their own words. There are
10 questions, it also about review books

C. Work Together
- Activity 11 (page 147)
 The students must form in group to present the spoken text of review. They may use the
text in activity 5 or may try to make their own review book. To help the students for doing
this activity there are some instructions is given.
 Conversation Gambit: Expressions of asking and explaining, one’s plan, purpose, wish,
curiosity, prediction/speculation, regret.
- Activity 12 (page 148)
 In this activity the students are asked to study the Conversation gambit.
 There are explanation about Expressions of asking and explaining, one’s plan, purpose,
wish, curiosity, prediction/speculation, regret
 There also put some picture to make the book look interesting.
- Activity 12 (page 151)
 There are written and the students must discuss it in group
- Activity 14 (page 151)
 Provided dialogue between three schoolmates. The students is guided to write after that
answer ten questions below
- Activity 15 (page 153)
 The students must form group consist or three person, then they must complete the tables
with the expressions/grammar point based on the dialogue in activity 14.

Lets Speak

 Let’s speak up: about the expressions of asking or explaining one’s plan, asking or
explaining one’s purpose, expressions one’s curiosity and expressing predicting or
- Activity 16 (page 155)
 The content of this activity is the further explanation about kinds of expressions in activity
D. Be Independent
- Activity 17 (page 156)
 The student is asked to study the examples of sentence that given in activity 16 and then
complete the table with two sentence from each type of expressions .
 There also two pictures
- Activity 18
 Role play : there given some situation then the students are asked to act based on the
 Wise words: “education is what survives when what has been learnt has been forgotten”
2. Written Cycle
A. Build Up Your Knowledge (page 158)
- Activity 1 (page 158)
 The students asked to discuss about 5 questions that have been given.
 Let’s have review! : to refresh the students understanding about the generic structure of
review text, the students are asked to fill the blanks about generic structure of review text.
B. Study the Model
- Activity 2 (page 158)
 The students are asked to match 10 vocabulary to each pair.
- Activity 3 (page 160)
 There are a text about review with its analyze of generic structure. The students are asked to
read it
- Activity 4 (page 160)
 Contain with true/false questions. Students must answer it after read the text in activity 3,
- Activity 5 (page 161)
 Still some Questions about review text in activity 3, the students are asked to answer it.
- Activity 6 (page 161)
 The students make group consist of two persons. They’re asked to match the picture with the
- Activity 7 (page 162)
 The students read again the activity 3 and the match the column A and B
- Activity 8
 The students are asked to read again and then match the words with the paragraph.
- Activity 9 (page 163)
 The students asked to read jumbled text in activity 10 to put it into good order and a good
review text, the choice is on this activity

- Activity 10
 Read the text carefully to understand the text well
- Activity 11 (page 164)
 The students are asked to answer the questions by reading the text.
- Activity 12
 There provide some words, the students are asked to underlined the world that doesn’t
belong to the list in each number
- Activity 13 (page 105)
 The students have to fill the blanks with the appropriate words in the activity 12
 So both this activity are related each other
- Activity 14 (page 165)
 Analyze the review text in activity10 more accurately by answering the questions in this
activity. There is a clue in each questions.
C. Work Together
- Activity 15
 There is another review text. By reading and having the exercises the students are expected
to understand more about how the text of review is constructed
 After the students read the review books title : England, England by Julian Barnes they
must answer the questions.
- Activity 16 (page 168)
 The students are asked to read the text once again and answer the 10 questions.
- Activity 17 (page 169)
 Here the students are asked to review another books by themselves, and arrange it based on
review generic structure
D. Be Independent
Students are asked to create their own review text independently. The students can choose
the topic that has been written in the book and the last the teacher will exercise the work.
- Activity 19 (page 170)
 Consist of puzzle 25 clues: 18 across, and 7 Down
 Wise words: “ask yourself whether you are happy, and you cease to be so”
 Portfolio
Unit 6

Stories From The Flight World

 One the first page of this unit (page 137) there written:
I. Spoken Cycle
 Understanding the construction of the narrative text
 Responding to a spoken monolog text: narrative
 Responding to dialogue using the expressions of threatening, prohibiting,
evaluating ability & inability, regretting and persuading.
 Conducting the dialogs by using the expressions of threatening, prohibiting,
evaluating ability & inability, regretting and persuading
 Making spoken monologue text: Narratives
II. Written Cycle
 Responding to written narrative text
 Identifying the components of the narrative construction
 Using the subjunctive correctly
 Finding out the specific information of the texts
 Writing a narrative text
1. Spoken Cycle
A. Build Up Your Knowledge
- Activity 1
 This activity consist of lesson for writing story. The students asked to read them carefully.
- Activity 2
 The students are asked to answer the questions in the text (questions), and then ask their
partner with the same questions, after that compare their answer.
 It is also written the generic structure and lexicogrammatical features of narrative text.
 Essential grammar : Subjunctive
- Activity 3
 The students are asked to complete the sentence with correct form of verb/be the brackets
- Activity 4
 There is a table and consist of two column, one column consist of subjunctive and one
column is the fact. The students are asked to change the subjunctive into the fact.
- Activity 5
 The students working in group consist of 4 persons. They are asked to match the words in
the list and its corresponding meaning provided.
 Summary of grammar point
 Quiz : before the lesson go on
B. Study The Model
There is picture of transportation tools: plan, train, Bus.
- Activity 6.
 Vocabulary building: students are asked to matched words in Colum A with their meaning
in B
- Activity 7
 Listen to the narratives text and answer the questions based on what the students hear.
- Activity 8
 Listen to the narrative for second time and then write the main idea or main information
from each component of the text.
C. Work together
- Activity 8
 Conversation Gambit: the expressions of threatening, prohibiting, evaluating ability &
inability, regretting and persuading.
- Activity 9
 The students are asked to study the conversation the conversation gambit
 This activity consist of explanation about the conversation gambit
- Activity 10
 The students are asked to follow the teacher to exercise the pronunciations.
Lets Speak

- Activity 11
 Works in group the students asked to construct the dialogue using the following structure.
D. Be Independent
Speaking Presentation

- Activity 12
 The students read the following instructions careful and then conduct you preparation as
well as possible. Finally, present the students dialog / presentation.

2. Written Cycle
A. Build up The Students Knowledge
- Activity 1
 Before starting the activities, answer the following questions as a brief review.
Let’s Have a Review

- Activity 2
 The more technique of story writing the students have the more easly the students could
produce it. When applying these five steps, you will prove yourself what their story is
like. Read the following text to answer the questions below the text.
- Activity 3
 With the students’ partner, discuss their story-writing preparation by answering the
questions below.
B. Study the model
- Activity 4
 Students must read the text and then answer the questions based on the text
- Activity 5
 Students are asked to read the text quickly to answer the following question.
- Activity 6
 Vocabulary building: matching the word in A from the passage with its synonym in B.
- Activity 7
 The students read the story again more carefully then answer the questions.
- Activity 8
 The students match the English words in A with its equal meanings or synonyms in B.
C. Work together
- Activity 9
 The students read the following text carefully and then fill in the blanks with the correct
- Activity 10
 The students read the text in task 9 and then write the question to the given answer below.
- Activity 11
 Story analysis: the students ask to analyze the text with answer the questions
- Activity 12
 The students work in groups of two. The students read the story in activity 9 to break it
down into five paragraphs. Then put each of them in the appropriate column below.
- Activity 13
 Story writing

PORTFOLIO: Collections of narrative Texts
At the End of the Book

Test Your Competence 2

Multiple choice: consist of evaluation from whole lesson

Part A

Instruction: to review your mastery in the types of text you have learnt during the second
semester, read the following texts and decide the best answer to each questions.

Part B

Instruction: to review your mastery in the conversation gambits and grammar points you have
learnt during the second semester, read each of the following items and choose the best answer.

Vocabulary list
Consist of difficult words and its meaning
Irregular Verbs
List of irregular verbs
Consist of the references of the book
Sources of photograph
Consist of the pictures in the book
Listening Script
Consist of the script of listening section

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