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Fire-resistance rating requirement for building elements: (T-601)

Type V-B, Any materials permitted (602.5) Windows(714.3.7) Door&Shutter(714.2)

Structural frame 0 hours a
Exterior bearing walls 0 hours f 0 hours 0 hours
Interior bearing walls 0 hours 0
Floor construction 0 hours 0
Roof construction 0 hours 0
Int. Non-bearing & partition NR
Fire-resistance rating requirements for exterior walls based on fire separation distance. (T-602)*
For Type V-B,Group R-1
Fire Windows Doors Max area of opening in percentage of the
Ext Wall Setback (ft) Rating (714.3.7) (714.2) area of exterior wall.T-704.8
hrs hrs hrs Unprotected Protected
Front 20 0 0 0 NL (g) c,f,g NL (g) c,f 0
Back 60 0 0 0 NL (g) NL (g) 0
Left 60 0 0 0 NL (g) NL (g) 0
Right 200 0 0 0 NL (g) NL (g) 0
*Group R-3 and Group U when used as accessory to Group R-3,as applicable in Section 101.2
shall not be required to have a fire-resistance rating where fire separation distance is 3 feet or more
Required Separation of Occupancies (T-302.3.3)*
Between I-1 & B = 2 hours a a,b
*See Exception 1 to section302.3.3 for reductions permitted.
*See Table 302.1.1 for incidental use areas.
*See 302.3.2 for nonseparated uses
Fire wall fire resistance rating, considered a separate building. (T-705.4 )
Occupancies Group I-115
Type of construction V-A8
Required fire resistance rating 2 hours
Shaft enclosures (if required per 707.2)
fire resistance rating 1 hours
Opening protective fire rating for fire door and shutter assemblies (714.2)
Type of Assemply Rating Minimum Opening Protection
4 11
Fire partition, Exit access corridor ⅓ hours
The required locations for fire and smoke dampers: (715.5)
Fire Damper Smoke Damper
Location Section Nonspr Sprinkler Nonspr Sprinkler
Shaft Enclosure (FB) 707.10 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Interior wall and ceiling finish requirement by occupancy T-803.4 k


Vertical exit & exit passageways a b B A
Exit access corridors & other exitways C B
Room & enclosed space c C C
Fire Alarm and Detection Systems (907)
Occupancy Section System Type
15R-2, > 1 stories below discharge level
R, Group 907.2.9 Fire alarm system

Exception: Manual fire alarm system not required in low-height buildings with 1-hour separation of unit. Separate fire alarm system
not required in sprinkler buildings with local alarm notification.

Minimum roof covering classification for type of construction T-1505.1 a b

Type of construction V-B Class C(c) Roof covering
Means of Egress, CHAPTER 10
Floor area per No of
Occupancy occupant Occupant Exit
Floor Area Use Group T-1003.2.2.2 Loads 1004.2.1
Area 1 59,000 Business areas A-2 100 gross 590 3
Other 200
Total occupant load 590 3
No.of exits required 3

Egress width (Inches) per occupant served, Table 1003.2.3

Occupant Occupancy Without sprinkler system With sprinkler system
Load Group Stair way Other Egress Stair way Other Egress
0.3 0.2 0.2 0.15

590 A-1 177 (in) 118 (in) 118 (in) 89 (in)

Panic and fire exit hardware Require panic hardware, if occupant load of 100 or more

Travel Distance, Table 1004.2.4 For Group A-1

Without sprinkler system 200 feet
With sprinkler system 250 feet a,b
Common path of egress travel.1004.2.5 75 feet

Corridor fire-resistance rating, Table 1004.3.2.1 For Group A-1

Without sprinkler system 1 hrs
With sprinkler system 0 hrs c
When occupant load served by corridor > 30
Building with 1 exit, Section 1005.2.2
Occupancy Max story ht. Max occupants (or dwelling units) per floor and
travel distance
A-1 1 story 50 occupants and 75 feet travel distance
UBC 1997
A - Conference rooms, dining rooms, drinking establishments, exhibitOccupancy
rooms, gymnasiums,
= 30 stages and similar
sq. uses including
ft per restaurants
occupant waterclassifie
A Conference rooms, dining rooms, drinking establishments,
exhibit rooms, gymnasiums, lounges, stages and similar
uses including restaurants classifies as group B M
Total Area = 59,000 Sq. ft
Total Occupant = 1,967
Required water closet ###
Male: 1:1-25, 2:26-75, 3:76-125, = 9
4:126-200, 5:201-300, 6:301-
400, over 400, add one for
each additional 200
Female: 1:1-25, 2:26-75, 3:76-125, = 10
4:126-200, 5:201-300, 6:301-
400, over 400, add one for
each additional 150
Required lavatories A
Male: 1 for each water closet up to 4, = 7
then 1 for each two additional
water closets B
Female: 1 for each water closet up to 4, = 7
then 1 for each two additional
water closets

Required bath or shower E

Total: 0 = 0

Required drinking fountain E

Total: 1 per 150 = 14 E
IBC Supplemental 2002
A-2 - Nightclubs, bars, taverns, dance halls and building for similar purposes

A-2 Nightclubs, bars, taverns, dance halls and building for similar

Total Occupant = 590

Required water closet

Male: 1 per 40 = 8

Female: 1 per 40 = 8

Required lavatories
Male: 1 per 75 = 4
Female: 1 per 75 = 4
Required bath or shower
Total: 0 = 0

Required drinking fountain

Total: 1 per 500 = 2

Other 1 Service sink

IBC2000, EARTHQUAKE LOADS (Sec. 1615) y/2/2001

Soil Site Class D Table 1615.1.1 ( Default=D) ###

Response Spectral Acc. (0.2 sec) Ss = 85 =0.85g Figure 1615(1) ###
Response Spectral Acc.( 1.0 sec) S1 = 19.5 =0.195g Figure 1615(2) ###
Site Coefficient Fa= 1.160 Table 1615.1.2(1) IE
Site Coefficient Fv= 2.020 Table 1615.1.2(2) IS
Max Considered Earthquake Acc. SMS= Fa.Ss = 0.986 Eq. 16-16 IW
Max Considered Earthquake Acc. SM1= Fv.S1 = 0.394 Eq. 16-17
@ 5% Damped Design SDS = 2/3(SMS) = 0.657 Eq. 16-18 ###
SD1 = 2/3(SM1) = 0.263 Eq. 16-19 ###
Seismic use group I, Standard Table 1604.5&Sec.1616.2 ###
Design Category Consideration: IRC, Seismic Design Category T-R301. ###
Seismic Design Category for 0.1sec D Table 1616.3(1) Since, SDS = 0.657 F
Seismic Design Category for 1.0sec D Table 1616.3(2) Design category= D1
S1 < .75g NA Note a, T-1616.3(1),(2) D I
Therefore, Seismic Design Category D Control,
Comply with Seismic Design Category D per Sec. CBC 1616.6.3 Seismic use group
Equivalent lateral force procedure ###
Basic Seismic Force Systems T-1617.6 A. Ordinary steel braced ###
CT = 0.02 (.035, .03, .02 Per Sec. 1617.4.2.1) ###
Building ht. Hn= 20 ft Limited Building Height (ft) = 160
Cu = 1.337 for SD1 of 0.263g Table 1617.4.2 ###
Approx Fundamental period, Ta = CT(hn)3/4 =0.189 sec. 0.189 A
Calculated T shall not exceed Cu.Ta 0.253 UBC 1617.4.2
Use T= 0.189 sec. Yes
Is structure Regular & ≤ 5 stories ? No No
Response Spectral Acc.( 0.2 sec) Ss = 0.85g Fa= 1.16 ###
Response Spectral Acc.( 1.0 sec) S1 = 0.195g Fv= 2.020 ###
@ 5% Damped Design SDS = ⅔(Fa.Ss) = 0.657 Eq. 16-18 ###
SD1= ⅔Fv.S1 = 0.263 Eq. 16-19 ###
Response Modification Coef. R = 4 Table 1617.6 Soil Site Class for (Fa)
Over Strength Factor W = 2 Table 1617.6 ###
Importance factor IE = 1 Table 1604.5 A
Seismic Base Shear V= C sW Eq. 16-34 B
SDS Eq. 16-35 C
= 0.164 E
SD1 Eq. 16-36 F
or need not to exceed, Cs = =0.347
(R/IE).T 0.347
Min Cs = .044SDS.IE =0.029 Eq.16-37
Use Cs = 0.164 0.029 ###
Design base shear V= 0.164W Control A
Simplified Seismic base shear per 1617.5, see Sec. 1616.6 for limitation B
V= 1.2SDS(W) 0.198 C
= 0.198(W) E
Seismic force for Architectural, Mech and Elec components per 1621.1.3 F
0.4apSDSWp(1+2z/h) Eq. 16-67 T-1617.4.2, SD1
(Rp/Ip) ###
SDS= 0.657 ###
ap= 2.5 Rp= 2.5 Table 1621.2
z= 10 h= 10
Ip= 1
fp= 0.789Wp ###
Bearing wall, Shear wall and anchorage Category B,C,D,E,F 0.197
fp= 0.40IESDSWw Eq. 16-63 0.263 ###
= 0.263(W) ###
or = 400SDSIE = 262.93 lbs ###
Anchorage of Concrete or Masonry Walls (flexible diaphragm) Category C,D,E,F ###
Fp= 1.2SDSIE(Ww) Eq. 16-64 ###
= 0.789(W) ###
Max Seismic Load EM= WQE +/- 0.2SDSD Category C,D,E,F ###
Where W = 2 ###
0.2SDSD = 0.132(D) ###
Deflection Amplification factor Cd= 3.5 Eq. 16-46 ###
Nonbuilding structures, Section 1622 ###
Response Modification Coef. R = 3 Table 1622.2.5(1) ###
Importance factor I = 1 Table 1622.2.5(2) ###
For flexible nonbuilding, Cs = SDSI/R = 0.219 ###
Min Cs = .14 SDS I = 0.092 Eq. 16-75 ###
or Cs= 0.8 S1I/R = 0.052 Eq. 16-76 ###
V= 0.219(W) ###
For rigid nonbuilding, Cs = 0.3 SDS I Eq 16-77 ###
= 0.197 ###
Design Requirement by Category Category A Category B Category C Category D Category E Category F
For: A. Ordinary steel braced, see 2211, AISC
part I or III Section 14

Limit Building Height NL NL NL 160 160 160

Seismic load effect E, Section 1617 QE ± 0.2DDSD E= r QE ± 0.2DDSD
= r QE ± 0.132(D)

Base Shear CsW CsW CsW CsW CsW

0.01 W 0.164W 0.164W 0.164W 0.164W 0.164W
IBC 1916.4.1 IBC 1617.4.1
Connection .05 Wp .133SDSWp .133SDSWp .133SDSWp .133SDSWp .133SDSWp
0.050 0.087 0.087 0.087 0.087 0.087
IBC1916.4.2 IBC1620.1.4 IBC1620.1.4 IBC1620.1.4 IBC1620.1.4 IBC1620.1.4
Anchorage of concrete or masonry walls .40IESDSWw 1.2SDSIE(Ww) 1.2SDSIE(Ww) 1.2SDSIE(Ww) 1.2SDSIE(Ww)
(with flexible diaphragm) eq. 16-64 0.263(W) 0.789(W) 0.789(W) 0.789(W) 0.789(W)
(with rigid diaphragm) eq. 16-67 0.789Wp 0.789Wp 0.789Wp 0.789Wp
IBC1620.2.1 IBC1620.2.1 IBC1620.2.1 IBC1620.2.1
Redundancy, r 1 1 1 IBC 1617.2.2 IBC 1617.2.2 IBC 1617.2.2

Diaphragm .2IESDSWp + Vpx .2IESDSWp + Vpx 1620.3.3 1620.3.3 1620.3.3

0.13Wp + Vpx
Collector, element & connection 1620.1.6 Em=WQE ± 0.2SDSD Em=WQE ± 0.2SDSD Em =WQE ± 0.2SDSD Em=WQE ± 0.2SDSD Em=WQE ± 0.2SDSD
=2 QE ± 0.132(D)
IBC1620.1.6 IBC1620.1.6 IBC1617.1.2 IBC1617.1.2 IBC1617.1.2
Light frame E E E E E
Bearing wall & Shear wall .40IESDSWw .40IESDSWw .40IESDSWw .40IESDSWw .40IESDSWw
0.263 0.263 0.263 0.263 0.263
concrete and masonry walls anchor 263 lbs/ft
IBC1620.1.7 IBC1620.1.7 IBC1620.1.7 IBC1620.1.7 IBC1620.1.7
Element Supporting discontinuous Em=WQE ± 0.2SDSD Em=WQE ± 0.2SDSD Em =WQE ± 0.2SDSD Em=WQE ± 0.2SDSD Em=WQE ± 0.2SDSD
Wall and Frame =2 QE ± 0.132(D)
Plan and Vertical Irregular n/a n/a n/a 1620.3.1 1620.4.1 1620.4.1
Not permit Type 1b or 5 Type 1b or 5
Building Separations na n/a n/a d MT dMT dMT
1620.3.6 1620.3.6 1620.3.6
Architectural Component n/a 0.789Wp 0.789Wp 0.789Wp 0.789Wp 0.789Wp
Mech & Electrical Component n/a n/a n/a 1621.1.1 1621.1.1 1621.1.1
1621.1.1 1621.1.1
Concrete IBC 1910.3 IBC 1910.4 IBC 1910.5 IBC 1910.5 IBC 1910.5
Seismic-force-resisting systems IBC 1910.3.1 IBC 1910.4.1 IBC 1910.5.1 IBC 1910.5.1 IBC 1910.5.1
Discontinuous members. IBC 1910.4.2 IBC 1910.4.2 IBC 1910.4.2 IBC 1910.4.2
Anchor bolts in the top of columns IBC 1910.4.3 IBC 1910.4.3 IBC 1910.4.3 IBC 1910.4.3
Plain IBC 1910.4.4 IBC 1910.4.4 IBC 1910.4.4 IBC 1910.4.4
Frame members not proportioned to resist forces
induced by earthquake motions. n/a n/a n/a IBC 1910.5.2 IBC 1910.5.2 IBC 1910.5.2
Masonry IBC 2106.2 IBC 2106.3 IBC 2106.4 IBC 2106.5 IBC 2106.6 IBC 2106.6
Anchorage of masonry walls. IBC 2106.2.1 IBC 2106.2.1 IBC 2106.2.1 IBC 2106.4.1
IBC 2106.2.1 IBC 2106.2.1 IBC 2106.2.1
elements that are not part of the lateral-force- IBC
resisting system IBC 2106.4.1 2106.5.1 IBC 2106.6.1 IBC 2106.6.1
Design of elements that are part of the lateral-
force-resisting system IBC 2106.4.2 IBC 2106.5.2 IBC 2106.6.2 IBC 2106.6.2
Discontinuous members. IBC 2106.4.2.4 IBC 2106.4.2.4 IBC 2106.4.2.4 IBC 2106.4.2.4
1.5 times the forces IBC 2106.1.2.4 IBC 2106.1.2.4 IBC 2106.1.2.4
Steel IBC 2212.1.1 IBC 2212.1.1 IBC 2212.1.1 IBC 2211.7 IBC 2211.7 IBC 2211.7
IBC 2212.1.2 IBC 2212.1.2 IBC 2212.1.2
IBC 2213.2 IBC 2213.2 IBC 2213.2
General IBC 2305 IBC2305 IBC2305 IBC2305 IBC2305 IBC2305
Shear wall IBC 2305.3.1
Structural wood panel, h/d ratio, 2305.3.3 31/2:1 31/2:1 31/2:1 2:1 2:1 2:1
Gypsum Board & Stucco 1 /2:1
11/2:1 11/2:1 11/2:1 NP NP
Particleboard 31/2:1 31/2:1 31/2:1 NP NP NP
Fiberboard 11/2:1 11/2:1 11/2:1 NP NP NP
Shear panel connections (2305.1.4) NA NA NA IBC 2305.1.4 IBC 2305.1.4 IBC 2305.1.4
Sill Plate IBC 2305.3.10 IBC 2305.3.10 IBC 2305.3.10
6.5.12 Design Wind Loads on Enclosed and Partially Enclosed Buildings. (all Heights) ###
MWFRS Velocity pressure qz= .00256 Kz Kzt Kd V2 I Eq. 6-13 ###
Exposure B Roof Height h = 25 feet ###
Exposure coefficient Kz = Section 6.5.6, is obtained from Table 6-5, Case 2 for MWFRS ###
Topography factor Kzt = 1.00 Section, Figure 6-2
Directionality factor Kd = 0.85 Table 6-6
Wind Speed V = 90 mph
Importance factor I = 1.00 Table 6-1 T-6-7
qz = 17.63 Kz psf Open Building
Internal Pressure Coefficient (GCpi) = ± 0.18 Table 6-7 for Enclosed Building Partially Enclosed
Gust effect factor G = 0.85 Section Enclosed Building
Pressures for MWFRS p = qGCp - qi (GCpi) Eq. 6-15 Figure 6-3
Wall and Roof External pressure Coefficients Cp from figure 6-3 ###
Wind Normal to ridge (┴ to 110) L/B = 0.48 h/L = 25/53 = 0.47 θ= 0.0 ###
Windward wall Cp = 0.8 Windward roof Cp = ###
Leeward wall Cp = -0.50 for L/B = 0.48 Leeward roof Cp = ###
Side wall Cp = -0.7 or Roof Cp = -0.90 -0.90 -0.50 -0.30
Wind parallel to ridge (┴ to 53) L/B = 2.08 ###
Windward wall Cp = 0.8 h/L = 25/110 = 0.23
Leeward wall Cp = -0.30 for L/B = 2.08 Roof Cp = -0.90 -0.90 -0.50 -0.30
Side wall Cp = -0.7 for dist 12.50 25.00 50.00 ###
for h/L < .5
for h/L > 1.0
Same as parallel to ridge
-8.9 -8.9 -4.9 -3.0 ###
= 0.0 ###
qi ± 2.09 ###
GCpi = ± 0.18 ###
qi(GCpi) = ± 0.18(11.63)
12.85 @ 25 ft = ± 2.09 10.88 @ 25 ft B
All forces shown in psf All forces shown in psf ###
11.77 @ 0 to15 ft 9.80 @ 0 to 15 ft ###
= 53 = 110 ###
p = qGCp - qi (GCpi) Eq. 6-15 ###
where q = qz for windward ###
q = qh for leeward wall, side wall and roof @25 ft ###
qi = qh for enclosed building @25 ft ###
Roof Ht, h = 25 ft Normal to Ridge ┴ to 110 Parallel to ridge ┴ to 53 ┴
Height Kh qh Cp qhGCp Cp qhGCp ###
Leeward wall all 0.66 11.63 -0.50 -4.94 -0.30 -2.97 ###
Side wall all 0.66 11.63 -0.7 -6.92 -0.70 -6.92 ###
Roof ww Or -0.90 -8.9 fr 0 to 12.5 -0.90 -8.90 fr 0 to 12.5
Lw -0.90 -8.9 fr >12.5 -0.90 -8.90 fr >12.5
-0.50 -4.94 fr 25-50 -0.50 -4.94 fr 25-50 Same as parallel to ridge
-0.30 -2.97 fr 50 -0.30 -2.97 fr 50 ###
Wind normal to ridge Wind parallel to ridge ###
z, Ht. (ft) Kz qz Cp p =qzGCp net wall p Cp p =qzGCp net wall p ###
Windward wall 0 to 15 0.57 10.05 0.8 6.83 11.77 0.80 6.83 9.80 ###
20 0.62 10.93 0.8 7.43 12.37 0.80 7.43 10.40 ###
25 0.66 11.63 0.8 7.91 12.85 0.80 7.91 10.88 ###
Wood member Design: IBC 2000 Dense
Design Live Load, L 20 Psf DF#1
Design Dead Load, D 10 Psf Deflection Limits L/ 240 DF#1
Load Duration1.25 (1 for Normal, 1.25 For Roof, 1.15 For Snow Loading) DF#2
Allow soil bearing= 1000 psf L.B with 2x Ledger
RAFTER / OR FLOOR JOIST (Table 1) HEADER (Table 2) Allowable load of L.B. in lbs 270 530 2x12
Size, Member Data Spacing Span Header Rafter/Floor joist Max Span Spacing(inch) 2x14
(Inch) (ft) (Inch) Size Span(ft)*Overhang Ft - Inch 3/8"dia 5/8"Dia DF#2
### 2x6 12 15 15 6 875 4x10 40 0####
## 8 6 6 13 2x6
### DF#2 16 14 14 1 95 DF#2 41 0####
## 8 5 6 12 b
### R=Repetitive 19.2 13 13 1 1.6 S=Single 42 0####
## 8 4 6 12 d
### 24 12 11 9 1.2 Fb 875 43 0####
## 8 3 6 12 CF
### 2x8 12 21 20 10 CF 1.200 44 0####
## 8 2 6 12 Cr
### DF#1 16 19 18 11 Cr 1.00 45 0####
## 8 1 6 11 E
### R=Repetitive 19.2 18 17 9 FOOTING (Table 3) Fb
### 24 16 15 10 Rafter/Floor Joist Post Spacing Fv
DF#2, Fb= 875 psi w/o Load Duration Span* Overhang 27 28 29 ft 3x6
CF= 1.3 Cr= 1.15 12.5 1.5 Int footing 235 31 31 32 Sq.In Specie
For 2x6DF#2 Fb= 1309 psi Ext footing 235 22 22 23 Sq.In size
Fv= 95 psi 13.5 1.5 Int footing 250 32 32 33 Sq.In ###
E= 1.6 psi Ext footing 250 23 23 23 Sq.In DF#1
For 4x10DF#2 Fb= 875 psi 14.5 1.5 Int footing 265 33 33 34 Sq.In 2x8
CF= 1.2 Cr= 1.00 Ext footing 265 23 24 24 Sq.In b
Fv= 95 psi Patio may be supported on concrete slab, provided that the post d
E= 1.6 psi do not support D+L in excess of 750 lbs. CF
R=Repetitive member Used (not more than 24" o/c) Cr
S=Single member Used MINIMUM ROOF LIVE LOAD PER IBC 1607.11.2 E
Lag Bolts shall be min of 5" long Tributary area A t = 200.00 Sq. ft
* For header with Rafter or Joist at both side, R1 = 1.00 Eq. 16-5
spacing (rafter's span) shall be double or average. = 1.00 6x8
Rise per feet, F = 4 :12 6x10
R2 = 1.00 Eq. 16-8
= 1.00 size
RAFTER SPAN Lr = 20R1R2 Eq. 16-4
= 20(1)(1) DF#2
Min Design Roof LL = 20.00 psf

ASCE7-98, 6.5.7 Topographic Effects
x = 250

H = 50

= H/2

Lh = 600
Height above local ground z = 15 ft
Hill Shape 3-dimentional axisym

Direction Downwind of Crest

Exposure B
Height of hill, H= 50 ft < 60, Topographic Effects shall not be included###
Distance upwind of crest to where the
difference in ground elevation is half the
height of hill, Lh = 600 ft 2-dimensional ridge
H/Ln = 0.08 < 0.2, Topographic Effects shall not
be included escarpments
calculate K1 by using H/Ln = 0.08 3-dimentional axisym
Distance from the crest to the building, x = 250 ft x/Lh = 0.42
from ASCE-7-98, Figure 6-2, K1/(H/Lh) = 0.95 K1 = 0.08
calculate K2, K3 by using Ln = 600
K2 = 1 - x/µLh µ= 1.5
K2 = 0.72
K3 = e-γz/Lh γ= 4
K3 = 0.90
Kzt = [1 +K1K2K3]2
Kzt = 1.11 Back to Wind load
The application is created by Yo Ratanapeanchai.This spreadsheet is intended as an educational
tool for the learning and understanding of the IBC2000. It will perform both Fire Life Safety (chapter
3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15 and 29) and Structural (Wind and Earthquake Load, Chapter 16) . Requires
Microsoft Excel 2000 or later. The application is freeware, so feel free to distribute.

DISCLAIM STATEMENT: The author disclaim any and all responsibility and liability for the accuracy
of and application of the information contained in this spreadsheet to the full extent permitted by the
Date Location Note
1-Feb-01 Complete
11-Feb-02 Arch!C12 Change "Use" to "Group"
26-Feb-02 SW Add new SW sheet
7-Mar-02 EQ Add 3-C, footnot m, T-1617.6
19-Jul-02 EQ Revise Marco for Open
26-Sep-02 EQ Omit Cu, T
27-Sep-02 PL Add sheet PL
5-Nov-02 EQ Reformat
30-Nov-02 Add SW2
23-Dec-02 Arch Add fire damper
8-Jan-03 EQ Add A26:A30
5-Apr-03 EQ Reformat, change to EQ
30-Apr-03 Wind Add wind load
8-Aug-03 Arch Revise W value for unlimitted area
24-Aug-03 Arch Revise H64:H67 for NL opening
22-Aug-03 Topo Add topographic effects
Calculation for Gust factor required MATH CAD
8-Jan-04 EQ Unlock B51 thru B53
Revision 4


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