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The Claymore

A unique Yoma touched warrior


laymores are unique warriors. Being Yoma Appearance / Physical Traits
touched gives them the heightened physical
strength, speed, durability and regeneration, Claymores tend to be slender, elegant, and taller than
limited shapeshifting and the ability to detect average, usually around 170 to 185 cm (approximately 5'7" to
Yoma, demons and other Claymores by sensing 6'1") in height for females. They appear to be fully human,
their Yoki. save for their silver eyes and unusually light-colored hair.
To Further enhance their abilities, they access Certain individuals have elf-like ears. The most common hair
the powers of the Yoma, releasing their Yoki. There is danger colors are varying shades of blond or very light brown;
to accessing the powers of the Yoma though, as if they release silvery-white is also occasionally seen.
too much Yoki they lose their mind and become an Awakened Claymores can survive on minimal amounts of food,
Being. needing only to consume a very small portion once every
couple of days, and can easily go a week without water or
History & Biology nourishment. This loss of appetite appears to be a result of
taking in Yoma flesh; Yoma are capable of staving off hunger
All current claymores are female. Originally, male warriors for up to two weeks on end. Upon reaching adulthood,
were also created. The Organization had no qualms over Claymores cease to age, maintaining lifelong youth.
their strength, but they were found to be more prone to A Claymore's upper body also bears a stigma, a hideous
awakening due to their inability to resist the urge, as the deformation that frightens most people who see it. This is
Awakening process brings sensations akin to sexual said to be a result of taking Yoma flesh into their bodies. The
pleasure. area where the stigma is present may be a weak spot, as
The Organization takes in young girls, typically orphans, Yoma and Awakened Beings seem to aim for the belly, and in
abandoned children, and survivors of Yoma attacks - though the latter's case, use it as a torture hot-spot. The stigma itself
they may also purchase them from their families or villages if takes the form of a large vertical incision extending from the
they possess a desirable quality - and embed Yoma flesh and neck all the way down to the groin and, without the aid of
blood into their bodies through an incision made from the sutures, would burst open, causing the warrior's organs to
throat to the mons pubis. This incision never heals. The spill out. When Yoma flesh and blood are placed inside, the
incision is held together through a series of stitches claymore gains the ability to heal rapidly and, in the case of
throughout the life of the claymore. The transformation is defensive warriors, regenerate whole limbs and organs.
extremely painful, as long as the transplant does not adapt to However, this particular wound would never heal.
the human body.

1 Claymore | by Jeffery Wildfong

Eyes The Claymore
Claymores' eyes are the only visible characteristic that Proficiency Yoki Strength
undoubtedly sets them apart from normal "humans". The Level Bonus Features Bonus
irises are normally silver in color, but shift to gold when at 1st +2 Yoki Tap 0.5
least 10% of a Claymore's yoki is released. Yoki suppression
pills are often used to achieve the appearance of having more 2nd +2 Regeneration (1) 0.5
natural eyes, such as brown, in order for Claymores to 3rd +2 Combat Type (1) 0.5
successfully disguise themselves among normal "humans". 4th +2 Ability Score 1
Class Features 5th +3 Extra Attack (1) 1
As a Claymore, you gain the following features: 6th +3 Increased Speed (1) 1
7th +3 Regeneration (2) 1.5
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per claymore level 8th +3 Ability Score 1.5
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constituion modifier Improvement
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution 9th +4 Combat Type (2) 1.5
modifier per Claymore level after 1st 10th +4 Yoki Aura 2
Proficiencies 11th +4 Increased Speed (2) 2
Armor: Light, Medium & Heavy Armor (No Shields) 12th +4 Ability Score 2
Weapons: Claymores Improvement
Tools: None
13th +5 Combat Type (3) 2.5
Saving Throws: Strength & Constitution
Skills: Choose three from; Athletics, Intimidation, 14th +5 Regeneration (3) 2.5
Investigation, Perception, Persuasion, Religion, Survival 15th +5 -- 2.5
Equipment 16th +5 Ability Score 3
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the Improvement
equipment granted by your background: 17th +6 Combat Type (4) 3
Chain Shirt 18th +6 Increased Speed (3) 3
Claymore (1h-1d10 & 2h-1d12) 19th +6 Ability Score 3.5
Backpack Improvement
(5d4*10)/3 gp 20th +6 Partial Awakening 3.5

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Yoki Aura
Class Features At 10th level you gain the ability to put off a Yoki aura in
The Claymore gets a number of wonderful class features. combat situations. When you release your Yoki aura, all allies
within 20 feet of you gain a +2 to hit, +2 to damage and +2 to
Yoki Tap AC for as long as you maintain concentration on your aura.
At 1st level the Claymore can tap into their yoki. This grants This ability can be use a number of times per long rest equal
the claymore bonus to all damage dealt. Refer to the to 1/2 your Constitution modifier (rounded down, minimum
Claymore table to see what strength bonus you gain per level. 1).
(this number is the bonus strength modifier damage
[rounded down] Example: At level 1 if your modifier is 2, then Partial Awakening
you get a bonus 1 to your damage) At 2 Yoki Strength Bonus At 20th level the claymore gains the ability to tap into their
you gain a +2 to hit and +1 AC. At 3 Yoki Strength Bonus you yoki to such an extent that they become partially awakened.
gain a +4 to hit and +2 AC. This is a very dangerous feat, but after such practice it is
attainable. A partially awakened claymore gains a temporary
Regenearation +5 to all their stats & all damage dice are doubled. This bonus
The claymore gains the ability to regenerate wounds. They do lasts for 2d4 rounds. When a claymore is awakened their
this during a short rest. At level 2 a claymore can regenerate form is distorted and terrifying to most normal people. After
2d4 HP during a short rest. This ability increases at 7th and the claymore returns to normal they loose their bonus
14th level. At 7th the HP regained is 2d8 and at 14th the HP percentage of damage (until a long rest) and also suffer 2
regained is 2d12. This ability can be used a number of times levels of exhaustion The ability is such a dangerous feat that
per day equal to 1/2 the claymore's Constitution modifier it can only be used once every 2 long rests.
(rounded down, minimum 1).
Combat Type
At 3rd level the claymore chooses which combat type they are
going to be proficient with. There are two combat types;
Defensive and Offensive. The determination of combat style
comes from one's approach to confrontation, either by
"protecting oneself in order to survive," or by "killing or
defeating the opponent in order to survive." The stronger the
desire to live, the more likely the combat style will be
defensive. Conversely, a claymore who most desires
destruction of the enemy will more likely be an offensive
Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by
1. As normal, unless the DM says otherwise, you can't
increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Increased Speed
Due to extensive practice in tapping into their yoki, a
claymore gains the ability to move faster than normal. At 6th
level they gain a +15 to their base movement speed. This
bonus increases at 11th level to +20 and at 18th level to +25.

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Combat Types
There are two Claymore combat types; Defensive and
Defensive Type
Defensive types are not as physically strong as offensive
Improved Healing - At level 3, the claymore gains an
improvement when being healed. Anytime a heal spell is
placed on a defensive claymore, the heal is increased by
an amount equal to their Constitution modifier.
Shielding - At level 9, the claymore can use their reaction
to teleport to an ally and take a hit for them. This can only
be done a number of times equal to the claymore's
Constitution modifier.
Healing Yoki Aura - At level 13, the claymore's Yoki aura
is improved. Every ally within the aura gains a number of
temporary hit points equal to 2d6 + the claymore's
Constitution modifier (this includes the claymore them
self). Temporary hit points remain even after the aura is
Superior Defenses - At level 17, the claymore gains the
ability to channel their Yoki to improve their AC. When a
claymore chooses to do this,as a reaction, they choose to
lose their bonus percentage to their damage, to increase
their AC by +5. They can do this a number of times per day
equal to 1/2 the claymore's Constitution modifier.
Offensive Type
Offensive types are capable of more powerful attacks than
defensive types, but at the cost of significantly reduced
Improved Combat - At level 3, the claymore gains an
improvement when attacking its foes. All attacks coming
from the claymore will achieve a critical hit on a 19 or 20.
Startling Transfer - At level 9, the claymore can use their
reaction to teleport to a position within 5 feet of an ally.
When doing so they scare or confuse the creature that
their ally is in melee combat with causing that creature to
have disadvantage on any attacks against said ally, for 1
Deadly Yoki Tap - At level 13, the claymore can improve
their yoki tap by adding their Constitution modifier to
their damage dealt on a successful hit. Can be done a
number of times, per long rest, equal to the claymore's
Constitution modifier.
Superior Offenses - At level 17, the claymore gains the
ability to channel their Yoki to improve their damage.
When the claymore chooses to do this, as a bonus action,
they focus their yoki. On a successful hit they double the
increased damage percentage. This effect can be done a
number of times per day equal to 1/2 the claymore's
Constitution modifier

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