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Rojin Kaya Yr 10

Week 5 Arabic

Vocabulary: (words and meaning)

(Recording is on Managebac)
Translation of ‫"فوائد الهوايات‬:

Hobbies have many benefits that benefit the owner, including:

1. Emptying negative energy, including anxiety, depression, and pressures in study, work, or
family problems, in healthy ways that benefit the person.
2. It provides the opportunity to stay away from life responsibilities, even for a short period
of time, which helps to renew and revitalize life and break the routine of life.
3. Spend your free time well and soundly.
4. Hobbies sometimes give the individual a financial return, and thus are more like two sides
of the same coin, as they are enjoyable and profitable.
5. Getting rid of loneliness, and the resulting bad feelings, as some hobbies may require the
participation of other people.
About my hobby:

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