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Q2 - LESSON 2 Student: Luu Huong Thao

Fill the blank.
Lily: Hi Mark. How’s it going?
Mark: Oh, hi Lily. I’m OK. Have you decided what course you’re going to apply for, (1)then ?
Lily: Yes, illustration. I’ve already applied to one college, actually.
Mark: I didn’t even know there were places that did just illustration.
Lily: There (2) aren’t many. Most combine it with other (3) areas like painting and graphic art.
Unfortunately, there are no courses in London so I’ve (4) opted for Birmingham.
Mark: Mm, Birmingham - I’m not sure I’d want to study there.
Lily: Well, from what I’ve heard, you’re thinking of not studying anywhere, Mark!
Mark: Look, I haven’t made any decisions yet, but I’m wondering what the point of carrying on at art school
really is. I mean why not just get a studio and paint?
Lily: Aren’t you enjoying art school now, then?
Mark: Yes, I am, but this is a (5) course, isn’t it? I wanted to try (6) ……foundation………………… all the
different areas - you know sculpture, computer graphics - a bit of everything. Now I know that I really just
want to paint, (7) ………though………………, I may as well get a studio and do it.
Lily: There’s nothing more for you to learn, then?
Mark: I didn’t say that.
Lily: This isn’t all about a fear of being (8) …rejected…………………… is it? I mean, I know you hate
applications and interviews and so on. You’re not looking for a way out of (9) …all…………………… that,
are you?
Mark: No, of course not. I’m no more (10) ……scared………………… of rejection than anyone else. I
mean, people not buying your work - that’s real rejection, isn’t it?
Tutor: Hi, do you mind if I join you?
Lily: We were talking about next year and applying for courses.
Tutor: I couldn’t help (11) ………overhearing………………. What’s this all about then, Mark? Is it true that
you’re thinking of not continuing at college?
Mark: I’m looking at other options - yes. I’ve been reading about artists who claim there’s no real
advantage in learning formally. There’s this Scottish (12) ………guy……………… who just went to Paris
and got a studio. He’s doing really well now ... In fact, one of the fine art students here dropped out of her
course at the end of the first year and just went to Prague. She loves (13) ………it……………… there!
Tutor: Mm, you might just be looking through rose-tinted (14) ……spectacles………………… there Mark.
There are plenty of people who regret taking that route, you know. For every artist making a living, there
are (15) ………twenty……………… living on the breadline ...
Mark: OK, I take your point but I’m thinking about the cost of three years at art school as well! Apart from
the actual fees, there are all the living (16) ……exepenses…………………. Students are running up at least
a £30,000 debt by the end of their course!


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I. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group.
1. A. interest B. middle C. wonderful D. announce
2. A. occupation B. national C. natural D. passenger
3. A. office B. result C. pedal D. modern
II. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
4. A. heavy B. head C. stream D. ready
5. A. cook B. book C. look D. blood
6. A. sound B. would C. round D. bound

I. Complete the conversations. Use one or two words in each gap.
A: Put the screwdriver down over there, (0) …..will…
B: Sure. No problem. You’ve done this before, (7) have you?
A: Of course. I put up all the shelves in my last house.
B: (8) Did you? But someone helped you, (9) didn’t they?
A: Let’s see the new Bond film this evening, (10) shall we?
B: Great idea! I’ve seen every Bond film they’ve ever made.
A: (11) Have you?
A: You haven’t got a pencil I could borrow, (12) are you?
B: I think so. Here you are. Now have a look at page five, (13) don’t you?
A: Thanks. I see what you mean. That calculation can’t be right, (14) isn’t it?

II. Fill in the spaces with the correct tag.

15. Your dad does the cooking, doesn’t he ?
Yours never does the housework,does he?
16. There’s not much we can do about it, is there ?
17. It’s a beautiful day,isn’t it?
Yes. Let’s go for a walk,do we?
18. You’ve got a bicycle,haven’t you?
Yes. You no longer have yours,do you?
19. You weren’t cheating in the test,were you?
No, I’d never cheat,cause i’m genius ?
20. You don’t know his secret, do you?
21. You could take up tennis, couldn’t you?
22. You’d rather carry on with volleyball, shouldn’t you?
23. She lost her temper, doesn’t she?
24. Yes, but she shouldn’t have, should she?

III. Rewrite each question, beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning.
25. What’s the time?
Could you tell me what the time is?
26. What does this mean?
Do you know what does this mean


25N7A & 27N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội – 0961 779 366 2
27. How much does this cost?
Could you tell me how much does this cost
28. What time does the museum open?
Do you know the opening time of the museum?
29. Am I in the right seat?
Could you tell me is this my seat?
30. Where’s Asham Street?
Do you know where Asham Street is?
31. Is this Trafalgar Square?
Could you tell me is this Trafalgar Square
32. When does this bus leave?
Do you know when does the bus leave?

IV. Complete the indirect questions.

33. Why did it take you so long to deliver this parcel?
I’d like to know why did this parcel take you so long to deliver
34. Has Harriet finished the minutes of the meeting yet or not?
Can you tell me whether Harriet finished the meeting
35. When will the new curtains for the hotel suites be ready?
Please let me know when the curtain for the hotel suites is ready.
36. How often is the bed linen in the villas changed?
Does the brochure say how often does the bed linen get changed?
37. Which metro station should we go to for the Eiffel Tower?
Do you know which metro station lead to the Eiffel Tower?
38. Did Vettel win yesterday’s race or not?
I wonder whether vettel won yesterday

I. Choose the correct answer.
39. Who is responsible ………….. dealing with complaints?
A. with B. for C. in D. at
40. We began ………….. looking round for advertising agencies which had experience of our market.
A. to B. with C. by D. at
41. The covering letter wasn’t attached ………….. the cv.
A. to B. with C. from D. by
42. Don’t you think you should apply for the job ………….. writing?
A. with B. for C. at D. in
43. I was only absent ………….. the office for a few minutes!
A. for B. from C. in D. about
44. Success in this industry depends ………….. a lot luck!
A. with B. from C. at D. on

II. Cross out the incorrect word in each sentence and write the correct word on the line.
45. Sadie’s quite good in typing at
46. Jimmy qualified at a doctor a couple of years ago. as
47. You need to be good at languages to work in an interpreter. as
48. It’ll be good that Rudy to get some work experience this summer. for


25N7A & 27N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội – 0961 779 366 3
49. You’ve got to be experienced from dealing with difficult authors if you want to be an editor.
50. We specialize for manufacturing tiles for the building industry. in
51. After qualifying as veterinary medicine, she decided to move to Yorkshire. in
52. I’d love to work as advertising. in
53. Joanne is training for become a trapeze artist at the moment! to
III. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary
54. All the heavy machinary (MACHINE) in the factory has been manufactured on site.
55. Al is a manager at the local water works (WORK).
56. An industrial (INDUSTRY) dispute is threatening to delay production of the new car.
57. We work under close supervision (SUPERVISE), so there’s not much opportunity for initiative.
58. Farm workers (WORK) in Belgium have accepted a 5% pay increase.
59. There’ll be an additional (ADD) charge of €30 for delivery.
60. Supersonic planes have never been a commercial (COMMERCE) success.
61. We couldn’t have built this new train without the dedication (DEDICATE) and expertise of the entire
62. The plan is completely unworkable (WORK). Let’s just forget it!
63. Dave left the office keys in a pub and he was sacked for being so responsible (RESPONSIBLE).
64. ‘Leave it to me. I’ll find a solution,’ the manager said, …………………………… (HELP).
65. All application (APPLY) are asked to send their cv to Mrs. Simpson in the Personnel Department.
66. My job is to …………………………… (SUPERVISE) the telesales workers.
67. It seems that Mr. Jones lied about his qualification (QUALIFY) on his application form.

You are going to read an article in which four people describe going to see an unusual annual
event. Choose from the people A-D. The people may be chosen more than once.
Four travelers talk about experiencing a very unusual event held annually around the world.
A. Sadie Grossman
Last year, I was one of 30,000 people who took part in La Tomatina, an annual festival held in Bunol,
Spain, during which townspeople and visitors fill the streets and take part in a tomato fight. I’ve neither
laughed so hard nor feared for my life as much as I did on that day. Trucks of tomatoes were dumped in
the streets, and I soon found myself picking up handfuls of squashed fruit and throwing them at whoever
happened to be closest. Most people participating were considerate, but a few were not. I was thankful that
I’d left my phone back at the hotel and worn clothes I didn’t mind getting ruined. I did wish I’d invested in a
pair of goggles though, as being hit in the eye by a tomato meant I couldn’t see out of it very well for a
couple of days. It was definitely an experience I’ll never forget, but one I have no desire to repeat!
B. Joe Haythorpe
I went with friends to the mud festival held in Boryeong, South Korea because several of them had
been before, loved it and wanted to go again. The two-week event is centered on an area of Boryeong
beach set up with water slides and pools to play in while covered in huge quantities of the mineral-rich mud
that’s taken from the shore near the city. It’s great fun for the entire family as well as groups of friends.
Apart from playing in the mud, we also attended some great concerts and shopped for mud-based skin
creams. Although it’s only been going since 1998, it already attracts millions of Koreans and Western
tourists annually. But if you’re considering going, book your accommodation early as room rates triple
closer to the event. All in all, this festival was by far the most fun one I’ve ever been to.
C. Charlie Traynor


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Cheese Rolling on Cooper’s Hill in Gloucestershire, England is the ideal activity for fans of extreme
sports whether as spectators or as participants, and is definitely one of the craziest traditions I’ve ever
witnessed. I watched in amazement as madly courageous men and women threw themselves down a
steep hill, tumbling head over heels, while chasing a large round cheese. The cheese always gets to the
bottom of the hill first, but for each race there is a prize (a cheese worth a lot of money) for the first person
to do so. Thankfully, that day everyone survived without seriously hurting themselves. The event is free, but
because of the large crowds, I struggled to find a place from which I could actually see much of the action
or use my camera. There were also four uphill races, but they were a lot less exciting.
D. Louisa Darke
During the Monkey Buffet Festival in Lopburi, Thailand, cakes, fruit and vegetables are piled up on
tables in the streets for 3000 local monkeys to enjoy. The festival was established to boost tourism in the
area, and it’s worked: huge crowds now travel there from all over the world, many dressed in monkey
costumes. There is traditional music, dance and sculpture, all with a monkey theme, and the monkeys
themselves roam free. They have no fear of people, and we were warned that they might try to grab our
phones, hats or even jewellery and run off with them. I’m glad to say they didn’t, but at one point a young
monkey jumped up onto my shoulder, making me very uncomfortable. We were given sticks to protect
ourselves from the boldest monkeys, but I didn’t want to use one. I was glad when the monkey climbed
down. However, it was very entertaining to watch the animals from a distance, happily playing and eating.

Which person mentions

the possibility of people at the event having their belongings stolen? 68. D
regretting being without an item of protective equipment? 69. A
the bravery of the people who took part? 70. A,C
a warning about organizing a trip to the event? 71. B
an injury caused during the event? 72. A
how hard it was to get a good position to view the event? 73. C
products that were available to buy during the event? 74. B
experiencing two strongly contrasting emotions? 75. A


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25N7A & 27N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội – 0961 779 366 6
Q2 - LESSON 2 Student’s name:....................................Class: 8B............
Corrector’s name:..................................

I. Complete the text by changing the form of the word in brackets
Although a certain percentage of graduates will still be (1) …………………………………… (employ) six
months after leaving university, the majority will have found (2) …………………………………… (employ) by
then. Many of these will even have been offered a job while at university, as a result of visiting a job fair.
Job fairs are held at many universities each year. Companies come along to advertise jobs, which are
usually in (3) …………………………………… (manage), and the career structures and benefit packages that go
with them. Job fairs are an (4) …………………………………… (effect) way for undergraduates to find out what
kind of job they might be interested in.
If you go to a job fair, dress (5) …………………………………… (profession). Don’t wear jeans and a T-
shirt. Wear a suit! You don’t want to look (6) …………………………………… (responsible) when you have your
first (7) …………………………………… (meet) with your potential (8) …………………………………… (employ).
If you’re interested in a job on offer, you may have to fill out an (9) …………………………………… (apply) form,
so it’s (10) …………………………………… (help) to take along relevant information with you. You’ll also need
proof of all your (11) …………………………………… (qualify), so don’t forget to take photocopies of all your
certificates with you.

II. You are going to read an article about how a desert marathon runner found a pet dog. Six sentences
have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A - G the one which fits each gap (12-
16). There is two extra sentences which you do not need to use.
The story of how a homeless dog became an internet star and found a home in the UK begins in China, in
the Gobi Desert, during an ultramarathon in which competitors cross 250 kilometers of desert in seven days.
The dog ‘adopted’ Australian marathon runner Dion Leonard when it chose to join the racers on the second day.
Leonard’s affection for the dog grew as it ran hour after hour with him in the harsh desert conditions, and by the
last stage of the race, they could not be separated. He named her Gobi, after the desert. (12) ………………. He
claims she helped him do so well in the race. In fact, Gobi set the pace for Leonard, and the two days she didn’t
run with him, his times were not as fast as when she did. He added that she sometimes beat him too - but when
Gobi ran too quickly she would stop and wait for him to catch up, and then they would continue together.
Dion Leonard’s affection for the dog was so strong that he decided he would take her back to Scotland,
where he currently lives. (13) ………………. This included setting up a crowdfunding campaign (raising many
small amounts of money from a large number of people) on the internet to cover the costs of medical and fitness
checks for Gobi and for her to be flown to Scotland.
However, the drama of the story increased when Gobi disappeared just before she was due to travel to
Beijing. (14) ………………. She had escaped by dashing outside through an open door in Urumqi, the Chinese
city where some of the ultramarathon race team were caring for her.
After hearing this news, Leonard took a flight back to China as soon as he could, and began to search for
Gobi. He knew there was little chance of finding Gobi on his own, so he set up a media and social media
campaign, and put posters up all over the city. Soon, groups of local volunteers were helping him hunt for Gobi
all across Urumqi, looking in parks and dog shelters, and asking all the people they came across whether they’d
seen the dog. Leonard became quite well-known after he was interviewed by local television, and people often
stopped him in the street to wish him luck and give him encouragement. (15) ……………….
Leonard didn’t give in, and eventually the call that he’d been waiting for came: a man and his son had seen
a small dog while walking their dog in a local park. (16) ………………. Leonard was doubtful - the man had sent
pictures, but they were a bit too dark to be able to identify the dog as Gobi….


25N7A & 27N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội – 0961 779 366 7
A. He soon found that the process for achieving this was difficult and expensive, so he
returned home and started making arrangements from there.
B. They had taken her home and thought she could be Gobi.
C. It was as if the two had never been apart, and Leonard says he felt just like he had when
they were racing together.
D. She had to be monitored there for three months before she was allowed to travel out of
E. Leonard managed to win second place in the race, despite having to carry Gobi across
rivers and giving her food and water from the supplies he had to carry.
F. Furthermore, he feared the dog could easily have run a long way out into the surrounding
G. Leonard even launched a live blog to keep people interested in and up-to-date with his

Fill in the blanks.
Briony: Did you get any information on the reading for the other (1) ………………………….. of our work?
Arthur: Yes, I did. You mean the Art and Society module?
Briony: Yes.
Arthur: Yes. I met Simpson himself as we were waiting for a train at Norchester station so I (2)
………………………….. to ask him.
Briony: Any luck?
Arthur: Yes. I’ve got the notes I took here. He told me, of course, to start with Greenberg, who covers
contemporary art and the up-to-the-(3) ………………………….. movements in America. It’s about the modern
movements really. As far as the economic (4) ………………………….. of art is concerned, a basic text is the
Parliamentary report on art and the UK economy. This gives lots of monetary facts and figures, but the figures
are not very satisfactory as, of course, a lot of the information is confidential and can’t be (5)
…………………………... “Art Now! Art Wow!” by someone called Dennison sounds exciting and is about how art
and artists are (6) ………………………….., presented for buyers and sold in the US. It’s about the whole (7)
………………………….. in art as a phenomenon.
Briony: Like a product, like washing powder...
Arthur: Yes .... That’s the idea of the book, anyway. And there’s another one here, oh yes, by someone called
Hampton. It’s a book called American Art which Simpson says is full of discussion on the relationship of art to
the other (8) ………………………….. of culture, such as film, television, books and so on.
Briony: Popular culture, I suppose.
Arthur: Not just popular... culture of (9) ………………………….. sorts, I imagine. Finally, for the spiritual and
more abstract aspects of art, he recommends Art and the Mind of Modern Man by Frick. It’s sort of about how
art (10) ………………………….. to how we think. He did have lots of other recommendations, but luckily his train
arrived before he could move on to them. These seem enough to me.
Briony: Yes. They’re a good place to start. We will be busy.


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