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Matching -A


1. Advocacy A. An interaction process within the

certain community on some Health institution

2. Gender Based violence (GBV) B. Ophthalmic Neonatarium

3. Insulin Resistant C Classifying

4. Leading cause of death in <5 yr child D. Poor diet and Diseases

5. Contra indication for AIDS patients E. Progestin only pills

6. Partograph F. Food Born Diseases

7. Mental Illness G. Confidentiality

8. Ethics principle H. psychosis

9. Transmitted through food I. Speak up for community

10.Vit A Deficiency J. Harm-based on sex

11.Contraceptive for B/F Mother K. Type-II diabetes Mellitus

12.immediate cause of malnutrition L. Pneumonia

13.The 2nd step in IMNCI Mx process M. BCG Vaccination

14.Purulent conjunctivitis ff birth N. Used to monitor contraction of

Mother and fetal condition

15.Community conversation/cc) O. Night blindness

Matching -B


1. Weekly Increasing of disease A. Interaction process among community

2. Water related disease B. Speak-up b/n people
3. Mid-ear pain more than 14 days C. Epidemic
4. Penta-valent D. Chronic otitis media
5. Primary cause of death <5child in ethiopia E. Contra-indication for allergic reaction
6. Partograph F. Bleeding after delivery within 24 hours
7. Prulent conjectivitis G. Pneumonia
8. Advocacy H. Tools of monitoring progression of labor
9. Community conversation I. Opthalmia Neonaterium
10. Gender based violence J. Malaria
11. Primarly PPH K.Psychosis
12. Mental illness l. Confidence
13. First step of IMNCI M. Transmission through contaminated food
14. Ethical principle N.Assesment
15. Food-borne disease O. Harm-based on sex

Part II Multiple choice

1. The 2nd step in group formation

A. Storming B. forming C. Reforming D. All

2. In kebele ‘Y’ which has population of 5,000 from < 1yr children 130 children

vaccinated for Measles and 145 for penta 1 then calculate for Measles Dropout

Rate (Given surving infant Rate = 3.16% live Birth = 3.6%)

a. 10 B. 20 C. 15 D. 5

3. Depending on scenario No -17 calculate Measles coverage?

a. 92.2 B. 82.2 C. 85 D. 90

4. The Vaccine you provide for <11month old child who do Not take any vaccine


a. OPV1 B. Penta1 C. Pcv1 D. Measles E. BCG F. All

5. The Patient with pulmonary TB cured and come-again with sign and symptom of


a. Relapse B. Defaulter C. Rx-failure

6. Not correct about cataract.

a. Cloudiness of lens B. formed on back of Retina C. Common in older age

7. Periodic Abstinence is not used in

a. Breast feeding B. Cervical mucosa method C. Calendar method D. All

8. The 1st step in Operational planning

a. Prioritizing the problem B. Situational Analysis C. Action plan

9. One is wrong about HIV and TB

a. Avoid cotrimoxazole. Prophylaxis therapy (CPT)

b. Give Isoniazid prophylaxis therapy (IPT)

c. They Have Co-infection for each other

10.Correct About HIV / infection

a. HIV-transmitted during labor, Delivery and B/Feeding

b. HIV Not transmitted during blood donation

c. HIV can be transmitted during hugging and kissing

11.If the patient Not take the drug of TB for 24hours Identify the wrong statement

a. Punish the patient C. Counsel about the drugs

b. tell them not to repeat it D. Discuss about the problem faced them

12.Wrong statement concerning RDT

a. Result should be seen after 10-20 mins

b. Result should be seen after two hours

c. It easy to Read the Result

13.Indication for severe Asphyxia

a. APGAR Score < 3

b. APGAR Score 5-7

c. APGAR Score 8-10

14.MUAC Normal Value in 6months to 18yrs old

a. 10-12 cm B. >12cm C. 12-18cm D. >19cm

15. The Normal Presentation

a. Footling B. Vertex C. face D. Breach

16.The Nutritional Assessment of deficiency by sign and symptom

a. Anthropometry B. Biomedical C. Clinical

17.The commonest and widely used IUCD in Ethiopia

a. Copper –bearing B. Hormone Releasing C. Inert …..?

18.Which of the following is correct

a. Round –worm

b. Amoebiasis is mostly less symptomatic transmitted from person –to person

c. Persistent diarrhea is treated at home

d. Deworming should be done 0- 2yrs

19. The Maneuver Next to lateral palpation during labour

a. Fundal palpation C. Pawlick’s grip

b. Deep pelvic palpation D. B & C

20.When the fetus unable to descent during delivery

a. CPD B. Spontaneous normal labor C. Instrumental delivery

21.Food preservation

a. Pasteurization B. drying by heat C. Adding salt to food D. All

22. Which of the following is given for the child of an 11month old
who did not took any vaccine before is?
Based on the following figures answer the following question
Given live birth=720,pent1=580,measle=510,
23. Calculate measle coverage
A. 84.7
24. Calculate measle drop-out rate
A. 11.6
25. Which of the following is high risk of HIV-Transmission
A. Anal sex
26. One is false statement about RDT
A. RDT-displays within 1hour
27. One is not common problem of under 6month old child
29. Which type of food group is rich in folate
a. Dark-green vegetable
30. Which nutritional analysis method is used as measurement of
a. Anthropometry
31. One is Normal measurement of the child >6month old child
A. 10cm B. >12cm
32. Wrong statement about TB-HIV
A. Avoid CPT
33. The second steps in team building process

a. storming

34. The 3rd step of operational planning

a. Setting objectives

35. Failure of fetus to descent to pelvic brim is;

A. Obstructed labor

36. Wrong statement about survey

A. Not include about drink water

37. Wrong statement about TB patient who did not took for the last 24 hours

A. Punishment of the patient

38. Not common use of periodic abstinence

A. breast feeding

39. ONE NOT risk for TB transmission


40.Not danger sign during pregnancy

A.Epigastiric pain

41. ?? b/p service given to health center & hospital is



A. Affect retina

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