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Environ. Sci. Technol.

2007, 41, 1696-1703

reclaimed water. The treatment process relies primarily on

Trichloroethene Degradation by the •OH radical-induced oxidation of TCE. Trichloroethene
UV/H2O2 Advanced Oxidation exhibits an absorption band in the wavelength range of 200-
250 nm [max(200 nm))7183 M-1 cm-1 (1)] and undergoes
Process: Product Study and Kinetic direct photolysis with an overall quantum yield of φ ) 0.354
(1). Extensive studies have been conducted on TCE degrada-
Modeling tion by the UV/H2O2 process (2-8). Most of the published
literature focused on the kinetics of TCE decay in various
K E L I , †,| M I H A E L A I . S T E F A N , * ,‡,⊥ A N D water qualities and on the associated treatment cost, and
JOHN C. CRITTENDEN§ only a few studies reported the intermediate products formed.
Hirvonen et al. (9) examined the formation of byproducts
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Michigan Technical University, Houghton, Michigan 49931,
during TCE degradation in the UV/H2O2 process applied to
Department of Chemistry, The University of Western Ontario, groundwater remediation and detected di- and mono-
London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5B7, and Department of Civil chloroacetic acids. Studies on γ radiation-induced degrada-
and Environmental Engineering, Arizona State University, tion of TCE indicated also the formation of chlorinated acids
P.O. Box 872803, Tempe, Arizona 85287-2803 as reaction intermediates (10, 11). Haloacetic acids (HAAs)
are formed during the drinking water disinfection with
chlorine and are commonly known as disinfection byproducts
(DBPs), which could cause bladder, colon, and rectal cancer
The broadband UV irradiation of 1.1 mM trichloroethene (12). According to the U.S. EPA regulations for drinking water
(TCE) aqueous solution in the presence of 10.4 mM H2O2 the HAA total concentration must not exceed 60 µg/L.
resulted in formic, oxalic, dichloroacetic (DCA), and In this work, we investigated the TCE degradation
monochloroacetic (MCA) acids, as organic byproducts. mechanism in the presence of H2O2 under irradiation with
a 1 kW medium-pressure Hg lamp. Based on the proposed
The organic chlorine was converted completely to chloride
reaction mechanism and the kinetic parameters available in
ion as a final product. TCE and its degradation products the literature, we have developed a kinetic model to predict
were completely mineralized in 30 min, under a volume- the dynamics of this system and found a satisfactory
averaged UV-C irradiant power of 35.7 W/L from a 1 agreement between the calculated and experimental data.
kW medium-pressure mercury vapor arc lamp. TCE degraded
primarily through hydroxyl radical-induced reactions and Experimental Section
only to a low extent through direct UV photolysis and chlorine Reagents. All chemical reagents were of analytical reagent
atom-induced chain reactions. The experimental patterns grade and were used as received. Catalase from bovine liver
of TCE, H2O2, and detected reaction products combined with (Sigma, 19 900 units/mg) was used to destroy any residual
the literature information on radical reactions in the hydrogen peroxide in the sample vials prior to IC analysis.
aqueous phase were used to postulate a degradation Apparatus. All experiments were carried out in a stainless
mechanism and to develop a kinetic model to predict the steel 1 kW bench-scale Rayox reactor described elsewhere
TCE decay, formation and degradation of byproducts, (13). The total reaction volume was 28 L, and the reactor was
and pH and oxygen profiles. The agreement between the airtight. In the wavelength range of 200∼300 nm, the volume-
model calculations and the experimental data is satisfactory. averaged photon flow entering the reactor was 7.8 × 10-6
einstein s-1 L-1, as determined by potassium persulfate
actinometry (14). The physical path length of the reactor was
10.4 cm. Additional information on the experimental setup
Introduction is available elsewhere (1).
Trichloroethene (TCE) is a volatile organic compound that Analytical Methods. The analytical methods for TCE and
has been proven to cause liver damage and kidney failure in other organic acids were reported previously (1). The molar
humans and was assessed as carcinogenic to animals. TCE absorption coefficients of TCE, H2O2, and organic acids are
is produced worldwide in very large quantities due to its provided in the Supporting Information. Hydrogen peroxide
extensive use in the chemical industry. Leakage from storage was determined according to the triiodide method (15).
tanks and, sometimes, improper disposal practices led to The oxygen level was monitored in the holding reservoir
soil, groundwater, and surface water contamination with TCE. with an ATI Orion Model 840 DO meter.
Consequently, trichloroethene is listed as a priority pollutant
on the U.S. EPA Chemical Contaminant List and is strictly Results and Discussion
regulated in drinking water to a maximum contaminant level
of 0.005 mg/L. Product Study. Trichloroethene (1.1 mM) in distilled water
The UV/H2O2 process is currently successfully applied as was irradiated in the presence of 10.4 mM H2O2. At these
an effective treatment of trichloroethene in groundwater and concentrations, the fractions of UV light absorbed by TCE
and H2O2 within 200-300 nm range were 24.9% and 59.5%,
* Corresponding author phone: (519)457-3400; fax: (519)457-3030; respectively. Under such conditions, TCE degraded through
e-mail: both oxidative chain reactions initiated by the OH radicals
† Michigan Technical University. and chlorine atoms, and direct UV photolysis due to its strong
‡ The University of Western Ontario.
absorption band below 240 nm and large quantum yield
§ Arizona State University.
| Current affiliation: Department of Civil and Environmental
[φ)0.354 (1)]. TCE decayed by 2 orders of magnitude in less
than 10 min, and fewer byproducts with lower yields were
Engineering, Arizona State University, P.O. Box 872803, Tempe, AZ
85287-2803. observed than during the direct UV photolysis alone (1).
⊥ Current affiliation: Trojan Technologies, Inc., 3020 Gore Road, Figure 1 shows the time profiles of TCE, H2O2, and degrada-
London, ON, Canada N5V 4T7. tion byproducts.
1696 9 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY / VOL. 41, NO. 5, 2007 10.1021/es0607638 CCC: $37.00  2007 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 02/02/2007
The major byproducts were formic and oxalic acids. 109 M-1 s-1 (27); and 2.6 × 109 M-1 s-1 (28). In our kinetic
Mono- and dichloroacetic acids were detected at low levels. model, a rate constant of 2.4 × 109 M-1 s-1 (25) was considered.
No chlorinated ethynes and aldehydes were measured, likely The geminal chlorohydrins eliminate HCl very rapidly
due to their low levels and high reactivity toward hydroxyl with first-order rate constants k > 7 × 105 s-1 (27, 29); a
radical. Chloride ion was released as a final product from similar reaction occurs from chlorohydrin radicals:
early stages of irradiation through the end of the degradation
of chlorinated byproducts, and the organic carbon total ClCH(OH)-C•Cl2 f OHC-C•Cl2 + H+ + Cl-
mineralization was achieved within ∼30 min exposure time.
The chlorine mass balance was calculated and indicated that k ) 5.1 × 105 M-1 s-1 (30) (7)
about 6% chlorine was missing from the system, most likely
due to some TCE volatility losses in the headspace zone of The reactions between the carbon-centered radicals and
the reactor. O2 are diffusion-controlled processes (k>109 M-1 s-1) forming
As the organic and hydrochloric acids were formed, the peroxyl radicals. The peroxyl radical generated in reaction
solution pH dropped sharply from 5.9 (t)0 min) to 2.6 (t)5 8 evolves primarily into oxyl radicals and molecular oxygen
min). Dissolved oxygen level decreased from ∼7.1 mg/L (t)0 (10, 11).
min) to 1.7-2.0 mg/L at 4-5 min reaction time and is
associated with the mineralization of approximately 70% of OHC-C•Cl2 + O2 f OHC-C(Cl2)OO•
the organic carbon. After 4 min, the oxygen level increased k ) 3 × 109 M-1 s-1 (31) (8)
continuously up to ∼23 mg/L through the photodecompo-
sition of H2O2 and due to a lower chemical oxygen demand 2OHC-C(Cl2)OO• f 2OHC-C(Cl2)O• + O2
than at short exposure times [under oxygen-saturated
conditions, maximum O2 level in aqueous solutions could k ) 4 × 108 M-1 s-1 (31) (9)
be as high as 40 mg/L [1.25 × 10-3 M (16)]. The pH and
oxygen patterns over the irradiation time are shown in Figure The oxyl radicals decay through fast unimolecular frag-
2. mentation either by a C-C bond scission or by elimination
Reaction Mechanism for Photolysis of H2O2. The H2O2 of a chlorine atom with formation of molecular products,
photolysis and subsequent thermal reactions of the generated which undergo rapid hydrolysis.
radicals were extensively studied (17-21). The reactions
relevant to this system and considered in the kinetic model OHC-C(Cl2)O• f COCl2 + •CHO
are as follows: k ) 1 × 106 M-1 s-1 (31) (10a)

H2O2 + hv f 2•OH φOH ) 1.0 (17) (1) f OHC-C(O)Cl + Cl• k ) 1 × 105 M-1 s-1 (fitted)
H2O2 + •OH f H2O + HO2• k ) 2.7 × 107 M-1 s-1 (22)
(2) Phosgene hydrolysis occurs with a pseudo-first-order rate
constant of 6 s-1 (32) - 9 s-1 (16), with formation of CO2 and
H2O2 + HO2•/O2•- f •OH + H2O/OH- + O2 hydrochloric acid.
k ) 3.6 M-1 s-1 (22) (3)
COCl2 + H2O f CO2 + 2H+ + 2Cl- (11)
• • •- -
OH + HO2 /O2 f H2O/OH + O2
k ) 1 × 1010 M-1 s-1 (23) (4) The unstable chloroglyoxal OHC-C(O)Cl hydrolyzes to
glyoxylic acid (reaction 12), whereas the formyl radical •CHO,
HO2• + HO2•/O2•- f H2O2/HO2- + O2 after hydration and reaction with O2, generates formic acid
through a fast HO2• elimination reaction [k>1 × 106 s-1 (33)].
k ) 1 × 106 M-1 s-1 (20) (5)
The formyl radical can also be oxidized to CO and HO2• (10)
[k)4 × 105 M-1 s-1 (fitted)].
At 254 nm, the primary quantum yield (φ) of hydrogen
peroxide photolysis in eq 1 is 0.5. The extended set of the
H2O2 photolysis reactions is incorporated in a complex kinetic OHC-C(O)Cl + H2O f OHCCOOH + H+ + Cl-
model, which was validated for UV/H2O2 applications in
completely mixed batch-reactors (24). O2

TCE Decay and Byproduct Formation. A simplified CHO + H2O 98 HCOOH + O2•- + H+
representation of the proposed mechanism for TCE degra- k ) 1 × 106 M-1 s-1 (33) (13)
dation is given in Figure 3.
The three major routes that describe the TCE degradation Therefore, the •OH-induced degradation of trichloro-
start with the following primary processes: OH radical ethene results in formic and glyoxylic acids as intermediates
addition to the double bond, direct photolysis, and chlorine and chloride ion and CO2 as final products.
atom addition to the double bond. TCE Direct Photolysis. The fraction of incident light (200-
TCE Degradation through OH Radical-Induced Reactions. 300 nm) absorbed by TCE at t ) 0 min is 24.9%, as compared
The OH radical addition to the double bond of trichloroethene to 42.6% for the same initial concentration and light source,
yields a geminal chlorohydrin carbon-centered radical: in the absence of hydrogen peroxide (1); on the other hand,
H2O2 absorbs a significantly larger fraction of light than TCE
ClHCdCCl2 + •OH f ClCH(OH)-C•Cl2 under the conditions used in this work (Fabs(H2O2))59.5%, t)0
min). Therefore, the contribution of the direct photolysis to
k ) 2.4 × 109 M-1 s-1 (25) (6) the overall product yield of TCE degradation in the presence
of H2O2 is expected to be significantly smaller than that of
There are various rate constant values reported in the the OH radical pathway.
literature for reaction 6: 2.4 × 109 M-1 s-1 (25); 2.9 × 109 M-1 The direct photolysis of TCE occurs with an overall
s-1 (26); 3.3 × 109 M-1 s-1 (10); 4.0 × 109 M-1 s-1 and 4.3 × quantum yield of φ ) 0.354 (1) and is represented by the


FIGURE 1. Time profiles for the decay of TCE, H2O2, and intermediates in UV/H2O2 treatment process (Solid lines represent the computer
modeling fits.).

following primary processes: The mesomeric form of oxyl radical formed in reactions
19 is a carbon-centered radical, which generates another
ClHCdCCl2 + hν f ClHCdC•Cl + Cl• φ ) 0.13 (1) oxyl radical via reaction with oxygen (reaction sequence 20),
(14) which decays through (a) chlorine elimination followed by
hydrolysis to glyoxylic acid (reaction sequence 20) and (b)
H2O, φ ) 0.1 (1) rapid intramolecular 1,2-H shift to a C-centered radical, which
ClHCdCCl2 + hν 98 leads to oxalic acid (reaction 22) through hydrolysis of
k ) 3.2 × 105 s-1 (fitted)
ClHC(OH)-CHCl2 98 dichlorogyoxal formed in reaction sequence 21. The rate
constant fitted for this reaction sequence was 1 × 106 s-1.
Cl2HC-CHO + H+ + Cl- (15)
ClHC•-C(O)Cl 98
ClHCdCCl2 + hν f HCtCCl + Cl2 φ ) 0.032 (1) +H2O,-Cl•

(16) O(Cl)HC-C(O)Cl 98 OHCCOO- + Cl- + 2H+
ClHCdCCl2 + hν f ClCtCCl + HCl φ ) 0.092 (1)
(17) O2, -HO2•

O(Cl)HC-C(O)Cl f HO(Cl)C•-C(O)Cl 98
The geminal chlorohydrin formed in reaction 15 releases Cl(O)C-C(O)Cl (21)
HCl to form dichloroacetaldehyde, a precursor of dichloro-
acetic acid (reaction 18). Cl(O)C-C(O)Cl + H2O f HOOCCOOH + 2H+ + 2Cl-
Cl2HC-CH(OH)2 + •OH 9 -1 -1
8 The quantum yield of dichloroethyne formation (reaction
9 k ) 2 × 10 M s (fitted)
17) was estimated as φ ) 0.092 (1). Hydrolysis and oxidation
k′ ) 1 × 107 M-1 s-1 (fitted) induced by the hydroxyl radical are the expected degradation
Cl2HC-C(OH)2OO• 98
Cl2HC-COOH + HO2• (18)
H3O+ H2O
ClCtCCl 98 ClCH2C(O)Cl 98 ClCH2COOH (23)
Monochloroacetic acid was detected at levels as low as
10-6 M. The 1,2-dichlorovinyl radical generated in reaction •OH

14 is the major route to MCA formation, through the reaction ClCtCCl 9 -1 -1

9 k ) 3 × 10 M s (fitted)
with O2 with a rate constant k ∼ 4.3 × 109 M-1 s-1 (16), followed -ΗCl H2O
by chlorine atom elimination and rapid hydrolysis of Cl(OH)CdC Cl 98 OdCdC•Cl 98 HOOC-HC•Cl

chloroketene intermediate (reaction sequence 19). This (24)

pathway is supported by the experimental observation that O2
MCA was not detected after 14 min of reaction when the HOOC-HC•Cl 98 HOOC-HC(Cl)O• f
fraction of absorbed UV light by TCE was negligible (less CO2•- + H+ + HC(O)Cl (25)
than 3%). Also, MCA was not reported in the •OH-induced
degradation of TCE without UV irradiation (11).
Formyl chloride HC(O)Cl decomposes into HCl and CO
with a rate constant as high as 104 s-1 (31).
ClHCdC•Cl 9 -1 -1
8 The photolytic path to monochloroethyne (reaction 16)
9 k ) 4.3 × 10 M s (16)
occurs with a quantum yield of φ ) 0.032 (1), and its

ClHCdC(Cl)OO 9 -1 -1
8 contribution to the TCE decay must be negligible.
9 k ) 2 × 10 M s (fitted)
Therefore, the major degradation intermediates expected
H2O to originate from TCE photolysis are mono- and dichloro-
ClHCdC(Cl)O• 9 8 ClH2CCOOH + Cl•
6 -1 k ) 1.1 × 10 s (fitted) acetic acids; oxalic and glyoxylic acids are predicted mecha-


FIGURE 2. pH and O2 patterns (Solid line represents the computer modeling fits.).

FIGURE 3. Schematic representation of TCE degradation mechanism [/photolysis products (1)].

nistically, but their yields must be very low. Chloride ion is Cl2HC-C•Cl2 98
formed as a final product. H2O [k ) 1 × 105 s-1 (fitted)]
TCE Degradation through Chlorine Atom-Induced Reac- Cl2HC-CCl2O• 98
tions. The chlorine atoms are formed through the C-Cl Cl2HCCOOH + H+ + Cl-+ Cl• (27)
photolytic bond cleavage in TCE molecule (reaction 14) and
C-Cl bond scission in chlorinated organic radicals. H2O, O2
Cl2HC-CCl2O• 98 CO + CO2 + H+ + Cl-
To our knowledge, the rate constant for the addition of
chlorine atom to the TCE double bond (reaction 26) is k ) 9 × 105 s-1 (fitted) (28)
unknown. The chlorine reactions with substituted olefins
occur with rate constants lower by approximately one order The last step in reaction sequence 27 was also suggested
of magnitude than those for the OH radical reactions: as a pathway to DCA in pulse radiolysis studies on TCE (11).
kCl,Cl2C)CCl2 ) 2.8 × 108 M-1 s-1 (30); kCl,H2C)CH2 ) 2.0 × 108 M-1 The oxyl radical can also undergo C-C bond cleavage
s-1; kCl,H2C)CHCH2Cl ) 3.0 × 108 M-1 s-1 (34). Therefore, we followed by hydrolysis of phosgene and oxidation of Cl2HC•
believe that a rate constant of k ) 1.9 × 108 M-1 s-1 for reaction radical to inorganic products (reaction 28). Therefore, the
26 would be appropriate and used it in our kinetic modeling. intermediate product resulted from the TCE degradation
through chlorine atoms is dichloroacetic acid.
ClHCdCCl2 + Cl• f Cl2HC-C•Cl2 The chlorine atoms are effectively scavenged by both H2O2
(reaction 29) and chloride ions (reaction 30) due to their
k ) 1.9 × 108 M-1 s-1 (fitted) (26) large concentrations relative to that of TCE as well as to the
large reaction rate constants. Bicarbonate ions resulted
The carbon-centered radical leads to dichloroacetic acid through mineralization processes react with the chlorine
through the reaction sequence 27: atoms, generating carbonate radical ions. Such competitive


reactions minimize the role of chlorine atoms on the overall 2•Ο2(Cl)HC(Cl)COOH f 2•Ο(Cl)CHCOOH + O2 (38)
TCE degradation rate. Dichlorine radical ion Cl2•- (reaction
30) reacts with both H2O2 (reaction 31) and TCE with rate
constants much smaller than those of chlorine atoms.
Therefore, slower degradation rates are expected for TCE k ) 2.75 × 107 (9.2 × 107) M-1 s-1 (39) (39)
once the chloride ion builds up in the solution.
Cl2C•COOH + O2 f •O2(Cl2)CCOOH (40)
• + - •
Cl + H2O2 f H + Cl + HO2
k ) 3 × 108 M-1 s-1 (assumed) (29) 2•O2(Cl2)CCOOH f 2•Ο(Cl2)CCOOH + O2 (41)

The oxyl radicals formed in eqs 38 and 41 can decay

Cl• + Cl- f Cl2•- k ) 8.6 × 109 M-1 s-1 (35) (30) through both C-C scission and elimination of a chlorine
Cl2•- + H2O2 f H+ + 2Cl- + HO2•

k ) 1.4 × 105 M-1 s-1 (36) (31) Ο(Cl)CHCOOH f CO2•- + H+ + HC(O)Cl (42a)

The rate constant for reaction 29 is not known, but it is f OHCCOOH + Cl• (42b)
expected to be similar to that of bicarbonate-chlorine atom

reaction [k)2.2 × 108 M-1 s-1 (30)]. Also, the rate constant Ο(Cl2)CCOOH f CO2•- + H+ + Cl2CdO (43a)
for the TCE reaction is unknown, but based on the literature
data for unsubstituted olefins k ) ∼5 × 106-5 × 107 M-1 s-1 f Cl(Ο)COOH + Cl• f HOOC-COOH (43b)
(34), it is conceivable to assume it as ∼1 × 107 M-1 s-1. The
chlorine atom and chlorine radical ion reactions discussed From the photocatalytic degradation of TCE, Mao et al.
here were considered in the kinetic model. (40) concluded that the Cl-elimination was not a significant
Although no attempts were made to distinguish experi- route because the yields of glyoxylic and oxalic acids resulted
mentally among various pathways of TCE decay, based on from the degradation of MCA and DCA represented less than
the intermediate product yields and patterns and the 6% and 3% of the total carbon degraded, respectively.
competition kinetics for the free radicals generated during Formoyl radical (CO2•-) is produced from various radical
the course of irradiation, the kinetic model predicts the or molecular intermediates and decays through the reactions
following order for the relative contributions of these with O2 and H2O2:
pathways to the degradation rate of TCE, integrated over the
first 10 min reaction time: •OH . UV photolysis > Cl2•- . CO2•- + O2 + H+ f CO2 + HO2•/O2•-
Cl• (Kinetic Modeling section).
k ) 2 × 109 M-1 s-1 (34) (44)
Degradation of Organic Acids. The direct photolysis of
detected organic acids is negligible, their degradation oc-
CO2•- + H2O2 f CO2 + OH- + •OH
curring through OH radical-induced reactions.
Glyoxylic acid reacts with both H2O2 and the OH radical. k ) 6.3 × 105 M-1 s-1 (41) (45)
Its degradation products are formic and oxalic acids, which
are oxidized further to CO2, H2O, and formoyl radical. Bimolecular decay of CO2•- does not occur given the strong
competition from the reactions 44 and 45.
OHCCOOH + H2O2 f HCOOH + CO2 + H2O Peroxyl radical chemistry is more complex than as
depicted above. Cross-termination reactions among them-
k ) 0.3 M-1 s-1 (37) (32) selves or involving HO2• which reaches concentrations as
H2O, O2 high as 1 × 10-6 M are possible as well as other routes of
OHCCOOH (OHCCOO-) + •OH 98 decay of the tetroxide intermediates. The mechanism sug-
HOOCCOOH (HOOCCOO-) + HO2• (33) gested above comprises the most relevant reactions in this
system and are characteristic to the halogenated peroxyl
radicals. Other reactions involving bicarbonate ion and the
The rate constants for the OH radical reactions of
resulting carbonate radical ion were not described in the
protonated and unprotonated forms of glyoxylic acid were
mechanism but were considered in the kinetic model.
determined recently as k ) 5.9 × 108 M-1 s-1 and k ) 1.3 ×
109 M-1 s-1, respectively (38).
Kinetic Modeling
The model predicts the destruction of TCE and the formation
HCOOH (HCOO-) + •OH f CO2•- + H+ + H2O (34)
and fate of MCA, DCA, and oxalic and formic acids, along
with the pH and oxygen time profiles (Figures 1 and 2). The
HOOCCOOH (HOOCCOO-, -OOCCOO-) + reactions and kinetic parameters used in the model are

OH f CO2 + CO2•- + H+ + H2O (35) provided throughout the paper and summarized in Table S1
in the Supporting Information.
The rate constants for the •OH reactions of protonated/ Selection of the Species and Reactions Used in the Model.
unprotonated forms of formic and oxalic acids are known A critical screening of the reactions occurring in this system
(22) and used in the kinetic model. was performed based on the competition kinetics at given
Both MCA and DCA degraded through H-abstraction reaction times. Some basic considerations are given below.
reaction by •OH, followed by the peroxyl radical chemistry The ionized and nonionized forms of organic acids have
as shown below. different reactivity toward the OH radical, and the kinetic
model accounts for that. The concentrations of the pro-
ClCH2COOH + •OH f ClC•HCOOH + H2O tonated/unprotonated forms were calculated according to
the appropriate acid/base equilibrium constants. The H2O2/
k ) 4.3 × 107 (4 × 108) M-1 s-1 (25, 39) (36) HO2- and HCO3-/CO32-equilibria were ignored given the pH
range observed during the irradiation and the corresponding
ClC•HCOOH + O2 f •Ο2(Cl)HCCOOH (37) pKa values [11.75 (42) and 10.75 (43), respectively].


The superoxide radical anion O2•- reactions were con- where CAo and CA are the concentrations of species A at time
sidered because the concentration of this radical is about 10 0 and t, respectively, and rA is the overall kinetic rate
times larger than that of its conjugated acid HO2• at the expression for species A in the reaction system. The full set
beginning of irradiation and cannot be ignored within the of kinetic equations was obtained by substituting the rate
first minute reaction time. The self-termination reaction of expressions for all main species in the TCE-UV/H2O2 system
HO2• with regeneration of H2O2 and its reaction with •OH and is provided in the Supporting Information.
were included because the concentration of HO2• reaches Twelve kinetic parameters were evaluated by fitting the
levels as high as 1 × 10-6 M. Such reactions are also among experimental data obtained for TCE, H2O2, MCA, DCA, formic
the few ones that contribute to the O2 formation. and oxalic acids, and pH using a genetic algorithm developed
The carbonate species not only affect the pH but are also by Carroll (45). A range of the possible minima and maxima
scavengers of radical species, such as •OH and Cl•. The for each rate constant was provided to the genetic algorithm.
electron-transfer reactions with these radicals lead to car- This range was determined based on the literature reported
bonate radical ion CO3•-, which disappears primarily through values for each type of reaction, such that the resulting 12
the reaction with H2O2 [4.3 × 105 M-1 s-1 (34)]. fitting parameters exhibit reasonable values. For example,
The chlorine atom reactions were captured in the model. the rate constant for O2 addition to the carbon centered
The steady-state concentration of Cl• was calculated as 10-13- radicals was set within the range of 5 × 108-1 × 1010 M-1 s-1
10-14 M over the first 5 min exposure time and decreased to (31) and that for β-scission of alkoxyl radicals from 1 × 104
10-18 M by 30 min. The major scavengers of Cl• are H2O2 to 1 × 107 s-1 (31). The detailed analysis of the algorithm is
(reaction 29), Cl- (reaction 30), and HCO3- (reaction 46). available in the literature (46) and is briefly covered in the
Supporting Information.
HCO3- + Cl• f CO3•- + H+ + Cl- TCE Decay Modeling. Figure 1 shows the comparison
k ) 2.2 × 108 M-1 s-1 (30) (46) between the predicted and experimental patterns of TCE
and its byproducts. The model accounts for the four
The dichlorine radical ion Cl2•- is an electrophile, which photolysis pathways and the reactions with •OH, Cl•, and
reacts with organic and inorganic species through H-atom Cl2•- radicals. TCE decay exhibits two kinetic regimes. Over
abstraction and addition to the double bond, and electron the first 2.5 min it can be described by both zero- and first-
transfer, respectively (34, 36). H2O2, TCE, and HO2• were order kinetics, due to the contribution of the direct photolysis
considered the major sinks for Cl2•-, based on their con- to the decay rate. After the fraction of light absorbed by TCE
centrations at given reaction times and rate constants: 1.4 decreased by ∼35%, a first-order kinetics is obeyed over ∼1.6
× 105 M-1 s-1 (34), 1 × 107 M-1 s-1 (assumed), and 4.3 × 109 orders of magnitude decay of TCE concentration, with a rate
M-1 s-1 (34), respectively. Formic acid accumulates to constant of (9.4 ( 0.6) × 10-3 s-1.
approximately 4 × 10-4 M, but the rate constant for the Cl2•- The contribution of each major pathway to TCE decay
reaction is small [3 × 105 M-1 s-1 (36)], and thus, this reaction was calculated using the concentration profiles of •OH, Cl•,
was disregarded in the model. and Cl2•- and the time step TCE photolysis rate (Supporting
The •OH concentration was estimated by the model as ∼4 Information).
× 10-12 M at ∼3.5 min reaction time and increased by 1 order The calculation shows that over the 12 min exposure time
of magnitude by the end of the experiment. The rate constant where TCE decays by ∼2.5 orders of magnitude, the integrated
for the reaction between •OH and Cl- is pH-dependent, and relative contribution of each pathway to the overall TCE
in acid solution it cannot be ignored. It leads to rapid degradation is 87.4%, 8.5%, 3.7%, and 0.4%, for •OH, UV
formation of Cl2•- through a complex mechanism, which photolysis, Cl2•-, and Cl•, respectively. The actual time profiles
can be simplified as follows: of such contributions are given in Figure 4.
Given the complexity of radical reactions in this system

OH + Cl- f HOCl•- and the lack of kinetic data for TCE reactions with chlorine
and dichlorine radicals, we believe that the model predicts
k ) (4.3 ( 0.4) × 109 M-1 s-1 (44) (47)
relatively well the experimental data of TCE decay. The bigger
discrepancies lie in the lower oxygen level zone (4-5 min),
HOCl•- f •OH + Cl- k ) (6.1 ( 0.8) × 109 s-1 (44) where the mechanism could be more complex than described
(48) above and, thus, not accounted for by the model.
H2O2 Decay Modeling. The degradation of H2O2 follows
HOCl•- + H+ f Cl• + H2O zero-order kinetics, with an experimental rate constant of
k ) (2.1 ( 0.7) × 1010 M-1 s-1 (44) (49) 5.47 × 10-6 M s-1, in good agreement with the model predicted
data (5.73 × 10-6 M s-1). The model predicts well the H2O2
Cl• + Cl- f Cl2•- k ) 8.6 × 109 M-1 s-1 (35) (30) decay.
Intermediates Modeling. The discrepancies between the
model-calculated patterns of DCA, MCA, and formic acid
Cl2•- f Cl• + Cl- k ) 5.3 × 104 s-1 (35) (50) and the experimental data are less than 10%, 2%, and 7%,
respectively, and could be attributed to both experimental
In the model, a set of consecutive steps were simulated analytical errors and model imperfections.
as a single reaction only when the rate-limiting step was pH Modeling. Simulation of pH pattern was based on the
clearly identified and the corresponding rate constant was charge balance as described elsewhere (1). In the pH
known or could have been reasonably approximated; oth- calculations the model calculates the inorganic carbon
erwise, the model used the individual reactions steps, with balance at each reaction time assuming that all inorganic
the rate constants taken from the literature (see the Sup- carbon exists either as H2CO3* or HCO3-. The concentration
porting Information). of bicarbonate is then calculated according to the pKa of
Modeling Approach. The kinetic equations used in the H2CO3*. Carbonate ion was ignored due to the low experi-
model were derived using the governing equation in a mental pH data in the system. Since almost all organic and
completely mixed batch reactor (CMBR) inorganic acids were considered in the model, the predicted
pH pattern agrees well with the experimental data. Negatively
dCA charged radicals, i.e., Cl2•-, CO2•-, and CO3•-, were also
) rA, CA|t)0 ) CA0 (51)
dt included in the charge balance.


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