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Record- In Tch and Lrn 333 we did an assignment where we read articles and watched videos of

actual events with ELL students and wrote a response to them. Each of these articles or videos
focused on unfair treatment of ELL student and served as examples of what not to do as we
were able to analyze why they were wrong and provide alternatives of what could have been
done instead. Back in Tch and Lrn 301 our course final assignment was to create a piece of art
that represented a different theory or multiple that are used to support ELL students in some
way and then write a reflection about the artwork while making connections to course
readings. My partner and I worked together, and our artwork consisted of different colored
handprints to represent everyone being different and coming together. I reflected on how each
student is unique and has something different to contribute based on Molls Funds of
Reflect- This assignment in Tch and Lrn 333 was eye opening into the daily struggles that ELL
students have to face within the world of education. It is heartbreaking to hear about the
discrimination that ELL students face but as a future educator I need to look into these
instances to educate myself so that I can be welcoming and supportive of all students in my
classroom to avoid any instances like that. Looking back at the Tch and Lrn 301 I could add to it
to include more information about ELL misplacement, discipline systems and ELL identification
in order to make this assignment more specific and applicable to the school setting.
Analyze- The Tch and Lrn 333 article and video assignment helped me to achieve competency
3.G as it opened my eyes to negative experiences that ELL students experience while being at
school as a result of lack of understanding, programming, placement and discipline systems or
stereotypes. One article that stood out over the others was about how a teacher singled out a
group of students for speaking their native language amongst each other in the hallway. This
discrimination is wrong and leads to making students not feel comfortable or welcome while at
school. By feeling unwelcome students may not join extracurriculars, seek additional guidance
or be able to focus to the best of their ability in class as they are too busy worrying about being
called out for who they are. Another instance involved a professor asking students if they were
taking an English class as they were speaking another language in class. This improper
disciplining and calling out of ELL students negatively impact their school experience by
intimidating and singling them out for their culture. My 301 final reflection demonstrates how I
have met competency 3.G as it allowed me to dive into Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Model
about how a student’s various interactions within their environment directly shapes them and
their development. The school community can be an environment in a student’s bioecological
model shaping them, so if an ELL student is being poorly supported, misplaced, overly
disciplined and unincluded from extracurriculars that will have a negative impact on both their
academic and social life moving forward. Molls Funds of Knowledge was another big focus in
my final paper as it emphasizes how important it is to value and use what students enter the
classroom with. What students come into the classroom with should be embraced, not looked
down upon or misplaced in various programs.
Act- Moving into student teaching and eventually having a classroom of my own I will need to
be on alert to spot any misplacing, ineligibility or disproportionate disciplining of ELL students
to help advocate for proper supports and inclusion for ELL students. I can challenge outdated
or incorrect policies by advocating and using up to date practices and methods within my own

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