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Covid-19 Pandemic Policies for Dormitory Students

29 October 2021

Due to the continued improvement of conditions related to the Covid-19 pandemic, we will
again modify some of the policies related to students who reside in the UPH dormitories. As
mentioned in the last update, these policies will very likely change again in the future, and a
new update will be distributed.

The following items are the ONLY changes to the earlier policies:

1. For scholarship students (not UPHC students) who wish to leave campus the
following procedures are in place for short departures from the campus (not
a. Students may ask their Dorm Parents for permission to leave the campus up
to TWO (2) times per week.
b. Students may leave campus for up to FIVE (5) hours.
c. Students may not leave the Central Lippo Karawaci area. For a map of
acceptable areas, please contact the dorm parents.
2. In order to continue to protect the health of students in the scholarship dormitories,
guests are not allowed to enter the dormitories. This includes other scholarship
students who are currently living off campus.

The following items remain unchanged:

3. These policies apply to everyone living in the UPH dormitories, including TC/ITC
Students, H2O students, FoN Students, FBS Students, UPH Students, and YPPH Young
Professionals. The policies for UPHC Students may be slightly different.
4. All dormitory residents must be fully vaccinated (2 doses). Any exceptions must be
approved by MYC Leadership after consultation with UPH Leadership.
5. Upon first arrival to the dorm, residents must present the results of a PCR Swab Test
(within the prior 2x24 hours before arrival) to enter the dorm.
6. After first arrival, residents who are fully vaccinated must self-quarantine according
to MYC policies. For some residents this quarantine may be in their own room, for
others it will be in a separate room.
a. Residents who are fully vaccinated will self-quarantine for three (3) days.
b. Residents who are not fully vaccinated will self-quarantine for seven (7) days.
c. Following the quarantine period, a negative Swab Antigen Test is required to
exit quarantine.
7. Residents who are living in the dormitories will receive regular swab antigen testing:
a. For fully vaccinated residents, the test will be monthly.
b. For those who are not fully vaccinated, the test will be bi-weekly.
c. For scholarship students, the cost will be paid by their faculty. For others, the
cost will be at the student’s expense.
8. Overnight leave may be requested one time per semester and must be approved by
the Dorm Parents and MYC Leadership at least one week in advance.
a. Residents who leave the dorm overnight, but do not leave Jabodetabek, will
be required to fulfill the following requirements in order to re-enter the
i. Fully vaccinated residents will be required to provide results of a
Negative Swab Antigen Test (within the prior 1x24 hours before
arrival). No self-quarantine is necessary.
ii. Residents who are not fully vaccinated will be required to provide
results of a Negative Swab Antigen Test (within the prior 1x24 hours
before arrival). After arriving they will be required to self-quarantine
for three (3) days and then take a Swab Antigen Test. If the result of
this test is negative, the resident may resume normal activities.
b. Residents who leave who leave the dorm and travel outside of Jabodetabek
overnight will be required to fulfill the following requirements in order to re-
enter the dormitory.
i. Fully vaccinated residents will be required to provide results of a
Negative Swab Antigen Test (within the prior 1x24 hours before
arrival). After arriving they will be required to self-quarantine for
three (3) days and then take another Swab Antigen Test. If the result
of this test is negative, the resident may resume normal activities.
ii. Residents who are not fully vaccinated will be required to provide
results of a Negative PCR Test (within the prior 2x24 hours before
arrival). After arriving they will be required to self-quarantine for
seven (7) days and then take a Swab Antigen Test. If the result of this
test is negative, the resident may resume normal activities.
9. Students who experience any symptoms of Covid-19 must immediately inform their
dorm parents and take a swab antigen test. Dormitory students need to follow Covid
19 protocols by UPH / MYC Office.
10. Students who violate MYC policy will receive disciplinary action from the MYC
Leadership (warning letter to expulsion).
11. MYC will evaluate and adjust the procedures when needed.

- MYC Management Office -

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