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SEMESTER 2 2020/2021









LIM KAI YI 196175


Product Introduction 3
Product Plan 3
Process Description 4
Quality Goals 4





Software quality is an important aspect of software engineering in which appropriate
testing is carried out in order to find a bug or fault in the package using functional specifications
and requirements. Software quality management is one of the activities in our project that
ensures that the delivered Quarantine Tracker system meets the needs of the users. Software
quality also is one of activities that aim to provide high-quality software that is delivered on
time, on budget, and most importantly, meets the needs of the user. Usually in a software project,
project manager and their team members may face this type of difficulties like customer quality
requirements frequently clash with project developer quality requirements and software
specifications are frequently imprecise, inconsistent, or confusing. So, in order to get the best
quality package or product, software quality requires in-depth study and testing on specific
Our project manager and team members decided to divide the activity into 3 main activities
which is, quality planning where our team members will choose and adapting suitable quality
standards and processes for our project. There are a few key aspects of software design that assist
ensure that the intended quality is achieved. Through brainstorming among our team members,
we have to choose the main attributes for the quality of our Quarantine Tracker software system.
By listing and knowing all these attributes, we ensure that we are able to provide our Quarantine
Tracker system with all of these features. We believe that these attributes contribute to the
development of well-balanced and highly functional software programs and solutions. However,
this isn't enough; we also need to objectively assess if a system meets our quality standards,
which necessitates measurement.
Second activity is reviews and inspection, where our team members will choose a proper tool
to define our product quality. This step is very important in our project because it will affect the
quality of the project. So, our team members will gather requirements, design, build, and deliver
a perfect solution. By doing this it will improve the quality of our Quarantine Tracker system.
Lastly, measurement and metric, where our team members will do the measurement of
the Quarantine Tracker system, evaluate, predict and improve the quality in our software project.
Thus, quality is also important in software systems. It is our responsibility to offer a quality
software product that is well-tested for defects and vulnerabilities, whether it be a basic internal
system for a few people or a software product that provides to millions of customers.


Quality plan in the quality management report is setting out the desired product qualities and
how these are assessed and defines the most significant quality attributes. The plan should define
the quality assessment process. It should set out which existing standards should be applied and,
where necessary, define new standards to be used. The quality planning of this task is more
focused on the project’s process rather than the product.

2.1. Product Introduction

Quarantine Tracker is the name of the project product. This product will help and support
the Ministry of Health Malaysia to keep track of the individual who has the home
quarantine on the giving period and take action against those who disobey the rules. This
project will be more developed with the standard operating procedure (SOP) to be
applied with possibility since we all are still facing the COVID-19 pandemic issue.

2.2. Product Plan

Our “Quarantine Tracker” product’s plan is for knowing our milestones and tasks being
assigned in the quality way so that it is reaching the quality management standard. The
development plan of Quarantine Tracker consists of 5 phases which are requirement and
analysis, design, development, testing, and implementation.

Quality of product plan describes the overall intentions and approach to be applied to
maintain quality. The quality product plan for the Quarantine Tracker involves:

● Standards and methodologies used for the project management quality assurance.
● Effective processes and products to assist arrangements for good governance and
● Input from individuals with the appropriate subject or technical expertise to make
sure the development of outputs that are suitable for the purpose.

Besides, the quality strategy for the process of Quarantine Tracker involves:

● Quality related issues encountered in the application of the project management

● Quality issues faced in the development of the outputs.
● Relevant standards that must be applied for the project.
● Activities in the work plan that should be conducted correctly and properly.

2.3. Process Description

In the quality plan, the quality of a developed product is influenced by the quality of the
production process. The quality process should begin with the step of the process defined
by the product. Next, develop the product systematically and efficiently. After the product
is developed, it should assess the product quality, to make sure it is well-structured and
understandable. If the product reach the quality, it will proceed with the standardize
process of the product. If not, the product will go to the improve process for the
improvement and get back to the process of developing the product.

2.4. Quality Goals

For our product’s quality goals, it should meet the specification. To achieve the goals of
quality management in Quarantine Tracker, a few components are included inside the
Quality Plan. The components included are as follows:

● Quality Assurance - to establish quality project management processes.

● Quality Control - implemented through the development of quality outputs

produced from the processes inside the system.

● Quality Improvement - to perform a further assessment and improve the quality

wherever possible in the system.

To meet software quality goals, the process of task is submitted to be reviewed by the
Software Quality Management leader to be assessed. Files related to the tasks are

delivered online to the leader to be reviewed and determined if the component is fit for
the purpose of the software required to be developed.

The completed checklist of subtasks for a main task is a metric to be used for
determining the process quality while the related files are reviewed manually to
determine if the software product meets the quality and standard that was set for the
entire project’s process.

Industry standards software metric is used for manual review to quantify and provide
a baseline measurement of the product quality. The primary goal is to ensure that each
task after reviewing meets the adequate quality or above and the features included fit the
purposes of the software requirements.


Quality assurance is the process that refers to how a software quality may be
accomplished and how the development organization knows the product meets the standard level
of quality. The selection and specification of standards that are applied to the software
development process or software product is the core activity of the quality assurance process.
Standards are divided into two categories. First are product standards. The product standards are
applied to the software product and also documents. For example, the output of the software
process. Second is process standards. The processes that should be followed during software
development are defined by the process standards. Product and process standards with
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) are need for our project as shown in table

Product Standards Process Standards

ISO 9126: Software Product Quality Measurement. ISO 15504: Software Process Assessment.

ISO 14598: Software Product Evaluation. ISO 15939: Software Measurement Process.

ISO 25051: Requirements for Quality of ISO 6592: Guidelines for the Documentation of
Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) Software Computer Based Application Systems
Product and Instructions for Testing.

ISO 15026: System and Software Integrity Levels. ISO 18019: Guidelines for the Design and
Preparation of Software User Documentation.

ISO 15910: Software User Documentation Process. ISO 14102: Guidelines for the Evaluation and
Selection of CASE Tools.

ISO 9001: Standard for Quality Management -


Publication of standards such as European Space Agency (ESA), Institute of Electrical
and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) are
chosen by many organizations for their software engineering nowadays. In this project, we
focused on the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO is an independent body
which provides standards of the organization. ISO certificate is provided by our government. ISO
certification provides many advantages to our project, like improved product quality, increased
company efficiency, more international reputation, easier marketability, and many more.

There are many ISO software but we only focus on six product standards and five process
standards. First, ISO 9126: Software Product Quality Measurement. In this product standards our
work focuses on internal and external quality of our product. Next is ISO 14598: Software
Product Evaluation. Our work focuses on evaluating the software quality and quality of all types
of software product. Third is ISO 25051: Requirements for Quality of Commercial
Off-The-Shelf (COTS) Software Product and Instructions for Testing. In these product standards
we focus on product description requirements, user documentation requirements, and software
quality requirements, as well as requirements for COTS software products (functionality,
reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability, portability, and quality in use), test
documentation requirements, and conformity evaluation instructions. Fourth product standard is
ISO 15026: System and Software Integrity Levels. The program integrity level is a rating that
minimizes the frequency with which a danger can be posed. Our group focuses on maintaining
our system risks within acceptable limits. Next is ISO 15910: Software User Documentation
Process refers to the creation of documentation that satisfies the demands of the users. So, in this
product standard we not only focus on printed documentation, but also on-line documentation,
help delivery system, on-line text. Lasly ISO 9001: Standard for Quality Management System. In
this product process we are focusing on improving the efficiency of the process, organizing
processes and continually improving our project because by doing this we make sure that our
product and services could meet our customer and regulatory requirements.

While for the process standards, we are also focused on five process standards in our
project. Firstly, ISO 15504: Software Process Assessment which refers to documents that relate
to the Software Process Assessment. In this process standard we are going to do the
identification and characterization of current practices, strengths and weaknesses in our system,

and the ability of current practices to control or avoid significant causes of poor quality in our
system, cost, and schedule. Second is ISO 15939: Software Measurement Process. In this process
standard we are going to do the information model that is recommended by ISO to determine
what has to be defined throughout measurement planning, execution, and assessment. Next is
ISO 6592: Guidelines for the Documentation of Computer Based Application Systems. With this
process standard, we are going to create well-organized project documentation in every phase,
agreeing documentation and also other documents that relate to our system for two parties.
Fourth is ISO 18019: Guidelines for the Design and Preparation of Software User
Documentation. We need to focus on creating a standard user document with the information that
is provided with the program to help the user in their use of software. We also need to create
User manuals, on-screen information, and help text that describe how to use a software product.
Lastly, ISO 14102: Guidelines for the Evaluation and Selection of Computer-Aided Software
Engineering (CASE) Tools. CASE tools are a main component of the supporting technologies
that help us to build and maintain our system. By using this CASE tool we can define how well
the CASE tool meets the user’s requirement and also meets its claimed functionality.

In conclusion, we choose eleven software standards for our project. These product and
process standards are to guarantee that our product, systems, and organizations are safe,
dependable, and environmentally friendly. Thus, our software system is built according to a set
of standards and it can be more cost-effective since it is easier to adopt and understand for people
who have previously been exposed to the standards.

4.1. Software Review
Software review is a process to test the quality of the product that involves in
developing the software and it is important in the process of quality control. Every
product that involves in the process of developing the software needs to be reviewed to
make sure that each component is valid and has all requirements requested by clients.
The process of doing software review involves several reviewers to go through the
products for the purpose of searching the defects in products and eliminating the defects
by improving or correcting it. In the process of reviewing, it helps other team projects to
alert with the details about the project and achieve approval from stakeholders. By
undergoing software review, it can make the software development to be cost effective by
preventing any major defect to be found in the final product later on that can lead to
additional cost just to fix the product. Additional cost and time extension are the
problems that the team has been preventing from happening in the planning management
and risk management. Identifying and eliminating the defects will make it easier for the
team to control the quality of the products. There are severals software review that can be
implemented such as;-

4.1.1. Inspection
Inspection is a reviewing process that needs to be done formally consisting of
several people with some expertise in order to make sure the software product
complies with the standard that has been provided either in the international,
organizational or project level of standard. The documents will be distributed
among the people who will be involved in the quality control process in advance to
give them some time to inspect the documents. After the end of inspection time, A
meeting will be held that involves all inspectors, moderators, and authors. The
activities in the meeting will be inspectors pointing out the defects that they found
and authors will be assisting inspectors to understand the project better. After the
discussion, they will finalize the defects and come up with the steps to eliminate the
defects in order to achieve the standard for the documents.

4.1.2. Walkthrough
Unlike inspection, walkthrough is more on the side of informal meetings
involving people with no expertise in the process of quality control. Walkthrough is
usually being implemented when the author needs to involve the perspective of
people outside of the project to gain a variety of views from other people from
different backgrounds. The purposes of the walkthrough are to collect the
perspective from stakeholders who are from outside of the field as the Quarantine
Tracker will be used by a variety of people. It is important to make sure if the other
people, outside from the field, understand the requirements and to make sure if it is
achievable or the other way around.

4.1.3. Code Review

In the code review quality control, a set of code will be reviewed by the team in
order to identify undetectable error by the system, the more suitable set of codings
to increase the performance of the software and ensure the consistency of the
software. This process can be done by those who have the programming skills as it
requires specific skills, ability and knowledge to do some reviewing and improve
the system’s quality. Code review between peers will involve many perspectives
that can help to increase the usability and software performance.

4.2. Process of Product Inspection

The early stage of the inspection process will be the preparation stage as authors need to
finalize the documents on their side and at the same time they need to prepare all the
inspection meeting details such as place and distribute the documents to eligible
inspectors. After the preparation stage, an inspection meeting will be held between
developers (author), experts in the related field (inspector) and those who are experts
about the project (moderator). The meeting will involve activities such as discussing the
project, pinning out the defects in the documents and comparing the documents with
standards that are related to the project. After the meeting, authors will be needing to
improve their documents and eliminate unwanted defects that can give negative impact
towards the project.

4.3. Quality Assurance Inspection (using iAuditor)
Red Virtual Spirit team decided to use iAuditor tools from SafetyCulture to assist the
team for the inspection process for the project of Quarantine Tracker. iAuditor tools has
the feature to use the existing standard templates or to create our own templates for our
own company’s standard. iAuditor also allows the team to access the tools together and to
do inspection for our documents. In addition, the tools also have the features for us to
schedule our inspection to make sure the process of our project is on track as per
discussed in the planning management phase.
After using the inspection template, the tools will be showing the inspection score
to show the readiness and effectiveness of our software as per the existing quality
assurance inspection. Based on the inspection reported by iAuditor, we can detect the
standards that we have not yet achieved and we need to improve to be able to fulfill the
standards. Nurdinie Asfa is the one who incharge of the inspection for Software Quality


In software development, measurements are conducted by using metrics. A metric is an

empirical assignment of a value to an entity aiming to describe a specific characteristic of this
entity. This is necessary since it does not always know what causes a project to fail, therefore
both successful and poor projects must be measured and recorded.

In Quarantine Tracker we focus on the product metrics. Product metrics are software
product measures at any stage of their development, from requirements to established systems
and it is related to software features only. Product metrics can be categorized into two which
are dynamic metrics which help in assessing the efficiency and reliability of a program while
static metrics help in understanding and maintaining the complexity of a software system.
Dynamic measurements are frequently linked to software quality characteristics. It is quite
simple to estimate the time necessary to start the system and to assess the execution time
required for certain tasks. These are directly connected to the efficiency of the system failures
and the sort of failure that may be reported and are directly related to the software's

Static matrices also have an indirect link with quality characteristics. A significant
number of these matrices have been developed in an attempt to derive and verify the link
between complexity, understandability, and maintainability. For Quarantine Tracker, several
static metrics have been used in this project. The static metric is listed as below:

5.1. Length of code

This is a measure of the size of a program. In Quarantine Tracker, the size coding might
be large, thus, the more complex and error-prone component will likely happen. This is
due to the features that we provide in this software as we want to improve the COVID-19
system in order to help the medical team.

5.2. Cyclomatic complexity

This is a measure of the control complexity of a program. Quarantine Tracker complexity

is linked through the understandability of this programme. For our software, we have low
count of cyclomatic complexity.

5.3. Length of identifiers

This is a measure of the average length of distinct identifiers in a program. Length of

identifiers in this project is much longer, hence, it is more meaningful and
understandable. In our software, we are using not too long and yet not too short
identifiers as we want to allow other programmers to understand the coding easier
because there will be a lot of programmers to be involved to maintain the software in
future. Examples of identifiers we use in the software are as below:

● Patient identifiers - address, patient_ID, age

● Details -
5.4. Depth of conditional nesting

This is a measure of the depth of nesting of if-statements in a program. Deeply nested if

statements are hard to understand and are potentially error-prone. Our system consists of
a lot of validation and verification, therefore, a lot of nest-if selection involved in it. Due
to that, the software is prone to have a lot of errors in it if any changes are made to
improve the software.

5.5. Fog index

This is a measure of the average length of words and sentences in documents. The result
of fog index count will influence the readability and understandability of the program.
The higher the fog index, the more difficult it is for users to understand the document.
For our project, the Gunning Fog Index calculator showed that our Risk Analysis in Risk
Management report resulted with 16.48 fog index. Therefore, our document can easily be


To summarise, project quality management is not a separate or independent process that

occurs at the end of an activity to assess the degree of output quality. Rather, it is a continuous
process that begins and ends with the project. It is a component of every project management
process, from the start of the project through the last stages of the project's conclusion. Quality
management focuses on the fulfillment of stakeholder improvements to processes through the
removal of unnecessary operations. Lack of proper quality management in a project increases
uncertainty and increases the risk of project failure. Project leaders and team members should
include a procedure for managing modifications, problems, difficulties, and events that arise
throughout the creation of the outputs. This process management may differ from one project
to the next.


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