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Q.What is SQA metrics? Discuss a case 3.

Implement Cross Browser Testing -Cross browser

where this metric can be applied to assure the
testing checks if the software runs seamlessly across
quality of the product
1. Software quality metrics are a subset of software different web browsers, screen sizes, and mobile
metrics that focus on the quality aspects of the apps. With multiple devices and models coming out in
product, process, and project. These are more closely the market, cross browser testing is becoming integral
associated with process and product metrics than with for every developer
project metrics. 4. Use Quality Controls from the Beginning-Quality
2. Software quality metrics can be further divided into management and control is an ongoing process, so
three categories – A)Product quality metrics B)In-
testers must cooperate with developers and work
process quality metrics C)Maintenance quality
metrics 3.Product Quality Metrics-1.Mean Time to together. A structured approach effectively improves
Failure 2.Defect Density 3.Customer Problems test processes and cuts maintenance costs with native
4.Customer Satisfaction testing tools.
4.In-process Quality Metrics In-process quality 5. Have Clear Communication-Clear communication
metrics deals with the tracking of defect arrival with all team members is integral to the software
during formal machine testing for some
quality improvement process. Having consistent KPIs
organizations. This metric includes….,1.Defect
density during machine testing 2.Defect arrival (Key Performance Indicators) throughout the project
pattern during machine testing and conveying accurate test reports helps in
3.Phase-based defect removal pattern 4.Defect removal communicating.
effectiveness 6. . Create a Risk Registry-Risk management is critical
5.Maintenance Quality Metrics-Although much cannot to software quality improvement, and project
be done to alter the quality of the product during this managers know they must monitor risks throughout
phase, following are the fixes that can be carried out to
eliminate the defects as soon as possible with excellent the development lifecycle7. Document Your Project
fix quality. Requirements-Good documentation defines the
1.Fix backlog and backlog management index 2.Fix scope of the project, milestones, deliverables, and
response time and fix responsiveness 3.Percent technical specifications, thus ensuring you meet
delinquent fixes 4.Fix quality deadlines and stay on track. The documentation also
6.Google reliability testing: code coverage as a defines customers’ needs and lists functional and non-
quality metric-1.Google has engrained testing into functional requirements
the heart of the development process so that every 7. Produce Bug Reports-A good bug report can make
team is responsible for the quality of their products,
software testing and improvement highly effective. It
and testers are only an external source used for
includes all possible scenarios, and use-cases and
creating automation….,2.Additionally, there is a
significant emphasis for teams to commit smaller bite- describes behave
size commits that can be easily rolled back if failures 8. ours exhibited while testing new features. You can
do arise….,3. One vital software quality metric widely add screenshots of failure exceptions in the report,
used at Google is code coverage. Code coverage is the list all possible solutions, and a bug summary.
percentage of code that is covered by automated Q. 7. Explain ISO 9000 Quality standard parameters
tests. At Google, over 90 percent of the projects are 1.ISO 9000 is defined as a set of international
covered with automated testing tools standards on quality management and quality
Q. State and Explain formal approaches to assurance developed to help companies effectively
achieve software quality. document the quality system elements needed to
1. Software Quality Assurance (SQA) is simply a way to maintain an efficient quality system.
assure quality in the software. It is the set of activities 2. They are not specific to any one industry and can
which ensure processes, procedures as well as be applied to organizations of any size.
standards are suitable for the project and 3. ISO 9000 deals with the fundamentals of quality
implemented correctly. management systems, including the eight
2. Test Early- Testing is important when learning how management principles on which the family of
to improve software quality and shouldn’t be standards is based.
neglected. Testing aims to catch defects early during 4. Principles: 1. Customer Focus-Your customers
the design phase so they don’t snowball and grow should be at the center of any company decisions.
into bigger issues later. Software development teams Your customers, after all, are your raison d’être.
resort to manual testing for many problems, but Routine activities should be carried out with a focus
companies leverage automated testing strategies for on customer satisfaction by all employees.
non-UI tasks.
2. Leadership- A dedicated leadership team can be improvement plan, monitor how your changes are
instrumental in creating quality culture. When a being received. You can resurvey customers to see if
company leader is engaged, supportive, and they still recommend improvements or if they're
dedicated to their staff, these qualities will be passed happy with your updates.
down and emulated by their team members Q 6. Explain Six Sigma method of Quality control
3. Engagement of people- Workplace collaboration Six Sigma(σ) 1.Daveloped by Motorola in late 1980 ,
can help to strengthen quality culture across an Six Sigma is quality model Originally developed for
organization. Regular cross-functional working is a manufacturing process….,2.Sigma is the standard
great way to generate ideas through brainstorming deviation between mean of process and nearest
sessions and working groups 4. Process approach- Specification limit there will be practically no items
The process approach is a method of thinking applying that fails to meet the specification….,3.Six Sigma is
to understand and plan the sequence and interactions way to achieve business rowers emphasizing on lower
of processes in the system. 5. Improvement- An cost number of defects. This process will produce less
organization is a constantly evolving entity. It should than 3.4 defects per million. To achieve this tangent it
be adaptable, flexible, and ready to embrace change. uses a methodology known as DMATE 1.Define
6. Evidence based decision making- Evidence- opportunities 2.Measure performance 3.Anclyse the
based decision making is a process for making the opportunities 4.imoprove the performance 4. A six-
best decisions possible using all the evidence sigma method is one in which 99.99966% of all the
available. 7.Relationship management -Improper opportunities to produce some features of a
communication and collaboration are yet another component are statistically expected to be free of
common reason that companies fail to develop a defects….,Six Sigma is a set of methods and tools for
quality culture. process improvement…,5. In the 1980s, Motorola
Q 8. What is Total Quality Management (TQM)? How was developing Quasar televisions which were
one can achieve TQM in their organization famous, but at the time there were lots of defects
1. The concept of TQM • Produce quality work the that came up on that due to picture quality and
first time.• Focus on the customer.• Have a strategic sound variations.
approach to improvement.• Improve continuously.•
Encourage mutual respect and teamwork.
2. Total quality management (TQM) has been
defined as an integrated organizational effort
designed to improve quality at every level.
3. It is the process to produce a perfect product by
a series of measures
4. require an organized effort by the entire company
to prevent or eliminate errors at every stage in
production is called total quality management.
steps:1. Clarify your vision, mission, and values-The
TQM approach requires all employees to work Characteristics of Six Sigma-1. Statistical Quality
Control- It denotes Standard Deviation in
towards the same goals. This allows them to
understand where the company is heading, what you
.Standard Deviation is used for measuring the
want to accomplish, and the values they need to
quality of output. Standard Deviation is used to
adhere to when working and making decisions. measure variance, which is an essential tool for
2. Develop ways to measure success-The only way to measuring non conformance as far as the quality of
know if you're succeeding is if you have a way to output is concerned. 2.Methodical Approach-Six
measure success. This can be different for every Sigma is not a merely quality improvement strategy
company and team in theory, as it features a well-defined set system
3. Identify your target audience and seek feedback approach of application in DMAIC and DMADV
from them-Your target audience or customer group which can be used to improve the quality of
depends on the product or service you sell. production. The alternative method DMADV stands
Determining who your key customer groups are can for Design-Measure-Analyze-Design-Verify act and
help you create products or services targeted to Data-Based Approach.3. Project and Objective-
them. Based Focus: The Six Sigma process is
4. Develop an improvement plan-Using the implemented for an organization's project tailored
feedback you received, create a plan that helps you to its specification and requirements.4. Customer
improve in your weak areas. For example, if multiple Focus- The customer focus is fundamental to the
customers complained that one of your products Six Sigma approach. Quality improvement and
isn't long lasting, you can create a new one that suits control standards are based on specific customer
their needs. 5.Monitor data-After implementing your requirements.
Q. list all quality parameters require to establish to shutdown of the system. Or affect the application in
good quality culture within the organization? a way that the user cannot proceed to the next task.
1.Customer Focus: The organization must have a Such bugs need immediate attention.
clear understanding of the needs and expectations 6. Bug Priority – A) Priority defines the urgency of
of its customers and strive to meet or exceed them. fixing the bug. As an example consider a defect
2.Leadership Commitment: The top management about the logo not getting clearly displayed. This
must demonstrate their commitment to quality by bug is not critical from a technical point of view.
setting the right examples and promoting quality B) We can divide priority into 3 levels – High,
at all levels. Medium, and Low.
3.Continuous Improvement: The organization 1.HIGH – Such defect needs immediate attention as
must have a process in place for continuous it might lead to complete failure of the system. The
improvement and strive to enhance its products, earliest resolution of such defects should be
services, and processes. conducted.
4.Employee Involvement: Employees must be 2.MEDIUM – Such bugs do not affect the working of
encouraged to participate in quality initiatives and the system. These can be solved simultaneously
provide suggestions for improvement. with the testing as well as the design phase.
5.Process-Based Approach: The organization must These bugs do need to be fixed but do not need any
establish processes to manage its operations and immediate attention.
ensure that they are effective and efficient. 3.LOW – These bugs are at the lowest priority.
6.Evidence-Based Decision Making: Decisions These are fixed once the developer is done with the
must be based on data and facts, rather than high and medium-priority bugs.
assumptions or opinions. Q. what is cyclomatic complexity and explain its
7.Supplier Relationships: The organization must significance
establish and maintain relationships with 1. Cyclomatic complexity is a software metric that
suppliers who share its commitment to quality. measures the complexity of a program by counting
8.Training and Development: Employees must be the number of independent paths through its
trained and developed to ensure that they have source code. The higher the cyclomatic complexity
the necessary skills and knowledge to perform of a program, the more difficult it is to test,
their jobs effectively. understand, and maintain.
9.Communication: Effective communication 2.In software testing, cyclomatic complexity is
channels must be established to ensure that significant because it helps identify areas of a
quality-related information is shared across the program that are more likely to contain errors.
organization. Programs with high cyclomatic complexity are
10.By establishing these quality parameters, an more likely to have defects, and therefore, require
organization can create a culture of good quality more testing and quality assurance efforts.
that promotes customer satisfaction, employee 3.By measuring the cyclomatic complexity of a
engagement, and continuous improvement. program, developers can better prioritize their
testing efforts, focusing on areas of the code that
Q. classify the defects on the basis of severity levels are more complex and likely to have errors. This
in software testing can help to improve the effectiveness of testing,
1. Bug Severity- Severity defines how impactful leading to higher quality software.
can a bug be to the system. Basically how severe it 4.Furthermore, the cyclomatic complexity metric
is. For example, an application crashing defect will can be used as a threshold for defining test
be considered highly severe as compared to a coverage. A higher cyclomatic complexity value
simple spelling mistake defect. Defect severity is indicates that more test cases are needed to achieve
divided under 4 stages – low, minor, major, and complete code coverage, as there are more paths
critical. through the program that need to be tested.
2. LOW – As the name suggests, these bugs do not 5.Complexity is an important metric for software
harm the system in any critical way. Although they testing as it helps to identify areas of a program
are harmless, yet valid and need to be removed. that are more complex and likely to have errors. By
3.MINOR – These bugs do affect the system in a focusing testing efforts on these areas, developers
certain manner. However, do not restrict its can improve the quality of their software and
functioning in any way. The system might behave in reduce the risk of defects in production.
an undesirable manner but does not stop the
functioning of the system.
4.MAJOR – These bugs too do not collapse the
whole system. None the less hamper major parts of
it. Thus disrupting basic functions of the system.
5.CRITICAL – These bugs might cause the complete
Q. explain the design and architecture of Test case 2: Verify that the user stories cover all the
automation test tools in software testing functional requirements of the product.
Below are some of the essential components that Test case 3: Verify that the user stories are testable
comprise the design and architecture of automation and measurable.
test tools: 3. Iteration testing: In Agile, the product is
1.Test automation framework: This component developed in small iterations. The testing scenario
includes the set of guidelines, rules, and standards should ensure that each iteration is tested
for designing and executing automated tests. A thoroughly before moving to the next iteration.
framework provides an organized approach for test Test case 1: Verify that the requirements of the
automation and helps to ensure consistency and iteration are clear and well defined.
maintainability of the test suite. The framework Test case 2: Verify that the developed functionality
comprises four layers - driver script, library files, meets the requirements of the iteration.
application module, and utility files. Test case 3: Verify that the developed functionality
2.Test script: This component is a set of does not break the existing functionality of the
instructions written in a programming language to product.
automate the testing process. Test scripts should be 4. Agile development methodology requires a well-
designed in such a way that they can be easily defined testing scenario that covers user story
maintained and reusable. testing, iteration testing, acceptance testing, and
3.Object repository: This component is a database regression testing. The above-mentioned test cases
that stores the objects of the application being can be used as a starting point to ensure that the
tested. The object repository helps to centralize the developed product meets the desired quality
management of test objects, making it easier to standards.
maintain test scripts. Q. A program reads an integer number within range
4.Test data: This component includes the inputs, [1, 100] and determines whether it is prime
expected outputs, and preconditions required for number or not. Design test cases for this program
executing the test scripts. using BVC, robust testing method.
5.Test execution engine: This component is 1. Test cases using Boundary value checking (BVC):
responsible for running the test scripts and the total number of test cases will be 4n + 1 = 5
generating the test results. It interacts with the test In this example, the set of minimum and maximum
automation framework, test scripts, and the values is shown below:
application under test to perform the test Min value = 1 + Min value = 2
automation. Max value = 100 - Max value = 99
6.Test reporting: This component is responsible for Nominal value = 50 - 55
generating reports that summarize the results of Using these values, test cases can be designed as
the automated tests. It provides detailed Test case id Integer Expected output
information on the test execution, test results, and variable
identified issues. 1 1 Not a prime no.
7. the design and architecture of automation test 2 2 Prime no.
tools in software testing include several essential 3 100 Not a prime no.
components that work together to automate the 4 99 Not a prime no.
testing process
5 53 Prime no.
Q. analyze the test scenario of agile development
2) Test cases using robust testing:
method and create some test cases
There is one variable, the total number of test cases
1. Agile development methodology focuses on
will be 6n + 1 = 7. The set of boundary values is
iterative and incremental development, where
shown below Min value = 1 + Min value = 2
requirements and solutions evolve through the
Max value = 100 - Max value = 99
collaborative effort of self-organizing and cross-
Nominal value = 50 - 55
functional teams. Testing is an integral part of the
Using these values, test cases can be designed
Agile development process, and the testing
Test Integer Expected output
scenarios must be well defined to ensure that the
case id variable
developed product meets the desired quality
standards. Here are some test scenarios 1 0 Invalid input
2. User story testing: In Agile, user stories are used 2 1 Not a prime no.
to define the requirements of the product. The 3 2 Prime no.
testing scenario should ensure that the user stories 4 100 Not a prime no.
are validated and verified. 5 99 Not a prime no.
Test case 1: Verify that the user stories are written 6 101 Invalid input
in a clear and concise language that can be easily 7 53 Prime no.
understood by the team.

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