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Example: #1

I wear a special uniform, a hat and a badge.

I wear a uniform I carry a walkie-talkie and I am also armed.
I keep many people safe in a dangerous My mission is to keep everyone safe.
situation I catch criminals.
I'm always travelling My job is dangerous.
My job is PILOT My job is____________


#2 #3
I studied hard at school and university. I save people’s teeth
I wear a white coat. I make people confident with their smiles
It's good to visit me even you feel fine. I am good at oral health
I like to keep you well and I can give you advice My job is _____
about food, vitamins, and your lifestyle.
I help people.
I work in a Hospital.
My job is _________

Answer: DOCTOR Answer: DENTIST

#4 #5
I play an important role in molding young I make things that people either love or hate
people's lives. I get very dirty hands doing my job
I am constantly striving to improve and I am very creative
broaden the knowledge of young people. My job is ____
I am good at communicating
My job is_______

Answer: TEACHER Answer: ARTIST

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