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01/11/2021 ENG A2 Handout Writing: Informal Letters

Letter Writing: Informal Letters

I. Structure

1. Greeting
Dear ...,
2. Introduction
→ Opening remarks
o Questions/Wishes about recent events, the person’s health, etc.
o A thank you to the person for their last letter, comments about their news
o An apology for the late response
→ Reason for writing
3. Main Body
[Body Paragraphs]
4. Conclusion
→ Closing remarks
o The reason why you must end the letter
o Greetings to the person’s family/friends
o Wishes, a promise, an invitation, etc.
o A request to thr person to reply soon
5. Ending
→ An informal ending
→ Your first name

II. Style
→ Informal Style
▪ Everyday vocabulary (e.g. I had a great time, it was so much fun, etc.)
▪ Colloquial expression/idioms (e.g. drop me a line, hit me up if you find out, etc.)
▪ Phrasal verbs (e.g. get on, settle in, drop in on)
▪ Short form (e.g. can’t, don’t, I’m, we’ll, etc.)

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01/11/2021 ENG A2 Handout Writing: Informal Letters

III. Useful language

1. Informal greeting
⎯ Dear ..., /To ..., /Hey ...,/ Hi ...,
2. Opening remarks
a. Questions/Wishes about recent events, the person’s health, etc.
⎯ How are you?, How are you doing?, How are things?
⎯ I hope you’re doing well
b. A thank you to the person for their last letter, comments about their news
⎯ Thanks for your letter/email, It was great hearing from you, I enjoyed reading your
letter/email, Thanks a lot for the invitation
⎯ I’m so happy to hear that ..., I’m sorry to hear that ...,
c. An apology for the late response
⎯ Sorry I haven’t written/replied for so long ..., Sorry I couldn’t reply sonner ...,
3. Reason for writing
⎯ I’m writing to ..., I wanted to tell you about ..., I thought I would fill you in on ...,
4. Closing remarks
a. The reason why you must end the letter
⎯ That’s all my news. I’d better end now, because...
⎯ That’s it for now. I gotta go now, ...
b. Greetings to the person’s family/friends
⎯ Say hi/hello to [...] for me.
⎯ Tell [...] I said hi.
⎯ Give/Send [...] my regards/love, Give my love/regards/best wishes to [...]
c. Wishes, a promise, an invitation, etc.
⎯ I promise I’ll visit/drop by as soon as I can, I’ll write back soon and let you know ...
⎯ Hope you can come, Let me know if you can join, ...
⎯ Take care, Keep in touch, See you soon, ...
d. A request to thr person to reply soon
⎯ Let me know what happens/how it goes, Write back soon and tell me what you think, ..
⎯ I look forward to your reply/to hearing from you soon, ...

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