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There is an obvious fact that the world we are living in changes every single
day in various aspects as it has always been since the very first days of the
Earth. Different viewpoints on the topic whether changing is a good thing has
been questioned for decades. Personally, I do believe that those who not keep
themselves updated with changes of their surroundings shall end up being
perished for the following reasons:

To begin with, life would be boring if things just stay the same. People often
find it hard to live a life doing the same kinds of job repeatedly on a daily basic
as it does bring them neither happiness nor challenges to be a better self. For
example, a daily routine of 9 to 5 at workplace and then getting back home
home for the extra workloads of modern citizens these days seems like taking
up a large part of their lifetime in return for nothing but income just to meet
their basic needs of food supplies, accommodation, and monthly bills. They
hardly find any enjoyment or motivation to get out of this vicious circle as they
need to survive the rat race which eventually their life described as a dead-end.

Secondly, changing is regarded as opportunities to a better future. It has been

proven that those who dare to move forwards are people who lead the game.
Nokia, for instance, was once well-known as one of the biggest flagships in the
industry of mobile phones, but sadly ended up bankrupt after nearly 150 years
in power. One of the board members of the company claimed in a press
conference about the failure that “Though we did no thing wrong, we’ve
failed”.In contradict, Apple has found their own ways to keep up with the
changes of the world by offering their customers what they are looking for in a
good smart phone. So far, it is clearly to notice that Apple is the one to accept
changes to open up new opportunities - to survive and to be recognized.

Last but not least, changing is the only way for people to move forwards. None
of us can become a better version of ourselves if we do not keep moving
forwards. One may face up with countless failures in their work or study, yet as
long as he keeps on what he’s doing and not giving up, finding ways to deal up
with the matters, he shall learn something in the end and become a better him
than yesterday. There were great men in the history of mankind whose
contributions still have great impacts in today’s world thanks to bravery
towards changes. Thomas Edison, for example, failed 10,000 times before
successfully creating light bulbs. Without his persistence and dear to change,
there will be no light in this world today.

In conclusion, the question on whether changing is good or bad still remains in

argument worldwide. However, there is one conception people can say for sure
that the benefits changes could offer obviously outweigh the drawbacks and
just only by changing we can improve ourselves for our good sake.

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