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Development in technology has brought various environmental problems.

Some believe
that people need to live simpler lives to solve environmental problems. Others, however,
believe technology is the way to solve these problems. Discuss both views and give your
own opinion.

The technological development doesn’t only bring human with conviniences but also pave the
way to prevent environment from being destroyed. Meanwhile, some people believe that
modernization is the main reason which deteriorates our surroundings. This essay will give
opinion of both views.
To commence with, people cannot deny that a variety of environmental issues have been
gradually solved thanks to technology. For the last several decades, renewable energy industry
has remarkably developed all around the world which helps to reduce million tons of fossil fuels
exploited annually. Many developed countries like England, Japan,… have applied a host of
solar, wind, or even wave energy production systems that became the main energy resources
for the citizen instead of natural fuel and gas. Moreover, via technology, a large amount of
waste is recycled every year which hugely contributed to cut down the waste disposal. For
instance, there is a factory in Singapore recycling hundreds tons of garbages of all kind of
materials daily, with the assistance of this fatory, there is almost no footprint of waste in the
surrounded area.
On the flip side, disavantages of technology to the environment is unavoidable that people need
to be less dependent on technology and have a simpler lives to avoid harming the surroundings.
Firstly, there are a huge amount of vehicles’ emissions emmitted every single second which
cause high level of exhuast fumes and seriously pollute the atmostphere. Therefore, walking or
using public vehicles is suggested to protect the environment. Additionally, electricity is the main
comsumption of natural resources such as fossil fuels and nuclear power. Therefore, reducing
the amount of electricity consumed also help to save the precise non-renewable energy
resources. For instance, there is a day goes by the name Earth Day which encourages people
to turn off their lights for an hour.
In conclusion, human and technology is unextricable, so if we worked out the way to take the
most benefits of it without harming environmental, it would make a whale of differences to both
human and the earth.
Describe a town or city where you would like to live in the future

well, just like everyone else, I always dream of one day I would be able to live in my beloved
city, Dalat.
It is a famous tourist attraction in my country located on a mountainous area, Tay Nguyen. I
have visited this city just once when I was 15 yrs old, by the first time I put my foot on this land, I
realize that I can’t help falling in love with this paradise.
Hundred years ago, Dalat was known to be the european-city of Vietnam, the tropical country.
Many high class citizens lived there through the war times because of the comfortable weather
throughout the year.
nowadays, Dalat still have a sole position in every vietnameses’ mind because of the
indescribable vibe that it brings to visitors.
it famous for many things, from freshest food such as vegetables and fruits to the overwhelming
landscapes of mountaious area like valleys or waterfalls. Moreover, their ‘culinary cultures is
also very captivating, visitors can find delicious food every where around the city, no matter in
the restaurants or streets.
After visiting Dalat for 3 days, I realized that living there would be very peaceful and
comfortable. I think this is the main reason make me want to settled down there.
In conclusion, living in DaLat with my family is such an great scenery.

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