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Test 2. The noun.

The article
Variant 1

Test 2. The noun. The article

Variant 2
Task 1. Classify the following nouns:
a) A boy – a common concrete class noun
b) Passion – a common concrete abstractive noun -1
c) Tea- a common concrete material noun
d) Family – a common concrete collective noun -1
Task 2. Complete the table:
Singular Plural Translation
Focus Foci Очаги
Phenomenon Phenomenons Phenomena Явление (феномен)
Appendix Appendixes Appendices -0,5 Приложение
A Commander-in-chief Commanders-in-chief Главнокомандующий
A Swiss Swiss Швейцарец
A Man-driver Men-drivers -1 Мужчина-водитель
Merry-go-round Merry-go-rounds Карусель
Cod Cod Треска

Task 3. Form the possessive where it is possible:

1) the leg of the table – Nouns denoting inanimate objects are y not used in the possessive
2) the books of the commander-in-chief – commander-in-chief’s books
3) the dog of Tim, Tom and Jane – Tim’s dog, Tom and Jane’s dog
4) the car of Max- Max’ car
5) the meeting on Monday – a Monday’s meeting
6) the strategy of Italy – Italy’s strategy
7) the surface of the moon – the moon’s surface
8) the roof of the house – Nouns denoting inanimate objects are y not used in the
possessive case.
9) the tail of the cat – Cat’s tail

Task 4. Insert the right article where necessary, explain the use of the articles with the
underlined noun
1. John Thomas brought a new film to the festival. The Film was a success. -2
2. (The) Travelers saw an oasis in the Gobi, but it was a mirage. -2
3. San-Paulo is a city in South-East Brazil. It is the largest city in South America.
4. I’ m interested in contemporary literature (No article is used if abstract nouns are
modified by such attributes as modern, , proletarian, medieval, ancient, contemporary) but
I really admire the literature of the 17th century. -1
5. They had a delicious lunch in a café near Fiftieth Street. Believe me, the lunch they had
was really good! -1
6. It was a warm Sunday afternoon and Sarah had driven up to stay with us for lunch.
7. The Atom was known in Ancient Greece. -1
8. There is news about the Ivanovs for you. The Letter that I’m talking about is on the table.
9. The Sky, the horizon, the sea promised good weather. When the weather is fine, I like to
take the dog for a walk. -1
10. It was a really cold winter. We couldn’t even go skiing in early morning and had to stay
at home till noon.

Task 5. Translate into English:

1. (The) Scientists have received information about some unusual phenomena on the
surface of the Moon (the moon’s surface)
2. You're walking on the edge of a knife. The police ask me about you every day! -1
3. I often go to the bakery. It is at a stone’s throw from my house.

4. . – I met Paul McCartney when I was in England. – Do you mean the McCartney
that everyone knows? - Yes

5. No one knows when the wheel was invented.

6. There will be a big scandal if he does not abandon the idea. But I think he should
try. I believe there is a problem with the documents.
7. Sometimes the July’s heat drives me crazy, but I'm sure summer is my favorite
time of the year. I love summer and early autumn. During this period, you can take a
walk with friends in the park and have a good time.
8. He always helps his friends with money, but sometimes his friends can't accept it.
9. He picked up the newspaper that was on the table and started reading. He always
read the “Times” in the morning before breakfast, and also in the evening before

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