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Name: Crestyl Faye Rodrigo Cagatan Date: September 8, 2021


1. What is prayer for you?

When you pray, you are conversing with God. It's one of the pathways to
divine providence. It brings us comfort in times of sorrow, provides us with the
answers we seek from God, and heals a broken spirit. Prayer releases the power of
God's blessing on your life and situations when you pray on a regular basis.

2. What is your best experience on how God has answered your prayer?
The best experience of God answering my request was when He allowed us
to spend at least 3 months with my father. My father was diagnosed with cancer
(leukemia) in September of 2015. My father has only one month remaining,
according to the doctor. God, however, extended his life for three months
through the power of prayer. God has given us the opportunity to spend time
with my dad.

3. Have you prayed for others? If yes, when? And how did you feel after that?
Yes. It was during a time when my friend was having difficulty dealing with
her issues. I was praying to God for insight on how I might help her as a friend so
she didn't have to cope with everything on her own. After that, I went to her room
and prayed with her because there was nothing more I could do but to surrender
everything to God.

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