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WARM UP (Primary Questions)

01-) What encouraged you to become a pilot?

02-) What are the advantages and disadvantages of flying international routes?
03-) Tell me about your routine as a pilot.
04-) What’s the most enjoyable thing about flying?
05-) What can you expect from a good pilot?
06-) In your opinion how will technology impact aviation in the future?
07-) Talk about your background experience in aviation.
08-) How did you decide to be a pilot?
09-) What’s the main responsibility of a captain?
10-) What’s your favorite aircraft?
11-) What would you tell a person who wants to be a pilot and fly big aircraft?
12-) In your opinion is it important to train emergency situations? Have you ever done any training? If so, what’s
your favorite?
13-) How did you get started in aviation?
14-) What’s the importance of the briefing before the flight?
15-) What’s the importance of the CRM in the cabin?
16-) What would you do in an occasion you were flying as a copilot and you found out the captain was not
following the CRM?
17-) When did you decide to be a pilot?
18-) What do you think about the new technology that is replacing the pilots? Do you agree with this technology?
19-) How do you see the connectivity provided by air transportation?
20-) What could a pilot do to increase his skills?
21-) What can heavy rain cause to the operation?
22-) How was your pilot training?
23-) What changed in the aviation after September 11th?
24-) Why is it important to study meteorology?
25-) How often do you use English during flight?
26-) How was your first solo flight and where was that?
27-) What is situational awareness?
WARM UP (Secondary Questions)

1-) Talk about aviation in the next 20 years.

2-) Tell about pilots’ responsibilities.
3-) When do you prefer flying? Night, day? Why?
4-) Have you ever had an emergency situation during a flight? Tell about it.
5-) Is it important for pilots to study every day? Why?
6-) What do you like to do on your layovers?
7-) What do you do nowadays?
8-) What are your goals in the aviation for the future?
9-) What are the most common emergency situations?
10-) Say some types of depressurization.
11-) What’s the worst emergency you can have during flight?
12-) What do you expect from aviation in the future?
13-) In your opinion where will there be the best employment in the future?
14-) What do you expect from your future?
15-) Do you prefer flying small or big planes?
16-) What are you doing to become a better pilot?
17-) How did you learn your Aviation English?
18-) What would you tell your passengers if you were having an emergency?
WARM UP (Possible questions)

1-) What are the challenges about being a pilot?

2-) Have you ever gotten sick during flight?
3-) Until what age do you plan to keep flying?
4-) What’s the hardest thing about being a pilot?
5-) Would you encourage your son/your daughter to become a pilot?
6-)What is the most beautiful airport you’ve been to?
7-) What would your dream aircraft to fly be?
8-) What’s the difference between flying international and domestic routes in your opinion?
9-) What city do you like to fly to here in Brazil? Where do you usually go more often?
10-) What family problems might result from someone being a pilot?
11-) What relevant tasks do you think flight attendants do to cooperate with pilots?
12-) How easy do you think it is to enter a Brazilian aircraft carrying a gun?
13-) Which do you prefer: Boeing or Airbus? Why?
14-) Which do you prefer: takeoff or landing? Why?
15-) What can a co-pilot expect from a captain? And now on the other hand what can a captain expect from a co-


I have been flying since 2010. I have flown different types of aircraft like Cessna, Seneca, Tupi …
I have performed my entire training at Jundiaí flight school.
As a pilot I have already experienced a lot of situations, such as: turbulence, delays and canceled flights.
I will have worked for this company for two years next month.
If I were the captain of this plane and had faced up to this situation I would have taken the appropriate
measures in order to provide the safety of the flight.

Actually …
In fact …
As a matter of fact …
As far as I know …
As far as I am concerned …
As far as I understand …
Once I was told that …


Examiner: You will talk to Dubai control. You have fuel leak and you are running out of fuel.

Dubai control: Anac 123. Dubai control, due to traffic congestion keep FL ____ and expect delay of 30.

Examiner: After waiting 20 minutes say you have fuel leak and you are running out of fuel.

Anac 123( Que é vc) : Dubai control. Anac 123. Unable to wait because we have a fuel leak and we are running out
of fuel.

Dubai control: Say intentions.

Você: Diz intenções.


Examiner: You are taking off from Dubai. You have high oil temperature. Report the situation and intentions.

Dubai control: Anac 123. Keep the standard departure procedure. Keeping heading _______ , FL 070 until Dubai
VOR and call frequency 121.90.

Você: Você informa que tem “A high oil temperature”.

Dubai control: Anac 123. Confirm you are having a windshear.

Você: Negative. I don’t have conditions to climb to FL 070.


Examiner: During a landing at Frankfurt Airport you have a bird-strike on the nose of the aircraft.

Frankfurt: Anac 123. Confirm you’ve had a bird-strike on the windshield.

Você: Negative. We had a bird-strike on the nose.

REMARK: You are instructed to ask for radar vectors.


Examiner: You are taking off from Miami Airport. You reject takeoff due to engine power loss.

Miami tower: Anac 123. You are cleared to take-off.

Você: You say: “I have had a reject takeoff due to engine power loss.

Miami tower: “Read back incorrectly”. Vacate runway ____

Você: You read back.


Você tem que falar com a torre de Hong Kong que está na “final approach”. A torre reporta direção do vento e
velocidade do vento de 15 kt com rajada (gust) de 30 kts. Tinha que reportar que não estava estabilizado e que ia
arremeter, daí a torre pergunta se Anac 123 estava estabilizada. Anac 123 tem que dizer que não está estabilizada
e que vai arremeter.


The pilot rejected takeoff at Miami airport and engine fire indication warning.
Controller asked to maintain position and the fire fighters are coming.


At Dubai airport. After takeoff maintain runway heading cleared to climb to 8,000 ft and call control …


At Dubai Airport. Clear to land on runway 12 L then turn right and call ground 119 …


Congonhas - Final approach and someone entered the runway (NEAR MISS). The aircraft had to go around.


Take off from Dubai, engine number 2 warning light on. Request diversion, have to clarify you have engine power


Take off at Miami Airport. Listen and answer the ATC, runway heading, climb 7,000 ft turn left, squawk, QNH.

After takeoff at Miami contact Miami departure. A problem shows up and asks if can divert to Frankfurt.


Anac 123 está no ponto de espera em Dubai pronto para decolar. Recebe autorização, coteja e sofre tail-strike.
A torre entende bird-strike e você clarifica.


Você está na final ILS de Miami, recebe autorização de pouso e coteja. Depois você perde o sistema de navegação
e tem que informar para a torre e dizer intenções.
Você intenções.
A torre diz estar avistando, pede a distância para a cabeceira e confirmar se está VMC.


Anac 123 está prestes a entrar no circuito de Dubai. Recebe autorização da torre e na final o trem de pouso não
Você tem intenção de sair do circuito para tentar baixar o trem de pouso.
A torre entende certo.


The plane has performed …

The plane has suffered …
The plane has landed …
The plane has taken off …
The plane has just arrived …
The plane has just left …


Decolando de Brasília você tem “Engine Failure” in the right engine”.

Controle pede para você retornar pela pista 29.


Pousando em Miami. Após pouso você fica parado sobre a pista devido a “Braking Action.”
Controlador pergunta se o piloto quer pousar próximo ao terminal de carga.


Durante o vôo, controle de Frankfurt é informado pela Anac 123 que a mesma está com “Fuel Imbalance” e pede
prioridade para pouso.

Pergunta da examinadora: What can cause “Fuel Imbalance”?


Inesperada turbulência severa no FL 350 em Miami.

O piloto reportou que alguns passageiros se machucaram e solicitou pouso de emergência imediato no aeroporto
de Miami, além de assistência médica no solo.
Controlador dá vetores para a final da pista.
Examinadora pergunta: What can a turbulence like that cause to the structure of an aircraft?


Ligação telefônica recebida pelos controladores de voo informando que a aeronave do voo Anac 123 tinha uma
bomba a bordo.
Os controladores entram em contato com o piloto informando isso e dizendo “no more information, say
intentions.”Daí o piloto responde dizendo que quer descer e pousar em emergência imediatamente no aeroporto
mais próximo. Daí a controladora informa que está autorizado vetores para a final da pista ____ e que já acionou
os serviços de emergência no solo.


Incêndio incontrolável no motor 2 durante a final (Uncontrolable engine fire number 2), onde o piloto declarou
emergência, informando que não tinha potência suficiente para alcançar a pista e que ia proceder com pouso de
emergência. Daí a controladora cotejou a emergência e disse que iria acionar os serviços de emergência no solo.

MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY. Aircraft suffered smoke in the passenger cabin.

Aircraft requested immediate descent or diversion.
Examinadora: What could have caused this situation?
Answer: It could have been caused either by electrical problems or by a disruptive passenger.


PAN PAN PAN. We’ve suffered decompression of the cabin due to unsealed door. And the computer shows this
Examinadora: How should flight attendants act in this situation?


Situation took place at Galeão Airport.

Anac 123 is cleared to ILS 12 R and aircraft informs there are lightning strikes due to CB’s in the vicinity of the
Aircraft performed a missed approach procedure.


Anac 123 reporta mayday no FL290, sofreu despressurização e desceu para o FL 100 e controle pediu para
reportar quando passar pelo FL 100.


Anac 123 estava em Frankfurt e teve que retornar para o aeroporto porque tinha um passageiro carregando
“dangerous goods”. Controle autorizou Anac 123 a voltar para o portão 3 ou 6 pela taxiway A.


Jammed slat


Aileron failure. Pilots think that the aircraft has been hit by something and asked to return, the control answered
authorizing them to return.


Volcanic Ash – LHR operations are suspended and Spain and France have intense traffic. The pilot diverted to

TCAS advisory – The ATC asks the pilot to confirm altitude and if he was aware of another plane at 12:00/5nm.
The pilot said that he was climbing to 8,000 ft and turning left.


Hijacking - What changed in the aviation after September 11?

Nessa parte você deve usar essa estrutura.

Although EM1 and EM2 can pose a big threat to the flight EM3 is the worst one in my opinion because ....



I don’t know what could have caused this situation.

It might have been caused either by a landfill or by a
slaughterhouse in the vicinity of the airport.
If I were the captain of this plane and had faced up to this
situation I would have taken the appropriate measures in order
to provide the safety of the flight.

Do you agree with the new technology that is being implemented at the airports to keep the birds away?
Do you think it could have been caused by an ecological problem?


If they hadn’t performed this procedure the plane would have had lift
If I were the captain of this plane and had faced up to this situation I
would have taken the appropriate measures in order to provide the
safety of the flight.

Do you agree with the new technology that is being implemented in the de-icing media?

Oxygen masks

I don’t know what could have caused this situation.

It might have been caused either by depressurization or by mechanical
If I were the captain of this plane and had faced up to this situation I would
have taken the appropriate measures in order to provide the safety of the

Do you agree with the new technology that is being implemented to improve safety in case of depressurization?
Why is it important a conversation between pilots and flight attendants?
Have you ever had any emergency training?

I don’t know what could have caused this situation.

It might have been caused either by pilot mismanagement or by
incorrect weight and balance.
If I were the captain of this plane and had faced up to this
situation I would have taken the appropriate measures in order to provide the safety of the flight.

If the crew members hadn’t known this aircraft very well they could have unnecessarily performed a wrong
maneuver after the tail-strike. Do you agree with it?
It is difficult to know if it happened during landing or takeoff. Do you agree with it?


REMARK: Pretend you don’t know this picture.

I don’t know what could have caused this situation.
It might have been caused either by fuel exhaust or by mechanical
If I were the captain of this plane and had faced up to this situation I
would have taken the appropriate measures in order to provide the
safety of the flight.

After this accident, there was some news in the newspaper saying the pilots were not prepared for this situation.
Do you agree with it?
Answer: Although pilots don’t train ditchings in the simulators, they were very prepared for this situation because
they ditched the aircraft without any damage and all passengers survived without injuries. However, the
manufacturer changed the check-list after this situation.

Emergency Landing

I don’t know what could have caused this situation.

It might have been caused either by pilot error o by
mechanical problems.
If I were the captain of this plane and had faced up to
this situation I would have taken the appropriate
measures in order to provide the safety of the flight.

Do you think it would be okay for the pilot to take off from the highway if he found out everything was okay?
Some statistics say that most emergency landings are successful. Do you agree with it?


If the company staff hadn’t performed the de-icing procedure

the plane would have had problems with the lift coefficient.
If I were the captain of this plane and had faced up to this
situation I would have taken the appropriate measures in order
to provide the safety of the flight.

Do you think it is safe to operate under these conditions?

Continental Airlines

I don’t know what could have caused this situation.

It might have been caused either by pilot error o by mechanical
If I were the captain of this plane and had faced up to this
situation I would have taken the appropriate measures in order to
provide the safety of the flight.

If the crew of this flight hadn’t known this aircraft very well they could have unnecessarily shut the wrong engine
down. Do you agree with it?


I don’t know what could have caused this situation.

It might have been caused either by pilot error o by
mechanical problems.
If I were the captain of this plane and had faced up to
this situation I would have taken the appropriate
measures in order to provide the safety of the flight.
Some pilots say that when you perform a hard landing this situation can happen. Do you agree with that?

Hail Storm

I don’t know what could have caused this situation.

It might have been caused either by hail storm or by multiple bird-strikes.
If I were the captain of this plane and had faced up to this situation I would
have taken the appropriate measures in order to provide the safety of the

What kind of problems can you have if you fly with a damaged radome?

De-Icing Aeroflot

If they hadn’t performed this procedure the plane would

have had lift problems.
If I were the captain of this plane and had faced up to this
situation I would have taken the appropriate measures in
order to provide the safety of the flight.

Do you think it is dangerous to operate in this kind of weather?

Tail-strike (China Cargo)

I don’t know what could have caused this situation.

It might have been caused either by pilot mismanagement or
by incorrect weight and balance.
If I were the captain of this plane and had faced up to this
situation I would have taken the appropriate measures in
order to provide the safety of the flight.

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