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Book Review 1

Book Review
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Book Review
In the third chapter, the author explains how imagination distinguishes human beings
from other creatures the world. Through imagination, an individual visit the past, contemplates
the present and anticipates the future. When a person uses imagination, they are able to bring to
mind, not only the things they have experienced, but also things they have never experienced.
Creativity involves applying imagination [CITATION Ken13 \p n.p \l 1033 ] . To be creative, an
individual need to put imagination to work so as to make something new and develop solutions
to several problems.
The fourth chapter explains that one of the signs that a person is in the Zone is freedom
and authenticity. When a person does something, they love and are naturally good at, they feel
like they have entered to their true self. Since mental energy is not fixed it rises and falls
depending on our commitment and passions to what we are doing [CITATION Ken13 \p n.p \l 1033 ] .
Besides when individuals connect with their own energy, they become more open to the energy
of others. The more alive individuals feel, the more they are likely to contribute to the lives of
other people.
The seventh chapter explains that it is not the events that occur in our lives that creates
differences for us, but rather, it is our attitude towards the events. In most cases people make
their luck due to the attitudes they have in their lives. Moreover, our attitudes shape our realities
I our lives and create extraordinary events [CITATION Ken13 \p n.p \l 1033 ]. According to the
author, it is possible for two different individuals with similar cultural orientations to experience
a same scene in different ways, based on their preconceptions and sense of mission.
In chapter eight, the author explains that individuals need aid and guidance of others. a
mentor could serve several roles in an individual’s life [CITATION Ken13 \p n.p \l 1033 ] . They
could recognize a person’s interest and encourage them to achieve it. They also offer advice on
different topics and push individuals to see their limits so that they do not do less than what they
are capable of achieving.
Reference List
Book Review 2

Robinson, K. & Aronica, L., 2013. Finding Your Element: How to Discover Your Talents and
Passions and Transform Your Life. s.l.:Viking.

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