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Review Article

Molecular and cellular modulation of fibrinolysis

Krasimir Kolev, Raymund Machovich
Department of Medical Biochemistry, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary

The structure of the fibrin network, the hemodynamic environ- these compartments extreme changes in concentrations and
ment of the clot, the kinetic properties of the fibrinolytic rate enhancements are observed. Components released by
enzymes and the balance of their formation and inactivation endothelial cells, PMNs and platelets or molecules present in
essentially determine the effectiveness of fibrinolysis in vivo.The circulating blood create a heterogeneous milieu that modulates
fibrin structure and the action of proteases, however depend fibrinolysis.This review summarizes the effects, and where it is
considerably on additional, apparently inert physiological and possible, explains the mechanism of modulators of the fibri-
pathological factors, which are restricted to more or less tran- nolytic processes, such as cell membrane and cellular contents
sient compartments in fluid-solid interface, such as thrombus of endothelium, PMN and platelets present in thrombi, the
(fibrin with platelet membrane structures), endothelial cell sur- action of normal and pathological blood plasma- and extracel-
face, the environment of polymorphonuclear cells (PMN). In lular matrix-components.

Compartmental fibrinolysis, fibrin degradation, plasminogen
activation, tPA-cofactors, endothelial cells, polymorphonuclear
cells Thromb Haemost 2003; 89: 610 – 21

Introduction plasmin formation and fibrin solubilization are simple protease

activities; a single peptide bond in plasminogen is cleaved by
During fibrinolysis fibrin degradation products (FDP) are plasminogen activators, and the plasmin formed, thereafter
formed, which are soluble in contrast to fibrin monomers that hydrolyses a few peptide bonds in fibrin, thereby it becomes
polymerize to compose the skeleton of the clots. Fibrinolysis soluble (1). In vivo, however, the system is more complicated,
generally means thrombolysis since in thrombosis fibrinolytic because these few reactions are controlled at multiple levels.
therapy is applied. The term fibrinolysis, however, is a concrete There are several feedback regulations for plasminogen activa-
concept; it implies fibrin degradation catalyzed by proteases. tion, inhibitors act at two levels (plasmin formation and plasmin
These enzymes are synthesized in a proenzyme (zymogen) action), and additionally cellular components modulate the plas-
form. Thus, their activation is a prerequisite for their function. min system (e.g. endothelial cells) or act independently in fibri-
Therefore, fibrinolysis is commonly interpreted as a combina- nolysis (e.g. neutrophil leukocytes). The basic processes of
tion of fibrin dissolution and zymogen activation. Although fibrinolysis are well described today (2), the role of its principle
there are several proteases with the capacity to degrade fibrin, components (plasminogen and its activators and inhibitors) is
such as trypsin, elastase, cathepsin G, extracellular matrix me- supported by the phenotype of transgenic mice (3, 4), but the
talloproteinases, in medicine plasmin is considered to be the influence of physiological and pathological molecular and cel-
main fibrinolytic enzyme, which is formed from plasminogen in lular components of the blood vessel is poorly understood and
the presence of plasminogen activators. In biochemical terms frequently ignored by both researchers and clinicians.

Correspondence to: Received October 30, 2002

Raymund Machovich Accepted after revision January 10, 2003
Department of Medical Biochemistry, Semmelweis University
Puskin u. 9., H-1088 Budapest, Hungary
Tel.: +36-1-2661030, Fax: +36-1-2667480
Fibrinolytic modulators 611

Fibrin degradation conditions, but lacking the molecular “crowd”. Direct evidence
supports this prediction for the proteins present at high concen-
Degradation of fibrin depends on the architecture of the fibrin trations in blood plasma: albumin (12, 13), immunoglobulins
network and on the properties of the fibrinolytic enzymes, both (14-18). An additional physiological consequence of the molec-
of which are modulated by several blood components. ular crowding in blood is the self-association of fibrinogen in
plasma. A recent sedimentation equilibrium study (11) evi-
Fibrin architecture dences that the dominant form of fibrinogen at its typical plas-
When fibrinogen (a soluble dimer of three polypeptide chains, ma concentration is a dimer in the presence of 40 g/L albumin.
Aα, Bβ and γ) is converted to fibrin, thrombin cleaves the This observation can also contribute to our understanding of the
N-terminal 16 aminoacid-residue peptide of the Aα-chain of variations in fibrin structure in the presence of inert molecules.
fibrinogen exposing the glycyl-prolyl-arginyl (GPR) “knob” for The different sensitivity of the various fibrin structures to fibri-
interaction with the acceptor pocket in the end γ-domain of a nolytic enzymes is discussed later in this review and it provides
second fibrin monomer. Thus the two central GPR “knobs” of the link between the alterations in the blood level of these
the first fibrin monomer stabilize the end-to-end interaction of “inert” modifiers and the hyper- or hypofibrinolysis in certain
the second monomer with a third one. The result is formation of disease states.
long double-stranded protofibrils composed of monomers in A previous review (19) summarizes the earlier data on the
half-staggered alignment, as evidenced recently by crystallo- self-association of fibrinogen and also on its interactions with
graphic analysis (5, 6). Following this initial step of fibrin poly- other plasma proteins (plasminogen, factor XIII, apolipopro-
merization, thrombin cleaves the N-terminal 14 aminoacid- tein(a), α2-macroglobulin, β-thromboglobulin, transferrin,
residue peptide of the Bβ-chains allowing for lateral assembly fibronectin, thrombospondin, hyaluronate). Among these the
of the protofibrils in bundles and because of the flexibility of the first two factors play well-defined roles in fibrinolysis.
monomers also for branching of the fibers resulting in a spatial Following activation by thrombin factor XIIIa (FXIIIa) cat-
fibrin network. The final structure of the polymerized fibrin alyzes the formation of γ-glutamyl-ε-amino-lysine covalent
(fiber diameter, distance between the branching points and pore bonds between the γ-chains (and a small fraction of the α-
size) depends on relatively small number of factors, when fibrin chains) of adjacent fibrin monomers, which modifies the con-
formation is examined in ideal systems (using diluted solutions formation of the plasmin-susceptible peptide bonds and
of fibrinogen and thrombin). These are actually the factors that decreases the rate of their hydrolysis (20-22). At a slower rate
determine the rates of the sequential steps described above FXIIIa crosslinks α2-plasmin inihibitor to fibrin (23). Thus, the
(cleavage of the Aα and Bβ peptides, polymerization interac- maturation (the post-polymerization modifications) of the fibrin
tions): concentration of fibrinogen and thrombin. The largest in clot renders the structure resistant to proteolysis with plasmin.
vivo variations (probably orders of magnitude) are expected for The complexity of the fibrin network formation and matura-
the thrombin concentration because of the complex physiologi- tion is even greater in whole blood: the blood cells (ery-
cal mechanisms that control its activity. When increasing con- throcytes, polymorphonuclear and mononuclear leukocytes,
centrations of thrombin are applied for the conversion of pure platelets) are occluded in the clot and exert opposite effects on
fibrinogen to fibrin, following initial increase (up to 0.05 U/mL its structure. The fibrin network formed at red blood cell count
thrombin) the average fiber diameter decreases from 198 nm (at corresponding to the normal hematocrit values has twice larger
0.05 U/mL thrombin) to 99 nm (at 2 U/mL thrombin) (7). There pore size than the fibrin formed under the same conditions, but
is direct evidence that modulation of the thrombin activity lacking erythrocytes (24). Platelets bind to fibrin (25, 26) and
results in similar changes in clots prepared from blood plasma, their contractile system begins to pull on the fibers. The platelet
too (8, 9). The concentration of fibrinogen in blood plasma fluc- content of 10 mL whole blood is compacted in 400 µL of arte-
tuates within a narrow range (5–20 µmol/L), but even these rial thrombi, whereas the fibrin content of the same thrombi cor-
variations modify the fibrin structure (7). The situation in vivo, responds to the fibrinogen concentration in blood plasma (27).
however, is much more complex. In environment overcrowded After activation the platelets release their cytosolic content and
with macromolecules such as blood plasma the physicochemi- lose the majority of their phospholipid (28). Simple calculations
cal behavior of fibrinogen can not be simply described by based on the average amount of lipid, protein and platelet count
parameters gained in vitro for equilibria and kinetics in dilute (29, 30) indicate that 300 mg/L phospholipid circulates in the
ideal solutions (10). Thus, in plasma environment fibrinogen blood within platelets. When the platelets are trapped in the
participates in reactions (e.g. hydrolysis by thrombin) or bind- ageing thrombi, the phospholipid content of arterial thrombi
ing interactions (e.g. to platelets) as in a 10-fold more concen- (7.5 g/L) is even higher than their fibrin content (1.7 g/L).
trated ideal solution (11). Consequently the morphology of the Fibrin(ogen), however, binds to phospholipids and this bound
fibrin network in the presence of “inert” macromolecules is form displays different susceptibility to thrombin and plasmin
expected to differ from the structure formed under the same (31-36). Similar calculations can be done for the intracellular
612 Kolev, et al.

proteins, e.g. within platelet-rich thrombi the concentrations fibrin fibers is significantly decreased (9), which could con-
of actin and myosin are in the micromolar range (approximate- tribute to the profibrinolytic effects of protein C. Loose fibrin
ly 20 µM and 0.5 µM, respectively). Intracellular proteins are gels (with low density of branches) are dissolved faster than
also reported to modify the fibrin structure, e.g. in the presence tight gels (45). Because the factors that influence the architec-
of actin thinner fibrin fibers are formed (37). ture of the fibrin network usually couple the thinner fibers with
Despite the numerous facts summarized above a unifying tighter porosity and thicker fibers with looser structure, the
theory accounting for the modulating effects of variable blood overall impact on the course of fibrinolysis is difficult to predict.
components on the fibrin structure is still missing. Correct understanding of the interrelations between fibrin archi-
tecture and lysis rate will help the interpretation of certain
Fibrinolytic enzymes pathological states. The fibrin gel formed in the normal blood
There are several proteases with the capacity to degrade fibrin plasma milieu is a balanced substrate of the lytic system.
in vitro. Among them, the most efficient is plasmin, followed by Hypofibrinolysis can develop with thinner fibers, if the decrease
mini-plasmin (des-kringle1-4-plasmin), trypsin, microplasmin in the gel pore size dominates (nephrotic hypoalbuminemia
(plasmin lacking all kringle domains) and PMN-elastase (38). (47), monoclonal gammopathies (15, 18), Dusart syndrome
Under normal or pathological conditions, primarily plasmin (2), (48)), with thicker fibers (relatives of patients with premature
and partly PMN-elastase (39, 40) are described as fibrinolytic coronary heart disease) (49) or with slightly thicker fibers stabi-
proteases, and plasmin is used as a therapeutic agent in throm- lized by additional non-covalent interactions (antiphospholipid
bolysis. It is applied via activation of plasminogen with plas- syndrome) (50). Hyperfibrinolysis can be observed in gels with
minogen activators [urokinase type plasminogen activator thinner fibers and relatively normal pores (as seen in plasma
(uPA), tissue type plasminogen activator (tPA), streptokinase] clots formed in the presence of activated protein C) (9). A uni-
and only recently its direct administration is put forward in fying quantitative theory that accounts for all steps from fibrino-
practice (41). Because of its lower catalytic efficiency (38, 42) gen cleavage to fibrin digestion is still missing.
PMN-elastase seems to play a role only under special conditions The necessity for such a theory is well exemplified by the
such as inflammation, extracellular matrix degradation, tumor data on the impact of immunoglobulins on fibrinolysis. The
metastasis formation, and very probably it is not involved in immunoglobulin G (IgG) modifies the fibrin structure, at 40 g/L
physiological fibrinolysis. concentration it decreases the mass-length ratio of fibrin fibers
Plasmin cleaves selected peptide bonds in the Aα-, Bβ- and by a factor of 7 (15). Monoclonal immunoglobulins exert even
γ-chains of fibrinogen yielding two major final degradation stronger effects in the same direction; they inhibit fibrin
products: fragment E (~50 kDa, the central domain of the monomer polymerization (14, 17) and the result is even thinner
molecule) and fragment D (~100 kDa, the terminal domains) fibers (18). On the basis of fiber size only one may predict
(43). The same bonds are hydrolyzed in fibrin, but because of increase in the fibrinolytic rate in the presence of IgG, but just
the isopeptide bridges between adjacent monomers, D-dimers the opposite is seen in tPA-induced clot lysis (18, 50); probably
are released. Complete solubilization of fibrin requires the pro- because of the lower gel porosity, which develops in parallel
teolytic cleavage of only 25% of the total fragment E-fragment with the thinner fibers or the weaker cofactor properties of the
D connections, the rest of the soluble products being larger thinner fibers in plasminogen activation (45, 51). IgG isolated
protofibril fragments (44). Not only the type of the final soluble from normal human blood plasma prolongs the time of fibrin
products varies with the degree of covalent crosslinking, but solubilization by plasmin, too, under both static and flow con-
also the rate of cleavage of the susceptible bonds (22). The ditions (50). It means that in vivo the fibrinolytic events are
structural basis of the plasmin-resistance in crosslinked fibrin slower than expected from in vitro measurements in purified
has not been elucidated yet, but kinetic analysis shows that the systems. IgG from patients suffering in antiphospholipid
affinity of plasmin (and other fibrinolytic proteases) is signifi- syndrome with thrombotic complications exert even stronger
cantly lower for the covalently modified substrate (38). Recent antifibrinolytic effect, for which the Fab portion of the IgG is
morphological observations have shown that plasmin catalyzed responsible. The priority of specific antibody-antigen inter-
solubilization proceeds by transverse cutting across the action over mass action is illustrated by a case of hyperglobu-
protofibril bundles rather than progressive shell-wise digestion linemia, in which the IgG does not exert its normal fibrin-stabi-
from the outside to the inner layers of the fibers (45). Thus, it is lizing effect and the patient presents with bleeding tendency
not surprising that scanning electron microscopy (46) and con- (50). A coherent understanding of these effects with respect to
focal microscopy (45) show that the disappearance of thinner the involved antibodies is still awaited.
fibers in the course of fibrinolysis precedes that of thicker fibers The cellular components of thrombi introduce further com-
as predicted by earlier kinetic analysis (38). If plasma clots are plexity in the fibrinolytic process. When platelets are activated,
prepared in the presence of activated protein C (a negative they also release plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) and
regulator of thrombin generation), the average diameter of the thrombospondin, and present phospholipid surface for blood
Fibrinolytic modulators 613
coagulation factors in a thrombus. They are inhibitory on fibri- Consequently, fibrinolytic agents designed for clinical applica-
nolysis. PAI-1 inhibits plasminogen activation (52). Phospho- tion should preferably generate plasmin on fibrin surface. The
lipids hinder plasmin activity on fibrin substrate and inhibit the soundness of this concept is supported by the direct application
diffusion of plasmin into the fibrin network (Kolev et al., unpub- of plasmin in local thrombolysis, when plasmin, escaping from
lished). Thrombospondin, a 450 kDa protein, is released from fibrin into the circulation, is rapidly inactivated by α2-plasmin
the α-granule of platelets and despite its low level in plasma inhibitor, and thus bleeding complications are less frequent than
(~250 pM) it increases extremely in a thrombus. Thrombospon- with tPA (41).
din not only interacts with fibrinogen and plasminogen, it also Besides α2-plasmin inhibitor, plasmin activity is inhibited
inhibits plasminogen activation and plasmin activity. It forms by α2-macroglobulin, α1-protease inhibitor and antithrombin as
an equimolar complex with plasmin with a rate constant of well, whereas PMN elastase by α1-protease inhibitor and α2-
k” ≈ 6 × 103 M–1s–1) (53), a rate similar to that of a reaction with macroglobulin. The relative efficiency of the plasma protease-
established physiological relevance (the thrombin-antithrombin inhibitors in the inhibition of plasmin and elastase is calculated
reaction without heparin). Myosin [Kolev et al., in press (53a)] from the second-order rate constant of enzyme inactivation
and actin (54) inhibit fibrin degradation by plasmin. The role determined in vitro (63) and the physiological concentration
of intracellular proteins as modulators of fibrinolysis can be of an inhibitor. The most efficient inhibitor for plasmin is α2-
reliably considered only on the basis of quantitative evaluation plasmin inhibitor (4 × 106 M–1s–1), followed by α2-macroglobu-
of their effects. lin, α1-protease inhibitor and antithrombin (all approximately
The role of other cellular constituents of the thrombi (the 105 M-1s-1), the latter reaction, however, is accelerated by
polymorphonuclear leukocytes, PMN) is underscored by the heparin by an order of magnitude (64). PMN-elastase is most
phenotype of transgenic animals with deficient components of efficiently inactivated by α1-protease inhibitor (4 × 109 M–1s–1),
the plasmin-dependent fibrinolysis. Knock-out mice deficient in followed by α2-macroglobulin. The in vivo significance of these
plasminogen survive (55, 56), but following induced venous or reactions is not known yet, only the functional capacity of the
arterial thrombosis more PMNs infiltrate the clot in plasmino- enzymes can be estimated. For example, the life span of plasmin
gen deficient mice than in normal control animals and the iso- on the surface of the fibrin compartment is expected to be 420 s
lated PMNs from the knock-out mice exert higher fibrinolytic in blood plasma environment (63), but it can be prolonged in a
activity than the control (57). These data imply that PMNs may real thrombus infiltrated with PMNs, because antithrombin and
compensate, at least partly, impairment in the classic fibrino- α2-plasmin inhibitor are degraded by PMN-elastase.
lysis and may represent an auxiliary system for clot dissolution
under physiological conditions. It is well-known that PMNs Sources of fibrinolytic enzymes
infiltrate thrombi and take part both in their initiation (express-
ing tissue-factor) (58) and removal via phagocytotic activity In vivo primarily plasmin and partly leukocyte elastase may
(59) or extracellular proteolysis based on released elastase and play a role in fibrinolysis, therefore in the next section the func-
cathepsin G (58, 60). These ideas are implanted in the concepts tion of the plasmin and the non-plasmin systems, their mutual
of non-plasmin fibrinolysis (60, 61). interactions and the effects of other interfering components are
Termination of fibrinolysis
The main inhibitor of plasmin is α2-plasmin inhibitor, synthe- Plasminogen activation
sized by the liver and secreted into the blood circulation, where Although plasminogen activation by both endogenous and
its concentration is approx. 1 µM (the concentration of plas- exogenous activators is an apparently simple process (a single
minogen in blood is approx. 2 µM). Plasmin forms an equi- peptide bond in the zymogen is hydrolyzed by proteases), in
molar complex with α2-plasmin inhibitor and in this structure vivo multiple factors should combine to yield efficient plasmin
the enzyme is inactivated (62). The rate of inactivation is high; generation.
k” ≈ 4.3 × 106 M-1s-1. It is remarkable that when plasmin is Native plasminogen can exist in at least three conformations
bound to fibrin, the rate of inactivation by α2-plasmin inhibitor (65): a closed one, which is less sensitive substrate for plas-
slows down (k” ≈ 1 × 104 M–1s–1) and is completely protected minogen activators, and two more extended forms, which are
against α2-macroglobulin and α1-protease inhibitor (63). In the more susceptible to activation. The closed conformation is
case of another fibrinolytic enzyme action, the effect of fibrin maintained by interaction between kringle5 and Lys residues
is more impressive, the rate of PMN elastase inactivation by in the N-terminal portion of the zymogen and is stabilized by
α1-protease inhibitor decreases by more than three orders of chloride ions in blood plasma (66-68). For efficient activation
magnitude in the presence of fibrin (63). The conclusion from these interactions should be disrupted either by proteolytic
these experimental results is that enzymes bound to their sub- removal of the N-terminal portion or competitive displacement
strate, the fibrin, are quasi “protected” against their inhibitors. of its lysine residues from their binding site (69, 70). Thus, com-
614 Kolev, et al.

ponents with the capacity to influence native plasminogen struc- Many factors can modulate plasminogen activation, espe-
ture are modulators of fibrinolysis via plasminogen activation. cially by tPA, via conformational modification of the zymogen
Such a proteolytic modulator can be the plasmin itself (if pres- and/or of the enzyme. In some cases it is clear, that the effector
ent in trace amounts), which removes the N-terminal 77-amino is a cofactor for tPA like fibrin. Several others also facilitate
acids, or other proteases, e.g. elastase, which hydrolyzes sever- plasminogen activation, but the formation of ternary complex of
al bonds and thereby removes several kringle structures from zymogen, enzyme and cofactor is not proved. Besides fibrin
the N-terminal of the proenzyme. Conformational changes in (82), cofactor or cofactor-like functions are described for some
plasminogen are caused by lysine residues in fibrin, 6-amino- extracellular matrix components (83), myosin (84), actin (85),
hexanoate (ε-aminocaproic acid) or lysine-containing synthetic polylysine (86), a part of prothrombinase complex (87) and
peptide substrates for plasmin (71, 72). plasmin-digested coagulation factor X (88), certain denatured
Although all plasminogen activators attack the same peptide proteins (89-91), prostromelysin-1 (92) and endothelial cell
bond in plasminogen, their activation mechanisms are somehow membrane components (93-95). Their in vivo function is not
different; uPA is more effective than tPA, the efficiency of the well understood yet, perhaps their primary biological role is the
latter, however, is elevated by at least an order of magnitude in initiation of fibrinolysis and/or induction of extravascular plas-
the presence of cofactors, the role of which is discussed later in min formation. It is remarkable that neither of these molecules
this review. Knock-out mice deficient in these endogenous acti- influences plasminogen activation by uPA or streptokinase, and
vators survive (73) and this observation supports the existence that the denatured proteins adopt cofactor function only after
of auxiliary pathways compensating their action (a tentative partial digestion with plasmin. The native albumin, antithrom-
possibility is through the action of activated factor XII) (74). bin, prothrombin, α2-macroglobulin, apoferritin, immunoglobu-
Streptokinase, an exogenous plasminogen activator synthesized lin G are not sensitive to plasmin-degradation and do not display
by hemolytic streptococcus, is also used in medicine (75). cofactor function in contrast to their denatured form (90). At
Streptokinase is a protein (≈45 kDa) without any known present it is an open question why (in terms of both structure
enzyme activity, however it forms a complex with human plas- and biological function) after denaturation certain proteins
minogen causing a conformational change in the zymogen, and become a tPA cofactor in plasminogen activation. Perhaps the
thereby its hidden active center appears and thus the complex function of the fibrinolytic enzymes is not only fibrin solubiliza-
acts as a plasminogen activator. Recently, a fibrin-dependent tion, but also activation of matrix metalloproteinases, digestion
streptokinase has been described; removing an N-terminal por- of extracellular tissue and thus a more general role can be attrib-
tion of streptokinase induces a change in the specificity of the uted to them in the removal of “old”, “damaged”, “unnecessary”
modified streptokinase/plasminogen complex (76). The clinical proteins. The actions of these modulators are rather complex
significance of this fibrin-dependent enzyme has not been deter- and difficult to be explained. For example, the overall effect of
mined yet. myosin being a substrate for plasmin, a cofactor for tPA (84)
There are several feedback controls in plasminogen activa- and an inhibitor of fibrin degradation [Kolev et al., in press
tion. Plasmin converts native (Glu-) plasminogen to des1–77- (53a)] seems to be contradictory. Considering that in an arterial
plasminogen (Lys-), which is easily activated. The proenzyme thrombus, the cofactor nature of myosin is negligible because of
of uPA (single-chain uPA) is activated by plasmin (besides the presence of fibrin (which is a more efficient cofactor than
kallikrein) and the single-chain tPA is also converted by plasmin myosin), myosin released by platelets, infarcted smooth muscle
to the more active, two-chain tPA. Fibrin, the main substrate of cells or infiltrating mononuclear cells is inhibitory on the over-
plasmin, binds both plasminogen and tPA (77) and accelerates all course of fibrinolysis. On the other hand, at sites, where the
plasminogen activation (78, 79). Its cofactor properties, how- primary function of plasmin is not fibrin solubilization (e.g. in a
ever, are even stronger following initial partial degradation by compartment without fibrin), myosin facilitates plasmin forma-
plasmin (based on the exposure of new carboxyterminal tion and the degradation of certain proteins (e.g. extracellular
lysines). The efficiency of fibrin as a cofactor of plasminogen matrix components) and this may play a role in tumor invasion,
activation depends on the fiber architecture, too; thicker fibers metastasis or inflammation.
are a better cofactor (51). The cofactor function of fibrin, how- Modulators of plasminogen activation are clearly associated
ever, is further modulated. Carboxypeptidase B (also known as with certain pathological states. High level of lipoprotein(a) is
thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor, TAFIa), formed from known as a risk factor for coronary and cerebrovascular diseases
its precursor by thrombin/thrombomodulin complex, eliminates (96, 97). Lipoprotein(a) shows homology with plasminogen,
the cofactor effect of fibrin (80) and directly moderates the primarily because of the multiple copies of plasminogen
plasmin activity (81). Moreover the plasminogen activators are kringle4 structures. In blood plasma, plasminogen interacts
well controlled by the plasminogen activator inhibitor system, weekly with fibrinogen, but when fibrinogen is converted to
which remains out of the scope of this survey, but has been fibrin, the affinity of plasminogen increases (98, 99). Lipopro-
extensively and recently reviewed (1, 52). tein(a) through its similar nature competes with plasminogen
Fibrinolytic modulators 615
for binding with fibrin and cell membrane structures (100-102). crosslinked fibrin (38, 42). Thus, in the presence of elastase the
It is interesting and should be considered in pathological condi- balance in the blood coagulation-fibrinolytic system is shifted
tions that the affinity of lipoprotein(a) to fibrin is higher by 1 to extremely into the direction of fibrinolysis (additional details
2 orders of magnitude in the presence of homocysteine (100). are summarized in an earlier review, Ref. 39).
This effect may contribute to the thrombophilia developed in Since elastase has an extremely efficient inhibitor, the α1-
hyperhomocysteinaemia. protease inhibitor (α1-antitrypsin), which has a high concen-
Another example for pathological modification of fibrinolysis tration in blood plasma (≥40 µM), elastase function in the
is the metabolic transformation of acetone to methylglyoxal. An circulating blood is limited. However, when PMN is activated,
isoenzyme of cytochrome P450, which catalyzes methylglyoxal not only elastase and cathepsin G, but also myeloperoxidase is
formation, is induced in diabetes mellitus. Although the high released, and oxidizes the reactive site Met358 of the α1-protease
level of glucose in untreated diabetes mellitus does not interfere inhibitor, thus the myeloperoxidase system inactivates the elas-
essentially with the fibrinolytic system, the elevated level of tase inhibitor efficiently (115).
methylglyoxal (an efficient modifier of lysine, arginine and cys-
teine residues in plasminogen) inhibits fibrinolysis. The rate of Hemodynamic and vascular
plasminogen activation by tPA, uPA or streptokinase decreases compartmentation in fibrinolysis
and the activity of the generated plasmin is impaired (103). The anatomic localization of thrombi creates variable hemo-
In addition to the role of endothelium in blood coagulation dynamic environment for fibrinolysis. An occlusive thrombus
(104), endothelial cells are the source for tPA, uPA, PAI-1 and localized in a smaller artery branch near the bifurcation point is
their surface assembles fibrinolytic components, so that plas- exposed to a relatively higher pressure than a thrombus lo-
minogen activation can proceed efficiently (105). Plasminogen calized downstream in the same branch or in a vein. In the
binds to endothelial cells. Although its affinity (Kd ≈ 10–7 M) latter cases zones of stagnation can also be formed upstream
(93) is not as high as that of plasmin (Kd ≈ 10–9 M and 2 × 10-8 M) the thrombus. Thus, in different loci circulating plasma-born
(106), at the blood plasma concentration of plasminogen molecules can penetrate into the clots via two mechanisms:
(approx 2 × 10–6 M) there is always zymogen present on the perfusion, if high pressure drop exists on the surface of clot, or
endothelial surface, where its activation by tPA is accelerated, diffusion, if no hydrostatic pressure acts on the surface.
because endothelial cell surface works as a cofactor for tPA Although the pore size of the fibrin gel (from 0.1 µm for tight
(93–95) via a tPA receptor (107). Plasmin binds to endothelial gels up to 5 µm in loose gels) (116) can not hinder the diffusion
cells with high affinity and prevents fibrin accumulation, of molecules with the size of the fibrinolytic enzymes (around
removes peptide1-77 from bound native plasminogen, and 5 nm) (117), the diffusion rate of such molecules is rather low
although it does not cause intracellular Ca2+ increase in contrast (1 cm diffusion is estimated to take place in 10 days) (118).
to other proteases such as thrombin or elastase, plasmin does Pressure-driven permeation (in the range typical for the arterial
induce contraction of brain capillary endothelial cells (108, 109) circulation) accelerates the tPA-induced, the uPA-induced and
and degrades protease-activated receptors (110, 111). In addi- the plasmin-catalyzed clot lysis by a factor of 50, 25 and 10,
tion, thrombomodulin on the endothelial surface facilitates respectively (119, 120). Consequently, even at identical plasma
procarboxypeptidase B (TAFI) activation by thrombin, and the concentrations of fibrinolytic enzymes and zymogens, the time-
enzyme formed removes lysine residues from fibrin (which are course of clot dissolution will vary greatly in the separate
responsible for the cofactor function of fibrin in plasminogen vascular compartments depending on the flow conditions. The
activation by tPA) (80). perfusion into the clots depends not only on the pressure values,
Besides the previously mentioned role of the PMNs in the but on the gel architecture, too: the faster permeation into coarse
removal of fibrin, the leukocyte elastase affects blood coagula- fibrin results in fast fibrinolysis, whereas the slow permeation
tion and plasminogen activation as well. Elastase digests many into fine fibrin is associated with slow fibrinolysis (119). The
blood coagulation factors (e.g. Factor V, -VII, -VIII, -IX, -XII, blood current over the fibrin surface maintains a continuous
-XIII); as a result thrombin formation is impaired (39). Elastase supply of plasminogen and activators, which bind to fibrin and
hydrolyzes peptide bonds between kringle structures in plas- form a sharp active zone (approximately 50 µm deep), where
minogen, thus des-kringle1-4-plasminogen (miniplasminogen, their concentration increases multiple times and plasmin is
plasminogen with kringle5 only) and separated kringles may be generated (121). Under these conditions the clot dissolution
formed (112). The isolated kringle structures (known as angio- proceeds through the sequential solubilization of the outer
statin) play a role in angiogenesis (113), which is out of the shells of fibrin and inward movement of the reactive lytic zone.
scope of this survey. Miniplasminogen is easily converted to Recently introduced models of the transport and catalytic events
miniplasmin by plasminogen activators, and does not need a in this boundary layer of a fluid and a solid phase provide tools
cofactor for its activation (114). Miniplasmin formed is an effi- for the quantitative characterization of the exogenously initiated
cient fibrinolytic enzyme, especially in the degradation of clot lysis (38, 119, 122). If however endogenous plasmin (uni-
616 Kolev, et al.

formly dispersed within the clot) digests fibrin and shear forces Enzymology of proteases in a water phase is extensively
act on the surface, a different pattern of dissolution is observed: worked out and widely used for several decades. The fibrinoly-
at a certain stage of fibrin degradation a particulate disassembly tic proteases, however, act on an interface between fluid and
of the clot occurs (123). This pattern of dissolution may cause solid phase. The enzymology of this system is poorly under-
thromboembolic complications in vivo and it is remarkable that stood because of its very complex character. The fluid phase
some fibrinolytic proteases (e.g. leukocyte elastase) do not protease (plasmin, elastase) binds to a nonspecific site of fibrin
cause such disaggregation, apparently because different peptide surface, thereafter the enzyme approaches the susceptible site
bonds are cleaved in fibrin (123). The latter pattern is a poten- through lateral movement along the fiber, and/or can move into
tial advantage, if a therapeutic agent can reproduce it. the fiber.
When blood coagulation is initiated almost all reactions take
A compartmental approach place in compartments formed transiently by proenzymes,
enzymes, cofactor proteins, phospholipid surfaces of platelets,
to fibrinolysis in the presence of Ca2+. As a result, the ultimate product, the
Similarly to blood coagulation, reactions of fibrinolysis occur thrombin converts fibrinogen to fibrin. During maturation the
on the interface of fluid-phase and solid-phase structures, fibrin network is further modified by covalent crosslinks, by
generally in transiently formed compartments, where the entrapped blood molecular components and by infiltrating cel-
molecular concentrations and reaction rates are changed lular elements. The platelets in the thrombi not only contribute
extremely. to the acceleration of blood coagulation, but also prevent the

Figure 1: Endothelial cell surface as a compartment for plasminogen activation and plasmin inactivation. Endothelial cell (EC) surface
is an assembly site for several factors of the blood coagulation-fibrinolytic system, from which only few are shown in this scheme:
plasminogen (Pg), tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), plasmin (P), α2-plasmin inhibitor (α2PI). Their affinities, the Kd values for tPA and
endothelial tPA-receptor (tPA-R), Pg and EC, P and EC are from Refs. 124, 107 and 106, respectively.The catalytic efficiency kc (kcat/
KM, × 103 µM-1s-1) of the activation reaction is a measured value for the fluid phase (82), whereas it is estimated for the solid support
(cell or fibrin surface) (95). For the efficient activation of both free (Pgf) and bound plasminogen (Pgb) the conversion of native
plasminogen to des1-77- plasminogen is a prerequisite (69, 70, 95), but not shown in this figure. Plasmin (Pf) generation in fluid phase is
slow compared to plasmin (Pb) formation on solid phase.When plasmin is formed in water-phase, it is immediately inactivated by α2PI
with a second order rate constant (k”, ×104 M-1s-1) (63), while the cell-surface (125) or fibrin-bound enzyme (63) is protected against
inactivation. Bound plasmin is proteolytically active in fibrin degradation and conversion of Glu- to Lys-plasminogen. For clarity many
reactions (even relevant to fibrinolysis) are not shown.The indicated rate enhancements are approximative, because measurements
depend on the type of endothelial cells (arterial, vein, capillary) and even for the best-studied plasminogen activation by tPA almost
three-order of magnitude variations can be found in kinetic parameters published for various, more or less physiologically relevant
conditions (126).
Fibrinolytic modulators 617
initiation of fibrinolysis through the release of PAI-1 and phos- limitations of diffusion ensure the predominance of protease
pholipids, which impair the function of the plasmin system. If over inhibitor in the zone around activated PMNs (Fig. 2). A
however the blood coagulation and platelet activation are termi- compartment formation has been described for fibrinogen
nated, the thrombus compartment is the ideal stage for action of bound to activated PMN, where proteases are inaccessible to
the fibrinolytic system. There plasminogen activation by tPA is plasma protease inhibitors with molecular mass higher than
facilitated by fibrin and the fibrin-bound plasmin is protected 40 kDa (131). Additionally a non-oxidative mechanism for
against the endogenous plasmin inhibitors. quantum proteolysis has been developed theoretically and sup-
On the endothelial cell surface the reactions of blood ported experimentally (132, 133). If a single granule of PMN
coagulation and fibrinolysis are well balanced under normal is extruded, the concentration of PMN-elastase at the point
condition. Endothelium is an assembly site for fibrinolytic com- of release will be 5.33 mM. Its diffusion in environment with
ponents, and many reactions are accelerated on this solid phase physiological concentrations of inhibitors will result in a sphe-
support (Fig. 1). That is, endothelium becomes a compartment rical zone of proteolysis with a 1.33 µm radius for a period of
where tPA and uPA are synthesized, released and controlled by 12.4 ms (this is a proteolytic quantum restricted in time and
PAI-1. Both the released tPA and the blood-born plasminogen space). Thus, the sequential release of granules determines the
bind to the endothelial surface, which affects plasminogen acti- size and duration of proteolysis around activated PMNs.
vation as a cofactor for tPA. The generated plasmin binds with A potential link between the endothelium- and the PMN-
high affinity to endothelial cell and converts Glu-plasminogen related compartments is the fibrin(ogen) itself. The adhesion
to Lys-plasminogen and the uPA-zymogen to active enzyme, receptors, integrins on the surface of the leukocytes recognize
thereby further plasmin generation is accelerated and plasmin and bind fibrinogen (through its D-domain) (134), which on its
prevents fibrin accumulation on endothelium. Similar compart- turn can form bridges to the endothelial cells through integrin
mentation of plasminogen activation on cellular surfaces has (135, 136), non-integrin (137, 138) binding sites or even trans-
been reported for other cell types (127) and the enzymological glutaminase-mediated covalent bonds (139). This fibrin(ogen)-
aspects of this process have been recently reviewed (128). dependent leukocyte-endothelium compartmentation in vivo is a
When PMNs are activated, the fibrinolytic serine proteases potential target of the plasmin and PMN-elastase action espe-
(elastase, cathepsin G) can escape the very efficient inhibitor, cially in inflammation, but its exact biological significance
the α1-protease inhibitor, only in a compartment, where myelo- remains to be elucidated.
peroxidase, the inactivator of the inhibitor, is also present or the

Figure 2: Pericellular fibrinolytic compartment around activated polymorphonuclear cells. Activated polymorphonuclear cell (PMN)
may release elastase into the blood (Elf), where its inactivation by α1-protease inhibitor (α1PI) is extremely rapid.The fibrin (F)-bound
elastase (Elb) is inactivated by α1PI at a several order of magnitude lower rate than free elastase. PMN may release myeloperoxidase
(MPO), too, which inactivates α1PI efficiently. In addition, on the surface of this cell, plasminogen (Pg) activation by tPA is facilitated
(129, 130) and the formed plasmin (P) degrades fibrin. Moreover PMNs are able to digest and take up fibrin, and the fibrin degradation
products (FDP) appear in the cell (57). Numerical values for elastase inactivation by α1-protease inhibitor (k”, ×104 M-1s-1) are from
Ref. 63.
618 Kolev, et al.

The abundant data summarized above justify the concept of Acknowledgements

compartmental fibrinolysis. A unifying theory that can quantita- Grants: The pertinent research of the authors is supported by grants from the
tively treat the discrete steps in each compartment at all stages Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (T031891), the Hungarian Ministry of
Health (ETT 287 & 288/2000), the Hungarian Ministry of Education (FKFP
of fibrin dissolution is anticipated. The recent advances in 0013/99) and the Wellcome Trust (069520/Z/02/Z).
heterogeneous phase enzymology and the newly introduced
mathematical models support the hope that in the near future a
tool for characterization of fibrinolysis in complex environment
will be available.

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