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Lembar Penetapan Proyek Tugas Akhir S-1 (Skripsi) dan

Tim Dosen Pembimbing

Kepada Yth. Bapak/Ibu Dosen Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Kami tim Komisi Bimbingan penulisan Tugas Akhir Studi (KOMBI- PTAS) menyatakan bahwa

Nama Mahasiswa : Linda Anggraeni

NIM : 140210401083

telah mengajukan usulan proyek tugas akhir S-1 (Skripsi) dengan informasi berikut:

I. Research Theme
A teaching media for vocabulary achievement

II. Tentative Research Title

The Effect of Using Subtitled Video on Students’ Vocabulary Comprehension Achievement

III. Rationale
Vocabulary learning is one of the essential parts in learning foreign language. Mastering
vocabulary acquisition might effect on students’ language skills such as speaking, listening,
reading, and writing. Although it is very important, in contrast there are many students who
are difficult on mastering vocabulary acquisition because they have to memorize all of the
vocabularies. Moreover, they are not interested on memorizing some vocabularies because
the teacher only use reading text as a media to delivered new vocabularies. To solve the
problem, the researcher wants to implement one of vocabularies media, namely subtitled

IV. Research Problems

1. Can the use of Subtitled Video enhance the seventh grade students’ vocabulary
comprehension achievement at SMPN 2 Jember?

V. Theoretical and Conceptual Issues

Vocabulary learning is one of the essential parts in learning foreign language. Mastering
vocabulary acquisition might effect on students’ language skills such as speaking, listening,
reading, and writing. It is supported by Nahon and Waring (19997) stated that vocabulary has
become viewed as an important aspect in second language learning, in fact many believe just as
important as the main skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking. In other words, we could
say that vocabulary acquisition is a basic thing for the students to master a language, because
without knowing certain vocabularies, the students might be confused to express and understand a

The most researchers know how important vocabulary is to master a language. Therefore,
there are so many researchers that try to find a strategy, technique, or media that can help students
to master it. One of the media that can be used to overcome that problem is subtitled video.
Subtitled video is caption that is appeared while the video is playing. So, while students are
watching and listening to the video, they also look at the subtitles that are included on the video.
Video subtitles help students to understand more about the video. They do not only listen to the
sentence that is spoken, but also look at the tape script that is appeared. It is supported by Yasser
and Parisa (2016) stated that by using L2 subtitled videos, students can learn how to pronounce
many words. Moreover, subtitles can strengthen the understanding of English context-bound
expressions and help learners acquire new vocabulary and idioms.

Based on the explanation above, it inspires the researcher to conduct an experimental

research concerning the use of subtitled video on students’ vocabulary comprehension. The
researcher wants to know whether or not the use of subtitled video gives an effect on student
vocabulary comprehension. By using this media, vocabulary comprehension is expected to be
more achieved by the students.

VI. Research Design

Classroom Action Research

Based on the research problem, an Experimental Research is going to be conducted to

improve students’ vocabulary comprehension achievement.

VII.Data Collection Method

The data collection method will be gathered by doing the following methods.
1. Vocabulary Test
A vocabulary test will be conducted to measure the seventh grade students’ vocabulary
comprehension achievement by using subtitled video.
2. Interview
An interview will be held to get the information from the English teacher about the
curriculum used, the materials taught by the English teacher, and books used in teaching
3. Documentation
The documentation includes research respondents, the English curriculum for junior high
school, and the score of vocabulary test from the English teacher to support the primary

Objectives and Significance of the Research

1. The research objectives are:

a. To enhance the seventh grade students’ vocabulary comprehension achievement by using
Subtitled Video at SMPN 2 Jember.
2. Significance
The result of this research is expected to be useful for the English teacher, the students and
the future researchers.

I. References and Schedule

Ebrahimi, Y., & Bazaee, P. 2016. The Effect of Watching English Movies with Standard
Subtitles on EFL Learner’s Content and Vocabulary Comprehension. (online)
Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research, Volume 1, Issue 5, 284-295.
Available at

Marzban, A., Zamanian, M. 2015. The Impact of the Subtitling Task on Vocabulary.
Learning of Iranian EFL Learners. (online) Journal of Applied Linguistics and
Language Research, Volume 2, Issue 1, 1-9. Available at

Yuksel, D., Tenriverdi, B. 2009. Effects of Watching Captioned Movie Clip On

Vocabulary Development of EFL Learners. In The Turkish online Journal of
Educational Technology. April, Volume 8 , Issue 2, Article 4.

Sydorenko, T. 2010. Modality of Input and Vocabulary Acquisition. In Language

Learning and Technology. June, Vol. 14, No.2, pp. 50-73

Gorjian, B. 2014. Proceedings Book of ICETSR. The Effect of Movie Subtitling on

Incidental Vocabulary Learning among EFL Learners. Malaysia.
Sabouri, H., Zahrobi, M. 2015. The Impact of Watching English Subtitled Movies in
Vocabulary Laerning in Different Genders of Iranian EFL Learners. In International
Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature (IJSELL). Vol.3, No.2,
February 2015, pp 110-125.

Harji, B.M ; Peter Charles Wood ; Zhinoos Kamal Alivi. 2010. The Effect of Viewing
Subtitled Videos on Vocabulary Learning. In Journal of College Teaching and
Learning. Vol.7, No.9, September 2010.

Rokni, Seyed. J. A., Ataee, Azam. J. 2014. Movies in EFL Classrooms : With or Without
Subtitles. In The Dawn Journal. Vol. 3, No. 1, January – June 2014.

Table 1. Schedule

No Tanggal Rencana Pelaksanaan

1 19 Januari 2018 Pengajuan Judul

2 25 Januari 2018 Matrix

3 4 February - 12 February 2018 Preliminary Study + Bab I

4 12 February – 21 February 2018 Bimbingan Bab I

5 22 February – 5 Maret 2018 Bab II

6 5 Maret – 12 Maret 2018 Bimbingan Bab II

7 12 Maret – 28 Maret 2018 Bab III

8 28 Maret – 10 April 2018 Bimbingan Bab III

9 11 April – 14 April 2018 Seminar Proposal Skripsi

10 14 April – 4 Mei 2018 Bab IV + Penelitian

11 4 Mei – 14 Mei 2018 Bimbingan Bab IV

12 14 Mei – 28 Mei 2018 Bab V

13 28 Mei – 10 Juni 2018 Bimbingan Bab V

14 10 Juni – 16 Juni 2018 Ujian Skripsi

15 Wisuda
Berdasarkan informasi usulan proyek tugas akhir tersebut di atas, Kami Tim KoMBl-PTAS
memberikan kewenangan sepenuhnya kepada DPU (Dosen Pembimbing Utama) dan DPP
(Dosen Pembimbing Pendamping) untuk memberikan arahan dan merevisi usulan proyek tugas
akhir tersebut jika diperlukan (dari Judul s/d Jadwal Pelaksanaan Tugas Akhir). Untuk
penyelesaian proposal penelitian secara lengkap serta pembimbingan penelitian dan penulisan
skripsi sampai selesai, Kami menyerahkan tugas dan kewajiban ini kepada Tim Dosen
Pembimbing. Untuk itu, Kami mohon kesediaan Bapak/Ibu serta menjadi dosen pembimbing
utama dan dosen pembimbing pendamping.

Tanda Tangan Kesediaan

Nama : Dra. Made Adi A.T., M.Ed sebagai Pembimbing Utama (________________)

Nama : Drs. Erfan, M.Pd sebagai Pembimbing Pendamping (________________)

Terima kasih atas kesediaan Bapak/Ibu atas kesediaan untuk memberi pembimbingan kepada
mahasiswa yang bersangkutan.

Drs. Sugeng Ariyanto, M.A

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