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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)

Vol-3, Issue-2, 2017

ISSN: 2454-1362,

Malaria Parasite Detection Using Image Processing

Rohit. M. Kandari, Harshada. S. Bhere, Shraddha. B. Pophale,
Prof. Sonali. J. Mane
Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering.
Sector-7, C.B.D, Belpada, Navi Mumbai-400614, India.
Abstract— Malaria is a serious disease. According consuming, especially in situations where large
to the World Health Organization, it is responsible numbers of samples require reliable analysis. Hence,
for nearly one million deaths each year, for which the it is important to develop an automated image
immediate diagnosis is required in-order to control it. analysis which can be used to identify the uninfected
There are various techniques to diagnose malaria of and infected RBCs in a blood smear image.
which manual microscopy is the gold standard.
However due to the number of steps required in In this paper, Image Processing is done to detect the
manual assessment, this diagnostic method is time presence of Malaria Parasite in the RBCs. Malaria
consuming (leading to late diagnosis) and likely to Parasite is detected by using Feature Extraction. In
have human error leading to erroneous diagnosis, this proposed system, fully automated image
even in experienced hands. If the false detection is classification is used to positively identify malaria
done, then the disease can turn into more severe parasite present in the thin blood smears.
state. So, to overcome this flaw the study about the
computerized diagnosis is done in this paper, which II. EXISTING METHOD
will help in immediate detection of the disease to
some extent, So that the proper treatment can be A. Clinical diagnosis: Clinical diagnosis is the
given to the malaria patient. This is achieved by using least expensive, most commonly used method and is
few methods for detecting malaria parasites like the basis for self-treatment. However, the overlapping
Feature extraction. This proposed system help to of malaria symptoms with other tropical diseases
minimize time as well as provide the accuracy to damages its specificity(uniqueness) and therefore
detect Malaria to some extent. encourages the careless judgement use of anti-
malarial for managing febrile (symptoms of fever)
Keywords— Malaria diagnosis, Detection, Infected conditions. This practice was understandable in the
RBC, Feature Extraction, Severity. past when inexpensive and well-tolerated anti-
malarial were still effective. Accuracy of a clinical
I. INTRODUCTION diagnosis varies with the level of certain area, malaria
Malaria is a disease, transmitted through the bite of a season, and age group. No single clinical algorithm is
female Anopheles mosquito it should be taken care at a universal predictor.
the early stage .as inside the human body, the parasite
undergoes a complex life cycle in which it grows and
B. Biologic diagnosis: In 1904, Gustav Giemsa
reproduces and diagnosis at the later stage can be life-
introduced a mixture of methylene blue and eosin
threatening. During this process, the red blood cells
stains. Microscopic examination of Giemsa-stained
(RBCs) are used as hosts and are destroyed
blood smears has subsequently become the Important
afterwards. Therefore, the ratio of parasite-infected
standard of malaria diagnosis. In the past 50 years,
cells to the total number of red blood cells can be
alternative methods became available. Molecular
used to find the severity of the disease and is an
methods, like DNA probes and polymerase chain
important in selecting the appropriate treatment and
reaction (PCR) were introduced between 1980s–
drug usage.
1990s. Methods for detecting malaria parasites by
Malaria is a serious global disease, if it has been fluorescent staining also emerged Detection of
not treated or detected from the starting stage it could malaria pigments by depolarized laser light and mass
be more severe or sometime may cause to death. It spectrometry showed limited success.
affects between 350 and 500 million people and
causes more than 1 million deaths every year. Malaria
is detected manually in which microscopes are used III. Methodology
to find the disease by pathologists which sometimes Input – The input to our system will be the
can might lead to false detection or no detection. microscopic image of the human RBC which is be
Currently, clinical diagnosis primarily utilizes generated in the laboratory. The image is captured by
microscopy to study the prepared blood smears. attaching a microscope with the computer. Input
However, detection of parasite are difficult and time consist of two types of images:

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-2, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362,

1. Malaria Infected RBC image the schizont form of the parasite is denser and
clumsier than ring trophozoite. For this reason, the
2. Non-Infected (Healthy person) RBC image number of detected Harris corner points per area is
formulated as the metric to determine the stage of the
Feature Extraction – Feature extraction a type of
malarial parasite within RBC. The severity of the
dimensionality reduction that efficiently represents
disease is calculated as: [8]
interesting parts of an image. Feature Extraction
consist of various methods this system uses two
methods: Severity =

 Color Extraction – All parasite consists of

different frequencies. This frequency help to define Result – The system will generate the output either
the malaria parasite. As the parasite differ, the the person is infected by malaria or not. If the person
frequencies of their color also differ from each other is infected, it would display it with the severity of the
which could be used for detecting the malaria disease which can further be helpful for the doctors to
parasite. The detection of malaria parasite can be provide with the same level of medication as per the
easily done by using the Giemsa stain which helps to severity of the person.
give a distinctive appearance. Then the microscopic
image of this giemsa strain is given as an input to the
system and base on color(stain) the detection of
The Algorithm to detect Malaria is described below:
malaria is carried out. Later the noise is removed
Step 1. Stained blood smear of patient is prepared and
from the image for further process and based on the
fed to program as input.
intensity of the color of the malaria parasite either the
Step 2. Convert the RGB image into the gray scale
person is infected or not can be determined.
Step 3. Extract out the infected image.
Edge Detection - As discussed earlier, all the object Step 4. Remove noise using bwareaopen.
obtained from the Feature Extraction are further Step 5. Area of each of the components is calculated
processed for detecting the edge, an edge is either the using regionprops on the connected objects.
boundary between an object and the background or Step 6. Malaria infected or Healthy result is obtained
between more than one overlapping objects. There based on this further process are carried out.
are several types of edge detectors like Sobel Step 7. Sobel edge detection algorithm is applied on
Operator, Robert’s Operator, Log Operator, Canny the obtained image to detect malarial parasite.
Operator, Prewitt Operator and Zerocross Operator. Step 8. Harris Corner Detection Algorithm is applied.
Step 9. All the Harris corner detected pixel positions
 Sobel Operator - It executes a 2-D spatial are computed. From these values, a metic is
directional change in the intensity or color in an formulated which can detect stage of malaria.
image measurement on an image and focuses on
regions of high spatial frequency that are related to V. CONCLUSION
the edges, it is used to find the approximate absolute
gradient magnitude at each point of an 2D scale
image (input gray scale image or the binary image) The detection of Malaria parasites is done by
pathologists by manually using Microscopes. So, the
Corner Detection – This is an approach used possibility of false detection due to human error is
within computer vision systems to extract certain high and which in turn can result into fatal condition.
kinds of features and conclude the contents of an This system will help to minimizes the human error
image. while detecting the presence of malaria parasites in
the blood sample by using image processing and
minimize human error by automation. In this
 Harris corner – After detecting the proposed system, Feature Extraction is used to detect
boundary of the object it is further analyzed for malaria parasites in images acquired from blood
finding the corners of the object. The object contains samples. The system is unaffected by the exceptional
information about the feature points detected in a 2-D conditions and can be helped to achieved high
input image. percentages of sensitivity, specificity, positive
prediction value.
Severity – This step is carried out to determine the And by this one can find the severity of the disease
severity of the patient disease. As the ring trophozoite and can be treated from the early stage.
splits itself to form schizont stage, size of the later
one is much bigger than the ring trophozoite. Also,

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-2, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362,


[1] Pallavi T. Suradkar “Detection of Malarial

Parasite in Blood Using Image Processing”,
International Journal of Engineering and
Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 2,
Issue 10, April 2013
[2] WHO. World Malaria Report 2008. World
Organization, Geneva; 2008. Tech Reports.
[3] Ms. Deepali Ghate, Mrs. Chaya Jadhav, Dr.
N Usha Rani
IMAGES”, International Journal of
Advanced Computer Technology (IJACT)
volume 4, issue 1
[4] Miss. Shruti Annaldas “Automatic
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Emerging Engineering Research and
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PP 107-112
[6] International Journal of Engineering and
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Issue 10, April 2013.
[7] F. B. Tek, A. G. Dempster, and I. Kale,
“Malaria parasite detection in peripheral
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Vision Conference, Edinburgh, September
[8] Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Second
International Conference on Image
Information Processing (ICIIP-2013).

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