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Version 2.1

BTEPS-MS Monitoring System is to manage Digital Map, monitor Real Time Event,
Alarm Status and Video Integration.

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© 2005 Bostex Technology International Private Limited, Singapore.

All Rights Reserved

1 Common used Syntax.............................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Title Bar.....................................................................................................................................1

1.2 Menu Bar...................................................................................................................................1

1.3 Tool Bar.....................................................................................................................................1

1.4 Working Area.............................................................................................................................1

1.5 Status Bar..................................................................................................................................1

1.6 Device List.................................................................................................................................1

1.7 Alarm Area List..........................................................................................................................1

1.8 Wizard Page...............................................................................................................................2

2 Common Used Function........................................................................................................... 2

2.1 Refresh All Data.........................................................................................................................2

2.2 Auto login..................................................................................................................................2

2.3 Quick User Guide......................................................................................................................3

3 Basic Function......................................................................................................................... 3

3.1 Map Monitor.............................................................................................................................4

3.1.1 Edit Map................................................................................................................................4
3.1.2 Electronic Map......................................................................................................................6
3.1.3 Remote Control.....................................................................................................................7
3.1.4 Alarm List..............................................................................................................................8
3.1.5 Unacknowledged Alarm........................................................................................................9
3.1.6 Controller Status.................................................................................................................10
3.1.7 Alarm Area List....................................................................................................................10
3.1.8 Alarm Sound.......................................................................................................................11

3.2 Record Monitor.......................................................................................................................11

3.2.1 Record List Field.................................................................................................................11
3.2.2 Current User Information...................................................................................................12
3.2.3 Previous User Information.................................................................................................12
3.2.4 Record Monitor Setting......................................................................................................13
3.2.5 Full Screen..........................................................................................................................16

3.3 Video Monitor.........................................................................................................................16

3.3.1 Video Device Management................................................................................................16
3.3.2 Assign Video Device to area................................................................................................18
3.3.3 Monitor Real Time Video....................................................................................................18
3.3.4 PTZ Control..........................................................................................................................18

3.4 Device Type Management......................................................................................................19

3.4.1 Add New Device Type.........................................................................................................19
3.4.2 Edit Device Type Setting......................................................................................................19
3.4.3 Delete Device Type.............................................................................................................20
3.4.4 Status Settings Of Device Type............................................................................................20
3.4.5 Action of Device Type.........................................................................................................22

3.5 Operator Management...........................................................................................................23

3.5.1 Assign camera to operator..................................................................................................23
3.5.2 Monitor...............................................................................................................................23

3.6 Query Report...........................................................................................................................24

3.6.1 Operation Log Report.........................................................................................................24
3.6.2 Interaction Log Report.......................................................................................................25
3.6.3 Alarm Acknowledge Report...............................................................................................25
3.6.4 Query Access Record..........................................................................................................26
3.6.5 Event Interaction Report....................................................................................................26

4 Advanced Function................................................................................................................ 27

4.1 Video Interaction.....................................................................................................................27

4.1.1 Real-time monitoring Interaction.......................................................................................27
4.1.2 Video Interaction................................................................................................................31
4.1.3 Image capture interaction...................................................................................................32

4.2 Door Interaction......................................................................................................................34

4.2.1 Create Interaction Rule.......................................................................................................34

4.3 OPC Setting..............................................................................................................................35

4.3.1 OPC Interaction task...........................................................................................................35
4.3.2 OPC Alarm Event.................................................................................................................38

4.4 Event Setting...........................................................................................................................38

4.5 Remote Control Schedule.......................................................................................................39

4.5.1 Add Schedule......................................................................................................................39
4.5.2 Delete Schedule..................................................................................................................40

4.6 APB Setting..............................................................................................................................40

4.6.1 Reset APB for user..............................................................................................................40
4.6.2 Enable/Disable door APB setting........................................................................................41

4.7 Monitoring Setting..................................................................................................................41

4.8 Zone Management..................................................................................................................42

4.8.1 Zone Setting........................................................................................................................42
4.8.2 Action Setting of Zone.........................................................................................................44
4.8.3 Remote Control devices in Zone.........................................................................................44
4.9 User Tracking Setting...............................................................................................................44
4.9.1 Select Tracking Point...........................................................................................................44
4.9.2 Tracking Path.......................................................................................................................45
4.9.3 Tracking Point Parameter....................................................................................................46

4.10 System Setting.........................................................................................................................46

4.10.1 Remote Control require password.................................................................................46
4.10.2 OPC linkage program......................................................................................................47
4.10.3 Display OPC Alarm Menu................................................................................................47
4.10.4 Enable Video Monitor.....................................................................................................48
4.10.5 Enable Photo Monitor....................................................................................................48
4.10.6 Enable Zone Management..............................................................................................48
4.10.7 Enter reason when remote control................................................................................48
4.10.8 Turn off alarm sound after acknowledge........................................................................49
4.10.9 Need to enter password when turn on/off alarm sound...............................................49
4.10.10 Show pause button at Record Monitor page..................................................................49
4.10.11 Idle Auto Logoff function................................................................................................50
4.10.12 User display sorting........................................................................................................51
4.10.13 Department display sorting............................................................................................51
4.10.14 Select Door name display format...................................................................................52
4.10.15 Unacknowledge alarm indication...................................................................................52
4.10.16 Display icon name only when mouse pointed on it.......................................................53
4.10.17 Camera default icon........................................................................................................54
4.10.18 Map thumbnail view color..............................................................................................55
1 Common used Syntax

1.1 Title Bar

Display application name and version.

1.2 Menu Bar

Display software function menu. Such as Map Monitor, Record Monitor.

1.3 Tool Bar

Display operation tool.Such as System Setting, Tool Setting, Video device setting.

1.4 Working Area

Display detail information and function. For example, to display and edit map detail

1.5 Status Bar

Display application running status, login operator, alarm information, controller status,
current date and time.

1.6 Device List

To display area and device list.

①Title bar ②Menu bar ③Tool bar

⑦Alarm area list

⑥Device List ⑤status bar ④working area

1.7 Alarm Area List

To display alarm area.

1.8 Wizard Page

According to different operation, wizard page will guide user to add or modify software
setting. E.g.: When add new video device, wizard will prompt user enter device name,
type, IP, port, login user name and password.

2 Common Used Function

2.1 Refresh All Data

After adding new user or device in DAS software, if don't want to restart MS software, MS
software can get the latest data byselect [System] [Refresh All Data].

2.2 Auto login

Select[System][Auto Login] button to enable or disable Auto Login function.If enable auto
login, subsequent login will not require to enter Operator Name and Password.

2.3 Quick User Guide

Input Data and Setting in DAS software

(Department, User, Controller)

Drag controller and

door to map in MS
Query Report

Monitor real time record, status, and user photo

in MS software

3 Basic Function

Generally, MS default setting can meet most requirement. If need to enable other function,
click [System] [System Setting] to select those functions you require.

3.1 Map Monitor

To monitor device information, alarm information, real time status in map.

3.1.1 Edit Map

[Map Monitor]Double click an area in device listclick [Edit] button, software will pop up
map edit window. Import Background

Click [Import Background] button, select a picture to import.

4 Add or delete device

On left side device list, add device by dragging available device to map.
On right side map, right click on a device and select [Delete Icon] to remove the device from
map. Create Link Area

Click [Create Area] button and use the mouse cursor which show as a pen to draw an area
via click mouse, double click to finish drawing the area and software will pop up a window to
enterarea link setting. Information to be enter include link area name, link to which area,
region color and transparency. After link area is creates, it is able to modify its setting by
double click on it.
After draw area, click [Select] button to change mouse to arrow.

5 Modify Device Type

Double click device icon on map to modify device type setting.

3.1.2 Electronic Map Zoom In/Out

[System] [System Setting] [Map Zoom In Setting] to enable map zoom in/out function
and default zoom in times.

6 Main Map

Click button on working area of [Map Monitor] page to return back to main map. Full Screen

Click button onworking area of [Map Monitor] page to switch to full screen monitor.
Click again will switch back to current view.
3.1.3 Remote Control

Enable to remote control device on map. Remote Control Panel

[Map Monitor] double click an area on left side device listdouble click device icon on
map, software will pop up following window, click [Remote Control] to Release, Lock, Unlock

7 Acknowledge Alarm

[Map Monitor] double click an area on left side device listdouble click device icon on
map, software will pop up following window, click [Acknowledge Alarm] to acknowledge
alarm and enter acknowledge information. Remote Control Area

To remote control all doors and devices in an area.

1) Right click area on left side device list select [Region release] to release all doors
which communicate normally in this area.
2) Right click area on left side device list select [Region auto system control] to set
all doors which communicate normally in this area to auto control.
3) Right click area on left side device list select [Region lock] to lock all doors which
communicate normally in this area.
4) Right click area on left side device list select [Region unlock] to unlock all doors
which communicate normally in this area.

3.1.4 Alarm List

If there is alarm occur in system, the alarm will display in alarm list. Alarm List Sorting

Click field name on alarm list to sort alarm status by this field. Filter

Able to filter alarm statusby entering filter text. Export to CSV

Click Export to CSV to export alarm status to CSV file. Select Monitor Device

[Setting][Select Monitor Device] to filter and display alarm statusbythe selected device.

9 Select Monitor Status

[Setting][Select Monitor Status] to filter and display alarm status by the selected alarm

3.1.5 Unacknowledged Alarm

If there is alarm and the alarm haven't been acknowledged, it will display in unacknowledged

10 Unacknowledged Alarm List Sorting

Click field name onunacknowledged alarm list to sort alarm by this field. Filter

Able to filter unacknowledged alarm by enter filter text. Export to CSV

Click Export to CSV to export unacknowledged alarm to CSV file. Acknowledge Alarm

Able to have single or multiple selection ofunacknowledged alarm and click [Acknowledge
Alarm]. Or click [Confirm All Alarm] button to acknowledge all alarm status.

3.1.6 Controller Status

Double click [Controller Status] in status bar to view controller communication status.

3.1.7 Alarm Area List

If there is an alarm activated in an area, this area will show on right side Alarm Area List and
flashing in red. Selecting icon buttons to switch the display between extra large icon and list
view. In extra large icon view the layout can be set as 1x1, 2x2, 3x3.

3.1.8 Alarm Sound

[Map Monitor]Double click an area in device listclick [Off Alarm Sound] or [On Alarm
Sound] button to turn off or turn on alarm sound. It is on by default.

3.2 Record Monitor

In Record Monitor page, able to monitor real time transaction record, User Information and
Device Status.
3.2.1 Record List Field

[Record Monitor] [Setting] [ListField] to select display field in record list and arrange
their sequence by clicking Move Up and Move Down button.

3.2.2 Current User Information

[Record Monitor] [Setting] [Current User] to select display field for current present card
userand arrange their sequence by clicking Move Up and Move Down button.

3.2.3 Previous User Information

[Record Monitor] [Setting] [Previous User] to select display field for Previous present
card userand arrange their sequence by clicking Move Up and Move Down button.

3.2.4 Record Monitor Setting Record View Event Filter

[Record Monitor] [Setting] [Record View Event Filter] to select event type that you want
to display in Record List. System display all type of event record by default. Photo View Event Filter

[Record Monitor] [Setting] [Photo View Event Filter] to select event type that you want to
display in Photo View. System display all type of event record by default.

14 View

[Record Monitor] [Setting] [View] to select layout view for Record Monitor page. You can
select Record, Photo, Split Horizontal, Split Verticality. Field Alignment

[Record Monitor] [Setting] [Field Alignment] to select field alignment in record list. You
can select Left Alignment, Center, Right Alignment.

15 Display Capture Photo

If present card on a video controller(BS311V), controller will capture a photo and send this
photo with record to software, MS will display the photo in photo view of Record Monitor. Card Expiry Warning

[Record Monitor][Setting][Card Expiry Warning] to set card expiry warning. If card will
expire after predefine days, MS software will show warning information.

16 Auto display after software start

If select [Display screen after MS start], software will auto switch to Record Monitor page
and display full screen when startup.
3.2.5 Full Screen

Click button at [Record Monitor] page enable switch to full screen monitor. Click again
will switch back to current view.

3.3 Video Monitor

Video Monitor is to monitor real-time video.

3.3.1 Video Device Management

[Video Monitor]All camera will display at left side list. If double click area, all real time
video of this area will display on working area. Working area layout style can be set as 1x1,
2x2, 3x3, 4x4. If double click a camera, its real time video will display at select box of
working area.

17 Add New Video Device

[Tool] [Video Device][New], select device type, enter device name, IP address, port,
Login User ID and password, click [OK] to finish. Edit Video Device

[Tool] [Video Device], select a device at left side list of the pop up window to modify its
setting at right side. Delete Video Device

[Tool] [Video Device] select a device at left side list and click Delete button.

3.3.2 Assign Video Device to area

[Map Monitor]Double click area at left side listclick [Edit] button at top of working
areadrag video device from available device list to map, then click [OK] to save setting.

3.3.3 Monitor Real Time Video

Able to monitor camera real time video at Video Monitor page.

3.3.4 PTZ Control

Able to move camera via PTZ control function. Able to set many preset location, when click
preset location ID, camera will move to this position. Set Preset Location

[Video Monitor], select a camera which support PTZ function at list, move the camera to your

require position, select preset ID at right side list, and click button to set as preset

location. Delete Preset Location

[Video Monitor], select a camera, then select preset ID at right side list and click to clear
it. Use Preset Location

Select a camera and double click preset location ID, camera will move to this position.

3.4 Device Type Management

3.4.1 Add New Device Type

[Tool] [Device Type] [New], enter Type Name, select default icon, the status you want to
monitor for this type device.

3.4.2 Edit Device Type Setting

[Tool] [Device Type]Select a type and click [Edit] to modify settings.

3.4.3 Delete Device Type

[Tool] [Device Type]Select a type and click [Delete]

3.4.4 Status Settings Of Device Type Status Icon

Take Normal Door as an example, [Tool] [Device Type]Select Normal Door and click
[Edit], then select an icon for UnLock status. It means when door is UnLock, its icon display
on map will change to the selected icon.

21 Alarm Color

Take Normal Door as an example, [Tool] [Device Type]Select Normal Door and click
[Edit], then select red as alarm color for Door Force Open status. It means when door is
Force open,it will be flashingwith red ring around its icon on map Acknowledge Alarm

If select Need Ack for an alarm status, it means operator need to acknowledge this alarm.

22 Priority

It means icon with the highest priority will display first when more than one status happen at
the same time.
3.4.5 Action of Device Type

Take Normal Door as an example, [Tool] [Device Type]go to Action page to select
remote operation type.

3.5 Operator Management

Operator has to be created in DAS first. Refer to DAS User Manual.

3.5.1 Assign camera to operator

[System][Operator Setting]select an operator[Camera Setting], drag camera form left

to right side, select [Enable to see] and [PTZ Control] setting for assigned camera.

3.5.2 Monitor

[System][Operator Setting]select an operatorgo to Monitoring Setting page, drag

available point to right side, and select [Read], [Control] or [Ack] setting.

3.6 Query Report

To query operation log, User access record, Alarm record, interaction record.

3.6.1 Operation Log Report Report Description

To query operation log within selected time. How to use

[Query Report] [Query Operation Log] [Operation Log Report] to query by time and
operation command. This report support filter and advanced filter function.

3.6.2 Interaction Log Report Report Description

To query interaction log. How to use

[Query Report] [Query Operation Log] [Operation Log Report] to query by interaction
time. This report support filter and advanced filter function.

3.6.3 Alarm Acknowledge Report Report Description

To query alarm acknowledge log. How to use

[Query Report] [Query In/Out Record] [Alarm Acknowledge Report] to query alarm
acknowledge log by time and area. This report support filter and advanced filter function.

3.6.4 Query Access Record Report Description

To query access record within selected time. How to use

[Query Report] [Query In/Out Record] [Query Access Record]select start and end time
and other query option include Department, User, Event Type, Door and Controller. This
report support filter and advanced filter function. Double click at access record, if there is a
capture photo with the record or a photo of the user, the photo will display in pop up window.

3.6.5 Event Interaction Report Report Description

To query interaction live video record of event interaction.

27 How to use

[Query Report][Query In/Out Record] [Event Interaction Report] to query by selected

time. This report support filter and advanced filter function.

4 Advanced Function

4.1 Video Interaction

4.1.1 Real-time monitoring Interaction

When selected device occur with the selected alarm status, selected camera window will
pop up to show real-time video. Create Interaction Rule

[Tool] [Video Interaction] [New]Enter Rule NameSelect [Real-time Monitoring

Interaction]click [Next]Enter rule detail settingclick [save].

1) Triggering condition
When the selected status activated, the interaction will be triggered.

2) Interaction Condition
When selected device will activate, the interaction will be triggered.

3) Action
When the above selected conditions satisfied the interaction rule, the software will
perform the type of action. There are 4 typesof action for selection:
①Switch to the map of alarm device.

②Pop up remote control window form of the selected device.

③Pop up real-time live view window of the selected camera.

④Genetec Alarm: Send alarm type ID (macro) to Genetec video server. Enable/Disable Interaction Rule

Select [Is Enable] setting to enable the rule.

31 Delete Interaction Rule

[Tool] [Video Interaction] Select a real-time monitoring interactionclick [Delete].

4.1.2 Video Interaction

When selected device occur with the selected event, selected camera will capture a pre-

recorded video footage Create Interaction Rule

[Tool] [Video Interaction] [New] Enter Rule Name Select [Video interaction] 
click [Next] enter interaction setting Click [Save]. Video Notification

After video interaction rule been triggered, it will generate a record and display in Video
Notification window at status bar. Play capture video

There are two method to play capture video:

1) Double click on a record in Video Notification list to play capture video footage.
2) [Query Report] [Event Interaction Report][Query]double click a record to play
capture video footage.

33 Video Storage Path

Setup capture video storage path in CC. [System][Video Storage Path] select a path
and click [OK] to save setting.

4.1.3 Image capture interaction

When selected device occur with selected event, select camera will capture a photo. Create Interaction Rule

[Tool] [Video Interaction] [New]Enter Rule NameSelect [Image capture interaction]

 click [Next]enter interaction setting Click [Save].

34 Photo Monitor

Need to enable [Photo Monitor] function in System Setting first and create Image capture
interaction rule. Then go to Photo Monitor page, right click on one of four video area to
select camera that you want to monitor.Once camera is selected, its real-time live view will
display in video area. When interaction rule triggered, the capture photo will display at the
box under real-time video area. View capture photo

Able to view capture photo in Photo Monitor page or double click access records in report
management page.

4.2 Door Interaction

4.2.1 Create Interaction Rule

[Tool] [Door Interaction] [New]Enter rule nameclick [Next]enter rule settingclick


4.3 OPC Setting

4.3.1 OPC Interaction task Add OPC task

1) Go to [SKEPCC][Service Management][OPC]double click [OPC Service] at

working area[Monitor Setting][Edit], drag devices that you want to monitor to
right side.

2) In MS, [Tool][Setting][OPC Setting][OPC Task][Get Device List]select

OPCserver, double click device and select status of the deviceclick [Add Task] at
bottom, enter task name and task logic, value and enter type setting in pop up
wizard, then select interaction device and action. After add new task, software will
prompt you to restart software. After restart, the task will be valid.

38 Modify OPC Task

Select a task in Task List, click Modify Task button to modify it. Delete OPC Task

Select a task in Task List, click Delete button. After delete, software will prompt you to restart
MS. Inhibit Task

Select a task in Task List, Select [Inhibit] at right side.

4.3.2 OPC Alarm Event

It is used to interact with 3rd part OPC server. It is a customized function.

4.4 Event Setting

[Tool][Setting] [Event Setting] to setup event alias name and color. You can restore all
setting to default setting via click [Load Default] button.

4.5 Remote Control Schedule

4.5.1 Add Schedule

[Tool][Setting][Remote Control Schedule]Select devices that you want to remote

controlright click at device list[Add Schedule]select start time and end time, action
type  click [OK] to save setting.

4.5.2 Delete Schedule

Select schedule at right side list, right click and select [Delete Schedule].

4.6 APB Setting

You can reset user's APB flag, enable/disable door APB setting.
4.6.1 Reset APB for user

[Tool][Setting][APB Setting][Reset Card APB] to reset APB for select user. You can
select all user or find user by User ID, User Name and Card ID.

4.6.2 Enable/Disable door APB setting

[Tool][Setting][APB Setting][APB Control], if door's APB function is enable in DAS, the

door will dispay in this list, you can right click to Enable or Disable APB function of select
door via right click on it. '√' means enable, '×' means disable.

4.7 Monitoring Setting

[Tool][Setting][Monitoring Setting], MS will monitor all device by default, you can select
devices that you want to mointor with this MS client.

4.8 Zone Management

It is to do batch operation for devices with same property.

4.8.1 Zone Setting

Need to enable Zone management function in system setting. [System][System Setting]

select [Enable Zone Management]. Add Zone

[Zone Managment][New], enter Zone code, Name, assign doors and devices to zone in
pop up wizard.

44 Edit Zone

Select a Zone, click [Edit], modify settings in pop up wizard. Delete Zone

Select a Zone, click [Delete] button.

4.8.2 Action Setting of Zone

[Zone Management][Action Setting], select Action type that will be used in zone
management function. After select action type, software will display action button in tool bar.

4.8.3 Remote Control devices in Zone

Select a Zone, click action button in tool bar, enable remote control devices in select zone
such as Release, System Auto Control, Lock, Unlock.

4.9 User Tracking Setting

It is to query user last present card location. Need to enable User Tracking function in MS
system setting.
4.9.1 Select Tracking Point

[Tool][Setting][Tracking Point Setting]select door you want to monitor in tracking

management function.

4.9.2 Tracking Path

[User Tracking]double click a user in left side list (enable to right click at list and select
query to find user by name), the user's last tracking path will display in working area map. At
right side area to query selected user's present card record.

4.9.3 Tracking Point Parameter

[System][System Setting], enter minimum time interval between the clocking record and
number of valid clocking record to be displayed in the select tracking point.

4.10 System Setting

4.10.1 Remote Control require password

[System] [System setting]select [Remote Control require password]. If this functionis

enable, when remote control device in map will require to enter operator password first.

4.10.2 OPC linkage program

4.10.3 Display OPC Alarm Menu

[System Setting]select [Enable OPC linkage program], OPC Alarm menu will display in
menu bar.

4.10.4 Enable Video Monitor

[System Setting]select [Enable Video Monitor], Video Monitor menu will display in menu

4.10.5 Enable Photo Monitor

[System Setting]select [Enable Photo Monitor], Photo Monitor menu will display in menu

4.10.6 Enable Zone Management

[System Setting]select [Enable Zone Management], Zone Management menu will display
in menu bar.

4.10.7 Enter reason when remote control

[System Setting]select [Enter reason when remote control], when remote control device,
need to enter reason in pop up window before remote control is executed.

4.10.8 Turn off alarm sound after acknowledge

[System Setting]select [Turn off alarm sound after acknowledge], after acknowledge
alarm, software will turn off alarm sound. If this setting not selected, after acknowledge
alarm, alarm sound won't be turn off before alarm restore.
4.10.9 Need to enter password when turn on/off alarm sound

[System Setting]select [Need to enter password when turn on/off alarm sound], after
enable this setting, need to enter operator password first when turn on/off alarm sound.

4.10.10 Show pause button at Record Monitor page

[System Setting]select [Show pause button at Record Monitor page]. After select this
setting, it enable pause refresh records in Record Monitor list. Right click at record list and
select Pause to stop display record. Right click and select Continue to start display record.

4.10.11 Idle Auto Logoff function

[System Setting]select [Auto logoff setting], enter idle time. If idle for preset time, software
will auto logoff. If logoff, need to enter password to login again.

4.10.12 User display sorting

In System Setting, sort user by User ID or Name.

4.10.13 Department display sorting

In System Setting, sort Department by ID or Name.

4.10.14 Select Door name display format

Able to select display Door full name or short name in map.

4.10.15 Unacknowledge alarm indication

If select [Highlight in square box], after device alarm restore but haven't acknowledge, there
will be a square box display around device icon. It display round ring around device icon by

4.10.16 Display icon name only when mouse pointed on it

If this setting is selected, device name won't display around icon on map unless mouse
pointed on it.

4.10.17 Camera default icon

Able to select camera default icon for normal camera and PTZ camera. Click on icon in
system setting window to select icon in pop up window.

4.10.18 Map thumbnail view color

Able to select map thumbnail view color.


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