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Direction: This survey is being conducted for the research entitled “Preferred
Learning Modalities of Criminology Students”. Kindly answer the survey
questionnaire by checking (/) the appropriate boxes or filling in the blanks.
Your answers/responses will be treated with confidentiality.
Name: ________________________________________ Gender: M 󠇣F 󠇣
Age: 󠄃
󠇣18-19 Year Level: _______
󠇣24 and above
PART II. Which of the following learning modalities do you prefer?
󠇣a) Provided Self-learning (hardcopy of modules) kit by the school.
󠇣b) Attending Online or virtual classes.
󠇣c) Teachers’ Video recordings on the topic.
PART III. Kindly rate your level of agreement or disagreement with each of these
statement by checking (/) the box.
Rating Scale Description Weight Assigned Interpretation
4 Strongly Agree 3.50 - 4.00   Extremely helpful
3 Agree 2.50 - 3.49 Very helpful
2 Disagree 1.50 - 2.49 Moderately helpful
1 Strongly Disagree 1.00 - 1.49 Not at all helpful

Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
1. The way the module (hardcopy materials)
were presented helped to maintain my
2. The structure of the module meant I could
interact with my peers when learning.
3. The learning activities on the module
helped me to learn.
4. The University has been offering
resources to learn from home.
5. I was satisfied with the opportunities I
had to attend online classes.
6. I could get in touch with my
teacher/instructor/professor when necessary.
7. Video lessons help me to understand the
lesson easily.
8. Online platforms are great tools in
distance learning.
9. I have received sufficient advice and
guidance in relation to my module.
10. My teacher/instructor/professor’s
feedback on assessed tasks helped me prepare
for the next assessment.

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